1530s, "of or relating to cities or towns," from Middle French urbain (14c.) and directly from Latin urbanus "belonging to a city," also "citified, elegant" (see urban). The meaning "having the manners of townspeople, courteous, refined" is from 1620s, from a secondary sense in classical Latin. Urbanity in this sense is recorded from 1530s. For sense connection and differentiation of form, compare human/humane; german/germane.
〔李〕[urb;-anea.] a.城市气派的; 有礼貌的,文雅的 ←urb (L urbs,urbis)=city 城市
〔李〕a. 有礼貌的;文雅的 [urb =city] ←-ane [L] 表示“有⋯性质的”
〔蒋〕[urb城市,-ane(=-an)形容词后缀,表示有…性质的,原义来自”城市的人比乡村的人文雅”] 文雅的,有礼貌的