tenui-|tɛnjuːɪ|Combining form of L. tenuis ‘thin, narrow, slender’, in scientific use in adjectives, as ˌtenuiˈcostate[L. costa rib], having slender ribs; so ˌtenuiˈfasciate[L. fascia band], ˌtenuiˈflorous[L. flōs, flōrem flower], ˌtenuiˈfolious[L. folium leaf], having narrow or thin leaves, ˈtenuipede[L. pēs, ped-em foot], ˌtenuiˈstriate[L. stria groove], having slender striæ.1860Mayne Expos.Lex., Tenuicostatus,..*tenuicostate.Ibid., Tenuiflorus,..*tenuiflorous.1657Physical Dict., *Tenuifolious, thin leav'd.1658Sir T. Browne Gard. Cyrus iv, Why Coniferous trees are tenuifolious or narrow⁓leaved?1860Mayne Expos.Lex., Tenuifolius,..tenuifolious.Ibid., Tenuipes,..having the feet small and compressed: *tenuipede.Ibid., Tenuistriatus,..*tenuistriate.