trachelo-|trəˈkiːləʊ|combining form representing Gr. τράχηλος neck, occurring in modern scientific terms, chiefly of anatomy. traˌchelo-aˈcromiala.andn., name of a muscle connecting the acromion or extremity of the shoulder-blade with the vertebræ of the neck. traˌchelo-branchiate|-ˈbræŋkɪeɪt|a.Zool., having branchia or gills on the neck, as the division Trachelobranchia of gastropod molluscs. traˌchelo-bregˈmatica.[bregma], denoting a diameter of the head: see quot.traˌcheloclaˈviculara., denoting a small muscle occasionally connecting one of the vertebræ of the neck with the clavicle or collar-bone. traˌcheloˈmastoida.andn., name of a muscle at the back of the neck, connecting it with the mastoid process of the temporal bone. traˌchelo-ocˈcipitala., connecting the neck and the occiput: applied to the muscle usually called complexus (complexus2). traˈcheloplasty[-plasty], tracheˈlorrhaphy[Gr. ῥαϕή sewing], Surg., repair or suture of a laceration of the neck of the womb. traˌcheloˈscapulara., common to the neck and scapular region or shoulder, as the branches of the external jugular vein. trachelotomy|trækɪˈlɒtəmɪ|Surg.[Gr. τοµή cutting], amputation of the neck of the womb.1891Cent.Dict., *Trachelo-acromial.1899in Syd. Soc.Lex.1891Cent.Dict., *Trachelobranchiate.1857Bullock Cazeaux' Midwif. 221 The vertical diameter, properly so called, or the *trachelo-bregmatic, traverses the head perpendicularly, passing from the most elevated point of the vertex to the anterior part of the occipital foramen.1891Cent.Dict., *Tracheloclavicular.1899in Syd. Soc.Lex.1840G. V. Ellis Anat. 136 The *trachelo-mastoid, the other muscle of prolongation to the longissimus, is situated internal to the transversalis colli.1891Cent.Dict., *Trachelo-occipital.1899in Syd. Soc.Lex.1890Billings Med.Dict., *Tracheloplasty, operation for closure of a laceration of the cervix uteri.1886Brit.Med.Jrnl. 2 Jan. 1/1 The deep laceration was repaired by *trachelorraphy, five stitches being used.1891Cent.Dict., *Trachelo⁓scapular.1899in Syd. Soc.Lex.1890Billings Med.Dict., *Trachelotomy, amputation of the cervix uteri.