

词汇 up
Online Etymology Dictionary

Old English up, uppe, from Proto-Germanic *upp- "up" (cognates: Old Frisian, Old Saxon up "up, upward," Old Norse upp; Danish, Dutch op; Old High German uf, German auf "up"; Gothic iup "up, upward," uf "on, upon, under;" Old High German oba, German ob "over, above, on, upon"), from PIE root *upo "up from below" (cognates: Sanskrit upa "near, under, up to, on," Greek hypo "under, below," Latin sub "under;" see sub-).
As a preposition, "to a higher place" from c.1500; also "along, through" (1510s), "toward" (1590s). Often used elliptically for go up, come up, rise up, etc. Up the river "in jail" first recorded 1891, originally in reference to Sing Sing, which is up the Hudson from New York City. To drive someone up the wall (1951) is from the notion of the behavior of lunatics or caged animals. Insulting retort up yours (scil. ass) attested by late 19c.
1550s, "to drive and catch (swans)," from up, adv.. Intransitive meaning "get up, rise to one's feet" (as in up and leave) is recorded from 1640s. Sense of "to move upward" is recorded from 1737. Meaning "increase" (as in up the price of oil) is attested from 1915. Compare Old English verb uppian "to rise up, swell." Related: Upped; upping. Upping block is attested from 1796.
"that which is up," 1530s, from up, adv.. Phrase on the up-(and-up) "honest, straightforward" first attested 1863, American English.
c.1300, "dwelling inland or upland," from up, adv.. Meaning "going up" is from 1784. From 1815 as "excited, exhilarated, happy," hence "enthusiastic, optimistic." Up-and-coming "promising" is from 1848. Musical up-tempo (adj.) is recorded from 1948.

词根:up = up, over表示“向上”

upbraid v. 叱骂;谴责(up+braid辫子→向上抓辫子→谴责)

upheaval n. 隆起;动乱(up+heavel举起→举起来→动乱)

uphold v. 支持;拥护(up+hold→向上拿住→拥护)

uproot v. 连根拔;根除(up+root根→根向上→根除)

upturn n. (价格)上涨,转好(up+turn转→向上转→上涨)

upgrade n. 升级;上升(up+grade等级→升级)

upbound a. 上行的;上水的(up+bound向….方向走→向上方向走)

upfront a. 显著的;重要的(up+front前面→又在前面,又在上面→显著的)

backup n. 支持(back背后+up→背面向上推→支持)

setup n. 设置,设立(词组set+up的合写)





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