

词汇 bat
Online Etymology Dictionary

"a stick, a club," Old English *batt "cudgel," perhaps from Celtic (compare Irish and Gaelic bat, bata "staff, cudgel"), influenced by Old French batte, from Late Latin battre "beat;" all from PIE root *bhat- "to strike." Also "a lump, piece" (mid-14c.), as in brickbat. As a kind of paddle used to play cricket, it is attested from 1706.
Phrase right off the bat is 1888, also hot from the bat (1888), probably a baseball metaphor, but cricket is possible as a source; there is an early citation from Australia (in an article about slang): "Well, it is a vice you'd better get rid of then. Refined conversation is a mark of culture. Let me hear that kid use slang again, and I'll give it to him right off the bat. I'll wipe up the floor with him. I'll ---" ["The Australian Journal," November 1888].
flying mammal (order Chiroptera), 1570s, a dialectal alteration of Middle English bakke (early 14c.), which is probably related to Old Swedish natbakka, Old Danish nathbakkæ "night bat," and Old Norse leðrblaka "leather flapper" (for connections outside Germanic, see flagellum). If so, the original sense of the animal name likely was "flapper." The shift from -k- to -t- may have come through confusion of bakke with Latin blatta "moth, nocturnal insect."
Old English word for the animal was hreremus, from hreran "to shake" (see rare, adj.2), and rattle-mouse is attested from late 16c., an old dialectal word for "bat." Flitter-mouse (1540s) is occasionally used in English (variants flinder-mouse, flicker-mouse) in imitation of German fledermaus "bat," from Old High German fledaron "to flutter."
As a contemptuous term for an old woman, perhaps a suggestion of witchcraft (compare fly-by-night), or from bat as "prostitute who plies her trade by night" [Farmer, who calls it "old slang" and finds French equivalent "night swallow" (hirondelle de nuit) "more poetic"].
"to move the eyelids," 1847, American English, from earlier sense of "flutter as a hawk" (1610s), a variant of bate, v.2 on the notion of fluttering wings. Related: Batted; batting.
"to hit with a bat," mid-15c., from bat, n.1. Related: Batted; batting.

词根:bat = beat, 表示“打, 击”

batter v. 连续猛打(bat+ter常表示连续动作,如stutter口吃)

abate v. 减少,减轻(a不bat+e→不再打击→减轻[痛苦]等)

debate v. 辩论,讨论(de加强+dat+e→加强打击→反驳,辩论)

rebate v. 减少;回扣(re回+bat+e→打回去的[东西]→回扣)

combat n. 战斗(com共同+bal→共同→共同打→战斗)

baton n. 棍,警棍(bat+on)

battle n. 战斗(batt+le)

battalion n. 营(batt+alion表名词→打的[队伍]→部队的营)


combat [com-表示with,bat打;’to fight with,to fight against”] 战斗,格斗,竞争,反对

combatant [见上,-ant表示人] 战斗员;[-ant形容词后缀,…的] 战斗的

combative [见上,-ive形容词后缀,…的] 好斗的

battle [bat打,-le动词后缀] 战斗,斗争;[转为名词] 战役,会战

batter [bat打,-er动词后缀,表示连续动作] 连打,连续猛击

debate [de-加强意义, bat打;’打击”对方→驳倒对方] 争论,辩论

debatable [见上,-able可…的] 可争论的,可争辩的

debater [见上,-er表示人] 争论者

词根:bat = to strike, to beat(打)

  来自拉丁语的battere 意为 to strike,to beat。同义词根来自拉丁语的flict,cuss,fend/fens(fenc,fest),lid/lis,plaud/plaus(plod,plos,plex)等和来自盎格鲁-撒克逊语的sla。此外,bat还有to go的含义。


1. combatant(相互打 com(=togehter) + bat(=strike))
  combat v.战斗;和...作战 (com共同+bat打,击→共同打→战斗)
  combative adj.好斗的
  Several combatants were seen on the city's streets. 人们在街头上看见了风名战士。

2. abate (a不+bat打,击+e→不再打击→减轻[痛苦]等)
  v.(风、洪水、痛苦等)减轻,减少;废除 *a(=off)
  abatement 减少,减弱

3. bat

4. baton (bat打,击+on表名词→n.指挥棒,警棍)
  Field-Marshal's baton 陆军元帅的权杖

5. battalion (bat打,击+alion表名词→battalion→打的[队伍]→部队的营)
  squad 班;platoon 排;company 连;regiment 团;brigade 旅;division 师;corps 军

6. batter (batt(=bat)打,击+er反复做→batter接连重击)
  v.接续重击,砸烂 n.击球手
  battered old heap 老破车
  battering ram 攻城槌(捣破城墙时使用的古老武器)

7. battery (batt(=bat)打 + er反复做+y状态,性质等→殴打)
  masked battery 隐蔽的炮台
  car battery 车用蓄电池
  battery of ovens 一套烤箱

8. batting
  n. 击球
  batting average 击球率
  batting order 击球次序

9. battle
  n.战斗;战役;(the ~)胜利,成功 v.作战;斗争
  battlefield n.战场
  sham battle 模拟战
  battle of life 生存竞争
  die in battle 战死

10. battlement

11. batty
  adj. 神经错乱的,疯狂的

12. debate (de加强+bat打,击+e→加强打击→反驳,辩论)
  n.讨论;争论 v.讨论;争论;辩论 *de(=down)
  debater n.讨论者;辩论者
  debating society 辩论社会团

13. debatable
  debatable ground (国境等)存在争议的土地





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