

词汇 pre-
Online Etymology Dictionary

    1. Earlier; before; prior to:
    2. Preparatory; preliminary:
    3. In advance:
  1. Anterior; in front of:

  1. Middle English
  2. from Old French
    源自 古法语
  3. from Latin prae-
    源自 拉丁语 prae-
  4. from prae [before, in front] * see per 1
    源自 prae [在…之前,在前面] *参见 per 1


before in time, rank, order, position, etc


from Latin prae-, from prae before, beforehand, in front


Word Origin
a prefix occurring originally in loanwords from Latin, where it meant “before” (preclude; prevent); applied freely as a prefix, with the meanings “prior to,” “in advance of,” “early,” “beforehand,” “before,” “in front of,” and with other figurative meanings (preschool; prewar; prepay; preoral; prefrontal).
Also, prae-.
< Latin prae-, prefixal use of prae (preposition and adv.); akin to first, fore-, prior1, pro1

Related Words

  • prefix
  • apprehend
  • enterprise
  • pre-Adamite
  • prehension
  • prestige
pre-1. a prefix applied freely in English to mean 'prior to', 'in advance of' (prewar), also 'early', 'beforehand' (prepay), 'before', 'in front of' (preoral, prefrontal), and in many figurative meanings.
2. a prefix with the general sense of 'before' present in many words borrowed from Latin, as prevent, preclude, preference, precedent.
[Latin prae-, representing prae (preposition and adverb)]
 ETYMOLOGY  Latin prae-, from prae in front of, before — more at for
    (1) earlier than : prior to : before
    (2) preparatory or prerequisite to
  b. in advance : beforehand
2. in front of : anterior to
before (in time, place, order, degree, or importance)
表示“(时间, 地点, 顺序, 程度, 重要性)在…之前”:




from Latin prae-.
pre- prefix|priː, prɪ|repr. L. præ adv. and prep. (of place, rank, and time) before, in front, in advance. This was commonly written prę or pre in med.L., and has become pre- in the modern Romanic langs. In Eng. the prefix was sometimes written præ- after the revival of learning, but is now regularly pre-. In a few words recognized as Latin, and their immediate derivatives, præ- is now usual, though even these are frequently, esp. in America, written with pre-. See præ-.In L. præ was prefixed adverbially to a great number of verbs, as præ-acuĕre to sharpen in front, præ-ambulāre to walk before, præclūdĕre to shut in front, præcognōscĕre to foreknow, præcurrĕre to run before, præ-ëminēre to stick out before, be prominent, præjūdicāre to judge or pass sentence beforehand, præmordēre to bite off before the point or abruptly; also with verbal derivatives, as præcentor a leader in singing, præcursor a forerunner, prædictio foretelling, præfātum fore-speech, preface. Less often with adjs. and ns., as præcānus, præmatūrus grey, ripe before (the time), prævius leading the way; præminister a servant standing before, præmolestia trouble beforehand, prænōmen a forename or first name. Also very frequently prefixed as an intensive to adjectives, as præaltus high before or in comparison with others, pre-eminently high, præclārus pre-eminently clear or bright, præpotens exceedingly powerful, prepotent, prævalidus very strong. In Latin præ- was rarely prefixed with prepositional force, as in præcordia the parts in front of the heart, prærīpia places in front of or near the bank of a river, præmodum adv. surpassing or beyond measure.In English many Latin verbs and their derivatives in præ- have their representatives in pre-, and the use of this prefix has been greatly extended, so that it is now a living element, prefixable to almost any verb of Latin origin, and even sometimes prefixed to words of English or modern origin, as pre-breathe, pre-embody, pre-plot, pre-sift. Its use with adjectives or substantives, other than verbal, is less common, and the L. intensive use in præaltus, etc., though retained in a few words taken or imitated from L., is not a living use in Eng. But the prepositional construction, in which pre- governs the second element, which was so rare in L., has in English received vast extension, so as to become the second great living use, pre- being preferred to ante- as the opposite of post- in new formations, and often substituted for it, as in pre-baptismal, pre-Christian, prehistoric, pre-Darwinian, pre-reformation instead of ante-baptismal, ante-Christian, ante-historic, ante-Darwinian, ante-reformation. This preference of pre- may be partly due to its superior shortness and neatness, but is prob. largely in order to avoid the oral confusion of ante- with anti-, as in ante-Christian, antichristian, ante-Darwinian, anti-Darwinian.Pronunciation. In all English formations in pre-, and some of those formed in Latin or French, in which the sense of ‘before’ is felt, the prefix is pronounced with a clear e, long or short ([], [i]). In nonce-combinations, the vowel is regularly long, and more or less stressed, e.g. pre-boil |ˌpriːˈbɔɪl|, pre-Greek |ˌpriːˈgriːk|, pre-telegraph |ˌpriːˈtɛlɪgrɑːf, -æf|. In words of this class of more permanent standing and more independent meaning, the e is long ([]) when stressed, and usually short ([i]), but capable of being long ([]), when not under stress primary or subordinate, e.g. ˌpreaˈdamic |priː-|, preˈadamite |priː-|. In words from Latin in which the sense ‘before’ is obscured or lost, pre-, when unstressed, is |prɪ-|; when stressed, |priː-| or |prɛ-|: thus, ˈprecinct |priː-|, preˈcinct |prɪ-|, ˈprecipice |ˈprɛsɪpɪs|, preˈcipitous |prɪˈsɪpɪtəs|, preˈfer |prɪ-|, ˈpreference |prɛf-|. But here also |prɪ-| is lengthened to |priː-| under rhetorical or factitious stress, as in ‘Did you say ‘repair’ or ‘prepare’?’ ‘not the ‘procession’ but the ‘precession’ of the equinoxes’.Use of Hyphen. Nonce-words and casual compounds of English formation in pre- are usually hyphened, as pre-geological, pre-instil, pre-medicate; compounds already formed in Latin or French, and their derivatives, are regularly written indivisim, as precaution, predestination, prefigure. But between these extreme types there are very many combinations in which the use varies, the hyphen being employed whenever its use appears to add to the clearness of the writer's meaning, or when it is desired to emphasize the function of the prefix, to contrast the compound with the simple word or with the analogous compound in post-, or the like. In this dictionary, such words are as a rule entered in the unhyphened form, though the quotations will show that both forms are freely used. But in words in which pre- is prefixed to a word or element beginning with e, the hyphen is conveniently used to separate the two e's, as in pre-eminent, pre-engage, pre-exist. (These are sometimes printed preëminent, etc.)In this dictionary, all important and established words in pre- are treated as main words, and will be found in their alphabetical places. But compounds of rare occurrence, chiefly obsolete, and those of obvious meaning and regular formation, are given below, under their respective classes. Nonce-words and casual combinations can be formed at will, and are unlimited in number, so that only examples showing their formation and use are required.[Arrangement. A. pre- adverbial. I. Of time or order: 1, with vb.; 2, with n.; 3, with adj. II. Of place: 4, with adj. or n. III. 5, Of order, rank, importance, quality, degree. IV. 6, Intensive. B. pre- prepositional. I. Of time: 1, with adj.; 2, with n. or phr. II. Of place: 3, with adj.]A. Combinations in which pre- is adverbial or adjectival, qualifying the verb, adjective, or substantive, to which it is prefixed.I. Of time or order of succession.In casual combinations better with hyphen; but often without. Pre- stressed |priː|.1. With verbs, or ppl. adjs. and vbl. ns. derived from them, in sense ‘fore-, before, beforehand, previously, in advance’, as pre-acknowledge, -acquaint, -act, -adapt, -admit, etc., and in many others of obvious meaning, as pre-acquit, pre-address, pre-adjust, pre-adopt, pre-affect, pre-allege, pre-annex, pre-apprehend, pre-apprise, pre-approve, pre-ascertain, pre-assemble, pre-audit, pre-baptize, pre-bargain, pre-boil, pre-book, pre-breathe, pre-censure, pre-centrifuge, pre-clean, pre-coat, pre-commend, pre-commit, pre-comprehend, pre-compute, pre-conclude, pre-confess, pre-conjecture, pre-consolidate, pre-constitute, pre-consume, pre-continue, pre-convert, pre-cook, pre-corrupt, pre-counsel, pre-decide, pre-dedicate (prededicate pa. pple.), pre-demand, pre-demonstrate, pre-describe, pre-devise, pre-devour, pre-direct, pre-dissuade, pre-dry, pre-embody, pre-employ, pre-enact, pre-entertain, pre-erect, pre-excuse, pre-extinguish, pre-film, pre-fool, pre-furnish, pre-give (pre-given ppl adj.; also absol. as n.), pre-grind, pre-imbibe, pre-imbue, pre-impart, pre-incubate, pre-inhere, pre-instil, pre-ionize, pre-know, pre-let, pre-liquidate, pre-lubricate, pre-machine, pre-make, pre-model, pre-necessitate, pre-obtain, pre-own, pre-partake, pre-pattern, pre-perceive, pre-plan, pre-plot, pre-polarize, pre-practise, pre-prepare, pre-pressurize, pre-pronounce, pre-prove, pre-provide, pre-publish, pre-qualify, pre-receive, pre-resemble, pre-respire, pre-reveal, pre-secure, pre-see, pre-sentence, pre-separate, pre-sift, pre-soak, pre-study, pre-surmise, pre-suspect, pre-teach, pre-think, pre-torture, pre-tune, pre-understand, pre-unite, pre-wash, pre-wear, pre-wrap, pre-write; preˈaspirate Phonetics, to aspirate (a sound) in advance of another sound; pre-ˈbaiting, the act or practice of accustoming vermin to harmless bait so that they will take poisoned bait more readily.1615T. Adams Spir. Navig. 30 Yea even doth Christ Jesus purpose..to suffer for us, and *pre-acquit his apostles with it?a1711Ken Hymnotheo Poet. Wks. 1721 III. 23 All Sins are venial the Elect commit, Which God's Decrees Eternal pre-acquit.1912W. Owen Let. Aug. (1967) 152, I didn't bring your *pre-addressed envelope.1964J. Z. Young Model of Brain xii. 199 The particular classifying systems operating on any occasion are thus as it were pre-addressed.1880Burton Reign Q. Anne I. v. 173 The punishment *preadjusted by the Deity.1885Dunckley in Manch. Exam. 9 May 6/1 [The] result of a carefully preadjusted mechanism.1788D. Gilson Serm. Pract. Subj. x. (1807) 208 Covetous men, hastening to the grave, seem to *pre-adopt one of its qualities,—and cry out with it,—We can never have enough.1658Bp. Reynolds Lord's Supper xix, The Spirit of God doth *preaffect the Soul with an evident taste of that glory.1588J. Harvey Disc. Probl. 127 Any proofes, or testimonies *prealledged in the former part.1612T. Taylor Comm. Titus i. 12 (1619) 243 The iust causes prealledged.1922Joyce Ulysses 713 What..causes, before rising *pre⁓apprehended,..did Bloom..recapitulate?1808Bentham Sc. Reform 70 Of whose inability to give effect to it he is thus *pre-apprised.1654Owen Doctr. Saint's Persev. Wks. 1853 XI. 153 Whom He foreknows, that is, *preapproves..them he predestinates.Ibid. 155 His preapproving of them..must be His eternal acceptation of them in Christ.1802–12Bentham Ration. Judic. Evid. (1827) IV. 469 Quantity being *pre-ascertained or agreed on.1934Jrnl. Eng. & Gmc. Philol. XXXIII. 191 The *preaspirated tenues in Scotland are due to the same Norse substratum.1976Archivum Linguisticum VII. 95 All geminates are held to have once been preaspirated.1960R. W. Marks Dymaxion World of B. Fuller 21/2 It is theoretically possible..to deliver a full-size, *pre-assembled house by air.1972Sci. Amer. Oct. 118/2 The structure was prefabricated and preassembled in the carpentry shop complete with fans and electrical outlets.1937Sun (Baltimore) 2 Aug. 1/2 All *pre-auditing shall be under the control of the executive branch of the Government.1936Rep. Comm. Exper. Station (Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Assoc.) 92 It would seem that a practice of *prebaiting with unpoisoned cereal, followed by a heavy application of poisoned bait, should prove an effective means of control.1944J. S. Huxley On Living in Revolution x. 110 Careful study has now been made of the species [sc. the black rat], and this, with new methods of poisoning based on pre-baiting, is apparently providing the basis for effective control.1973Times 9 Mar. 14/1 In 1955 the anti-coagulant compounds, Warfarin and others, came on the market. No pre-baiting was needed with these.1665Sir T. Herbert Trav. (1677) 53 Hereticks who used to baptize after death in case they were not *pre-baptiz'd.1622C. Archer in Willis & Clark Cambridge (1886) II. 76 Upon..which *pre⁓bargained pece of ground a brick wall is alreadie erected.1903Motor. Ann. 294 To obviate the trouble of *pre-boiling all the water.1976P. R. White Planning for Public Transport vii. 149 The amendment also stipulated that minibuses only would be permitted, not for hire or reward, and that passengers would be *pre-booked.Ibid. viii. 183 The period stipulated for *pre-booking by rail appears unrealistic.1886Brit. Med. Jrnl. No. 1327. 1089/1 *Prebreathed air.1896Allbutt's Syst. Med. I. 461 [Children] are peculiarly sensitive to pre-breathed air.1650in H. Cary Mem. Gt. Civ. War (1832) II. 246 The most submissive papers were *precensured by the committee.1976Nature 15 Jan. 114/2 The homogenate was squeezed through nylon cloth and *precentrifuged at 500g for 10 min after adjusting the pH to 8.0.1954Sun (Baltimore) 13 Apr. b23/4 Instead of picking around through a pile at the vegetable counter,..she can buy *precleaned fresh produce of a uniform quality.1937Discovery Sept. 283/2 The press is..*precoated with fresh kieselguhr.Ibid., This *precoating is done from a small vat.1973Metal Finishing Jrnl. XIX. 353 About 500,000 tonnes per year of pre-coated steel sheet was used in the UK for buildings.1733*Precommended [see post-disapproved s.v. post- A. 1].1895‘H. S. Merriman’ Grey Lady i. i, Their two lives had been *pre-committed to the parental care of their country.1802–12Bentham Ration. Judic. Evid. (1827) II. 9 To *pre-comprehend all these facts,—and on them, when so pre-comprehended, to ground a set of questions.1948Amazing Sci. Fiction Sept. 146/1 The luminous track on the radar screen had scarcely deviated from the *pre-computed path.1956Jrnl. Assoc. Computing Machinery III. 284 The method used..is to precompute between pass 1 and pass 2 this adjustment based on the count of each duplicated region.1959Proc. Eastern Joint Computer Conf. 170/1 Prior to the start of a given shut-down, a pre-computed schedule most applicable to the current situation is abstracted from a library of typical schedules.a1684Leighton Comm. 1 Peter Wks. (1868) 132 It was *preconcluded there that the Son should undertake the business.1855Bailey Mystic 14 Without pause, *preconfessed his sins.1588J. Harvey Disc. Probl. 81 Might not ælius.. probably *pre⁓coniecture, that Adrian should be crowned Emperor?1845J. Phillips in Encycl. Metrop. VI. 542/1 Effects of sub⁓terranean convulsions upon the *preconsolidated strata.1828–32Webster, *Preconstituted [citing Paley].1795–1814Wordsw. Excursion viii. 288 In whom a premature necessity Blocks out the forms of nature, *preconsumes The reason.1750Student I. 43 Mahomet found most of his laws already prepared to his hands by the long *pre-continued observation of them.1802–12Bentham Ration. Judic. Evid. (1827) V. 80 Mendacity..*preconverted into perjury.1946Fortune Apr. 200/2 A high-priced Restaurant carrying a sideline of *precooked quick-frozen meals on plastic plates.1964E. Bach Introd. Transformational Gram. v. 92 Except with carefully ‘precooked’ data, there will be many conflicting ways of drawing rules together.a1974R. Crossman Diaries (1975) I. 198 Very often the whole job is pre-cooked in the official committee to a point from which it is extremely difficult to reach any other conclusion than that already determined by the officials in advance.1976Woman's Day (N.Y.) Nov. 150/2 A step saver. No need to precook noodles.1621G. Sandys Ovid's Met. ix. (1626) 181 She came indeede, but *pre-corrupted by Vnfriendly Iuno, life to ruinate.1833Mrs. Browning Prometh. Bound Poems 1850 I. 186 Long ago It was looked forward to, *pre⁓counselled of.1947Mind LVI. 264 The meaning to be given to ‘well-established’ or to ‘explanation’, in history or the social sciences, cannot be *pre-decided by a consideration of mathematics only.1966G. N. Leech Eng. in Advertising i. 4 It is patently false that he writes according to a predecided formula.1889Stevenson Master of B. 169 The same day, which was certainly *prededicate to joy.1652J. Wright tr. Camus' Nat. Paradox iii. 55 Without preventing their commands by a *predemanded leave or any feined distast.1664Power Exp. Philos. ii. 130 You may..*predemonstrate them, by calculation, before the senses give an Experimental thereof.1882Nature XXVI. 550 Referring back to his own *pre-described species.1671R. MacWard True Non-Conf. 254 As much..as if they were set and *predevised.a1661Fuller Worthies (1840) II. 571 Where..the Queen's kindred had *pre-devoured his estate.a1678Woodhead Holy Living (1688) 28 *Predirecting us in our affairs.1626Donne Serm. lxxviii. (1640) 797 May possibly..be *predisswaded and deprecated in all Civill consultations.1961Dairy Industries Sept. 652 Particles of the product to be dried fall in counter current to slowly rising *pre-dried air flowing at a rate of 0·05 to 1 meter per second.1962J. T. Marsh Self-Smoothing Fabrics xi. 171 The majority of the finishing ranges for the crease-resisting process..increase production and reduce costs by some form of partial *pre-drying.1875T. Hill True Order Stud. 157 Prefigured and *pre-embodied in nature.1611Shakes. Wint. T. ii. i. 49 That false Villaine, Whom I employ'd, was *pre-employ'd by him.1825Coleridge Aids Refl. (1848) I. 298 That every the least permissible form and ordinance..are *pre-enacted in the New Testament.1819W. Morgan in Polwhele Trad. & Recoll. (1826) II. 698, I *pre-entertain a high opinion of their worth.1643Prynne Sov. Power Parl. i. (ed. 2) 91 Were they..to institute their *preerected Principalities and Kings.1670–98R. Lassels Voy. Italy Pref. 2, I have done it..to *preexcuse some things in my book.1822‘P. Beauchamp’ (Geo. Grote) Anal. Infl. Nat. Relig. (1875) 82 All practical improvement is thus *pre-extinguished and stifled in the birth, by the sweeping epithet of unnatural.1960D. Wilson Television Playwright 16 Does insistence on cinematic grammar imply that all television drama should be *pre-filmed?1969J. Elliot Duel i. ii. 38 It was to consist of three fifty-minute programmes, all prefilmed.1633Shirley Bird in Cage ii. i, A better project, wherein no courtier has *prefooled you.1673Owen Serm. Wks. 1851 IX. 433 If Christ hath not pre-instructed and *pre-furnished him with gifts.1943M. Farber Found. Phenomenology xv. 506 The theory of pre-predicative experience, which ‘*pre-gives’ the most primitive substrates in object-evidence, represents the first portion of the phenomenological theory of judgment.1970B. Brewster tr. Althusser & Balibar's Reading Capital (1975) iii. iv. 297 In Marx's theory..a synthetic concept of time can never be a *pre-given, but only a result.1974Sci. & Society XXXVIII. 395 The specific structure of ‘unevenness’ of the ‘ever-pregiven complex whole’ which is its existence.1976Brit. Jrnl. Sociol. XXVII. 296 The Rankean identification of history with pre-given past events.1973R. Rendell Some lie & Some Die xiv. 121 He..smelt her grinding coffee beans—nothing *pre-ground out of a packet for her.1678Owen Mind of God v. 147 *Præimbibed opinions.1905Daily Chron. 8 May 3/4 Constitutions rendered weak by pre-imbibing more dangerous stimulants.1697J. Sergeant Solid Philos. 349 Had he not been *pre⁓imbued with natural notions.1865Masson Rec. Brit. Philos. 384 Laws or rules of associability *pre-imparted to them.1943Jrnl. Bacteriol. XLVI. 383 One penicillin-containing set with and without glucose was allowed to *preincubate un⁓inoculated at 37°C., and a similar set at 2°C.1977Lancet 18 June 1310/1 The epithelial cells were not stained when tissue sections were preincubated in unlabelled α-b.t. before the standard reaction.1830Coleridge Ch. & St. (ed. 2) 235 In both..the sensibility must have pre-existed, (or rather *pre-inhered).a1711Ken Urania Poet. Wks. 1721 IV. 433 All Prophecies..Into the ancient Prophets *pre-instill'd.1940Jrnl. Appl. Physics XI. 471/1 Then over the *pre-ionized streamer channel the brilliant return stroke..follows at a speed of 1010 cm per second.1979Nature 7 June 477/3 For light ions, such long-distance propagation must be carefully arranged through a pre-ionised neutralising plasma channel, raising serious questions of possible propagation instabilities.1867J. S. Mill Let. 14 Feb. (1910) II. x. 76 Our freedom may be real though God *preknows our actions.1976Field 30 Dec. 1292/2 (Advt.), Most of our beats are *pre-let but we have one or two vacancies through late cancellation.1802–12Bentham Ration. Judic. Evid. (1827) IV. 302 Binding themselves..to pay a sum of money, *preliquidated or not preliquidated,..in case the plaintiff should lose his cause.1961Motor Sport Dec. 1003/1 In America Oldsmobile, Ford, Mercury, Lincoln, Plymouth, Dodge and Chrysler have adopted *pre-lubricated chassis bearings.1976Lebende Sprachen XXI. 151/2 For further information about pre-lubricated bearings see Figure 1, Detail A.1971Physics Bull. July 406/3 Deep penetration welding using electron beams is becoming quite widely used for assembling *pre-machined parts into complex assemblies as an economic alternative to forging, casting and mechanical fastening.1977Offshore Engineer Apr. 28/1 The system uses an internal clamp/welder to locate, clamp and make an inside root pass in about two minutes on a pre-machined pipe joint preparation.1853J. Cumming Foreshadows viii. (1854) 225 He went with his mind *pre⁓made up to receive a certain treatment.1691E. Taylor Behmen's Theos. Philos. lxxiii. (1772) 470 A *premodelling or Representation.1715M. Davies Athen. Brit. I. 162 In Defence of their *prenecessitated Constitutions.a1907Mod. Unless a license has been *pre-obtained.1964Listener 25 June 1030/3 Used cars are now referred to as *pre-owned [in the U.S.A.].1970M. Pei Words in Sheep's Clothing ii. 12 ‘Pre-owned’ is described as the modern euphemism for ‘second-hand’.1977Caravan World (Austral.) Jan. 3 (Advt.), 2 acres of pre-owned caravans and boats can be inspected.1861R. Quin Heather Lintie (1866) 39 [Ye] *prepartake of Hope's deliciousness.1644Vicars God in Mount 93 The great work intended and..*pre-patterned as aforesaid.1890W. James Princ. Psychol. I. xi. 444 In short, the only things which we commonly see are those which we *preperceive, and the only things which we preperceive are those which have been labelled for us, and the labels stamped into our mind.1934Webster, *Preplan.1948Times Rev. Industry Aug. 18/3 Obviously continuous production must be pre-planned but thereafter is self-progressive.1958Times 11 Feb. 4/4 (Advt.), Preplanning the entire project ensures smooth continuity of operations and speedy completion.1965Language XLI. 92 Since this is not a preplanned book..there is a certain amount of repetition.1976Daily Tel. 13 Aug. 1/7 The positive anti⁓riot tactics, clearly pre-planned.., were introduced to counter any IRA organised trouble.1977J. M. Johnson in Douglas & Johnson Existential Sociol. viii. 231 None of the events described were anticipated or preplanned by the members in advance of their occurrence.1643Prynne Rome's Master-Piece (ed. 2) 32 A chiefe actor in this *pre-plotted Treason.1949Jrnl. Acoustical Soc. Amer. XXI. 199/1 The..temperature at which the output voltage falls to zero for a *pre-polarized specimen.Ibid. 200/2 The voltage gradient necessary fully to pre-polarize varies with the time allotted to polarizing.1957E. G. Richardson Technical Aspects Sound II. ii. 70 The tube is metallized on the inner and outer surfaces, pre-polarized radially, and the alternating current applied in the same direction.1655Fuller Ch. Hist. xi. iii. §14 Making it necessary for others, what voluntarily they had *prepractised themselves.1968Guardian 16 Feb. 3/2 *Pre-prepared dishes, such as fish and chips.1978Guardian Weekly 29 Oct. 12/3 The President didn't deliver pre-prepared phrases, but stayed close to events.1945Jrnl. Amer. Chem. Soc. LXVII. 157/1 A current is passed through previously pressurized acid water, and bubbles form in *prepressurized water when it is quickly frozen.1971Arch. Biochem. & Biophysics CXLII. 325/2 The enzyme was prepressurized for 10 min.1804E. de Acton Tale without Title III. 34 We would *pre-pronounce the censure of little critics.1849Noad Electricity (ed. 3) 280 A power, the existence of which is *pre-proved.1655Fuller Ch. Hist. iv. ix. §25 He provisionally *pre-provided Incumbents for them.1973W. H. Hallahan Ross Forgery vi. 120 ‘A Lodging for the Night’—first published in a collection..under the title The New Arabian Nights in 1882..was not known to have been *pre-published separately.1977Lancet 25 June 1350/2 He asserted..that an article whose contents had already received detailed attention in the papers and on the air had..been prepublished and forfeited its claim to entry as news in a medical journal.1980Times 29 Feb. 23 (Advt.), The Irrigation Department and the Electric Power Corporation invite qualified and experienced contractors..wishing to be *pre-qualified as tenderers.1974Times 27 Apr. 14/4 The drudgery of having to *pre-qualify for [golf] tournaments.1976Sunday Mail (Glasgow) 28 Nov. 39/3 He finished in the top 25 last year, which ensured he doesn't have to prequalify this year for Turnberry in July.1605A. Wotton Answ. Popish Pamph. 27 An externall signe, or seale, of a *prereceaued grace.1601Bp. W. Barlow Defence 34 *Preresembled in those three kings or sages, which came from farre to do personall homage vnto her head, and King at Bethleem.1852Mundy Our Antipodes (1857) 213 It was certainly never *pre⁓revealed to me that I should spend one of the few Christmas days..at sea.1931Joyce Let. 22 Aug. (1966) III. 227 You advised me to proceed against Roth... I did though I *presaw the result.1638Mayne Lucian (1664) 236, I would know the nature of the Starres, of the Moone, and Sun him⁓selfe, being *præsecur'd from their fires.1643Fuller Serm. 27 Mar. To Rdr., Who have unmercifully *pre-sentenced me.1967E. Chambers Photolitho-Offset iii. 30 *Pre-separated colour art work can be prepared using Bourges Colotone overlays.1967Karch & Buber Offset Processes iii. 64 Kits are useful in the preparation of pre-separated full-color process copy.a1670Hacket Abp. Williams (1692) 28 In weightier petitions..which was not to be *presifted by the other officers.1919Science 6 June 545/1 The *presoaked seeds are thoroughly wetted in the 1:80 solution..for ten minutes.1974Indian Jrnl. Agric. Sci. XLIII. 973/1 An experiment was laid out..in polythene bags with presoaked pumpkin seeds in different N solutions.1919Science 6 June 544/2 (heading) *Presoaking as a means of preventing seed injury due to disinfectants and of increasing germicidal efficiency.a1661Fuller Worthies, Cambr. (1662) i. 159 A most excellent preacher, who..preached what he had *prestudied some competent time before.1664Power Exp. Philos. ii. 122 The effect was this (as was *pre⁓surmised).1641Best Farm. Bks. (Surtees) 79 If shee bee longe in lambinge, and *presuspeckted.1721Amherst Terræ Fil. No. 3 (1726) I. 13 He takes the oaths of allegiance and supremacy, which he is *prætaught to evade, or think null.1977E. Leonard Unknown Man No. 89 xvii. 155 *Pre-think your options.1966‘A. Hall’ 9th Directive xii. 112 The Bureau..takes no action without the most serious *pre-thinking.196020th Cent. Sept. 242 This kind of talk is not formalized or *pre-thought.1655Fuller Ch. Hist. viii. ii. §27 Their cruelty in *pre-torturing of many, whom afterwards they put to death.1974Harvey & Bohlman Stereo F.M. Radio Handbk. iii. 41 Within this narrow band it is possible to *pre-tune the r.f. stage to 98 MHz.1964J. Carnochan in D. Abercrombie et al. Daniel Jones 399 A series of *pre-tuned reeds.1658Hist. Q. Christina of Swedland 140 Holstenius having *preunderstood that the Baron Ghirardi had thoughts of conferring with her.1640Bp. Reynolds Passions xx, It doth in some sort *preunite our souls and our blessednesse together.1977*Pre-wash [see program, programme n. 2 g (i)].1976New Musical Express 12 Feb. 40/1 (Advt.), Genuine ‘Levi & Levi’ type jeans, *preworn and shrunk, just need patches.1934Webster, *Pre-wrap.1959Times 9 Mar. (Britain's Food Suppl.) p. vi/4 *Pre-wrapped retail portions of natural cheese have been on the market for some years.1963Economist 29 June 1357/1 More and more cigars are..marketed pre-wrapped in large packs.1951Dylan Thomas Let. 12 Apr. (1966) 358, I would bring great packages of new poems to read, and much more *pre-written prose to pad them in.1969Computers & Humanities IV. 106 This object code and a prewritten subroutine which searches the date item for the required elements becomes the Phase II control program.2. With a n., this being usually a derivative from a verb to which pre- is in adverbial relation: = Existing or taking place previously, placed before (something else), previous, preceding, earlier: as pre-accusation, pre-adjustment, pre-administration, pre-advertency, pre-appearance, pre-approbation, pre-approval, pre-arrestment, pre-ascertainment, pre-audit, pre-auditor, pre-censorship, pre-civilization, pre-coat, pre-collection, pre-comprehension, pre-concession, pre-conclusion, pre-connexion, pre-consent, pre-constituent, pre-contemplation, pre-conviction, pre-decay, pre-decision, pre-dedication, pre-desert, pre-detainer, pre-discipline, pre-embodiment, pre-entail, pre-equipment, pre-evangelism, pre-excogitation, pre-excitation, pre-expectation, pre-expounder, pre-fecundation, pre-hearing, pre-impression, pre-incubation, pre-indisposition, pre-inhabitation, pre-inquisition, pre-intelligence, pre-knowledge, pre-negotiation, pre-opinion, pre-oxygenation, pre-polarization, pre-pressurization, pre-publicity, pre-qualification, pre-rehearsal, pre-reluctation, pre-remorse, pre-representation, pre-success, pre-surmise, pre-taste, pre-taster, pre-tincture, pre-union, pre-verbalization. Also with other substantives: pre-ˈadjunct Gram., an adjunct that precedes the word it modifies; also attrib.; pre-anˈtiquity, previous antiquity; pre-ˈaptitude, antecedent aptitude; pre-aspiˈration Phonetics, aspiration that precedes another sound; preˈboding, foreboding; preˈcontour Phonetics, one or more unstressed syllables which precede the peak of a contour; pre-eˈternity, previous eternity, eternal previous existence; ˈprename, a forename, ‘Christian’ name; ˈpre-part, previous or preceding part; ˈprepulse, a preliminary pulse of electricity; prereˈaction, chemical reaction occurring before some other process; ˈpre-rinse, a preliminary rinse given to something before it is washed; pre-ˈscene, an anticipatory scene; preseˈnility Med., premature senility; pre-ˈshadow, a shadow of what is coming; ˈpre-soak, (a) a soaking given prior to some subsequent process or treatment; (b) a liquid used for this; also attrib.; ˈpre-wash, a preliminary wash, used spec. as the name of a setting on an automatic washing-machine; also attrib.1847Webster, *Preaccusation, previous accusation.1898*Pre-adjunct [see head-word s.v. head n. 74].1914O. Jespersen Mod. Eng. Gram. II. xiv. 331 There are some adjectives that are hardly ever used predicatively, and on the other hand some that are hardly ever used as pre-adjuncts.Ibid. 333 The averseness to pre-adjunct employment..has been transferred to other words beginning with an a- of a different origin.1957Publ. Amer. Dial. Soc. xxviii. 123 What, which, whose, and how serve as pre-adjuncts: 1 What book?; 2 How far is it?1884Sully Outlines Psychol. iv. 90 The preparation or *preadjustment of attention may be said to be perfect.1659Pearson Creed x. 735 Baptism as it was instituted by Christ after the *preadministration of S. John.1671Woodhead St. Teresa i. Pref. 22 Wittingly and with a *preadvertency of it.1855Bailey Spir. Leg. in Mystic, etc. (ed. 2) 77 White isles whose *præ-antiquity Transcends all date.1681Whole Duty Nations 28 In Sodom and Gomorrah, was given a *pre-appearance of the final Judgment upon the World.a1652Brome Covent Gard. Prol., That he besought *Preapprobation though they lik't it not.1815Hobhouse Substance Lett. (1816) I. 2 *Pre⁓aptitude for such evil communication.1822–56De Quincey Confess. (1862) 243 The one counterworking secret for *pre⁓arrestment of this evil.1816–30Bentham Offic. Apt. Maximized, Extract Const. Code (1830) 36 For *pre⁓ascertainment of the expense.1879H. Spencer Data of Ethics xv. §104. 274 Ascertainment of the actual truth has been made possible only by pre-ascertainment of certain ideal truths.1945S. Einarsson Icelandic i. 1 Aspiration, a breath (h) following or preceding (*preaspiration) the stops p, t, k, is indicated by an h.1965H. Wolter in Proc. 5th Internat. Congr. Phonetic Sci. 1964 595 The auditory impression of the pre⁓aspiration is rather like an [h], although in connection with [t] it may sound like an [f].1976Archivum Linguisticum VII. 91 Preaspiration is not, according to Liberman, a voiceless vowel, although it does cause the end of a preceding vowel to be devoiced.1938Sun (Baltimore) 2 Apr. 6/2 It retains the principle of *pre-audit but it makes the pre-auditor amenable to Presidential authority.1844Tupper Heart x, With a nervous *pre⁓boding Henry took up the ‘Watchman’.1962Guardian 6 Nov. 9/4 Today's issue was subjected to *pre⁓censorship by the State Prosecutor's office.a1974R. Crossman Diaries (1976) II. 663 The Lord Chancellor immediately replied that this would involve having pre⁓censorship all over again because if the licensees could be sued for libel then they would start controlling the plays.1949R. A. S. Macalister Archæol. of Ireland (ed. 2) p. x, It [sc. Ireland] has rendered to Anthropology the unique..service of carrying a primitive European *Precivilization down into late historic times.1946*Precoat [see filter aid s.v. filter n. 5].1664Bp. King in Walton Lives, Donne (1796) 17 By which means his and your *pre-collections for that work fell to the happy manage of your pen.a1849Poe Dickens Wks. 1864 III. 472 Let him reperuse ‘Barnaby Rudge’ and with a *pre-comprehension of the mystery.1650R. Hollingworth Exerc. Usurped Powers 1 Jeroboam..had Gods *preconcession of a kingdom.1602Warner Alb. Eng. xii. lxix. (1612) 291 By *pre-conclusion Twixt him and Dorcas.1784R. Bage Barham Downs II. 219 A narrative of his *pre-connexion with Mrs. Delane.1825Coleridge Statesm. Man. App. E., Wks. 1858 I. 479 Both depend on the first, logical congruity, not indeed as their cause or *preconstituent, but as their indispensable condition.a1631Donne Serm. (ed. Alford) IV. 280 The very *precontemplation and predenuntiation of that Judgment..was a..distasteful bitterness to the Prophet.1945K. L. Pike Intonation Amer. Eng. iii. 29 Immediately preceding the stressed syllable of a primary contour there oftentimes will be one or more syllables which are pronounced in the same burst of speed with that primary contour but which themselves are un⁓stressed. These syllables may be called *precontours, and depend for their pronunciation upon the syllables which follow them. They may constitute grammatically independent words,..or they may be parts of a word.1962B. M. H. Strang Mod. Eng. Struct. 53 A contour may be preceded by one or more unstressed syllables forming a pre-contour; special meanings may be conveyed by varying the level of the pre-contour, but ordinarily it is spoken at pitch-level 3 unless the contour begins on level 3, which tends to lower the pre-contour.1975Amer. Speech 1972 XLVII. 185 In many dialects, the medial consonant disappears in the precontour, as in twenty-óne, United Státes.1867Visct. Strangford Select. (1869) II. 56 Whether the antecedent facts supplied to meet their *preconvictions or fancies are sound or tainted.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. 361 For..some *pre-decay is observable.a1638Mede Wks. (1672) 869 In regard of the *predecision of the Church.1840De Quincey Mod. Superstit. Wks. 1862 III. 294 Bearing a *prededication to a service.1678R. L'Estrange Seneca's Mor. (1702) 4 Some good Offices we do to Friends; others to Strangers; but, those are the noblest, that we do without *Pre-desert.c1624Lushington Resurr. Serm. (1659) 61 His repossession of it defrauded all the *Præ⁓detainers.1894Daily News 4 June 5/6 The General warmly commended the marching and *pre-discipline of both teams.1863Cowden Clarke Shaks. Char. xviii. 467 [She] seems a living *pre-embodiment of those ghastly spectres.1678Butler Hud. iii. ii. 70 As Forfeit Lands, Deliver'd up into his hands,..By *Pre-intail of Providence.1865Masson Rec. Brit. Philos. 377 In the shape of structural *pre-equipment for the mind.1678Cudworth Intell. Syst. i. iv. §22. 393 He seemeth, with Ocellus, to maintain the world's *Pre-eternity.1834Tait's Mag. I. 658/1 The Past, still refluent on the deepening night Of pre-eternity.1968F. A. Schaeffer God who is There v. ii. 143 *Pre-evangelism must come before evangelism... The reason we have not been reaching many of these people is because we have not taken enough time with pre-evangelism.1951K. S. Lashley in Saporta & Bastian Psycholinguistics (1961) 186/2 Such contaminations might be ascribed to differences in the relative strength of associative bonds between the elements of the act, and thus not evidence for *pre-excitation of the elements or for simultaneous pre-excitation.1976Lancet 30 Oct. 938/2 The electrocardiographic appearances in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy may erroneously suggest the presence of pre⁓excitation.a1560Rolland Crt. Venus iv. 29 Greit argumentis, and *preexcogitatioun Of baith the Lawis.1828–32Webster, *Pre-expectation [citing Gerard].1816Bentham Chrestomathia Wks. 1843 VIII. 111 That wordy and cloudy *pre-expounder of a nebulous original.1881Nature XXV. 24 A curious case of *prefecundation observed in a Spionide.1934Webster, *Prehearing.1968Listener 5 Sept. 315/3 The programmes were recorded in July and at a pre-hearing the impression was of an extension of current permissiveness rather than musical revolution.1977Gramophone June 95/3 On this disc the Cathedral choir,..have given an opulent preview (or pre-hearing) of some of the music for the great day.1859All Year Round No. 32. 140, M...told me..the following *pre-impression of the event, in a dream.1943Jrnl. Bacteriol. XLVI. 383 In the presence of glucose, *preincubation of the sterile solutions caused a clear-cut reduction in penicillin inhibition.1977Nature 6 Jan. 58/2 Preincubation with increasing numbers of suppressor cells yielded successively less active supernatants.1744Fothergill in Phil. Trans. XLIII. 278 Disorders, wherein, without any obvious *Præ-indispositions, Persons in a Moment sink down and expire.1628Donne Serm. xxix. (1640) 293 The pre-possession, the *preinhabitation, but not the sole possession nor sole inhabitation of the Holy Ghost.1824Coleridge in Lit. Rem. (1838) III. 416 What they all wanted was a *pre-inquisition into the mind, as part organ, part constituent, of all knowledge.1780Hist. Europe in Ann. Reg. 207/2 In no instance was the effect of this *pre-intelligence so ruinous as in the loss..of the British settlements on the Mississippi.1794G. Adams Nat. & Exp. Philos. II. xviii. 312 Our *pre-knowledge of the several intervening objects being equi-distant, tends still more to protract the apparent length.1962Science Survey III. 290 For many of these fish, and certainly the majority of salmon, it is the first time the journey has been made and they can have no pre-knowledge of the route or the obstacles in front of them.1979G. Swarthout Skeletons 177 Guiding myself through the gloom as much by preknowledge as eyesight.1894Du Maurier Trilby III. 31 Their names, *prenames, titles, qualities, age, address.1900Daily News 25 July 6/7 State pre-names (Christian names) of your parents.1960Guardian 22 June 9/1 The *pre-negotiations may last some days.1967Economist 25 Nov. 834/1 The idea..was to slide covertly into pre-negotiations with Britain by the device of asking the commission to talk with the British about devaluation.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. iii. xxv. (1650) 144 Some..out of a timorous *preopinion refraining very many.1961Lancet 19 Aug. 405/2 If a short-acting muscle relaxant is also used, conditions for intubation are obtained more quickly. *Preoxygenation of the patient is a wise precaution.1961C. F. Gell in H. G. Armstrong Aerospace Med. x. 145/1 Preoxygenation, or the breathing of 100 per cent oxygen at sea level, is a procedure that was utilized prior to high level flights in airplanes without pressurized cockpits or in the absence of pressurized suits.1965Gloss. Aeronaut. Terms (B.S.I.) xvii. 3 Preoxygenation, a process of breathing pure oxygen before flight in order to give protection against decompression sickness by eliminating nitrogen from the body tissues and fluids.1786J. Putnam in Hist. Putnam Fam. 239 The *prepart of this month.1950Industr. & Engin. Chem. Feb. 264/2 An alternating stress..is applied parallel to the direction of polarization, and conversely, expansion and contraction in the direction of an electric alternating current field superimposed parallel to the *prepolarization.1953Jrnl. Acoustical Soc. Amer. XXV. 294/2 Although polycrystalline barium titanate is basically an electrostrictive material, by prepolarization it assumes properties which make it very similar to piezoelectric materials.1971Arch. Biochem. & Biophysics CXLII. 327/2 For most of the enzymic activities the restoration or stimulation of activity by pressure was closely related to the amount of activity remaining during the *prepressurization.1963Times 19 Feb. 12/4 The sum includes *pre-publicity, brochures, and the specialist ‘after-care’.1969New Scientist 23 Oct. 172/1 An unusual amount of prepublicity hinting at a good show.1979Times 1 Dec. 12/5 No lavish pre-publicity on the free plug circuit.1978Nature 2 Feb. 474/1 A 25–50-ms conditioning *prepulse was used to determine the relationship between inactivation and membrane potential before and after glyoxal treatment.1969Jane's Freight Containers 1968–69 302/3 *Pre-qualification of tenderers on an international basis for the wharf construction has been processed in liaison with the World Bank.1979Daily Tel. 19 Oct. 24 (Advt.), Kingdom of Swaziland Ministry of Works, Power and Communications. International invitation for tender prequalification.1975Nature 2 Oct. 368/2 *Prereaction did not enable him to go leaner than 3·4% methane.1978Ibid. 12 Jan. 165/2 Preincubation of the antiserum with purified β2-µ reduced all peaks to background level, whereas pre-reaction with BSA had no effect.1962A. Nisbett Technique Sound Studio vi. 106 *Pre-rehearsals and perhaps pre-recordings of the complicated parts will be necessary.1972Listener 6 July 3/1 A good deal of pre-rehearsal often takes place away from the station, but WGBH can only offer one hour of studio rehearsal time.a1631Donne Serm. (ed. Alford) IV. 453 In every sin thou hast..some reluctation before thou do that sin, and that *prereluctation and *preremorse was Mercy.1691Beverley Thous. Years Kingd. Christ 19 That Great *Pre-Representation of his Kingdom.1950J. G. Davis Dict. Dairying 71 A jetting *pre-rinse which raises the temperature of the bottle at the same time.1963Which? Feb. 50/1 It was easy to give a cold pre-rinse and it improved the washing performance.1970Ibid. Oct. 293/1 For most, there was a pre-rinse and a choice of two washing programmes, depending on how dirty the dishes were.1591Sylvester Du Bartas i. vi. 1072 This Earth with blood and wrongs polluted,..the *Pre-scæne of Hell To cursed Creatures that 'gainst Heav'n rebell.1900Dorland Med. Dict. 535/1 *Presenility.1902Brit. Med. Jrnl. 16 Aug. 472/1 Another symptom of presenility is an early impairment of memory, especially of substantives.1933Arch. Dermatol. & Syphilol. XXVIII. 553 The cause of pseudoxanthoma elasticum is unknown... Jones, Alden and Bishop entertained the belief that since the disease is allied to the changes found in elastosis senilis, it is an evidence of presenility.1972Albrecht v. Graefes Arch. f. klin. und exper. Ophthalm. CLXXXIV. 314 Histologic changes in the corpus geniculatum laterale in older persons, presenility (Alzheimer's disease) and in senile dementia.1851Mrs. Browning Casa Guidi Windows ii. 560 Some *pre⁓shadow rising slow Of what his Italy would fancy meet To be called Brutus.1919Science 6 June 545/1 The disinfectant..must be applied at the end of the *presoak period.1920Jrnl. Agric. Res. XIX. 371 A 6-hour presoak followed by a 6-hour treatment with formalin.1969Chem. & Engin. News 3 Feb. 16/1 Makers of enzyme-active detergents and presoaks compete strongly for a place in the..home laundry products market.1976Chem. in Brit. XII. 117/1 Proteases are incorporated into presoak and heavy duty washing powders and this is the major outlet for industrial enzymes.1891W. Whitman in Pall Mall G. 12 Dec. 3/1 If those *pre-successes were all—if they ended at that—..America..were a failure.1597Shakes. 2 Hen. IV, i. i. 168 It was your *pre-surmize, That in the dole of blowes, your Son might drop.1956E. M. Forster Marianne Thornton 18 To look out through the high glass door, upon the magnificent Tulip Tree, became a ritual, and almost a *pretaste of heaven.a1974R. Crossman Diaries (1975) I. 329 We were a typical Labour Party gathering, which gave us a pre-taste of the Blackpool hotels when Conference starts in a few days' time.1898Zangwill Dreamers Ghetto I. ii. §7. 56 God's Vicegerent..who dare not take the Eucharist without a *Pretaster.1643Answ. Ld. Digby's Apol. 22, I am therefore a little jealous there might be some *pre⁓tincture in your Lordshipps own eye.1653Manton Exp. James i. 2, Wks. 1871 IV. 25 A happy *preunion of their souls and their blessedness.1959J. C. Catford in Quirk & Smith Teaching of English vi. 188 Conscious *preverbalisation in L1, and translation into L2, may be entirely suppressed, but errors due to interference from L1 still keep breaking through.1962Which? Aug. 234/2 Up to 6 minutes *pre-wash soak or 10 minutes washing.1966D. V. Davis New Domestic Encycl. iv. 131 If you have a fully-automatic washing machine, use the Pre-wash or Rinse programme.1970Which? May 143/2 The Bendix LTA had a pre-wash that could be included in the automatic cycle.3. With an adj.: as pre-coexistent, pre-combustible, pre-essential, pre-subsistent, pre-thoughtful; preˈmutative, inflected by means of prefixes, as a language.c1624Lushington Resurr. Serm. (1659) 61 By natural relation his body was his own, as being the essential and proper counterpart of his soul, *præ-coexistent with it in one person.1922Joyce Ulysses 657 Fanned by a constant up⁓draught of ventilation between the kitchen and the chimney-flue, ignition was communicated from the faggots of *precombustible fuel to polyhedral masses of bituminous coal.1897Crandall in Trans. Amer. Pediatric Soc. IX. 168 k, That process of involution which is *pre⁓essential to evolution.1899R. C. Temple Univ. Gram. 7 Since affixes may be prefixes, infixes, or suffixes, agglutinative and synthetic languages are each divisible into (1) *pre-mutative, or those that prefix their affixes; (2) intro-mutative..; and (3) post-mutative.1683Cave Ecclesiastici, Eusebius 12 [He] was preexistent and *presubsistent to the whole Creation.a1851Lytton (Herrig's Archiv VIII. 269), *Prethoughtful of every chance.II. Of local position. (Chiefly Anat.)Usually without hyphen. Pre- stressed |ˌpriː|.4. a. In adverbial relation to an adj.: = Before, anteriorly, in front: as precommiˈssural, anterior to a commissure of the brain; preˈdentate, having teeth in the fore part of the upper jaw only, as some Cetacea. Also in adjectives, introduced by Wilder, etc. = ‘anterior’, as precereˈbellar = anterior cerebellar (artery); so preˈcerebral; preˈchoroid, anterior choroid; precloˈacal, belonging to the anterior portion of the cloaca; precoˈmmunicant, anterior communicating (artery, etc.); prediˈgastric, of or pertaining to the anterior belly of the digastric muscle; also n. this anterior belly regarded as a distinct muscle; preˈgeminal, preˈoptic, of or pertaining to the anterior corpora quadrigemina or optic lobes of the brain.b. In quasi-adjectival relation to a n.: = ‘Situated in front, anterior, fore-’, esp. denoting the anterior of two or more parts of the same kind; with derivative adjs.: as pre-abˈdomen, Latreille's name for the first five segments of the abdomen of Crustacea (Syd. Soc. Lex.); predilaˈtator, the anterior dilatator muscle of the nostril; preˈforceps, the curved anterior fibres of the corpus callosum, which pass into the frontal lobe of the cerebrum; pregeˈniculum, the external geniculate body; hence pregeniculate adj.; pre-omoˈsternum, an anterior omosternum; hence pre-omosternal adj.; prepeˈduncle, the anterior peduncle of the brain; hence prepeduncular, prepedunculate adjs.; prepelviˈsternum, an anterior pelvisternum; hence prepelviˈsternal adj.; preˈretina, the thin lamina representing the retina in that part of the vitreous chamber of the eye immediately anterior to the ora serrata (Syd. Soc. Lex.); hence preretinal adj.; preˈrima, an extension of the rima in advance of the porta in some animals, as Dipnoi; hence prerimal adj.; prescuˈtellum Entom., a sclerite sometimes appreciable between the mesoscutum and mesoscutellum; preˈscutum Entom., the most anterior sclerite of the tergal portion of each thoracic segment in insects, etc.; hence prescutal adj.1885Wilder in Jrnl. Nervous Dis. XII. 349 Common Latin name. Cerebellaris anterior... English paronym. *Pre⁓cerebellar.1890Billings Med. Dict., Precerebellar artery.1885Wilder (as above), Common Latin name. Cerebralis anterior... English paronym. *Precerebral.1890Billings Med. Dict., Precerebral artery.1885Wilder (as above), Common Latin name. Choroidea anterior... English paronym. *Prechoroid.1890in Billings.1890Cent. Dict., *Precloacal.1895Syd. Soc. Lex., Precloacal, belonging to the anterior portion of the cloaca.1896Q. Jrnl. Microsc. Sci. XXXIX. 184 The cerebrum of Platypus..conforms to the mammalian type, yet numerous features—such as..the ‘*precommissural area’—indicate its close Saceropsidean affinities.1900A. Hill tr. Obersteiner's Anat. Central Nervous Organs (ed. 2) 429 A small portion of the fornix which streams on to the septum pellucidum (præcommissural fibres of Huxley) ought to be reckoned as fibres of association.1953G. A. G. Mitchell Anat. Autonomic Nervous System viii. 99 A small fascicle of fornix fibres given off near the interventricular foramen passes downwards in front of the anterior commissure... In rabbits this precommissural fascicle ends in the medial and lateral septal nuclei and in the nucleus accumbens.1971J. Z. Young Anat. Nervous System Octopus Vulgaris iv. 69 There is a direct connection between the rather enigmatic precommissural region and the anterior pedal lobe.1885Wilder (as above), Common Latin name. Communicans anterior... English paronym. *Precommunicant.1890in Billings.1834Dewhurst Nat. Hist. Cetacea 130 *Predentate Cetacea; or, those with teeth only in the anterior part of the upper jaw.1895Syd. Soc. Lex., *Predigastric, belonging to the Predigastricus. Predigastricus, Coues' term for the anterior belly of the digastric muscle.1895Syd. Soc. Lex., *Predilatator, Coues' name for the Dilatator naris anterior.Ibid., *Preforceps..*Pregeminal.1889Cent. Dict. VI. 4694/3 *Preoptic, anterior with respect to optic lobes; pregeminal: specifically noting the anterior pair of the optic lobes or corpora quadrigemina of the brain.1907J. B. Johnston Nervous System Vertebr. xviii. 297 Surrounding the pre⁓optic recess is a layer of cells of very primitive character.1970Jrnl. Anat. CVII. 186 Evidence which indicates that the preoptic area is involved in the control of reproductive function.1895Syd. Soc. Lex, *Prepeduncle, -cular, -culate.1894Gould Dict. Med. 1177/1 *Prepelvisternum,..an anterior pelvisternum.1887Wilder in Amer. Nat. June 545 In Ceratodus alone..is there a *prerima,—that is, a rima extending cephalad from the margin of the porta.c. In advb. relation to a vb.; in compounds formed in L., as preclude, prefix, premunite.III. Of order, rank, importance, quality, degree.5. In sense ‘before in order or importance, above, in preference to, superior to, more than, beyond’.Common in combinations already in Latin, but rare in English use. See precede v., precel v., predominate v., pre-eminence, pre-excellence, prefer v., pre-gravitate v., pre-ordinate a., preponderate v., etc., in Main words. Also pre-epic, surpassing the epic; pre-Luciferian, surpassing Lucifer.1630Donne Serm. xxv. (1640) 250 What a superdiabolicall, what a præ-Luciferian Pride is his that will be superiour to God.1907Scot. Hist. Rev. Jan. 166 Adventures pre-epic in their vastness.IV. With intensive force.6. With adjs. and ppl. adjs., in the sense ‘before others, pre-eminently, exceedingly, in the highest degree’; as pre-pious, pre-pleasing, pre-regular: preclare, precordial2, prenoble, etc. Chiefly Obs.1530Lyndesay Test. Papyngo 846 The eldest Dochter named was ryches; The secunde, Syster Sensualytie;..Preplesande to the Spiritualytie.1647Ward Simp. Cobler 35, I had rather suppose them to powder, than expose them to preregular, much lesse to preter-regular judgements.1657Reeve God's Plea 147 Single out that præpious person, that ye think is able to convert this Age.B. Combinations in which pre- is prepositional, having as its object the n. forming, or implied in, the second element.I. Relating to time or order of succession: in which pre- = before; anterior, prior, or previous to; preceding, earlier than.These may be formed for the nonce almost at pleasure; indeed, such combinations as pre-Alfredian, pre-Reformation, pre-reformational, pre-Shakespearian, pre-free-trade, are rather phrases than words: pre-Shakespearian dramatists, pre-Reformation ritual, pre-free-trade conditions, being only a compacter way of saying ‘dramatists before Shakespeare’, ‘ritual before the Reformations’, ‘conditions (existing) before (the era of) free trade’.All these are properly hyphened, but the special compounds in 1 d are often written indivisim. Pre- is always stressed |ˌpriː|, and e long.1. With adjectives (and their derivative adverbs and substantives), or f. pre- + a (Lat.) n. + adjectival ending, as pre-reformation-al; forming adjectives, with derivative adverbs and substantives. Also with (Eng. or other) ns. directly forming ns., as pre-cancer, -climax, -delinquency, -menarche, -myelocyte, etc. (below). Also prehominid, prepuberty, etc.Compounds of this type were not used in Latin, and they are of recent appearance in English. The earliest appears to be pre-adamite, formed in Lat. as a n. 1655, whence in Eng. as n. in 1662, and as adj. in 1786; thence pre-adamitical in 1716; prediluvian occurs 1804, preprandial 1822, prenatal 1826, pre-Christian 1828, pre-millennian 1828, pre-Gothic 1831, prehuman 1844, prehistoric 1851, pre-glacial 1855, pre-scientific 1858, pre-Georgian 1861, pre-Roman 1863. (Some of these may have been used a little earlier.)a. Formed on proper nouns (or their adjectives), esp. on names of persons, races, nations, dynasties, and religions, as pre-Alfredian, pre-Arnoldian, pre-Augustinian, pre-Baconian, pre-Caroline [Charlemagne], pre-Cavourian, pre-Chaucerian, pre-Columbian, pre-Constantinian, pre-Copernican, pre-Dantean, pre-Darwinian, pre-Evite [Eve], pre-Galilean [Galileo], pre-Georgian [the four Georges], pre-Hieronymian [Hieronymus or Jerome], pre-Hitlerian, pre-Hitlerite, pre-Kantian, pre-Keynesian, pre-Linnæan, pre-Listerian, pre-Malthusian, pre-Mendelian, pre-Messianic, pre-Mosaic, pre-Muhammadan, pre-Newtonian, pre-Patrician [St. Patrick], pre-Pauline, pre-Pharaonic, pre-Shakespearian, pre-Solomonic, pre-Solonian, pre-Victorian, pre-Virgilian; pre-Aryan, pre-Assyrian, pre-British, pre-Buddhist, pre-Canaanitic, pre-Celtic, pre-Doric, pre-European, pre-Fascist, pre-Gothic, pre-Greek, pre-Han, pre-Hellenic, pre-Hispanic, pre-Islamic, pre-ite, pre-Israelitish, pre-Jewish, pre-Mycenean, pre-Nazi, pre-Norman, pre-Norse, pre-Roman, pre-Saxon, pre-Semitic, pre-Soviet, pre-Vedic; etc.b. In names of geological formations and of prehistoric periods, as pre-Carboniferous (earlier than the Carboniferous); so pre-Laurentian, pre-Permian, pre-Silurian; pre-metallic (before the knowledge of metals), pre-palæozoic. (Cf. also Pre-Cambrian a.)c. In pathological terms, noting stages and symptoms in the progress of disease, as pre-albuminuric (previous to the appearance of albuminuria); so pre-ascitic, pre-cancerous, pre-epileptic, pre-fungoidal, pre-malignant, pre-paroxysmal, pre-pathological, pre-phthisical, pre-symptomatic, etc.d. Formed on other adjectives (or the L. or other ns. to which these belong): as pre-artistic (before the cultivation of art), pre-capitalist, pre-capitalistic, pre-chemical, pre-cinematographic, pre-civilized, pre-coitional, pre-colonial, pre-commercial, pre-conceptual, pre-conciliar, pre-contemporaneous, pre-copulative, pre-earthly, pre-elemental, pre-evolutionary, pre-experimental (hence pre-experimentally adv.), pre-fabulous, pre-federal, pre-feudal, pre-feudalic, pre-filmic, pre-geological, pre-imperial, pre-industrial, pre-industrialist, pre-intellectual, pre-koranic, pre-lexical, pre-literary, pre-matrimonial, pre-matutinal, pre-mediæval, pre-memorial, pre-modern, pre-monadic, pre-monarchical, pre-monumental, pre-moral, pre-mortal, pre-mythical, pre-nuptial, pre-observational, pre-orgasmic, pre-original, pre-paroxysmal, pre-personal, pre-philosophical, pre-phonemic, pre-political, pre-predicative, pre-prep, pre-preparatory, pre-primary, pre-prophetic, pre-rabbinical, pre-religious, pre-romanesque, pre-scholastic, pre-secular, pre-social, pre-socialist, pre-solar, pre-telegraphic, pre-telescopic, pre-theoretical, pre-traditional, pre-tragic, pre-transformational, etc.; freq. in Gram., as pre-accentual, pre-adjectival, pre-adverbial, pre-consonantal (so preconsonantally adv.), pre-infinitival, pre-inflexional, pre-junctural, pre-pausal, pre-suffixal, pre-syllabic. Also pre-ˈadult, -aˈdult, prior to the attainment of adulthood; pre-æˈstival, -est-, occurring before midsummer (Cent. Dict. 1890); pre-ˈagonal, -aˈgonic Med., occurring immediately before, or premonitory of, the death agony; pre-agriˈcultural Anthrop., that has not yet developed agriculture as a means of subsistence; pre-anaˈlytic, -anaˈlytical, preceding analysis; hence pre-anaˈlytically adv.; pre-ˈarticle n. Gram., one of a set of words that can precede an article in a noun phrase; pre-ˈbacillary, prior to invasion by bacilli (Cent. Dict. 1890); pre-bacterioˈlogic, -ˈlogical, previous to the discovery of the relationship of bacteria to disease; pre-beaˈtific, previous to the beatific vision; pre-broˈmidic, previous to the use of bromides in medicine; pre-ˈcancer n. Med., a condition that implies an increased risk of the future development of cancer; cf. pre-cancerous, sense B. 1 c; pre-cartiˈlaginous, preceding the development of cartilage in an embryo (Cent. Dict.); preˈcellular Biol., prior to the origin of cellular life; pre-ˈcivil, prior to the development of social organization; preˈclimax n. Ecology, the point in a plant succession at which development has ceased before the state of climax is reached; pre-coˈnnubial, occurring before marriage; preconˈvulsive Med., preceding a convulsion; pre-ˈcosmic, previous to the present world; pre-creˈative, existing before the Creation; pre-ˈcultural, pertaining to human existence prior to or independent of cultural development; pre-deˈlinquency n., behaviour which is likely to result in (juvenile) delinquency; hence pre-deˈlinquent a. and n.; pre-diaˈstolic, Physiol., preceding the diastole or dilatation of the heart in beating; pre-diˈcrotic, Physiol., preceding the dicrotic wave of the pulse; pre-dyˈnastic, existing before the recognized (Egyptian) dynasties; pre-ecoˈnomic: see quot.; pre-eˈmergent = pre-emergence (sense B. 2 below); pre-erythroˈcytic Biol., occurring or existing in the period between the entry of a malaria parasite into the body as a sporozoite and the subsequent entry into red blood cells of schizonts descended from the sporozoites; pre-evoˈlutional, -evoˈlutionary, -evoˈlutionist, previous to the introduction of the theory of evolution; pre-expoˈnential Math., occurring as a non-exponential multiplier of an exponential quantity; preˈgamic Cytology, prior to the formation of gametes; preˈgastrular Biol., prior to gastrulation; pregeoˈlogical, occurring in, or pertaining to, the period of the earth's history earlier than the time of formation of the oldest known rocks; hence pregeoˈlogically adv.; preˈgrammar n. Linguistics (see quots.); pregraˈmmatical Linguistics, applied to an assumed period in linguistic communication prior to the existence of grammatical structure; pre-hemiˈplegic, Path., preceding an attack of hemiplegia or paralysis of one side (Syd. Soc. Lex. 1895); pre-heˈxameral, occurring prior to the six days of Creation; pre-ˈictal Med., preceding a stroke or fit, esp. an epileptic fit; pre-Inˈcaic = pre-Incarial; pre-Inˈcarial, prior to the time of the Incas of Peru; pre-ˈLatin, designating (any of) the Italic languages older than Latin; preˈlogic n., a mode of thought that does not yet conform to logical reasoning (cf. prelogical a.); pre-maˈniacal, preceding mania or madness; pre-maˈterial, prior to what is material; pre-meiˈotic Cytology, occurring before meiosis; that has not yet undergone meiosis; premeˈnarche n. Med., the premenarchal period in a girl's life; premeˈnarchal, -meˈnarcheal, -meˈnarchial, of, pertaining to, or designating a girl in the few years before the onset of menstruation; pre-ˈmoral, pertaining to a stage of development prior to the personal acceptance of moral responsibility; hence pre-moˈrality n.; pre-ˈmortuary, occurring, or pertaining to what may occur, before (some one's) death; pre-myˈcosic, Path., preceding mycosis or the development of fungi in or on the body; preˈmyelocyte n. Anat. = myeloblast; hence preˌmyeloˈcytic; preneoˈplastic Med., before or prefatory to the development of a neoplasm; pre-neˈphritic, Path., preceding disease of the kidneys; ˈprenoun n. Gram., a word that generally precedes a noun and is in close syntactical relation to it; pre-orˈganic, prior to the existence of organic life; pre-ovuˈlatory Med., before ovulation; preˈpatent Med., applied to the period between parasitic infection of a host and the time when the parasite can be first detected; so preˈpatency n., the condition of an infected host during the prepatent period; pre-plaˈcental, prior to the development of a placenta in gestation; preˈplanetary Astr., existing before the formation of planets; spec. constituting the material from which the planets were formed; pre-ˈplanting, applied or performed before the crop is planted; also absol.; preproinsulin |ˌpriːprəʊˈɪnsjʊlɪn| n. Biochem., a precursor of proinsulin; preˈpuberal = pre-pubertal; so preˈpuberally adv.; pre-ˈpubertal, prior to the attainment of puberty; hence preˈpubertally adv.; pre-reˈflective, -reˈflexive, prior to reflection or reasoning thought; pre-reˈformatory, prior to the Reformation; pre-relatiˈvistic, before the theory of relativity was published (in 1905 and 1915); pre-reˈmote, more remote in previous time or order; pre-reproˈductive, prior to the time when an individual becomes capable of reproduction; pre-rhotaˈcistic, Philol., previous to the tendency to rhotacism; pre-ˈseminal, -ˈseminary, Phys., prior to insemination or fecundation; preschizoˈphrenic, of or pertaining to the period prior to the onset of schizophrenia; as n., a person showing symptoms similar to those observed prior to schizophrenia; so preschizoˈphrenia n.; preˈsenile Med., occurring in or characteristic of the period of life preceding old age, esp. the two or three decades immediately before; preˈsolar = prestellar; pre-splenomeˈgalic, Path., occurring before enlargement of the spleen; preˈstellar Astr., not (yet) having formed a star or stars; pre-ˈstructuralist, prior to the development of structural linguistics; pre-systeˈmatic, prior to the development of a formal system; so pre-systeˈmatically adv.; pre-ˈtemporal, anterior to existence in time, ‘before time began’, antemundane; pre-teˈrrestrial, existing before what is terrestrial; preˈvernal, pertaining to a season before or very early in spring; pre-voˈlitional, existing before volition.1965W. S. Allen Vox Latina v. 85 *Pre-accentual loss in disciplīna.1965N. Chomsky Aspects of Theory of Syntax iv. 148 Verbs are strictly subcategorized into Intransitives, Transitives, *pre-Adjectival, pre-Sentence.1977Word 1972 XXVIII. 94 From an Old Irish system of separate comparative and superlative suffixes, the language will have changed to a system of separate comparative and superlative preadjectival particles.1902Buck's Handbk. Med. Sci. (rev. ed.) IV. 527/2 The condition..becomes manifest during the growing or *preadult period.1974Sci. Amer. Sept. 127/3 A husband, a wife and their preadult children.1977Bull. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. Oct. 25 Since the goals of adults tend to reflect their pre⁓adult formative experiences, the changing assessment of progress as it is traditionally understood may prove to be essentially an integrational phenomenon.1976Archivum Linguisticum VII. 32 Absolute-final position is the norm for final position, with *pre-adverbial positions as optional variants in sentences where non-sentence adverbials occur.1900Buck's Handbk. Med. Sci. (rev. ed.) I. 563/1 Immediately preceding death there is an intense congestion of the viscera which frequently results in an outpour of serum. This condition, when involving the peritoneal cavity, is termed *pre-agonal ascites.1974L. Watson Romeo Error iii. 66 Professor Negovskii of the Soviet Academy of Medical Sciences calls them shock, preagonal state, agony and chemical death.1886Buck's Handbk. Med. Sci. II. 49/1 A sudden high elevation of temperature..after a chill in a previously apyretic case, means a complication, and not a fatal issue, but a hyperpyrexia without chill, and with a profuse sweat, is *pre-agonic.1927Contemp. Rev. July 85 The moon to *pre-agricultural society was the real magic.1947Sci. Amer. Sept. 47/1 The preagricultural population..must have been vulnerable to changes in climate..and to the disappearance of species of prey.1975J. G. Evans Environment Early Man Brit. Isles iii. 55 The mixed deciduous woodlands of pre-agricultural Britain.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VI. 338 Before the appearance of albumin in the urine..(*pre-albuminuric stage).1962H. R. Loyn Anglo-Saxon Eng. ii. 79 The *pre-Alfredian period is rich in reference to Anglo-Saxon saints and scholars.1929C. I. Lewis Mind & World-Order ii. 54 The acceptance of such *preanalytic data as an ultimate epistemological category would..put an end to all worthwhile investigation.1939Mind XLVIII. 89 He holds that philosophy must begin with the pre-analytic data of experience as these are expressed in common-sense judgments.1927Jrnl. Philos. XXIV. 9 The given is for science a continual challenge, always remaining ‘*pre-analytical’, in the sense of never condemning as bootless the task of more searching analysis.1965A. C. Danto Analytical Philos. Hist. x. 207 From the Deduction Assumption, together with our pre-analytical notion of explanatory inadequacy, we may..elicit the remainder of Hempel's Analysis.1934Cohen & Nagel Introd. Logic xix. 385 Analysis..may reveal many complexities in the *pre⁓analytically simple object or concept.1951Mind LX. 550 Something which we knew pre-analytically to be true.1886C. M. Yonge Chantry House I. iii. 22 In those *pre-Arnoldian times no lofty code of honour was even ideal among school-boys.1965*Pre-article [see post-article s.v. post- B. 1 c].1971Pre-article [see non-lexical s.v. non- 3].1883Eng. Illustr. Mag. Nov. 89/2 The silversmith's work of the late Georgian or early Victorian age which might be fairly designated the *preartistic..period.1865Tylor Early Hist. Man. viii. 209 Most others found in Greece are probably *præ-Aryan.1905H. D. Rolleston Dis. Liver 111 The early or *pre-ascitic stage of cirrhosis.1959J. Blish Clash of Cymbals iii. 72 ‘*Pre-Augustinean time’ came to be something that a historian could know all about, but a physicist, by definition, nothing.1964P. F. Anson Bishops at Large i. 44 Restoring the pre-Augustinian tradition in Britain.1865Mill Exam. Hamilton's Philos. xxiv. 469 Generality of the *pre-Baconian type.1953K. Britton J. S. Mill v. 152 The enquiry into microscopic conditions was distinguished in pre-Baconian logic as the enquiry into material causes.1902Buck's Handbk. Med. Sci. (rev. ed.) IV. 391/2 It..was long ago expressed by Alexander von Humboldt.., to be sure, in *pre-bacteriologic language.1892Pall Mall Gaz. 6 Feb. 2/1 He was educated in the *pre-bacteriological era, and had little sympathy with modern developments of medical science.1965S. Peller in Glass & Eversley Population in Hist. v. 94 In the pre-bacteriological era, the survival rates for the ruling families were far ahead of those of the general population.a1711Ken Hymnotheo Poet. Wks. 1721 III. 171 He [Stephen] had of God *pre-beatifick view.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VII. 793 Agents of repute in the *pre-bromidic days.1938Dorland Med. Dict. (ed. 18) 1129/2 *Precancer, an abnormal growth which is likely to develop into cancer.1963New Statesman 19 July 71 Pre⁓cancer means cells which, if left untreated, will eventually develop into invasive cancer.Ibid., Miscroscopic studies of the cervical smears showed..five cases of pre-cancers.1882Brit. Med. Jrnl. 7 Jan. 5/1 (heading) The *pre⁓cancerous stage of cancer, and the importance of early operations.1899J. Hutchinson in Arch. Surg. X. 182 An early stage of epithelioma;—a pre-cancerous stage.1975Sci. Amer. Nov. 78/3 Screening programs have an additional shortcoming: for every cancer they detect they reveal perhaps 10 other abnormalities, many of which seem to be precancerous.1949I. Deutscher Stalin vi. 194 It was, however, a formidable task to adjust their *pre-capitalist, often pre-feudal and even nomad ways of life to the Marxist, Communist policies of the central Government.1952V. A. Demant Relig. & Decline of Capitalism i. 28 Spontaneous social co-operation such as is universal in pre-capitalist societies.1974B. Pearce tr. Amin's Accumulation on World Scale I. ii. 141 Non-European precapitalist societies were not fundamentally different from those of Europe.1979China Now Jan.–Feb. 22/1 Abrupt transformation of the feudal and pre-capitalist organizational structures.1940Wirth & Shils tr. Mannheim's Ideology & Utopia iii. 108 Two types of irrationalism..on the one hand, *precapitalistic, traditionalistic irrationalism.1959Brno Studies in English I. 73 It would be unjust..to explain this preference for pre-capitalistic epochs merely as a means of escape.1894Geol. Mag. Oct. 461 The South Welsh *pre-Carboniferous barrier of Hull, which forms the northern boundary of the visible Coal-fields.1897*Pre-Caroline [see half-uncial s.v. half- II. n].1934Priebsch & Collinson German Lang. ix. 356 The oldest German or rather Latin–German MS...is written in a pre-Caroline minuscule.1948D. Diringer Alphabet 545 The pre-Caroline book-hand in North Italy.1946Nature 21 Sept. 406/2 A new..theory: that they [sc. bacteriophages] were the direct descendants of *precellular stages in the evolution of living forms.1974Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. LXXI. 286/2 (heading) An hypothesis for the initiation of precellular evolution.1934S. Robertson Devel. Mod. Eng. (1936) ii. 18 The pre-Hellenic inhabitants of Greece.. were not Indo-European, nor were the Etruscans in Italy, the *pre-Celtic peoples who inhabited Britain, or the Basques in Spain.1953K. H. Jackson Lang. & Hist. Early Brit. 342 The name may very well be pre-Celtic.1977Word 1972 XXVIII. 29 A pre-Celtic layer is now hardly identified with certainty through faint indices.1909R. Bridges Let. 29 Oct. (1940) 74, I have never studied the *pre-Chaucerian verse.1973P. A. Colinvaux Introd. Ecol. xxix. 416 He was able to undo the mischief that contact poisons had done and leave the plantations in the security of the *pre-chemical age.1974M. Taylor tr. Metz's Film Lang. iii. 32 The most obvious pictorial juxtaposition, the most properly literary effect of composition, were, to hear him, prophetically *precinematographic.1957C. Vereker Devel. Polit. Theory iii. 98 The metaphorical language used by political thinkers who posit a *pre-civil social condition is usually designated contractual.1960C. S. Lewis Studies in Words 62 That pre-civil condition was described as nature or ‘the state of nature’.1953S. Spender Creative Element 30 It also includes the whole universe, the unexplored, or uncivilized, or *pre-civilized areas of the map.1956R. Redfield Peasant Society & Culture iii. 77 Having developed out of the precivilized peoples of that very culture.1916F. E. Clements Plant Succession vi. 110 As a consequence [of reduced water-content], development would cease before reaching the climax proper, and the potential community..may be called the *preclimax.1929Weaver & Clements Plant Ecol. xviii. 424 The prairie itself is a preclimax to the deciduous forest with higher rainfall.1960N. Polunin Introd. Plant. Geogr. xi. 331 There are instances in which an apparent climax constitutes in reality a preclimax.1959K. E. L. Simmons in D. A. Bannerman Birds Brit. Isles VIII. 218 The ceremonies are not ‘*pre-coitional’ in that they do not lead immediately to mating.1961John o' London's 18 May 543/2 The *pre-colonial history of Africa.1975A. Drummond Thames Jrnls. Vicesimus Lush 18 No mention appears to have been made of potential goldfields in pre-colonial New Zealand.1888Times 3 Oct. 5/3 Inquirers into the *pre-Columbian history, ethnology, &c. of the American continent.1881W. R. Smith Old Test. in Jew. Ch. xii. 348 Based on the old *precommercial state of things.1956J. S. Bruner et al. Study of Thinking iii. 50 It is curiously difficult to recapture *preconceptual innocence... It is as if the mastery of a conceptual distinction were able to mask the preconceptual memory of the things now distinguished.1967Sunday Times 22 Jan. 10 Everyone tends to exaggerate the mutual isolation of *pre-conciliar days.1976Times 9 Aug. 11/1 The post-conciliar church polishes characteristically pre-conciliar weapons of censure, interdict, suspension and excommunication.1978Times Lit. Suppl. 25 Aug. 944/2 A spiritual tangle of casuistry and superstition entirely typical of pre-Conciliar Catholicism.1887F. R. Stockton Borrowed Month, etc. 201 *Preconnubial satisfaction of a very high order.1951Trager & Smith Outl. Eng. Struct. i. 28 Most Northern Middle Western speakers have simple vowel before final or *pre-consonantal r.1965W. S. Allen Vox Latina i. 43 Before it [sc. h]..the articles take their pre⁓consonantal rather than prevocalic form.1976Archivum Linguisticum VII. 163 He postulates the forms set down below, in which monophthongization would have been produced in pre-consonantal forms.1953K. H. Jackson Lang. & Hist. Early Brit. ii. 470 (heading) IE [sc. Indo-European] gu̯. This became b in CC. [sc. Common Celtic] initially except before u..; intervocally and *preconsonantally, g.1966Amer. Speech XLI. 260 [R], as in SG [sc. Standard German], a lenis post-velar fricative, occurring preconsonantally and finally.1977D. Cupitt in J. Hick Myth of God Incarnate vii. 138 *Pre-constantinian Christian art was scarce, unofficial, of very poor quality and often somewhat ambiguous.1907W. A. Turner Epilepsy ix. 195 He regarded the *pre-convulsive fall in alkalinity as a ‘biochemical aura’.1972M. Verzeano in Petsche & Brazier Synchronization EEG Activities in Epilepsies 178 When the preconvulsive state is reached (d), the passages of circulating activity through the network are very rhythmic, very rapid, and involve a large number of neurons discharging at a very high rate.1964C. S. Lewis Discarded Image iii. 22 Casual statements about *pre-Copernican astronomy in modern scientists who are not historians are often unreliable.1865Masson Rec. Brit. Philos. 170 Speculative thought, which might be debited to their *pre-Copernicanism.1973M. Amis Rachel Papers 24 During the long *pre-copulative session I glanced downwards.1891Riddles of Sphinx 234 The *pre⁓cosmic conditions of the world-process.1859Mozley Ess., Ind. Conversion (1878) II. 328 The *praecreative or praeeternal spirit.1927B. Malinowski Sex & Repression in Savage Society iv. i. 179 In a *pre-cultural condition there is no medium in which social institutions, morals, and religion could be moulded.1963Auden Dyer's Hand 87 Politics in every advanced society is..not concerned with human beings as persons and citizens but with human bodies, with the precultural, prepolitical human creature.1876–7W. James in R. B. Perry Tht. & Char. W. James (1935) I. xxviii. 478 *Pre-Darwinians thought only of adaptation. They made organism plastic to its environment.1880Atlantic Monthly Oct. 444/1 Pre-Darwinian philosophers had also tried to establish the doctrine of descent with modification.1899A. H. Yapp Cuckoo iii. 189 In the case of the little birds and cuckoos we have had brought before us in the actions of the former what is decisively in the teeth of pre-Darwinian theory as of the Darwinian.1921G. B. Shaw Back to Methuselah p. viii, The pre-Darwinian age had come to be regarded as a Dark Age in which men still believed that the book of Genesis was a standard scientific treatise.1932Reckless & Smith Juvenile Delinquency vi. 168 (heading) Truancy as *predelinquency.1972N.Y. Law Jrnl. 24 Oct. 4/8 California's Predelinquency Statute: A Case Study and Suggested Alternatives, by Robert L. Harris.1951Powers & Witmer Experiment in Prevention of Delinquency iii. 30 If the treatment group comprised only selected *pre-delinquents..unhappy public relations might result.Ibid. v. 53 No boy who showed obvious pre-delinquent trends was excluded.1977M. Edelman Polit. Lang. iv. 69 Affluent adults may be ‘predelinquent’ or ‘prepsychotic’; but it is not behavior that governs the connotations of these terms, but, rather, the statistical chances for a group and the belief that poor children are high risks.1853Markham Skoda's Auscult. & Percuss. 213 note, A *prediastolic murmur is heard.1878Gladstone Prim. Homer i. 13 A poet of Asia..would probably have called the *pre-Doric Greeks by the race-name of Hellenes.1898Daily News 14 Sept. 6/3 The Libyan stock..can now safely be assigned to the *pre-Dynastic stock, about 5000 b.c., and even earlier.1901Athenæum 24 Aug. 256/1 A predynastic period of Egyptian history.1848Bailey Festus xix. (ed. 3) 213 Cities and fanes of diamond crown the hills..Of this *preearthly paradise.1876Bagehot Physics & Pol. 11 A sort of *pre-economic age, when the very assumptions of political economy did not exist.1852Bailey Festus xxviii. (ed. 5) 475 That peace, Premotional, *preelemental, prime.1959Times 21 Mar. 9/3 There is no small retail pack available yet of the *pre-emergent weedkillers which are being tried extensively in commercial nurseries.1928L. J. J. Muskens Epilepsy vii. 257 The *pre-epileptic headache..is little influenced by drugs.1944Huff & Coulston in Jrnl. Infectious Dis. LXXV. 237/2 For all the stages of the parasite [sc. Plasmodium] between sporozoite and erythrocytic trophozoite we shall use the term *pre-erythrocytic stages. They are, of course, exoerythrocytic in the broadest meaning of the term.1962J. D. Smyth Introd. Animal Parasitol. vii. 87 (caption) Pre⁓erythrocytic schizonts of Plasmodium cynomolgi and P. vivax in parenchymal cells of rhesus monkey and man respectively; 7 days after mosquito inoculation.1973R. M. Pinder Malaria ii. 26 This process, which constitutes the pre-erythrocytic or primary tissue stage, takes from 8 to 12 days and is essential to allow the parasites to undergo the necessary metabolic adaptation for the change from life in a poikilothermic insect to that in a warm-blooded vertebrate.1908Westm. Gaz. 7 June 2/2 In India itself the idea and word ‘Indian’ hardly existed in *pre-European times.1971Black Scholar June 35 We as black men are breaking loose..becoming once again the real black man in the full tradition of our pre-European forebears.1890W. James Princ. Psychol. II. xxviii. 647 By the *pre-evolutionary naturalists, whose generation has hardly passed away, classifications were supposed to be ultimate insights into God's mind, filling us with adoration of his ways.1885W. R. Sorley Ethics of Naturalism vii. 170 A remnant of the false, *pre-evolutionist individualism.1923Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med. XX. 371 (heading) The influence of nutrition during the *pre-experimental period on the development of rickets in rats.1971Jrnl. Gen. Psychol. LXXXV. 157 During the pre⁓experimental period Ss were housed in group cages.1970Ibid. LXXXII. 47 It also suggests that *pre-experimentally acquired tendencies..are important determinants of behavioral variability in experimental settings.1966D. G. Brandon Mod. Techniques Metallogr. iv. 182 Inclusion of the image term..leads to a correction factor, α, in both the *pre-exponential and exponential terms.1970Nature 12 Dec. 1086/1 The Arrhenius expression is a frequently erroneous semiempirical formula, with the temperature independence of the activation energy E and the pre-exponential factor A becoming increasingly questionable as the reaction temperature range broadens.1938New Statesman 19 Feb. 276/2 It is possible..that the present Italy willingly accepts that German domination in Central Europe which sons of the *pre-Fascist Italy spilled their blood to prevent.1934Webster, *Pre-feudal.1949I. Deutscher Stalin vi. 195 It was..a formidable task to adjust their..pre-feudal and even nomad ways of life to the Marxist, Communist policies of the central Government.1962H. R. Loyn Anglo-Saxon Eng. iii. 105 In one respect the techniques of warfare in pre-feudal England led to an inferior status on the part of the smith.1974M. Taylor tr. Metz's Film Lang. v. 114 The iconology (likewise *prefilmic) that organizes the denotation of those same objects.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VIII. 887 In this so-called ‘*pre-fungoidal’ stage.1880W. James Will to Believe (1897) 254 The spencerian philosophy of ‘Force’, effacing all the previous distinctions between actual and potential energy, momentum, work, force, mass, etc., which physicists have with so much agony achieved, carried us back to a *pre-galilean age.1952Mind LXI. 417 He thinks biology is in a ‘pre-Galilean’ stage.1934Anatomical Rec. LX (Suppl.) 92 The most distinctive spindles are the first *pregamic figures.1953R. Wichterman Biol. of Paramecium ix. 273/1 The four micronuclear products of the first pregamic division enter quickly upon the second pregamic division without a resting stage between them..to produce eight micronuclear products.1894Biol. Lect. (Marine Biol. Lab., Wood's Holl, Mass.) II. 2 This consideration led some morphologists to insist on the need of a more precise investigation of the *præ-gastrular stages, and the desirability of taking as a starting-point not the two-layered gastrula but the undivided ovum.1970Annales Embryol. & Morphogénèse III. 133 (heading) Competence and induction in the pregastrular chick blastoderm.1882G. H. Darwin in Nature XXV. 213 We must put these violent phenomena in *pregeological periods.1899Geogr. Jrnl. XIII. 233 A map of the world in early Cambrian times might show the influence of these pre-geological incidents.1971I. G. Gass et al. Understanding Earth ix. 137/2 The event which caused the loss of the primary atmosphere must have occurred fairly early in the history of the planet, presumably in pre-geological time (over 3600 million years ago). Otherwise we would expect to find some record of it in the rocks.1899Geogr. Jrnl. XIII. 234 If the ocean basins were not formed *pre-geologically, but have grown from the changes that have occurred during the long ages of geological time, then we must seek for a cause that has acted continuously, and is acting to-day.1861A. Beresford-Hope Eng. Cathedr. 19th C. iv. 119 The low morals of a large mass of the clergy in the Georgian or just *præ-Georgian days.1831Westm. Rev. July 31 The Siegfried's Chapel, in primeval, *Pre-Gothic architecture, not long since pulled down.1949Archivum Linguisticum I. 121 Is there anything against speaking of ‘*pre-grammar’ as one speaks of prehistory alongside history?1966M. Pei Gloss. Linguistic Terminol. 216 Pre-grammar,..research into the state of the language in its prehistoric stages, and of the grammatical categories which cannot be accounted for by logical analysis.[1926A. Sechehaye Structure logique de la Phrase i. 10 Il faut se souvenir de la différence..qui existe entre le langage prégrammatical et le langage organisé.]1932A. H. Gardiner Theory of Speech & Lang, ii. iv. 220 Ries takes up the strange position that they [sc. sentences without verbs] are ‘*pre-grammatical, or better still extra-grammatical phrases’.1937J. Orr tr. Iordan's Introd. Romance Linguistics iv. 331 Every form of grammar has an individual origin, and has its source in some pre-grammatical or extra-grammatical act which in process of time is transformed into grammar.1940A. H. Gardiner Theory of Proper Names 12 This term [sc. ‘name’] belongs to the pre-grammatical stage of thought.1960E. H. Gombrich Art & Illusion iv. 134 It was the Greeks who taught us to ask ‘How does he stand?’ or even ‘Why does he stand like that?’ Applied to a *pre-Greek work of art, it may be senseless to ask this question.1958W. Willetts Chinese Art I. iv. 206 Criteria establishing the *pre-Han date of objects on which they appear.1972Trans. Oriental Ceramic Soc. XXXVIII. 13 This long survival of the most rudimentary of techniques..contributed to the style of hard-fired pottery of the last pre-Han centuries.1876Gladstone Homeric Synchr. 214 All the passages tend to mark him as non-Hellenic or *pre-Hellenic.1861Chr. Remembr. XLI. 408 Those passages tell us far more about this *pre-hexameral period,..than about the hexameron or six days work itself.1919Proc. Soc. Antiquaries Scotl. LIII. 24 There is no doubt that they were used as such by the *pre⁓hispanic tribes.1931Times Lit. Suppl. 9 Apr. 281/1 Pre-Hispanic Art in Argentina.1963Times 9 Feb. 9/7 One of the greatest obstacles to the dispersal of the thick mystery which hangs over Peru's prehispanic past is the fact that the later civilizations apparently had no form of writing.1978Guardian Weekly 26 Feb. 18/3 The pre-Hispanic Caribbean.1959Encounter July 68/1 With a broad *pre-Hitlerian gesture Napoleon destroyed her book.1934C. Lambert Music Ho! iii. 224 The earnest and thoroughgoing sense of sin that gave such a peculiar flavour to *pre-Hitlerite night life.1958Electroencephalogr. & Clin. Neurophysiol. X. 223/2 As a rule, toward the end of the attack, the record is characterized by the return of the *pre-ictal spike complex.1969W. Pryse-Phillips Epilepsy v. 17 Grand mal fits..may be preceded by pre⁓ictal symptoms such as tiredness, irritability, etc.1963Times 9 Feb. 9/7 In the Machu Picchu area, at San Pedro de Cacha, an intact group of thousands of Incaic and *pre-Incaic tombs, some dating from about 1200 B.C., was found only a few weeks ago by the Peruvian archaeologist, Dr. Manuel Chavez Ballón.1870J. Orton Andes & Amazons ii. xxxv. (1876) 454 Massive monolithic monuments,..prehistoric, *pre-incarial.1934A. Huxley Beyond Mexique Bay 251 Karl Marx went out imaginatively into the revolutionary future, Ruskin and William Morris into the *pre-industrial past.1956R. Redfield Peasant Society & Culture 71 He saw chiefly what had come into those villages from preindustrial Europe.1969G. Greene Trav. with my Aunt i. xiv. 136 Horses moved slowly along, dragging harrows. We were back in the pre⁓industrial age.1977P. Johnson Enemies of Society vii. 93 If there had been a powerful ecological lobby in eighteenth-century England..the Western world would still be condemned to pre-industrial living standards.1957O. R. McGregor Divorce in England iii. 75 The peasant or domestic worker's family of *pre-industrialist days..was largely a self-sustaining economic unit.1877Dods Mohammed, Buddha & Christ ii. (1878) 71 The *Pre-islamic condition of Arabia.1977Language LIII. 330, I will outline B's analysis of the variation in the form of the *pre-infinitival complementizer in Guyanese decreolization.1939L. H. Gray Foundations of Lang. 202 In this absence of declension we may..see another survival of the *pre-inflexional stage.1976Archivum Linguisticum VII. 163 In this paper, having accepted a pre-inflexional phase of IE[sc. Indo-European],..he tries to reduce the processes which give origin to the alternations I am studying.1964Language XL. 255 In speech development of the child, we can..establish a *preintellectual stage.1977H. G. Burger in B. Bernardi Concept & Dynamics of Culture 433 Up to a certain point in time, then, a child exercises two separate mental stages: pre⁓intellectual and prelinguistic.1968Language XLIV. 84 The border between words constitutes a potential pause point. The features manifested at this *prejunctural spot are correlated with the difference between rapid speech forms and deliberate speech forms.1972Ibid. XLVIII. 411 Prejunctural -j is subsequently vocalized along with the fronting of stressed to -œ-, which is unrounded in West Saxon.1874W. Wallace tr. Hegel's Logic 53 It was..the main question of the *pre-Kantian metaphysic.1947Mind LVI. 164 It is doubtful whether any reader hitherto sunk in dogmatic slumber pre- or post-Kantian would be awakened by these rambling and inconclusive pages.1951W. H. Walsh Introd. Philos. Hist. vii. 141 Hegel saw the way the abstract conception of reason favoured by Kant and (in general) the pre-Kantian rationalists had been countered by the many philosophies of feeling.1979Studies in Eng. Lit.: Eng. Number (Tokyo) 172 Dr. Beer's present work..is a valuable attempt to explore Coleridge's poetic intelligence with all its preoccupations coming from the poet's inborn interest in pre-Kantian Idealism and mysticism.1959Ann. Reg. 1958 88 The legislative assembly's rejection of measures to raise more local revenue illustrated some of the difficulties encountered in development—the *pre-Keynesian thinking of many local leaders, [etc.].196020th Cent. Aug. 99 Old-fashioned, pre-Keynesian, laissez-faire liberalism.1876W. R. Cooper Archaic Dict. 30 An ancient title of the Deity among the *pre-koranic Arabs.1933L. Bloomfield Language 373 *Pre-Latin *[kolnis] ‘hill’ gives Latin collis.1975Language LI. 142 S-stem nouns like Pre-Latin *douk + es + i are analogically re-analysed.1880Ramsay in Times 26 Aug. 5/4 Rocks more ancient still to afford materials for..these *pre-Laurentian strata.1957C. La Drière in N. Frye Sound & Poetry ii. 103 The concord is of natural, or at least *prelexical or paralexical, suggestion of the sound with its conventional reference.1971Language XLVII. 319 The Lexical Insertion Rule can insert a predicate into a prelexical terminal string only if the lexical marking of the predicate is not distinct from the feature specification of the prelexical terminal string.1976Archivum Linguisticum VII. 127 The lexical decomposition of McCawley and others yields several closely related items which differ only in one or more prelexical elements.1903Pop. Sci. Monthly Jan. 211 A correspondent..wrote to ask if the garden would accept as a gift the large and important collection of *pre-Linnean books that it had been his pleasure to accumulate.1936Discovery Mar. 85/1 There is a rich collection of botanical incunabula, old herbals, and other pre-Linnaean items.1962H. R. Loyn Anglo-Saxon Eng. vi. 286 Botanists exercise themselves..to give post-Linnaean forms to strongly pre-Linnaean Anglo-Saxon generalized plant names.1928Daily Express 23 Nov. 10/2 The idea of shutting out extremism by barring its representatives at the ports seems to us as obsolete as *pre-Listerian surgery.1951White & Hynes Med. Bacteriol. (ed. 5) v. 53 In pre-Listerian days the surgeon's scalpel frequently conveyed infection from one patient to another.1931G. Stern Meaning & Change of Meaning 12 *Pre-literary developments are best left aside at first..and..research should be restricted to periods represented by written texts.1941F. Klaeber Beowulf (ed. 3) p. lxvi, Of especial interest are the gefrœgn-formulas, which unmistakably point to the ‘preliterary’ stage of poetry, when the poems lived on the lips of singers, and oral transmission was the only possible source of information.1967N.Y. Rev. Bks. 23 Feb. 33/2 The study of technology or town-planning is the same for preliterary or literary societies.1937R. H. Lowie Hist. Ethnol. Theory (1938) xii. 219 Into the notions about the dead this logical factor does not intrude, hence *prelogic here runs riot untrammeled.1957H. J. Uldall in Hjelmslev & Uldall Outl. Glossematics i. 4 All languages..are based on this participative prelogic.1897Lippincott's Med. Dict. 824/2 *Pre⁓malignant.1961Lancet 29 July 250/2 It is suggested that there is a premalignant defect in the genes which control the development of the reticulo-endothelial system, and that the abnormal stem cells derived from these genes undergo further changes and become malignant.1974R. M. Kirk et al. Surgery iv. 56 Hereditary polyposis..of the colon is pre-malignant.1920E. Pound in Lett. J. Joyce (1966) III. 9 His misspent *premalthusian youth.1965P. Goubert in Glass & Eversley Population in Hist. xix. 467 Results obtained by the second method [in the study of demography] apply to all ‘pre-Malthusian’ times.1883H. Maudsley Body & Will iii. v. 297 The *premaniacal semblance of mental brilliancy.a1881A. Barratt Phys. Metempiric 69 What *prematerial ages of ether beyond ether it may picture.1863Mansel Lett., Lect., etc. (1873) 247 The genuine sensation device of a *pre-matrimonial secret.1963V. Nabokov Gift ii. 119 The river runs into the murk of the *prematutinal twilight that still hangs in the gorges.1859T. Parker in Weiss Life (1863) II. 403 The Pope is a fossil ruler, *pre-mediæval.1905Q. Jrnl. Microsc. Sci. XLVIII. 490 It is evident..that we may group the cells that are produced in the life cycle of an animal or plant into three categories, viz. *Premaiotic, Maiotic, and Post-Maiotic respectively.Ibid., The synapsis represents that series of events which are concerned in causing the temporary union in pairs of pre-maiotic chromosomes, previously to their transverse separation and distribution, in their entirety, between two daughter nuclei.1972Genetical Res. XX. 201 The sensitive stage lay between the last premeiotic mitosis and the start of DNA synthesis.1854Blackw. Mag. LXXVI. 475 Still rears its crag and heathless edge Your *praememorial wall.1956Amer. Jrnl. Obstetr. & Gynecol. LXXI. 1319 The *premenarchal girl who produces estrogen but in insufficient quantities to cause bleeding.1975G. S. Richardson in J. J. Gold Gynecologic Endocrinol. (ed. 2) v. 56/1 The premenarchal ovary is a polycystic ovary with an unscarred ‘porcelain’ surface.1956Obstetr. & Gynecol. XIII. 724 (caption) Newborn. Childhood. *Premenarche.1958E. & E. R. Novak Gynecol. & Obstetr. Path. (ed. 4) xxxv. 601 (heading) Pre-menarche.1937Human Biol. IX. 27 The positive slope of the regression of chest-width upon chronological age is greater in the case of *premenarcheal girls than in the case of post⁓menarcheal girls.1943Jrnl. Pediatrics XXII. 529 An early menarche is associated with..greater than average height and greater than average weight during the pre⁓menarcheal years.1942Mazer & Israel Diagn. & Treatm. Menstrual Disorders ii. 35 A study of 175 post⁓menarchial and 175 *premenarchial girls.1968M. R. Abell in J. J. Gold Textbk. of Gynecologic Endocrinol. ix. 193 (heading) Premenarchial endometrium.1902W. Bateson Mendel's Princ. Heredity: A Defence 7 The cases are all examples of discontinuous variation: that is to say, cases in which actual intermediates between the parent forms are not usually produced on crossing. [Note] This conception of discontinuity is of course *pre-Mendelian.1941J. S. Huxley Uniqueness of Man iv. 121 The picture of the hereditary constitution of human groups which can now be drawn in the light of modern genetics is very different from any which could be framed in the pre-Mendelian era.1977Kruskal & Mosteller Representative Sampling (Univ. Chicago Dept. Statistics) 11 The notion is like the old pre-Mendelian genetic idea of the homunculus.1875E. White Life in Christ iii. xxii. (1878) 315 By what then were *pre⁓messianic believers of Israel saved?1899R. Munro Preh. Scot. xii. 449 The barrows of the *premetallic period.1966F. Schurmann Ideology & Organization in Communist China 3 Some writers assert that the economy in *premodern societies is a subsystem of a larger social system.1970I. L. Horowitz Masses in Lat. Amer. i. 7 This concept equates ‘mass’ to forces in the old society (old in the sense of pre-socialist, rather than pre-modern).1977Sci. Amer. Oct. 96/1 Premodern medicine blamed such failures on sepsis.1881Encycl. Brit. XIII. 403/2 *Premonarchical Israel is represented as a hierocracy and Samuel as its head.1863Draper Intell. Devel. Europe iii. (1865) 60 Traces of the prehistoric, *premonumental life of Egypt.1858G. Duff Sp. at Elgin 11 Aug., Belonging as he [Lord Palmerston] does to the *premoral, as Lord Derby says he does to the prescientific, school.1898L. F. Ward Outl. Sociol. v. 112 The evolving intellect throughout all this long pre-social and pre-moral period was exclusively devoted to the egoistic interests of individuals.1963L. Kohlberg in Vita Humana VI. 13 The six developmental types were grouped into three moral levels and labelled as follows: Level I. Pre-Moral Level.1973M. E. Wood Children 26 Children are first amoral..then enter a pre-moral stage, when social and authoritarian factors are the main restraints.1943Mind LII. 19 The pseudo-morality of sanctions lacks the inward reality of morality. It is in fact a sort of *pre-morality.1848Bailey Festus xix. (ed. 3) 201 The *premortal manhood which inhered In the conception of creative mind.1880Fairbairn Stud. Life Christ xiv. (1881) 244 A covenant may be a sort of *pre-mortuary testament.1900J. Hutchinson in Arch. Surg. XI. 195 Typical lesions in all stages and degrees..from the *pre-mycosic, figured eczema to nodosities.1916Jordan & Ferguson Textbk. Histol. viii. 221 Myeloblast (*Premyelocyte; Hemoblast, Mesameboid Cell; Primitive Blood Cell; ‘Lymphocyte’).—This is the parent blood-cell of bone-marrow.1931M. G. Wohl Bedside Interpretation of Lab. Findings caption facing p. 88 Abnormal leucocytes:..premyelocyte with beginning neutrophilic granules.1964W. G. Smith Allergy & Tissue Metabolism iii. 44 It is accepted that eosinophils are differentiated from the premyelocytes of the bone marrow.1963Jrnl. Clin. Path. XVI. 319 Among the acute leukaemias of the granulocytic group, acute *pre⁓myelocytic leukaemia is distinguished by the severity of its haemorrhages, the frequency of hypofibrinaemia, a rapidly fatal course, and an unusual cellular hyperplasia.1854De Quincey in ‘H. A. Page’ Life (1877) II. xviii. 84 It is not only a prehistoric, but a *premythical,..even a prefabulous and a pretraditional thesis.1938New Statesman 21 May 890/1 A record whose *pre-Nazi date can be guessed from the fact that Fritz Busch conducts the Berlin State Opera Orchestra.1972P. Black Biggest Aspidistra i. iv. 41 Brigade Exchange, a war play..created by the pre-Nazi German radio.1941Cancer Res. I. 45/1 The object of these investigations was the study of the influence of irritation on the first manifestation of neoplastic transformation, which, in the case of the skin, represents the conversion of the *preneoplastic thickened epithelium into a papilloma.1978Nature 13 Apr. 635/2 Electron microscopy has shown that during the latent period only preneoplastic changes resembling those of Bowen's disease are present in rat epidermis.1885W. Roberts Ur. & Renal Dis. (ed. 4) iii. iv. 472 During this *prenephritic stage, high tension is produced by the contraction of the muscular walls of the arterioles.1873Morley Rousseau II. xii. 191 *Prae-Newtonians knew not the wonders of which Newton was to find the key.1946L. Bloomfield in C. F. Hockett Leonard Bloomfield Anthol. (1970) 460 Particles (*prenouns) appear before nouns in less variety than before verbs [in Algonquian].1966G. N. Leech Eng. in Advertising ii. 14 The pre-noun is broken down into four chief secondary classes, determiner..numeral..adjective..and a certain range of nouns, including proper names and words denoting substances.1869J. Eadie Comm. Galatians 62 This *prenuptial condition ceased.a1866J. Grote Exam. Utilit. Philos. xxi. (1870) 346 The *pre-observational simplicity of the philosophers whom I have just referred to.1897Nat. Sc. Feb. 79 Strictly *preorganic or azoic rocks.1968R. Kyle Love Lab. xviii. 233 Have you ever known an orgasmic woman who wanted to go back to a *pre⁓orgasmic condition?1976Spare Rib Nov. 16/1, I was going to start by telling you how I came to join the pre⁓orgasmic group, but I suppose a lot of things preceded that step.1980Time 28 Jan. 90/1 Psychologists persistently refer to unresponsive women as ‘pre-orgasmic’.1852Bailey Festus xxxiii. (ed. 5) 545 See, like clouds, the gods disperse, Into their *preoriginal nothingness.1935Anat. Rec. LXIV. Suppl. No. 1. 52 The beginning of the *pre-ovulatory enlargement coincides with the beginning of oestrus.1975Franchimont & Burger Human Growth Hormone ii. iii. 175 During the first 10 days, FSH and LH fell and became stable at values similar to those encountered in the normally cycling female during the preovulatory period.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VIII. 343 They are more continuously noisy..in this stage than in the *pre-paroxysmal.1907A. W. Turner Epilepsy vi. 121 A form of pre⁓paroxysmal psychosis..is the feeling of good spirits and of exceptional well-being, which precedes the onset of an attack in some cases.1977Lancet 21 May 1095/1 *Prepatency was documented in 35 patients who..started to excrete Giardia. The median prepatent period was 14 days.1926R. W. Hegner in Q. Rev. Biol. I. 399/1 The *prepatent period extends from the time the infective parasites enter the body of the host until their offspring can be recovered by the usual laboratory methods.1976Nature 15 July 214/2 This highly virulent strain has a pre⁓patent period of 8–14 d in mice.1897A. D. L. Napier Menopause iv. 78 For a variable period, usually about two years, the physiological economy is preparing for this *pre-pathological change [sc. the climacteric].1977M. Edelman Polit. Lang. v. 95 Ritualistic categorization further confuses feedback by defining a substantial proportion of the population as either pathological or pre-pathological.1890J. Healey Irel. Anc. Schools 28 Another *pre-Patrician, if not pre-Christian poet..was Torna Eigas.1899W. M. Ramsay in Expositor Jan. 40 The *pre-Pauline Church in Rome.1941Language XVII. 225 A study of post-pausal and *pre-pausal allophones reveals several recurrent differences between these and the corresponding allophones occurring elsewhere than at points of open juncture.1973A. H. Sommerstein Sound Pattern Anc. Greek v. 160 Prepausal acute: This phenomenon may well have nothing to do with the Acute-Grave rule; rather, it may be a feature of sentence intonation, viz. rise at end of phrase.1948J. L. Adams tr. Tillich's Protestant Era viii. 134 The dark ground of *pre-personal being..is effective in every moment of our conscious existence.1971Jrnl. Gen. Psychol. LXXXIV. 257 The body, therefore, becomes man's expression in the world, the mirror of his being at the prepersonal and preobjective level.1977Fontana & van de Water in Douglas & Johnson Existential Sociol. iii. 126 For Merleau-Ponty, consciousness was basically the anonymous, prepersonal life of the body-subject.1933T. S. Eliot Use of Poetry 21 It is true also of the change from a *pre-philosophical to a philosophical age.1939Mind XLVIII. 89 Mr. Loewenberg is a man with a mission: to rescue empiricism (i.e. pre-philosophical empiricism) from the empiricists.1959J. L. Austin Sense & Sensibilia (1962) vi. 55 Our ordinary, unamended, pre-philosophical manner of speaking.1957in Amer. Speech 1972 (1975) XLVII. 222 To be safely *pre-phonemic, let us begin with 1874, with Whitney's ‘Elements of English Pronunciation’, and observe what seemed important to him.1960H. M. Hoenigswald Language Change viii. 73 The doctrine of gradual phonetic change may turn out to be a remnant from pre-phonemic days.1889Amer. Nat. Oct. 926 The *preplacental absorption of food by the embryos of placentalian mammals.1895in Syd. Soc. Lex.1968R. A. Lyttleton Mysteries Solar Syst. ii. 54 Evidence seems to suggest that the meteorites do not represent original *pre-planetary material but are a later product of the solar system.1978Nature 9 Feb. 504/1 The authors thus invoke another component—a pre⁓planetary disk which is accreting onto the central star.1955*Pre-planting [see post-emergence s.v. post- B. 1].1976Stillwater News (Absarokee, Montana) 1 July 15/1 Whether pre-planting, post-plant or post-emergence herbicides are used depends upon type of crop, kinds of weeds and other conditions.1963*Pre-political [see pre-cultural above].1977Jrnl. Politics XXXIX. 7 Hobbes' resolutive-compositive method is an early and Rawls' original position a late example of the contractarian quest for political authority's pre-political foundations.1943*Pre-predicative [see pre-give, sense A. 1].1950Mind LIX. 264 The first section of Husserl's book deals with what he calls ‘pre-predicative’ experience.1971Jrnl. Gen. Psychol. LXXXIV. 259 Merleau-Ponty..spoke more than previously of the interrelation of the predicative and prepredicative levels.1975Ld. Hailsham Door wherein I Went iv. 15 My formal education began at the age of five..when I was sent to a *pre-prep school in Rosary Gardens.1960–1Where Winter 16/1 *Pre-preparatory school, an independent school for children under about 8.1964Economist 25 Apr. 356/1 Children do enjoy their *pre⁓primary schooling.Ibid. 356/2 The pre-primary schools—voluntary to the age of five, then compulsory for one year.1979Jrnl. R. Soc. Arts CXXVII. 483/1 A task that continues uninterrupted from the pre-primary to the post-graduate class.1975Nature 11 Sept. 89/2 The existence of an analogous precursor to insulin, a *preproinsulin, was strongly supported by the experiments of M. A. Permutt.1979Ibid. 21 June 675/1 The gene coding for preproinsulin II contained an additional intron of about 500 nucleotides between the region encoding amino acids 38 and 39 of the proinsulin II peptide chain.1892Montefiore Hibbert Lect. ii. 100 The nature of the *pre-prophetic religion was determined by the character of its God.1942Endocrinology XXXI. 673 *Prepuberal castration prevents the appearance of..physiological and behavioral reactions.1949Radiology LII. 112/1 The testes of normal chicks of this age are in the prepuberal state.1977Yearbk. Obstetr. & Gynecol. 329 Seventeen were prepuberal when leukemia was diagnosed.1942Endocrinology XXXI. 674 Male sexual behavior was shown by all 10 *prepuberally castrated females.1947Physiol. Rev. XXVII. 275 Pre⁓puberally castrated male chimpanzees show much more sexual activity than do similarly operated rodents.1859Todd's Cycl. Anat. V. 644/2 The individual may retain..the *pre-pubertal condition.1898Amer. Jrnl. Psychol. IX. 257 The rate of growth..decreases with fluctuations until about 10 years in girls and 12 years in boys, when the prepubertal acceleration sets in.1932S. Zuckerman Social Life Monkeys xvii. 267 Louttit holds that the nosing and circling activities of the prepubertal guinea-pig are part of its sexual responses.1977Daily Colonist (Victoria, B.C.) 19 Mar. 2/1 There may be some prepubertal girls using contraceptive pills ‘to be sure’.1978Bull. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. Feb. 22 The eunuch or the prepubertal castrate does not develop the disease.1937Nature 3 Apr. 589/1 *Prepubertally castrated male rats are not known to mate.1942Psychosomatic Med. IV. 190/1 (heading) Prepubertally castrated adults.1977Sci. Amer. Jan. 100/3 Samaritan religious tradition affords a kind of telescopic glimpse of the past: the ancient Judaism of *pre⁓rabbinical times.1932Mind XLI. 116 We mean ‘taking for granted’, that state of *pre⁓reflective unquestioning assurance.1966E. S. Casey tr. Dufrenne's Notion of A Priori 97 Pre-reflective thought experiences the a priori in the a posteriori.1978S. H. Hodgson Philos. of Reflection I. i. ii. 107 The undistinguished unity of primary, pre-reflective, consciousness.1970J. M. Edie Patterns of Life-World xviii. 339 Chomsky's..own investigations lead us to what Merleau-Ponty termed the ‘*pre-reflexive’ structures of experience.1976Brit. Jrnl. Sociol. XXVII. 360 Speaking can organize a separate mode of experience which is not simply a transmutation or decipherment of prepredicative thought. It has its own distinct phenomenological properties which exceed those of the prereflexive world.1882–3Schaff's Encycl. Relig. Knowl. 1805 In the *pre-reformatory system there were no lessons for the sixth Sunday after Epiphany.1923H. L. Brose tr. Sommerfeld's Atomic Struct. & Spectral Lines iv. 211 Coulomb's law is valid and likewise ordinary (*pre-relativistic) mechanics.1952Koestler Arrow in Blue vi. 51 In pre-Relativistic days it was still just possible for the non⁓specialist to keep abreast of general developments in science.1871Tylor Prim. Cult. I. xi. 378 A *præ-religious condition of the human race.17..E. Darwin (Webster 1828), In some cases, two more links of causation may be introduced; one of them may be termed the *preremote cause, the other the postremote effect.1796Zoon. II. 451 The pre⁓remote cause or disposition to the gout.1900Q. Jrnl. Microsc. Sci. XLIV. 3 Reproductive period.—I have used this expression to denote the whole of that period in the life of a mammal, whether male or female, during which its generative organs are capable of the reproductive function; and in contrast to the *Pre-reproductive and Post-reproductive periods which severally precede and follow it, during which the generative organs are either not fully developed or are degenerate.1952New Biol. XIII. 27 In ourselves the length of the prereproductive period of life has increased.1977J. L. Harper Population Biol. of Plants 231 The pre-reproductive period of trees is usually long.1896E. W. Fry in Class. Rev. May 184/1 The so-called contracted forms of which ama-sse is typical were *pre-rhotacistic presents in -se restrained from normal phonetic development.1863Lyell Antiq. Man ii. 21 Coins..of bronze and silver belonging to the first and *pre-Roman division of the age of iron.1937N. & Q. 6 Feb. 91/2 A *pre-Romanesque church at Quintanilla de las Viñas.1939Burlington Mag. Mar. 110/1 Stone-sculptors of the pre-romanesque epoch lacked tradition and experience.1907H. M. Chadwick Origin Eng. Nation iv. 74 It is held that the remains..date from *pre-Saxon times.1962H. R. Loyn Anglo-Saxon Eng. i. 7 Big rivers such as the Thames..preserve their pre-Saxon names.1958L. Bellak Schizophrenia i. 54 The *pre⁓schizophrenic personality may be sociopathic, infantile,..brilliantly highstrung.1964C. M. Thompson in M. R. Green Interpersonal Psychoanal. xxxiii. 315 So much for the outward picture of preschizophrenia.Ibid. 316 It is characteristic of the preschizophrenic that all true object relationships are impossible.1965A. F. Korner in B. I. Murstein Handbk. Projective Techniques ii. 29 Conversely, frank psychotics..often produce Rorschachs that reflect less of a schizophrenic process than do records of pre⁓schizophrenics.1852Bailey Festus xxxi. (ed. 5) 533 As in *presecular time emergent thence.1874E. R. Lankester in Phil. Trans. CLXV. 39 The growth of the ovarian egg and its envelopes or *præseminary development.1897Lippincott's Med. Dict. 825/2 *Presenile, occurring before old age: as, presenile alopecia or baldness.1903Lancet 22 Aug. 517/2 The patients in the severe cases are men as a rule in the pre-senile stage and they present well-marked cardio-vascular lesions.1912Brit. Med. Jrnl. 16 Nov. 1379/1 He has hitherto limited the term ‘melancholia’ to cases occurring at the climacteric and the pre-senile period of life.1913Jrnl. Nervous & Mental Dis. XL. 386 Further investigation of the types of mental makeup out of which an involutional depression may develop..may throw light on the peculiar combination of symptoms seen in the presenile psychosis.1950D. B. Kirby Surg. of Cataract x. 193/2 The presenile soft cataract up to the fourth decade may be handled by discission.1976F. Warner Killing Time i. vi. 17 Impaired mental and motor functions, presenile dementia, usually followed by death.1880Swinburne Stud. Shaks. 247 A *pre-Shakespearean word of single occurrence in a single play of Shakespeare's.1871Darwin in Life & Lett. (1887) III. 146, I should rely much on *pre-silurian times.1861Maine Anc. Law v. (1876) 114 The *prae-social state.1962E. Snow Red China Today (1963) lxxiii. 564 All three were born the ‘year of the flood’, 1949, and had no memory of a *presocialist China.1965B. Pearce tr. Preobrazhensky's New Econ. 88 A country like the U.S.S.R...must pass through a period of primitive accumulation in which the sources provided by pre-socialist forms of economy are drawn upon very freely.1855Bailey Spir. Leg. in Mystic, etc. (ed. 2) 75 For sun and moon *præsolar light precedes.1973Sci. Amer. Apr. 61/3 The molecules might be formed in the dense environs of a ‘presolar nebula’, that is, in the final phases of the collapse of a protostar into a self-luminous star.1979Nature 15 Feb. 556/1 According to the second model..the presolar grains condensed in a late supernova that triggered the collapse of the solar nebula.1937Sci. & Society I. 156 We have seen that *pre-Soviet scholarship..had given a theoretical basis for the treatment of any language as potentially capable of developing any expressions required of it.1949M. Mead Male & Female xi. 230 In pre-Soviet Russia there seems to have been extraordinarily little valuation placed on women's child-bearing character.1957R. N. C. Hunt Guide to Communist Jargon xxiii. 81 Where pre-Soviet expansionist policy was concerned, the party line changed in the middle 'thirties.1905H. D. Rolleston Dis. Liver 307 *Presplenomegalic form in which the enlargement of the liver precedes that of the spleen.1952C. Payne-Gaposchkin Stars in Making (1953) ii. 43 Nebulae like the one in Orion must represent the primitive *prestellar material.1978Sci. Amer. Apr. 112/1 The observational signpost for this pre⁓stellar stage is the emission by the cloud's many molecules of radio waves at wavelengths measured in millimeters.1958C. Rabin in Aspects of Translation 130 *Pre-Structuralist works on grammar recognized this fact by separating the description of forms (‘accidence’) from the discussion of their meaning, which appeared as part of ‘syntax’.1961Brno Studies in English III. 11 Cases..were decidedly unknown to pre-structuralist study of language.1933L. Bloomfield Language 220 Some suffixes have *pre-suffixal stress: the accent is on the syllable before the suffix.1977Language LIII. 10 If a German were to create a new word by adding the suffix -ig ‘ish’ to Kind ‘child’, the result would be [kindiç] with presuffixal d as in [kindər].1973Publ. Amer. Dial. Soc. lx. 34 In such dialects, the /r/ is treated as if it were *presyllabic, as an apical alveolar consonant.1951Dorland's Med. Dict. (ed. 22) 1212/1 *Presymptomatic, existing before the appearance of symptoms.1966New Society 12 May 7/2 Donaldson's finding that one in six ‘healthy’ people has presymptomatic disease.1978Nature 9 Nov. 173/1 Bubbles moving in blood vessels have been successfully detected by the Doppler method in experiments confirming their significance and presymptomatic existence.1951N. Goodman Struct. Appearance i. i. 23 Care..must be exercised..when one word..has both a systematic and a *presystematic use. For example, ‘is a member of’ is used in several different presystematic ways and also as the mere verbal reading of the systematic sign ‘ε’.1964E. Bach Introd. Transformational Gram. v. 92 With..the free use of any presystematic knowledge of the language, we choose the analyses which maximize the independence of the classes set up.1951N. Goodman Struct. Appearance i. i. 22, I use ‘*presystematically’ for ‘according to ordinary usage’.1975Jrnl. Philos. LXXII. 552 Presystematically, the physicalist onto⁓logical position is simply put: ‘Everything is physical.’1882Siemens in Nature XXVI. 393 *Pre-telegraphic days, when the letter-carrier was our swiftest messenger.1959Listener 17 Sept. 429/1 The rings were unknown in *pre-telescopic times.1976Jrnl. R. Soc. Arts CXXIV. 564/1 There were even observatories in pre-telescopic times.1852Bailey Festus xxx. (ed. 5) 500 To meditative converse most devote, And strict collation of the Spirit-book With the *pretemporal volume, writ of God.1894Mitchell tr. Harnack's Hist. Dogma App. i. 319 The pretemporal existence was a matter of certainty.Ibid. 322 The old idea of *preterrestrial existence with God.1966C. G. Hempel Philos. Nat. Sci. vi. 75 While the internal principles of a theory are couched in its characteristic theoretical terms.., the test implications must be formulated in terms..which are ‘antecedently understood’,..terms that have been introduced prior to the theory and can be used independently of it. Let us refer to them as antecedently available or *pretheoretical terms.1966Y. Bar-Hillel in Automatic Transl. of Lang. (NATO Summer School, Venice, 1962) 8 So far, I have been using ‘syntactic complexity’ in its pretheoretical and unanalysed vague sense.1968A. J. Ayer Origins of Pragmatism 335 So far as anything can be, qualia are pre⁓theoretical.1953H. A. T. Reiche et al. tr. Jaspers's Tragedy is not Enough i. 31 *Pre-tragic knowledge is rounded out, complete, and self-contained.1957N. Frye Anat. Crit. 210 The Greek ananke or moira is in its normal, or pre-tragic, form the internal balancing condition of life.1960H. Read Forms of Things Unknown xi. 177 From this point of view Stoicism is more complete; and above all that serene code of ethics achieved in ancient China—‘the feeling of security without the shadow of tragedy, a natural and sublime humanity, a sense of being at home in this world, and a wealth of concrete insights’, to quote Jaspers' own description of pre-tragic knowledge.1965N. Chomsky Aspects of Theory of Syntax 213 In the syntactic component of this (*pretransformational) grammar, indices on category symbols were used to express agreement..but not subcategorization and selectional restrictions.1973Word 1970 XXVI. 396 Yet perhaps all we have to do is to rephrase Cohen's distinction between langue bébé and langue adulte by calling the former ‘pre⁓transformational language’. Then, there would still remain the necessity of explaining how..a child suddenly employs transformations.1908Westm. Gaz. 8 July 12/2 Translated from *Pre-Vedic Sanskrit.1935G. K. Zipf Psycho-Biol. of Lang. (1936) iv. 160 In pre-Vedic Sanskrit, the accent might be on the last syllable.1905F. E. Clements Res. Methods Ecol. 321 *Prevernal, pertaining to early spring.1908Science 7 Feb. 207/1 Overtopped by the autumnal, the sublayers are successively those of the serotinal, estival, vernal and prevernal.1926[see aspect n. 14].1960N. Polunin Introd. Plant Geogr. x. 285 In temperate forests..the seasonal aspects are apt to be important—in particular the prevernal (i.e. before spring) one of herbs which flower before the shading tree-leaves expand.1933Blunden Charles Lamb 193 It was Lamb's instinctive utterance of indignation against the spirit of the *pre-Victorians, the tendency to make a boudoir or a Persian heaven.1964D. Owen Eng. Philanthropy (1965) 5 Victorians and pre-Victorians agitated..for more efficient employment of..charitable trusts.1973M. R. Booth Eng. Plays of 19th Cent. III. 25 The materialism of the age, its social ambition and self-seeking drive..are topics not really explored in pre-Victorian comedy.1979‘J. Gash’ Grail Tree i. 17 Ceramics and pre-Victorian tapestries.1866S. H. Hodgson Princ. Reform Suffrage 103 A part of the *prevolitional nature of man.2. a. With ns. or phrases forming quasi-adjs. or attrib. phrases: pre-advertisement, pre-advertising (belonging to the days before advertising was usual), pre-amalgamation, pre-betrothal, pre-breakfast, pre-Broadway, pre-cession, pre-chloroform, pre-Christmas, pre-civilization, pre-Civil War, pre-coition, pre-college, pre-computer, pre-consonant, pre-convention, pre-crusade, pre-crusading, pre-development, pre-dinner, pre-dispersion, pre-disruption, pre-dynamite, pre-Easter, pre-emancipation, pre-employment, pre-enclosure, pre-examination, pre-free-trade, pre-game, pre-Inca, pre-increase, pre-independence, pre-inscription, pre-invasion, pre-Islam, pre-jazz, pre-launch, pre-legislation, pre-liberation, pre-life, pre-log-rolling, pre-London, pre-lunch, pre-machine, pre-market, pre-marketing, pre-marriage, pre-Mutiny, pre-oïdium, pre-ovulation, pre-pause, pre-phylloxera, pre-pneumatic-tire, pre-police, pre-portraying, pre-pottery, pre-printing, pre-qualificative, pre-radio, pre-recognition, pre-railroad, pre-railway, pre-Reformation, pre-relativity, pre-remittance, pre-Renaissance, pre-retirement, pre-revolution, pre-season, pre-seizure, pre-settlement, pre-show, pre-sleep, pre-subject, pre-telegraph, pre-television, pre-theatre, pre-tour, pre-treaty, pre-vaccination, pre-vowel, pre-wire, pre-work, pre-world. The use of these appears to have begun about 1860. b. with personal names, meaning ‘before the time or public work of’: e.g. pre-Augustine, pre-Chamberlain, pre-Gladstone, pre-Hitler, pre-Jenner, pre-Johnson, pre-Reynolds, pre-Shakespeare, etc. c. Adjs. of the type in 2 a, b above are sometimes used adverbially (cf. pre prep.), as pre-emergence below, pre-tax, pre-war advs.pre-eˈmergence, occurring, performed, or applied before the emergence of seedlings from the soil; also absol. and as adv.; pre-ˈflame, occurring in a gas flow before it reaches a flame.1889Pall Mall G. 6 Nov. 1/2 In the *pre-advertisement era a good newspaper was the exclusive luxury of the rich.1866Standard 27 Aug. 4/7 Holders of *pre-amalgamation preferences.1861J. G. Sheppard Fall of Rome xiii. 719 Early British, or *pre-Augustine Christianity.1896Crockett Cleg Kelly (ed. 2) 92 The men..answering one another in *pre-breakfast monosyllables.1977Times 19 Nov. 13/3 The musical itself is definitely an oddity of the form, and comes here with less than triumphant *pre-Broadway credits.1920Chambers's Jrnl. 13 Nov. 786/2 The natives obtained, individually or communally, land to which in the *pre-cession days they could not have established a claim.1925T. Dreiser Amer. Trag. (1926) I. ii. xxvii. 338 Clyde..was invited by her to attend a *pre-Christmas dance.1976Morecambe Guardian 7 Dec. 5/2 Getting party games organised is one of those pre-Christmas chores.1961Georgia Rev. Spring 10 In the *pre-Civil War years, the South argued that the slave was not less humanely treated than the factory worker of the North.1966Eng. Stud. XLVII. 154 Professor Parry is at his best when he is dealing with New York, either the pre-Civil War capital or the tumultuous city of the 1920's.1953N. Tinbergen Herring Gull's World iv. 120 Head-tossing is the main part of the *pre-coition behaviour.1957R. K. Merton Student-Physician 122 The greater intimacy between fathers and sons during the *precollege years.1960Farmer & Stockbreeder 29 Mar. 39/1 (Advt.), Pre-College Student, not under 18,..to acquire sound agricultural background.1976Sci. Amer. Apr. 34/2 It was in this atmosphere that the National Science Foundation precollege curricula in biology and the social sciences became the focus of extended and bitter controversy.1961Times 3 Oct. (Computer Suppl.) p. viii/3 A most efficient system of manufacturing, restocking and transport had been devised in the *pre-computer days.1949E. A. Nida Morphol. (ed. 2) ii. 20 The allomorphs are listed in a structurally corresponding fashion. First is given the *preconsonant form and secondly the prevowel form.1977Time 7 Nov. 61/1 The message and the methods are modeled after those of Billy Graham, down to *precrusade organization (by a staff of 17) and convert counseling.1869Routledge's Ev. Boy's Ann. 370 It was not an uncommon event in *pre-Davenport days for some mountebank to allow himself to be tied hand and foot.1945Times 29 June 5/6 Then there was at least a scheme in the *pre-development stage to provide the V2 rocket with wings, which had great possibilities.1942C. Milburn Diary 25 Dec. (1979) 162 The sherry..was our *pre-dinner appetiser.1963L. Deighton Horse under Water xiv. 60 We went back to H.K.'s for pre-dinner drinks.1968‘H. Pentecost’ Gilded Nightmare (1969) i. iii. 46 The Trapeze Bar..is a predinner meeting place for the very rich.1978M. Gilbert Empty House x. 87 Roger..was relaxing with his pre-dinner drink.1892J. MacKinnon Culture in Celtic Scot. i. v. 51 The Celts carried with them in their wanderings from their *predisruption home, a theology.1886F. H. Doyle Remin. 26 In the happy *predynamite days.1864B. Lumley Remin. Opera 37 Whatever success attended the *pre-Easter season.1940, etc. *Pre-emergence [see post-emergence s.v. post- B. 1].1971Arable Farmer Feb. 15/3 Tri-allate applied pre-emergence to wheat to control wild oat.1977J. L. Harper Population Biol. of Plants 112 In addition a ‘safe site’ is one from which specific hazards are absent—such as predators, competitors, toxic soil constituents and pre-emergence pathogens.1942Amer. Rev. Tuberculosis XLV. 643 The increasing adoption of *preëmployment X-ray examination.1949H. C. Weston Sight, Light & Efficiency vii. 225 Whenever a pre-employment test..is applied the examinee should wear any glasses he is in the habit of wearing.1971Flying (N.Y.) Apr. 113/3 (Advt.), Airline employment test... Pre-employment tests.1934Webster, *Pre-enclosure.1945H. J. Massingham in F. Thompson Lark Rise to Candleford p. ix, Intact from a pre-industrial and pre-Enclosure past.1957Brit. Med. Jrnl. 7 Sept. 551/2 *Pre-examination strain can be defined as the condition wherein the nervous tension is of such a quality that it diminishes the efficiency of study and impairs the prospects of success.1978S. Allan Inside Job i. 17 She giggled nervously in the way Sheila remembered from pre-examination tension at school.1924Colliery Guardian CXXVII. 1443/2 Experiments show that contact with a heated surface may act in two ways: generally the ignition point is raised by the absorption of heat due to *pre-flame combustion on a surface large enough to be only slightly affected itself.1973Boldt & Griffiths in J. P. Allinson Criteria for Quality of Petroleum Products v. 59 Amongst the main preflame products are the highly temperature sensitive peroxides and if these exceed a certain critical threshold concentration, the end gas will spontaneously ignite before the arrival of the flame front emanating from the sparking plug: this causes detonation or ‘knocking’.1898Daily News 2 Nov. 2/2 A school to whose welfare I am still as much attached as I was when in the golden sixties I enjoyed the happiness of the *pre-flogging, pre-bullying era.1951Time 26 Feb. 78 C.C.N.Y., the heavy *pre-game favorite each time, lost to Missouri (54–37), Arizona (41–38) and Boston College (63–59).1976Billings (Montana) Gaz. 17 June 1-h/5 Saturday's game at the Metra begins at 8:00 p.m., and pregame coverage goes on the air at 7:30.1977J. F. Fixx Compl. Bk. Running xxiii. 258 If at some football training tables the pregame meal is still steak, it is only because common sense is too often no match for tradition.1938E. Waugh Scoop i. iv. 74 A volume of *pre-Hitler German poetry.1960News Chron. 4 May 5/6 Old Berlin songs that recalled carefree pre-Hitler days.1908Encycl. Relig. & Ethics I. 469/2 (heading) The *pre-Inca people.1950J. H. Steward Handbk. S. Amer. Indians VI. 533 In both Inca and pre-Inca Coastal sites there is found..a good deal of cotton in the seed.1974Encycl. Brit. Macropædia XIV. 133/1 The dryness of the central and southern coasts has preserved the remains of a long succession of pre-Inca peoples.1976Evening Post (Bristol) 23 Apr. 21/2 (Advt.), Mini 850, antique gold, at *pre-increase price.1977Horse & Hound 14 Jan. 44/3 (Advt.), New Rice eventer at pre-increase price, {pstlg}666 on the road.1960Daily Tel. 9 July 6 The example of the Congo strengthens the case..for taking every possible precaution in our own territories to maintain law and order in the tense *pre-independence days.1977Time 15 Aug. 15/1 In preindependence days, Makarios battled the British with the legendary Colonel George Grivas.1894Westm. Gaz. 22 Jan. 3/3 Merivale..wrote in the *pre⁓inscription and the pre-Mommsen period.1944Hutchinson's Pict. Hist. War 27 Oct. 1943–11 Apr. 1944. 413 (caption) A U.S. officer pointing out a target to general Eisenhower during *pre-invasion manoeuvres by an American Armoured Unit in England.1967Freedomways VII. 111 He knows the bombing and shelling and mining we are doing are part of traditional pre-invasion strategy.1926Whiteman & McBride Jazz vii. 157 The foreign market for American music in *pre-jazz times was poor.1934C. Lambert Music Ho! iii. 198 The melodic shape is clearly the most important factor in pre-jazz popular music.1959‘F. Newton’ Jazz Scene iv. 68 Most of the material thus collected was ‘pre⁓jazz’.1963IEEE Trans. Product Engin. & Production VII. iv. 39/1 The Surveyor spacecraft is subjected to several combinations of environment during *prelaunch, boost, free flight, retro, landing and lunar operation. Vibration and shock are negligible during prelaunch operations because of careful handling.1967A. Battersby Network Analysis (ed. 2) 303 He then goes on to build up the pre-launch stock, advising M as soon as the required stock level has been reached.1970N. Armstrong et al. First on Moon ii. 45 The conversation..as always during a pre-launch breakfast, was studiedly casual.1967Listener 13 Apr. 481/1 What I should like to see is more consultation with Members of Parliament before legislation is prepared: what I call *pre-legislation committees.a1974R. Crossman Diaries (1976) II. 528 A few weeks ago Roy Jenkins wrote me a long minute to say that he couldn't permit a pre-legislation committee on privacy.1962E. Snow Red China Today (1963) ii. 25 Near the Hsin Ch'iao I picked one [sc. a two-seater pedicab] up, pumped by a neatly dressed gray-haired gentleman who said he pulled a rickshaw at the old Peking Hotel in the ‘*pre⁓liberation’ days.1974tr. Wertheim's Evolution & Revolution 287 In pre-liberation China religion in the Confucianist form was associated with the establishment.1937R. A. Wilson Birth of Lang. iv. 99 The formative energy which produced the tree must..have been latent in the *pre-life matter.1958Observer 15 June 13/4 Scientists believe that pre-life processes may be occurring on the moon.1962F. I. Ordway et al. Basic Astronautics vi. 258 The search for evidence of extraterrestrial life, or at least prelife carbon compounds.1967J. B. Davis Petroleum Microbiol. ii. 19 There is no evidence of pre-life organic matter being incorporated in the sedimentary environment of geologic formations.1887Pall Mall G. 5 Jan. 4/1 The simple souls of the *pre-log-rolling era.1959P. Bull I know Face vi. 102 The Leeds incident occurred quite late in the *pre-London tour.1961Nottingham Even. Post 28 July 12 The play is on its pre-London tour.1962G. Butler Coffin in Oxford iv. 64 They had..made a film..and had now moved..to Oxford for the pre-London run.1938D. Kincaid Brit. Social Life in India xii. 276 The elderly gathered together in the clubs for *pre-lunch drinks.1955A. Ross Australia 55 131 This was the first of four successive gloomy pre-lunch sessions for England.1974Times 4 Nov. 14/4 An appropriate pre-lunch appetizer.1957K. A. Wittfogel Oriental Despotism i. 13 Temperature and surface are the outstanding constant elements of the agricultural landscape. This was true for the *pre⁓machine age; and it is still essentially true today.1970G. E. Evans Where Beards wag All xvi. 177 All, or nearly all, of the old terms connected with the pre-machine farming in the region are no longer used.1963Wall St. Jrnl. 9 Oct. 3/1 The council..proposed ‘*premarket’ safety testing of cosmetics.1977N.Y. Rev. Bks. 14 Apr. 37/2 The modifications of law which constitute the subject of his book are elements of what Karl Polanya called the ‘great transformation’ from a pre-market to a market society.1960Farmer & Stockbreeder 5 Jan. 95/1 Results on farms throughout the country confirm the evidence of *pre-marketing trials that Dictol will protect animals against husk.1902Daily Chron. 1 Sept. 3/4 The attitude taken up by *pre-Mutiny officers towards their troops.1920G. Saintsbury Notes on Cellar-Bk. i. 7 This was *pre-oïdium and pre-phylloxera wine.1922Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med. XIX. 380 Coincident with ovulation in the pigeon there occurs an increase of the blood sugar to 25 per cent. or more above the *pre⁓ovulation value.1975Ann. Human Biol. II. 325 Variations in the pre-ovulation interval are also indicated by the timing of mid-cycle hormonal peaks.1934M. K. Pope From Latin to Mod. French ii. xvii. 222 The *prae⁓pause form of the word, the one with sounded consonant, was retained very generally.1953Language XXIX. 419 There is agreement that there are pitch factors in at least two different kinds of pre-pause terminals (‘terminal junctures’).1920*Pre-phylloxera [see pre-oïdium].1957R. Campbell Portugal 53 We may never hope to taste again the crowning glories of the best pre-phylloxera vintages.1972Country Life 25 May 1309/3 Christie's will sell over 100 small lots of mid-19th century port and pre⁓phylloxera claret.1897Daily News 4 Jan. 6/3 The picturesqueness of Cairo in the *pre-plaster-of-Paris age.1864Realm 22 June 5 The highwayman of our old-fashioned romances and *pre-police reports cried, ‘Stand and deliver!’ as he met you.1876Geo. Eliot Dan. Der. xxxvi, Old portraits stretching back..to the *pre-portraying period.1949W. F. Albright Archaeol. Palestine iii. 62 In the *pre-pottery Neolithic Age man took an important forward step in the Near East.1960K. M. Kenyon Archaeol. in Holy Land ii. 45 It may be inferred with a high degree of probability that this Pre-Pottery Neolithic A settlement of Jericho was based on a successful system of agriculture.1977G. Clark World Prehist. (ed. 3) ii. 51 Phases II and III of the Mesolithic period in the Levant, commonly termed ‘Pre-pottery Neolithic A and B’ in the literature.1924H. E. Palmer Gram. Spoken Eng. 183 (heading) Adverbs in the *pre⁓qualificative position... These immediately precede the qualificative... They also precede any other adverb they may modify.1946R. Blesh Shining Trumpets (1949) x. 220 The first hot records..sold by the millions and, in those *preradio days, disseminated jazz more rapidly..than a score of travelling bands.1949Bruner & Postman in Bruner & Krech Perception & Personality (1950) 26 Differential availability [of response systems]..leads to certain characteristic ‘normalizing’ *prerecognition responses in our incongruity experiments.1970Jrnl. Gen. Psychol. LXXXIII. 24 As a corollary of lower recognition thresholds with increased information, we can expect fewer prerecognition responses.1900Daily News 26 Nov. 8/3 Mr. Tuckwell remembers Oxford in the *pre-railway, pre-science, pre-earnestness days.1860Thackeray Round. Papers, De Juventute, We elderly people have lived in that *prae-railroad world.Ibid., There will be but ten *prae-railroadites left.1868A. K. H. Boyd Less. Mid. Age 9 Only three dwellings in the city date from *pre-reformation days.1929Pre-Reformation [see pre-Renaissance below].1920A. S. Eddington Space, Time & Gravitation ix. 149 Action is one of the two terms in *pre-relativity physics which survive unmodified in a description of the absolute world.1946Mind LV. 161 A pre-relativity physicist could use the figure..by interpreting AM and TM as curves of velocity.1890‘R. Boldrewood’ Col. Reformer (1891) 281 This is my..*pre-remittance stage.1929T. S. Eliot Dante i. 19 A directness of speech which Dante shares with other great poets of pre-Reformation and *pre-Renaissance times.1976R. Pfeiffer Hist. Classical Scholarship 1300–1850 i. 21 There seems to be a slight shifting of emphasis to the advantage of the classics, inconceivable in pre-Renaissance times.1961A. Heron Solving New Probl. 21 Does the evidence obtained support a rationale for adapting a *pre-retirement planning and preparation programme to the needs of older employees of different occupational levels?1965J. Pollitt Depression & its Treatment vii. 91 Older patients have greater difficulty than those of pre-retirement age in readjusting their lives after illness.1976Evening Post (Nottingham) 16 Dec. 2/6 Support for a pre-retirement course run by Gedling Borough Council was so good that plans for a second session are already in the pipeline.a1902S. Butler Way of All Flesh (1903) xiv. 63 The *pre⁓revolution French peasant.1905Daily Chron. 11 Dec. 3/3 The obvious fact about painting in England in *pre-Reynolds days was the indifference to native practitioners.1939H. Nicolson Diary 3 Apr. (1966) 394 Apparently many of their [sc. the Polish army's] guns are pre-Revolution guns of the Russian Army.1978N. Marsh Grave Mistake iii. 91 A pre⁓revolution Russian stamp that was withdrawn on the day it was issued.1961Dallas Morning News 10 Oct. 2–2 It looks as if coach Hank Stram's men will meet the Bills just as they are developing into the kind of team they were expected to be in *pre-season reckonings.1970N. Armstrong et al. First on Moon vii. 144 In sports, the Houston Oilers are showing plenty of enthusiasm in their early preseason workouts.1975Cricketer May 27/2 D. J. Insole will be giving all first-class umpires a pre-season briefing.1979N.Y. Post 10 Aug. 17 In one of our most bizarre pre-season presidential campaigns, an incumbent President is being dismissed by both the opposition and large sectors of his own party as a non-person.1926Rows & Bond Epilepsy iv. 87 In the *pre-seizure period the disturbances of consciousness often commence with a slight difficulty in the power of attention and pass through the stages of dreamy states and fugues to complete unconsciousness.1966Jrnl. Neurol., Neurosurg. & Psychiatry XXIX. 253/2 The E.E.G. appeared normal on all the pre⁓seizure tracings.1926Glasgow Herald 19 Oct. 9 Before the contests, there are whispers of excellent *pre-show performances of competing cows.1960Farmer & Stockbreeder 2 Feb. 84/1 Sons of several famous bulls were in competition in the showyard and their fortunes were the subject of considerable pre-show speculation.1964Language XL. 269 Nobody has made a thorough study of *presleep soliloquies before.1970N. Armstrong et al. First on Moon xiii. 333 We're standing by for an exciting evening of TV and a presleep report.1924H. E. Palmer Gram. Spoken Eng. ii. 182 Adverbs in the *pre-subject position.1961R. B. Long Sentence & its Parts xx. 471 No comma is used after pre-subject adjunct clauses functioning as clause markers in assertives.1976Archivum Linguisticum VII. 32 It looks like the same pre-subject position that we called I in the ‘kernel’ form of the sentence.1965B.B.C. Handbk. 28 Even though BBC radio's evening audience is much less than it was in *pre-television days it is by no means inconsiderable.1969Listener 15 May 700/3 Sponsorship has entered into the scheme of things. So has advertising, which was never around in pre-television days.1974Times 17 Aug. 7/4 The older school of comedians, the pre-television comics.1953R. Fuller Second Curtain v. 74 The place was filling up: a few were eating *pre-theatre meals.1967A. Bailey in L. Deighton London Dossier 49 This is really a lunch or pre⁓theatre restaurant, since it closes at 8.30 p.m.1977Rolling Stone 7 Apr. 30/2 *Pre-tour jitters are an occupational hazard the McGarrigle sisters have avoided up to now.1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. II. 184 In Great Britain during *prevaccination times, small-pox showed a periodic intensity of prevalence, every three, four, or five years.1949E. A. Nida Morphol. (ed. 2) ii. 16 Word-initial *prevowel glottal stops.1977Time 26 Dec. 41/2 The message rings out, too, at the early morning *pre-work prayer meetings held by businessmen.1923D. H. Lawrence Birds, Beasts & Flowers 99 Fishes, With..their *pre-world loneliness.II. Denoting local position: in which pre- = before, in front of, anterior to.These appear to have arisen since 1825: see preocular 1826, predorsal 1831, prepigmental 1835.These are generally written without the hyphen, which may however be used when it makes the composition clearer, as before a vowel. Pre- is usually |ˌpriː|, but may be |prɪ| when it immediately precedes the main stress, as in preˈvertebral.3. In adjs. (also sometimes used as ns.), chiefly Anat. and Zool., denoting parts or organs situated in front of (or, rarely, in the front part of) other parts or organs. Also occas. with ns. directly forming ns., as prealbumin.pre-aceˈtabular, in front of the acetabulum or socket of the hip; pre-ˈanal, in front of the anus; pre-aˈortic, in front of the aorta; pre-aˈpicial, Conch.: see quot.; pre-ˈauditory, in front of the auditory nerve; preˈbasal, in front of a base or basal part; preˈbasilar, in front of a basilar part; prebrachial |-ˈbreɪkɪəl|, in front of the brachium or upper arm; applied to a group of muscles; also to a vein in the wing of some insects; prebranchial |-ˈbræŋkɪəl|, in front of the gills or branchial region; prebronchial |-ˈbrɒŋkɪəl|, in front of the bronchi or bronchia; preˈbuccal [L. bucca cheek], situated in front of the mouth or buccal cavity; = preoral; preˈcardiac, in front of or (in Human Anat.) above the heart; preˈcaudal, situated in front of the caudal vertebræ; preˈcentral, anterior to the centre; applied to parts of the brain; preˈcerebroid, situated anterior to a cerebroid organ; precocˈcygeal, in front of the coccyx; preˈcondylar, -oid, in front of the condyles; preˈcorneal, situated on the front of the cornea (Cent. Dict. 1890); preˈcostal, in front of the ribs; preˈcrucial, anterior to the crucial sulcus of the brain; preˈdentary, in front of the dentary bone (in some reptiles); preˈdigital, noting the two remiges attached to the second phalanx of the second digit; preˈdorsal, anterior to the dorsum or dorsal region; preˈgenital, in front of the genital aperture or external genital organs (Cent. Dict.); preˈglenoid, in front of the glenoid fossa: applied to a process of the temporal bone (also ellipt. as n.): also pregleˈnoidal (ibid.); preˈhyoid, in front of the hyoid bone; preˈlabial, in front of the lips, or a labium (in an insect or crustacean); preˈlumbar, in front of the loins; premanˈdibular, in front of the mandible: applied to a bone of the lower jaw in some fishes, reptiles, etc.; also as n.; preˈmotor, applied to the anterior part of the precentral area of the frontal lobe of the brain, which is concerned with the co-ordination of activities in the motor area immediately posterior to it; preocˈcipital, in front of the occipital lobe of the brain; preœsoˈphageal, in front of the œsophagus, or, in invertebrates, of the œsophageal ring; preˈpalatal, in front of the palate; spec. in Phonetics, of a consonant articulated with obstruction of the airstream immediately in front of the palate; also preˈpalatine (Cent. Dict.); preparocˈcipital, in front of the paroccipital convolution of the brain; prepaˈtellar, situated above or in front of the patella; prepatellar bursitis, inflammation of the prepatellar bursa; = housemaid's knee s.v. housemaid c; preperitoˈneal, in front of the peritoneum; prepigˈmental, in front of the pigmental layer of the eye; prepiˈtuitary, anterior to the pituitary body; preˈpontile, in front of the pons Varolii (pons 2); preproˈstatic, in front of the prostate gland; prepyˈloric, anterior to the pylorus or small end of the stomach; preˈrectal, in front of the rectum; preˈrenal, in front of the kidney; preˈsacral, in front of the sacrum; presemiˈlunar, in front of the semilunar lobe of the cerebellum; preˈspinal: see quot.; prespiˈracular, in front of a spiracle; presubˈterminal, before a subterminal; preˈsylvian, in front of the Sylvian fissure of the cerebrum; presymˈphysial, in front of a symphysis or point of union, usually of the jaw; prethoˈracic, in front of the thorax; preˈtibial, in front of, or on the front part of, the tibia; preˈtracheal, in front of the trachea or windpipe; pretymˈpanic, in front of the tympanum of the ear; also as n. = pretympanic bone or cartilage; preˈvertebral, in front of the vertebral column; preˈvesical, in front of the bladder (Cent. Dict.).1866*Pre-acetabular [see postacetabular s.v. post- B. 2].1870Rolleston Anim. Life 29 The presence of praeacetabular spurs.1890Cent. Dict., *Preanal.1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. II. 1034 The four pairs of pre-anal and three pairs of post-anal papillæ on the tail of the male.1890Billings Med. Dict., *Preaortic plexus, aortic plexus.1858Mayne Expos. Lex., Præapiciālis,..applied to the hinge of a bivalve shell, when, being on the back of the valve, it is before the summit: *preapicial.1875Huxley & Martin Elem. Biol. (1883) 187 The *Præauditory nerves are the following. 3. Motores oculorum [etc.].1890Cent. Dict. s.v., The *prebasal plate of a myriapod.1858Mayne Expos. Lex., *Prebasilar.1887Coues & Shute, *Prebrachial [group of muscles] (C.D.).1893E. A. Butler Househ. Insects 179 The chief difference is in the præbrachial nervure (the third on the disc of the wing towards the tip).1887Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. 108 The aperture in the *prebranchial zone is small.1888Encycl. Brit. XXIII. 611/2 The prebranchial zone, which separates the branchial sac behind from the branchial siphon in front.1883Athenæum 29 Dec. 870/3 The air-cells of the flamingo, which were shown to..agree with those of storks in having the *præbronchial air-cell much divided.1858Mayne Expos. Lex., Præbuccalis,..applied to a kind of funnel which precedes the mouth..in the Holothuriæ, termed the *prebuccal cavity.1890Cent. Dict., *Precardiac.1895Syd. Soc. Lex., Precardiac, on the cephalic side of, or superior..to, the heart.1854Murchison Siluria x. (1867) 238 A wide expanded *pre⁓caudal joint.1890Billings Med. Dict., *Præcentral sulcus,..furrow on convex surface of hemispheres in front of anterior central convolution, running parallel to central sulcus.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VII. 284 The ascending frontal or precentral convolution [of the brain].1870Rolleston Anim. Life 107 Which has not any separate *præ-cerebroid ganglion frontale developed upon it as in insects.1893Athenæum 25 Mar. 382/2 The parts of the urostyle and *precoccygeal vertebræ.1866Owen Anat. Vert. II. 78 The position..of the *precondylar groove..helps in the determination of the bird-affinities.Ibid. 532 The jugular fossa is distinct from the *precondyloid and carotid foramina.1854Skel. & Teeth in Orr's Circ. Sc. I. Org. Nat. 197 For the insertion of the *precostal ligament.1885Athenæum 3 Jan. 20/3 A distinct and conspicuous lozenge-shaped patch of brain substance defined by the crucial and *precrucial sulci.1889Nicholson & Lydekker Palæont. II. 1155 The mandible [in the Iguanodontidæ], again, presents the peculiar feature of having a horse-shoe-like *predentary bone at the extremity of the symphysis.1887Wray in Proc. Zool. Soc. 348 The *pre⁓digitals are the only other remiges of the manus which show modifications of any interest.1831R. Knox Cloquet's Anat. 772 They..anastomose with those of the heart and lungs, and enter the *predorsal ganglia.1842Dunglison Med. Lex., Prædorsal Region of the vertebral column is the anterior surface of the dorsal region.1949I. F. & W. D. Henderson Dict. Sci. Terms (ed. 4) 351/1 *Prehyoid, mandibulo-hyoid; appl. cleft between mandible and ventral parts of hyoid arch.1974D. & M. Webster Compar. Vertebr. Morphol. vii. 129 In living amphibians the hypobranchial muscles can be divided into a prehyoid and a posthyoid group.1852Dana Crust. i. 24 The anterior portion of the *prælabial plate pertains to the same segment as the second antennæ.1842Dunglison Med. Lex. s.v., The *prelumbar surface of the spinal column is the anterior surface of the lumbar portion.1854Owen Skel. & Teeth in Orr's Circ. Sc. I. Org. Nat. 271 There are three..laniaries at the anterior end of each *pre⁓mandibular bone.Ibid. 273 The exposed portions of the premaxillaries and premandibulars are incased by a complicated dental covering.1900Miall & Hammond Harlequin Fly vi. 169 The third is the premandibular segment.1932Brain LV. 534 In the baboon forced grasping appeared five to six days after removal of the motor and *premotor areas.1978Sci. Amer. Oct. 52/2 (caption) The premotor area is involved in complex motor activity such as operating a typewriter.1889Buck's Handbk. Med. Sc. VIII. 152/2 *Preoccipital fovea.1854Owen Skel. & Teeth in Orr's Circ. Sc. I. Org. Nat. 208 The *prepalatal or naso-palatal aperture.1902, etc. Pre-palatal [see medio-palatal adj. s.v. medio- 2].1925P. Radin tr. Vendryès's Language i. i. 23 We distinguish..the pre-palatals and the post-palatals.1934Priebsch & Collinson German Lang. ii. i. 88 The s was more prepalatal.1958J. Berry in J. A. Fishman Readings Sociol. of Lang. (1968) 741 Is it better..that all related languages of southern Ghana write the prepalatal affricate ‘tʃ’ uniformly so, or (under cultural pressure of the trade language), ‘ch’?1964Archivum Linguisticum XVI. 22 The affricate ch [č] or the corresponding pre-palatal x [š].1973Amer. Speech 1969 XLIV. 265 An r produced by passing the breath between the underside of the apex of the tongue and the postalveolar or prepalatal region.1977Word 1972 XXVIII. 248 Caballero..described the [ž] as a voiced prepalatal.1882C. B. Nancrede in J. Ashhurst Internat. Encycl. Surg. II. 717 (heading) *Pre-patellar bursa.1890Billings Med. Dict., Prepatellar, in front of the patella.1895in Syd. Soc. Lex.1900Lancet 20 Oct. 1142/1 The ‘deep prepatellar bursa’..is surely a misnomer, for the bursa is not prepatellar in the least degree.1902R. T. Frank tr. Albert's Diagnosis Surg. Dis. xxxiii. 370 Prepatellar bursitis requires but casual mention. A strictly circumscribed, elastic tense swelling directly in front of the patella is characteristic.1927W. C. Campbell Orthopedics of Childhood xii. 217 Pre-patellar bursitis is commonly due to excess kneeling. The symptoms are similar to those of bursitis elsewhere.1964Australasian Post 21 May 13, I rushed off in anguish and looked up prepatellar bursitis in a medical dictionary. It was..housemaid's knee.1904Br. Med. Jrnl. 3 Dec. 83 *Preperitoneal Fatty Tumours.1835–6Todd's Cycl. Anat. I. 553/1 We..regard [this layer]..as constituting a true *prae-pigmental retina.1839–47Ibid. III. 235/2 Certain accessory glands..called..*preprostatic.1875Huxley & Martin Elem. Biol. (1877) 132 A short ‘*pre-pyloric’ ossicle which ascends obliquely forwards and is articulated with the anterior edge of the pyloric piece.1877Huxley Anat. Inv. Anim. vi. 319 With this process is articulated, posteriorly, a broad prepyloric ossicle.1890Billings Med. Dict., *Prerectal.1878Bell tr. Gegenbaur's Comp. Anat. 434 The lumbar region contains the *pre-sacral group of vertebræ.1889Nicholson & Lydekker Palæont. II. 1056 There are 29 vertebræ, of which 18 are presacral.1842Dunglison Med. Lex., *Prespinal, that which is situate before the spine. The prespinal surface of the vertebral column is the anterior surface.1902Nature 16 Oct. 604/1 The last-mentioned [sc. the chorda tympani] is spoken of as..*pre⁓spiracular in position.1975Ibid. 10 Apr. 483/3 Patterson confirms the homology between the spiracular groove of primitive actinopterygians..and the ‘pre-spiracular groove’ of rhipidistians.1895Meyrick British Lepidoptera 239 Discal dot beyond median *praesubterminal not black-marked.1868Owen Anat. Vert. III. 137 Cerebral Folds: Sylvian..*Presylvian..Postsylvian.1888Geol. Soc. Quart. Jrnl. XLIV. 146 The largest *presymphysial bone recorded in the annals of vertebrate anatomy.1870Rolleston Anim. Life 108 The number..is never made up of the same *pre-thoracic, thoracic, abdominal, and post-abdominal factors.1842Dunglison Med. Lex., *Pretibial,..situate before the tibia; as the ilio-pretibial and ischio-pretibial muscles.1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. II. 457 Diminished tactile sensibility of the pretibial skin area.1898Ibid. V. 211 The glands most affected are the anterior or *pretracheal.1854Owen Skel. & Teeth in Orr's Circ. Sc. I. Org. Nat. 178 The foremost of the two middle pieces is the ‘*pre⁓tympanic’.1858Mayne Expos. Lex., Pretympanic, applied..to the anterior subdivision of the tympanic pedicle which supports the mandible in fishes.1880Günther Fishes iii. 55 The next bone of the series is the pretympanic or metapterygoid, a flat bone forming a bridge towards the pterygoid.1840G. V. Ellis Anat. 570 A gangliated portion situated by the side of the vertebral column, and of *prevertebral plexuses.
word-forming element meaning "before," from Old French pre- and Medieval Latin pre-, both from Latin prae (adverb and preposition) "before in time or place," from PIE *peri- (cognates: Oscan prai, Umbrian pre, Sanskrit pare "thereupon," Greek parai "at," Gaulish are- "at, before," Lithuanian pre "at," Old Church Slavonic pri "at," Gothic faura, Old English fore "before"), extended form of root *per- (1) "beyond" (see per).
The Latin word was active in forming verbs. Also see prae-. Sometimes in Middle English muddled with words in pro- or per-.
pre- /pri:, unstressed prɪ/ prefix. Also (now only in words regarded as Latin or relating to Roman antiquity) prae-.
ORIGIN: Repr. Latin prae (adverb & preposition) before, in front, in advance.
Used in words adopted from Latin and in English words modelled on these, and as a freely productive prefix.
1.Prefixed adverbially to verbs, verbal derivs., and adjectives, and adjectivally to (chiefly verbal) nouns, with the senses ‘earlier, prior (in time or order)’, ‘beforehand, previously’, ‘in front, anterior(ly)’, and (not productive) ‘before in importance, more than, beyond’, ‘exceedingly’, as prearrange, precaution, precede, precordial, predominant, etc.
2.Prefixed prepositionally to nouns and noun stems with the sense ‘situated or occurring before or in front of, earlier than, anterior to, preceding’ as Precambrian, prenatal, prewar, etc.
 DERIVATIVE pre-ˈact verb intrans. & trans. act or carry out beforehand M17.
pre-ˈaction noun previous action M17.
pre-ˈadjunct noun (Grammar) an adjunct that precedes the word it modifies L19.
preadˈmission noun admission beforehand: spec. the admission of a certain amount of steam into the cylinder of a steam engine before the end of the back stroke: L19.
preadoˈlescence noun the preadolescent period M20.
preadoˈlescent adjective & noun (a) adjective nearly adolescent; belonging to the two or three years before adolescence; (b) noun a preadolescent child: E20.
pre-adult /pri:ˈadʌlt, pri:əˈdʌlt/ adjective that has not yet reached adulthood, that occurs prior to adulthood E20.
preadˈvise verb trans. advise or warn beforehand L17.
pre-ˈagonal adjective occurring immediately before the moment of death L19.
pre-agriˈcultural adjective (Anthropology) that has not yet developed agriculture as a means of subsistence E20.
pre-ˈAids adjective (a) before the onset of full-blown Aids but after infection with HIV; (b) before the recognition of Aids as a disease: L20.
preˈalbumin noun (Biochemistry) a plasma protein with an electrophoretic mobility slightly greater than that of albumin; spec. one in human blood which binds thyroxine and the retinol-binding protein M20.
pre-ˈanimism noun (Anthropology) a stage of religious development held to have preceded animism, in which material objects were invested with spiritual energy E20.
pre-aniˈmistic adjective (Anthropology) characterized by or pertaining to pre-animism E20.
pre-aˈnnounce verb trans. announce beforehand M19.
pre-aˈnnouncement noun the action of pre-announcing something; an announcement made beforehand: L19.
preanˈticipate verb trans. (rare) anticipate beforehand M17.
pre-aˈppoint verb trans. appoint beforehand E17.
pre-aˈppointment noun previous appointment, prearrangement M17.
preˈaspirate verb trans. (Phonetics) aspirate (a sound) in advance of another sound M20.
pre-aspiˈration noun (Phonetics) aspiration in advance of another sound M20.
pre-aˈssign verb trans. assign beforehand M20.
pre-aˈtomic adjective existing or occurring before the utilization of atomic energy or atomic weapons; characteristic of such a time: E20.
preaˈttune verb trans. attune beforehand L18.
preˈaudience noun (Law) the right to be heard before another, relative rank M18.
pre-auˈricular adjective (Anatomy) (a) designating a groove situated immediately anterior to the inferior margin of the auricular surface of the ilium, and better developed in the female than in the male; (b) situated in front of the ear(s): L19.
pre-ˈaxial adjective (Anatomy) situated in front of an axis L19.
pre-bacterioˈlogical adjective before the discovery of the relationship of bacteria to disease L19.
preˈbaiting noun the practice of accustoming vermin to harmless bait so that they will take poisoned bait more readily M20.
preborn adjective & noun (US) esp. in the language of anti-abortion campaigners: (designating) a fetus M20.
preˈcancer noun (Medicine) a condition which is expected to lead to the development of cancer M20.
preˈcancerous adjective (Medicine) occurring as a precursor of cancer, tending to be followed by cancer L19.
preˈcarcinogen noun (Medicine) a precursor of a carcinogen M20.
preˌcarcinoˈgenic adjective (Medicine) of or pertaining to a precarcinogen; capable of causing a preneoplastic condition: M20.
preˈcellular adjective (Biology) existing or occurring before the origin of cellular life M20.
preˈcentral adjective (Anatomy) designating parts of the cerebrum anterior to the central sulcus L19.
preˈcivilized adjective existing or occurring before the development of civilization M20.
preˈclimax noun (Ecology) a point in a plant succession at which development has ceased before the state of climax is reached E20.
preˈclinical adjective (Medicine) (a) pertaining to or designating the first stage of medical education, consisting chiefly of scientific studies; (b) preceding the onset of recognizable symptoms that make a diagnosis possible; (c) preceding clinical testing of a drug: M20.
pre-Coˈlumbian adjective occurring or existing before the arrival in America of Columbus L19.
precommiˈssural adjective (Anatomy) anterior to a commissure of the brain L19.
pre-ˈCommunist adjective existing or occurring before the time of Communist government; characteristic of such a time: L20.
precomˈpose verb trans. compose beforehand M17.
precomˈpress verb trans. (Building) compress prior to some other treatment M20.
pre-comˈpression noun (Building) the compressive force exerted in prestressed concrete by the reinforcing rods M20.
preconˈdemn verb trans. condemn beforehand M17.
preconˈfigure verb trans. configure in advance; adapt beforehand: E19.
preˈconquest adjective occurring or existing before a conquest, spec. (pre-Conquest) before the Norman Conquest of England in 1066 L19.
preconˈsider verb trans. consider beforehand M17.
preconsideˈration noun prior consideration; a preliminary consideration: L16.
preconsoˈnantal adjective occurring in a word before a consonant M20.
preˈcontour noun (Phonetics) an unstressed syllable which precedes the peak of a contour M20.
preˈcook verb trans. cook in advance, cook before the warming given at the time of eating M20.
preˈcool verb trans. cool prior to use or some further treatment, esp. further cooling to a very low temperature E20.
preˈcooler noun a device for precooling something E20.
preˈcoracoid adjective & noun (Anatomy) (a bone or cartilage) situated anterior to the coracoid L19.
preˈcostal adjective situated in front of a rib or (Entomology) a costal vein of a wing M19.
pre-ˈcritical adjective occurring prior to the critical treatment of a subject L19.
preˈcut verb trans. cut prior to some other operation M20.
preˈcystic adjective (Zoology) (of a protozoan) that is preparing to encyst E20.
pre-ˈdecimal adjective existing at or dating from a time before the introduction of decimal currency in the UK (in 1971) L20.
predeˈclare verb trans. (rare) declare or announce beforehand M17.
pre-deˈlinquency noun behaviour which is likely to lead to (juvenile) delinquency M20.
pre-deˈlinquent adjective & noun (a) adjective of, pertaining to, or characterized by pre-delinquency; (b) noun a person engaged in pre-delinquency: M20.
predeˈsign verb trans. design, contrive, or intend beforehand L17.
pre-ˈdigital adjective belonging to or characteristic of the period preceding the widespread adoption of digital technologies L20.
prediˈluvian noun & adjective (a) noun a person who lived before the Flood described in Genesis; (b) adjective = antediluvian adjective 1: E19.
predisˈcover verb trans. discover beforehand M17.
predisˈcovery noun & adjective (a) noun previous discovery; (b) adjective occurring or performed before the discovery of something: M17.
predissociˈation noun (Physics) the passage of a molecule between a quantized vibrational and rotational excited state and an unquantized dissociated state of the same energy, resulting in certain bands in the spectrum of the molecule being diffuse and lacking rotational fine structure E20.
preˈdoom verb trans. (a) condemn beforehand; (b) foreordain, predestine, (to): E17.
predyˈnastic adjective (hist.) existing or occurring before the recognized Egyptian dynasties L19.
pre-ˈecho noun (a) a faint copy of a loud sound occurring in a recording shortly before the original sound; (b) fig. a foreshadowing, an anticipation: M20.
pre-eˈlectric adjective belonging to the time before the use of electricity, esp. in the making of gramophone records M20.
pre-eˈmergence, pre-eˈmergent adjectives occurring, performed, or applied before the emergence of seedlings from the soil M20.
pre-ˈemphasis noun a systematic distortion of an audio signal prior to transmission or recording in anticipation of a corresponding decrease (de-emphasis) made during reception or playback (a technique aimed at improving the signal-to-noise ratio) M20.
pre-ˈemphasize verb trans. subject to pre-emphasis M20.
pre-ˈentry adjective prior to entry; spec. designating a closed shop in which trade-union membership is a prerequisite of appointment to a post: M20.
pre-esˈtablish verb trans. establish beforehand M17.
pre-expoˈnential adjective (Math.) occurring as a non-exponential multiplier of an exponential quantity M20.
pre-fade noun (Broadcasting) (an instance of) monitoring of programme material prior to fading up M20.
preˈfashion verb trans. fashion or shape beforehand E17.
pre-ˈfeudal adjective of the time before a country's adoption of a feudal system M20.
pre-fine noun (Law, now hist.) a fee due on the issue of a writ before the fine was passed M17.
preˈfinished adjective (of metal) coated or treated before leaving the mill so as to make further finishing unnecessary M20.
preˈfire verb trans. fire (pottery, clay, etc.) beforehand, esp. before glazing M20.
pregaˈlactic adjective (Astronomy) existing or occurring before the galaxies were formed L20.
pregangliˈonic adjective (Anatomy) (of an autonomic nerve) running from the central nervous system to a ganglion L19.
pregeoˈlogical adjective pertaining to or designating the period of the earth's history before the formation of the oldest known rocks L19.
pre-ˈgraduate adjective = undergraduate adjective E20.
preˈharvest adjective occurring before a crop is ready to be gathered M20.
pre-ˈictal adjective (Medicine) preceding a stroke or (esp. epileptic) fit M20.
pre-implanˈtation adjective (Biology) occurring or existing between the fertilization of an ovum and its implantation in the wall of the uterus M20.
pre-ˈInca adjective existing or occurring in S. America before the time of the Incas E20.
pre-inˈcline verb trans. incline or dispose beforehand L17.
pre-ˈindicate verb trans. indicate or point out beforehand E19.
pre-inˈdustrial adjective of or pertaining to the time before industrialization L19.
pre-inˈform verb trans. inform beforehand L18.
pre-inˈstall verb trans. (Computing) load (software) on to a computer before use L20.
pre-inˈterpret verb trans. interpret beforehand M17.
pre-ˈintimate verb trans. intimate beforehand E19.
ˌpre-intiˈmation noun (a) previous intimation E19.
pre-inˈvasive adjective (Medicine) (of a tumour) that has not yet become invasive M20.
pre-Isˈlamic adjective before the time of Islam L19.
pre-ˈLatin adjective pertaining to or designating any of the Italic languages older than Latin M20.
preload noun a load applied beforehand M20.
preˈload verb trans. load beforehand; esp. give (a bearing etc.) an internal load independent of any working load (e.g. to reduce noise in operation): M20.
preˌlumirhoˈdopsin noun (Biochemistry) an isomer of rhodopsin, stable at low temperatures, which is formed by the action of light on rhodopsin and changes spontaneously to lumirhodopsin M20.
pre-ˈmakeready noun (Printing) the preparations made before a letterpress block or forme goes to press M20.
preˈmedial adjective & noun (a thing) occurring or situated in front of the medial line or a medial position M19.
pre-meiˈotic adjective (Cytology) occurring before meiosis; that has not yet undergone meiosis: E20.
premeˈnarchal, premeˈnarcheal, premeˈnarchial adjectives (Medicine) occurring or existing before the menarche; (of a female) who has not yet menstruated: M20.
premenoˈpausal adjective (Medicine) preceding the menopause; of or pertaining to the premenopause: M20.
preˈmenopause noun the stage of a woman's life immediately preceding the menopause M20.
pre-ˈmention verb trans. (rare) mention previously or beforehand M16.
preˈmerit verb trans. (rare) merit or deserve beforehand E17.
pre-ˈmilking noun the removal of milk from a cow's udder before the birth of her calf M20.
preˈmodern adjective preceding or existing before a modern period or time E20.
pre-ˈmoral adjective pertaining to or designating a stage of development prior to the acquisition of moral responsibility M19.
preˈmorbid adjective (Medicine) preceding the occurrence of symptoms of disease M20.
preˈmotor adjective (Anatomy) designating the anterior part of the precentral area of the frontal lobe of the brain, concerned with coordinating activities in the adjacent motor area M20.
preˈmoult adjective & noun (Zoology) (a) adjective preceding the moult in birds, insects, etc.; (b) noun a premoult stage or period: M20.
premultipliˈcation noun (Math.) non-commutative multiplication by a preceding factor M19.
preˈmultiply verb trans. (Math.) multiply non-commutatively by a preceding factor M19.
preˈmyelocyte noun (Medicine) = promyelocyte E20.
prename noun a forename L19.
prenegotiˈation noun & adjective (a) noun a preliminary negotiation; (b) adjective occurring before a negotiation: M20.
preneoˈplastic adjective (Medicine) occurring prior to the development of a neoplasm, tending to be followed by neoplasia M20.
preˈneural adjective (Zoology) designating a skeletal element in chelonians that lies between the nuchal bone and the neural bones E20.
pre-ˈnotice noun (rare) previous notice or intimation L17.
prenotifiˈcation noun (rare) previous notification M18.
prenoun noun (Grammar) a word which usu. precedes and is closely related to a noun M19.
preˈnova noun (Astronomy) a star prior to its becoming a nova M20.
preˈocular adjective (Zoology) situated in front of the eye E19.
pre-ˈOedipal adjective (Psychology) existing or occurring before the onset of the Oedipal phase of development M20.
pre-ˈoption noun an option before anyone else; right of first choice: M17.
pre-ˈoral adjective (Zoology) situated in front of the mouth L19.
preˈorbital adjective (Anatomy & Zoology) situated in front of the orbit or eye socket M19.
pre-ˈorder verb trans. (rare) order, arrange, or appoint beforehand M17.
pre-ordinance noun previously established ordinance or rule LME–E17.
pre-ovuˈlatory adjective (Medicine) occurring before ovulation M20.
preˈpalatal adjective (a) Anatomy situated in front of the palate or palatal bones; (b) Phonetics (of a consonant) articulated with obstruction of the air stream in front of the palate: M19.
prepaˈtellar adjective (Anatomy & Medicine) situated above or in front of the patella; prepatellar bursitis, inflammation of the prepatellar bursa, housemaid's knee: L19.
preˈpatent adjective (Medicine) designating the period between parasitic infection of a host and the time when the parasite can first be detected E20.
preperˈception noun previous perception; a condition preceding perception: L19.
preˈplan verb trans. plan in advance M20.
preˈplanetary adjective (Astronomy) existing before the formation of planets; spec. (of matter) from which the planets were formed: M20.
pre-ˈpreference adjective (of shares, claims, etc.) ranking before preference shares etc. M19.
pre-preˈpare verb trans. prepare or produce (esp. food) in advance M19.
preˈprimate noun (Zoology) an evolutionary ancestor of the primates; a related animal showing characteristics more highly developed in the primates: M20.
pre-proˈfessional adjective & noun (a) adjective preliminary to professional training; (b) noun a person who is training for a profession: M20.
preˈprogram verb trans. program (a computer or calculator) beforehand M20.
preˈprohormone noun (Biochemistry) a natural precursor of a prohormone L20.
prepsyˈchotic adjective (Medicine) occurring prior to the onset of psychosis; (displaying symptoms) indicative of the imminent onset of psychosis: E20.
prepubliˈcation adjective & noun (a) adjective issued or occurring in advance of publication; (b) noun publication in advance: E20.
prepulse noun a preliminary pulse of electricity M20.
preˈpunched ppl adjective (of a card) having holes already punched in it; (of information) already represented as a pattern of holes: M20.
prepyˈramidal adjective (Anatomy) situated in front of the pyramids of the medulla oblongata in the brain M19.
preˈqualify verb intrans. & trans. qualify in advance, esp. in advance of a sporting event L20.
prequark noun (Particle Physics) = preon L20.
pre-ˈrational adjective based on mental processes more primitive than reason; intuitive: E20.
pre-ˈreader noun (a book designed for) a person who is about to learn to read M20.
prereˈduction noun (Genetics) separation of homologous chromatids, or (earlier) reduction of chromosome number, at the first meiosis rather than the second E20.
pre-reˈflective adjective prior to reflection or reasoning thought M20.
pre-reˈflexive adjective = pre-reflective L20.
pre-reproˈductive adjective occurring before the time when an individual becomes capable of reproduction E20.
pre-revoˈlutionary adjective (a) existing before a (particular) revolution; (b) verging on revolution: M19.
pre-rinse noun a preliminary rinse given to something before washing, esp. in an automatic washing machine M20.
pre-ˈRoman adjective of or pertaining to the time before the rise of Rome, esp. before the founding of the republic in 509 bc M19.
pre-Roˈmantic adjective & noun (a composer or writer) of the period before the Romantic Movement M20.
preˈscapular adjective anterior to the spine or long axis of the shoulder blade L19.
prescienˈtific adjective of or pertaining to the times before the development of modern science or the application of scientific method M19.
pre-ˈscoring noun (Cinematography) the recording of a sound track in advance of the shooting of the film it is to accompany M20.
preˈscreen verb trans. screen beforehand M20.
preˈsenile adjective (Medicine) occurring in or characteristic of the period of life preceding old age, esp. the period of middle age L19.
preseˈnility noun (Medicine) premature senility E20.
presensitiˈzation noun sensitization beforehand L20.
preˈsensitize verb trans. sensitize beforehand M20.
pre-ˈservice adjective of or pertaining to a period before a person or thing is ready for service or use E20.
preˈsexual adjective preceding or not yet influenced by sexual activity or sexual awareness; pre-pubertal: E20.
preˈsign verb trans. (arch.) signify or indicate beforehand L16.
presoak noun a soaking given prior to some subsequent treatment E20.
pre-Soˈcratic adjective & noun (Philosophy) (a) adjective of or pertaining to the period before Socrates; (b) noun any of the Greek philosophers of the 6th and 5th cents. bc who preceded Socrates: L19.
preˈsolar adjective (Astronomy) = prestellar L20.
preˈsphenoid noun & adjective (Anatomy) (designating) the most anterior bone of the floor of the cranium (in humans the front part of the sphenoid bone) M19.
preˈstellar adjective (Astronomy) not (yet) having formed a star or stars M20.
preˈstore verb trans. (esp. Computing) store beforehand M20.
pre-ˈstretch verb trans. (Building) = pre-tension verb M20.
presyˈnaptic adjective (a) Cytology existing or occurring prior to meiotic synapsis; (b) Physiology of, pertaining to, or designating a neuron that transmits a nerve impulse across a synapse: E20.
preˈsystole noun (Physiology) the period immediately preceding systole L19.
presysˈtolic adjective (Physiology) preceding systole; of or pertaining to presystole: M19.
preˈtape verb trans. pre-record on tape M20.
pre-tax adjective (of earnings, profits, etc.) considered before the deduction of tax M20.
preˈtectal adjective (Anatomy) situated in front of the tectum; of or pertaining to the pretectum: E20.
preˈtectum noun (Anatomy) the pretectal region of the brain M20.
pre-ˈteen adjective & noun (orig. US) (a) adjective in or suited to the years (immediately) prior to one's teens; (b) noun a pre-teenager: M20.
pre-ˈteenager noun a child (just) under the age of thirteen M20.
preˈterminal adjective preceding that which is terminal M20.
preˈtibial adjective (Medicine) situated or occurring in front of, or on the front part of, the tibia M19.
preˈtrain verb trans. (Psychology) train in advance of an experiment or test M20.
preˈtreat verb trans. treat beforehand M20.
preˈtreatment noun & adjective (a) noun treatment given beforehand; (b) adjective existing before treatment: E20.
preˈtypify verb trans. typify beforehand, prefigure, foreshadow M17.
preˈvernal adjective (chiefly Ecology) pertaining to or designating a period before or very early in spring E20.
preˈviable adjective (Medicine) before the stage when a fetus has developed sufficiently to survive outside the womb E20.
prevoˈcational adjective given or performed as preparation for vocational training E20.
preˈwarn verb trans. (rare) (a) give advance warning of (an event); (b) warn (a person) beforehand; forewarn: E17.
pre-wash noun a preliminary wash, esp. as performed in an automatic washing machine M20.
preˈwash verb trans. give a preliminary wash to; wash before putting on sale: L20.
preˈwire verb trans. wire beforehand; spec. put in (a building or vehicle) during construction wiring for services such as alarms or communications that are normally installed afterwards: M20.
prezyˈgotic adjective (Biology) occurring before or independently of fertilization M20.
before: Prewar = before the war. Pre-Cambrian = before the Cambrian.
beforehand: Preview = view beforehand.
before, as in position or space; in front of: Premolar = in front of the molars.
[< Latin prae- < prae before]
UsageWhen pre- is joined to a root with initial e, the latter has usually been spelled with ë or preceded by the hyphen: preëmpt, pre-empt; most writers and editors now omit these marks: preempt, preexistence. The hyphen is also used before roots with an initial capital letter: pre-Christian. Otherwise prefix and root are joined directly without any mark: preoccupy, prescription. Words not separately defined in this dictionary appear in the following listing: word-list-pre-
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French & Latin; Old French, from Latin prae-, from prae — more at for
  (1) : earlier than : prior to : before
   < predeparture >
   < prehistoric >
   < pre-Slavic >
   < pre-Victorian >
  (2) : preparatory or prerequisite to
   < premedical >
   < preprofessional >
  (3) : in a formative, incipient, or preliminary stage
   < precartilage >
 b. : in advance : beforehand
  < precut >
  < prejudge >
  < preplan >
 a. : in front of : before
  < preanal >
  < preaxial >
  < premolar >
 b. : at the front : anterior : constituting a front part
  < preabdomen >
  < presternum >
 a. : exceedingly
  < prenoble >
  < preadore >
 b. petrography : predominating in a ratio greater than 5:3
  < prealkalic >
  < precalcic >
  < prechloric >

  • prae- (archaic, technical, or pedantic)
  • præ- (archaic, technical, or pedantic)
  • Prefix

    1. Before; used to form words meaning "in front of (in space)".
    2. Before; used to form words meaning "before (in time)".


    From the Borrowing from Latin prae-, from the preposition prae (“before”).

    Usage notes

  • This prefix is usually prefixed to words without using a hyphen (for example, prefix, predate). A hyphen is used in the following cases:
  • Where excluding a hyphen would be likely to lead to a mispronunciation of the word because "pre" appears not to be a complete syllable (for example, "pre-yaw course", which could be read as "prey aw course" if unhyphenated).
  • Always in British English before the letter e (for example, pre-existing)
  • Often in British English before other vowels (for example, pre-operative);
  • Always in all varieties of English before a character other than a letter (for example, pre-1960).
  • Synonyms

  • ante-
  • before
  • for-
  • in front of
  • Antonyms

  • after-
  • post-
  • Derived terms

    English words prefixed with pre-
  • pré-
  • precocious
  • precognition
  • predate
  • pre-existing
  • prefix
  • preheat
  • premonition
  • pre-op
  • pre-operative
  • preposition
  • prequel
  • presage
  • preview
  • previous
  • pre-war
  • See also

  • fore
  • pre
  • 前缀:pre-


    prewar 战前的

    preposition 前置词,介词

    pre-liberation 解放前的

    prefix 前缀

    preschool 学龄前的

    predawn 黎明前的

    prehistory 史前期

    preteen 十三岁以前的孩子

    precondition 前提

    prehuman 人类以前的

    preconference 会议前的

    predeparture 出发前的


    preexamination 预试

    prepay 预付

    prebuilt 预建的,预制的

    prejudge 预先判断

    premade 预先做的

    preheat 预热(炉灶等)

    prechoose 预先选择

    precool 预先冷却

    predetermine 预定,先定

    preocook 预煮




    【同源单词】:precaution, precede, precedent, preceding, precise





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