1970 B. Brewster tr. Althusser & Balibar's Reading Capital (1975) ii. iii. 83All the visible phenomena and practico-empirical concepts produced by the economic world.
1966 A. Manser Sartre xiii. 207,I want to say..that all men are slaves in so far as their experience of life takes place in the realm of the practico-inert and in the exact measure in which this realm is originally conditioned by scarcity.
1975 B. Cooper tr. Aron'sHist. & Dialectic of Violence ii. 41Alienation presupposes the moment of original freedom and translucid praxis. Otherwise, it would but remain the experience of the practico-inert, the activity-passivity that we live out each day, and could not be recognized as the experience of bondage.
1975 F. Copleston Hist. Philos. IX. xvii. 379Man thus falls under the domination of the ‘practico-inert’ which he himself has created. Man makes the machine; but the machine then reacts on man, reducing him to the level of the practico-inert, to what can be manipulated.
1976 A. S. Smith tr. Sartre's Critique Dialectical Reason 829Practico-inert, matter in which past praxis is embodied.
1970 B. Brewster tr. Althusser & Balibar's Reading Capital iii. 314Ideology..is distinguished from a science not by its falsity, for it can be coherent and logical (for instance, theology), but by the fact that the practico⁓social predominates in it over the theoretical, over knowledge.
Ibid. i. 54In the 1857 Introduction, Marx writes..‘practico-spiritual (praktisch-geistig) appropriation of this world’.
ORIGIN: from practical adjective or praxis : see -o- .