mid-15c., "born after the death of the originator" (author or father), from Late Latin posthumus, from Latin postumus "last, last-born," superlative of posterus "coming after, subsequent" (see posterior). Altered in Late Latin by association with Latin humare "to bury," suggesting death; the one born after the father's death obviously being the last. An Old English word for this was æfterboren, literally "after-born." Related: Posthumously.
〔李〕[post-=after 后;hum=earth or grave 土,墓;-ous a.=being⇒“after one being in the grave 某人入土之后的”→] a. happening after death 死后的,身后的
〔李〕[post-;hum;-ousa.] a.死后的; 死后出版的 ←hum (L humus)=ground or earth 地面; 土地