

词汇 un-
Online Etymology Dictionary

un- 1
  1. Not:
  2. Opposite of; contrary to:

  1. Middle English
  2. from Old English * see ne
    源自 古英语 *参见 ne

  1. There is occasional uncertainty as to the choice between the prefixesun- and in-. In general, the native English formun- is the more widely applicable. It is the usual choice with simple stems,as inunfair, unclean, uneven, or unripe, and with words bearing native English endings: unceasing, unmindful, unwealthy, unselfish, or unwholesome. In- is used primarily with established words originally having Latin endings: inaccurate, incapacity, indivisible, insignificant, illegal, impossible, or irregular. Sometimes the addition of a Latinate suffix to a word changes it from theun- category to the in- category: thus, we haveunable, unequal, unjust, undivided, and unstable but inability, inequality, injustice, indivisible, and instability. A few words with Latinate suffixes do takeun- : unadventurous, unceremonious, unconditional, and unconventional. A few stems appear with both prefixes with distinctions of meaning.Inhuman means “brutal, monstrous,” while unhuman means “not of human form, superhuman.” · When used with adjectives,un- often has a sense distinct from that of non-. Non- picks out the set of things that are not in the category denoted by the stem to which it is attached, whereasun- picks out properties unlike those of the prototypical exemplars of the category. Thusnonmilitary personnel are those who are not members of the military, whereas someone who isunmilitary is unlike a prototypical soldier in dress, habits, or attitudes.
    对于选择前缀-un 还是 -in 经常难以确定。 通常,原英语形式un- 是使用最广的。 它是一般被选作与简单的词干搭配,象不公平的、不干净的、不平衡的 或 不熟的, 也常常与带有英语词尾的词连用: 不停息的、不在意的、不富裕的、不自私的 或 不适合健康的。 In-主要与有拉丁字尾的固定字连用: 不精确的、无能力的、不可分的、不重要的、非法的、不可能的 或 不规律的。 有时在词后加一个拉丁词尾,会使un- 竟变为 in- 类: 这样就出现了不能够的、不平等的、不公正的、未分开的 和 不稳固的, 但是却有 无能、不平等、不公正,不可分的 和 非稳固性。 有些有拉丁后缀的词也与un- 连用: 无冒险性的、非正式的、无条件的 和 非传统的。 有些词干可以跟这两个前缀连用,但意义不同。Inhuman 意思是“粗野的,可恨的”但 unhuman 表示“非人形的,超人的”。 当un- 与形容词连用时,与 non-意义不同。 Non-区别出不属于主干所示类型的事物, 反之un- 则区别出与此类型中的典范性质不同的事物。 这样nonmilitary personnel 是指非军事人员, 而unmilitary 则表示与典型军人在衣着、习惯或态度上不同的人

un- 2
  1. To reverse or undo the result of a specified action:
    1. To deprive of or remove a specified thing:
    2. To release, free, or remove from:
  2. Used as an intensive:

  1. Middle English
  2. from Old English on-
    源自 古英语 on-
  3. alteration influenced by un- [not] * see un- 1
    un-的影响 [不] *参见 un-1
  4. of ond-, and-, an- [against, opposing] * see ant-
    ond-的变化, and-, an- [反对,相反的] *参见 ant-

  1. Strictly speaking, the intensive use ofun- in words such as unloose, unravel, unthaw, unstrip, or unrid is redundant: unloose has exactly the same sense as loose; unravel, as ravel; and so on. For this reason, many grammarians have suggested that the prefix be avoided,although they allow that it is well established in certain cases,such asunloose and unravel, and has been used by reputable writers:
    严格地说,-un- 在 松开、拆散、融化、剥去 或 除去 中的强调用法纯属多余: unlooselooseunravelravel ,诸如此类,意义完全相同。 因此有些语言家建议免去这个前缀,尽管他们承认这个用法在很多场合已经固定下来,如unlooseunravel ,而且很多知名作家也使用这种用法:
    “Pretended patriotism unstripped of its mask” (Oliver Goldsmith).
    “撕下面具的假爱国主义” (奥利弗·戈德史密斯)。
    “The weak wanton Cupid/Shall from your neck unloose his amorous fold” (Shakespeare).
    “脆弱而放纵的丘比特/会以你的脖颈松开他多情的拥抱” (莎士比亚)。
  2. Some constructions require the prefixed form:
    During the storm all the insulation came unstripped (not stripped ).
    During the storm all the insulation came unstripped(在暴风雨中所有绝缘材料都未被剥落)(而非 stripped )



(freely used with adjectives, participles, and their derivative adverbs and nouns: less frequently used with certain other nouns) not; contrary to; opposite of


from Old English on-, un-; related to Gothic on-, German un-, Latin in-


prefix forming verbs and verbal derivatives

denoting reversal of an action or state
denoting removal from, release, or deprivation


from Old English un-, on-; related to Gothic and-, German ent-, Latin ante

Example Sentences

About her hung a strong scent of Chanel No. 5. Where did she get it, wondered Stella, to whom French scent was an un- obtainable luxury.

Butler, Gwendoline Coffin on the Water
prefix of negation, Old English un-, from Proto-Germanic *un- (cognates: Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Old High German, German un-, Gothic un-, Dutch on-), from PIE *n- (source of Sanskrit a-, an- "not," Greek a-, an-, Old Irish an-, Latin in-), comb. form of PIE root *ne "not" (cognates: Avestan na, Old Church Slavonic and Lithuanian ne "not," Latin ne "that not," Greek ne- "not," Old Irish ni, Cornish ny "not"). Often euphemistic (such as untruth for "lie").
The most prolific of English prefixes, freely and widely used in Old English, where it forms more than 1,000 compounds. It underwent a mass extinction in early Middle English, but emerged with renewed vigor 16c. to form compounds with native and imported words. It disputes with Latin-derived cognate in-(1) the right to form the negation of certain words (indigestable/undigestable, etc.), and though both might be deployed in cooperation to indicate shades of meaning (unfamous/infamous), typically they are not.
It also makes words from phrases (such as uncalled-for, c.1600; undreamed-of, 1630s; uncome-at-able, 1690s; unputdownable, 1947, of a book; un-in-one-breath-utterable, Ben Jonson; etc., but the habit is not restricted to un-; such as put-up-able-with, 1812). As a prefix in telegramese to replace not and save the cost of a word, it is attested by 1936.
prefix of reversal, deprivation, or removal (as in unhand, undo, unbutton), Old English on-, un-, from Proto-Germanic *andi- (cognates: Old Saxon ant-, Old Norse and-, Dutch ont-, Old High German ant-, German ant-, Gothic and- "against"), from PIE *anti "facing opposite, near, in front of, before, against" (see ante).
More or less confused with un-(1) through similarity in the notions of "negation" and "reversal;" an adjective such as unlocked might represent "not locked" (un- (1)) or the past tense of unlock (un- (2)).
1prefix1 | 2prefix2 | 3prefix3

un- /ʌn/ prefix1. OE.
ORIGIN: Old English un- = Old Saxon, Old High German, Gothic un-, Old Norse ú-, ó-, corresp. to Old Irish in-, an-, Latin in-3, Greek an-5, a-10, Sanskrit an-, a-, from Indo-European ablaut var. of base of ne not.
1.Prefixed to adjectives, ppl adjectives, and nouns (esp. abstract nouns) to express negation or privation, as uneducated, unfair, unhappiness, unnourishing, unrest; sometimes expressing a reversal of sense, as unselfish, unsociable (in such cases a simple neg. is expressed using non-).b. Prefixed to verbs in ppl form as untouching. Chiefly Scot.
2.Forming parasynthetic adjectives from a noun + -ed, with the sense ‘not having (what is denoted by the noun)’, as unbranched, unjointed.b. Forming parasynthetic adjectives from verbal phrs., as uncalled-for, unget-at-able, unlived-in.
3.Forming adverbs in -ly, either by addition of un- to an adverb in -ly or by addition of -ly to an adjective in un-, as unmercifully, unprofessionally.
4.Redundantly prefixed to adjectives in -less as unmerciless, unrestless.
 NOTE  Now little used with short simple adjectives of native origin (e.g. broad, glad) where the neg. is expressed by another word; and usu. avoided where a Latin form in in-, im-, etc. (see in-3) is well established, though it alternated with these in early mod. English (cf. unaccessible, unaccurate, unapplicable). Otherwise the number of words that can be formed with this prefix is potentially as large as the number of adjectives in use: only a selection can be included here (in this article or in the alphabetical sequence following).
 DERIVATIVE unaˈbbreviated adjective L18.
unaˈbiding adjective not abiding or enduring LME.
unaˈbolished adjective L16.
unaˈbraded adjective E19.
unˈabrogated adjective M16.
unabˈsolved adjective E17.
unabˈsorbable adjective E19.
unabˈsorbed adjective M18.
unaˈbused adjective M17.
unacaˈdemic adjective not academic, esp. not scholarly or theoretical M19.
unacˈcelerated adjective L18.
unacˈcented adjective not accented or stressed; not emphasized: L16.
unacˈcentuated adjective E18.
unacceptaˈbility noun L18.
unacˈcepted adjective not accepted; rejected: E17.
unaccessible adjective inaccessible L16–M18.
unaˈcclaimed adjective E20.
unaˈcclimated adjective unacclimatized M19.
unaˈcclimatized adjective not acclimatized M19.
unaˈccordant adjective = inaccordant LME.
unaccording adjective = inaccordant LME–M18.
unaˈccredited adjective E19.
unaccurate adjective inaccurate M17–E18.
unaccurately adverb L17–E18.
unaccurateness noun inaccuracy M17–E18.
unaccursed /-ˈkə:sɪd, -ˈkə:st/, -st /-st/ adjective (arch.) L17.
unaˈchievable adjective M17.
unaˈchieved adjective E17.
unˈaching adjective E17.
unaˈcquirable adjective M17.
unaˈcquired adjective not acquired; unattained; innate: M17.
unˈactorish adjective L20.
unˈactressy adjective L20.
unˈactuated adjective not actuated or motivated (by) M17.
unaˈddicted adjective L16.
unaˈddressed adjective not addressed, lacking an address L18.
unaˈdept noun & adjective (a) noun a person who is not an adept; (b) adjective not adept or proficient: M18.
unˈadjectived adjective not having or qualified by an adjective E19.
unaˈdjourned adjective M17.
unadˈministered adjective (esp. Law) not administered L16.
unadˈmonished adjective L16.
unaˈdoptable adjective M19.
unaˈdored adjective E17.
unaˈdoring adjective M18.
unadˈvanced adjective not advanced or promoted; not pushed forward: LME.
unˈaerated adjective L18.
unˈaffable adjective E17.
unaˈffectionate adjective L16.
unaˈffianced adjective M18.
unaˈffiliated adjective M19.
unaˈffixed adjective E17.
unaˈfflicted adjective L16.
unaˈffordable adjective E19.
unaˈffronted adjective (a) not affronted or insulted; (b) not confronted or faced: M18.
unˈageing adjective M19.
unˈaggravated adjective M18.
unˈaggregated adjective L19.
unˈaimed adjective not aimed (at) M17.
unˈaired adjective (a)rare untravelled; (b) not aired: E17.
unaˈkin adjective M19.
unaˈlarmed adjective M18.
unaˈlarming adjective M18.
unˈalcoholized adjective (rare) L18.
unaˈlert adjective E19.
unˈalienated adjective L18.
unaˈligned adjective (a) not physically aligned; (b) politically non-aligned: M20.
unaˈlike adjective different; not alike: M20.
unaˈllayed adjective E16.
unaˈlliable adjective (rare) M18.
unaˈllied adjective (a) not allied or related (to); (b) having no allies: M17.
unˈallocated adjective M19.
unaˈllotted adjective L18.
unaˈllowable adjective M16.
unaˈllowed adjective M17.
unaˈlluring adjective L18.
unalphaˈbetic adjective L19.
unaˈmalgamated adjective E19.
unaˈmazed adjective L16.
unamˈbivalent adjective L20.
unamˈbivalently adverb L20.
unaˈmenable adjective L18.
unaˈmendable adjective LME.
unaˈmended adjective LME.
unˈamorous adjective (rare) M17.
unˈamplified adjective E20.
unaˈmusable adjective E19.
unaˈmused adjective M18.
unaˈmusing adjective L18.
unˌanalysaˈbility noun M20.
unanaˈlysable adjective E19.
unˈanalysed adjective M17.
unanaˈlytic adjective M19.
unanaˈlytical adjective M19.
unanˈgelic adjective E18.
unˈanimated adjective L17.
unaˈnnexed adjective M19.
unaˈnnihilated adjective L18.
unˈannotated adjective M19.
unaˈnnoyed adjective LME.
unaˈnnulled adjective (rare) L16.
unaˈnointed adjective M17.
unanˈticipated adjective L18.
unˈanxious adjective M18.
unˈanxiously adverb M18.
unapoloˈgetic adjective M19.
unapoloˈgetically adverb M20.
unaˈppalled adjective L16.
unaˈpparelled adjective (arch.) unclothed, not apparelled E17.
unaˈpparent adjective M16.
unaˈpplauded adjective M18.
unaˈpplied adjective not applied M16.
unaˈppointable adjective not able to be appointed M17.
unaˈppointed adjective (a) gen. not appointed; (b) not provided with necessities; not equipped: M16.
unaˈppreciable adjective inappreciable E19.
unaˈppreciated adjective not appreciated or valued; not properly estimated: E19.
unaˈppreciative adjective M19.
unappreˈhended adjective (a) not grasped by the senses or the intellect; (b) not arrested: L16.
unapprehensible adjective inapprehensible E17–M18.
unappreˈhensive adjective inapprehensive E17.
unappreˈhensiveness noun inapprehensiveness M17.
unaˈpprised adjective not apprised (of) E18.
unaˈppropriate adjective (now rare) (a) unappropriated; (b) inappropriate: M18.
unaˈppropriated adjective (a) not allocated or assigned; (b) not taken into possession by someone: M18.
unaˈpproved adjective (a)not shown to be skilled; not demonstrated; unproved; (b) not approved or sanctioned: LME.
unarchiˈtectural adjective (a) not in accordance with the principles of architecture; (b) not skilled in architecture: M19.
unˈarguable adjective L19.
unˈarguably adverb E20.
unˈargued adjective (now rare) E17.
unarguˈmentative adjective E18.
unarguˈmentatively adverb M19.
unarithˈmetic adjective (rare) L18.
unarithˈmetical adjective L17.
unˈarmoured adjective M19.
unaˈrraigned adjective L16.
unaˈrranged adjective L18.
unaˈrrayed adjective ME.
unaˈrrested adjective (a) not apprehended; (b) not stopped or checked: LME.
unaˈrresting adjective not arresting; esp. uninteresting, dull: E20.
unaˈrrestingly adverb in an unarresting manner L20.
unaˈrrived adjective not arrived (lit. & fig.) E17.
unˈartful adjective (arch.) (a) not artificial or contrived; artless; (b) unskilful, clumsy; inartistic: M17.
unˈartfully adverb (arch.) in an unartful manner E18.
unarˈticulate adjective (rare) (a)= inarticulate 2; (b) = inarticulate 1: E17.
unarˈticulated adjective (a) not articulated; spec. not clearly pronounced or uttered, not distinct; (b) not jointed or hinged: L17.
unartiˈficial adjective (a) (now rare or obsolete) unskilful, inartistic, clumsy; (b) not artificial; simple, natural: L16.
unartiˈficially adverb in an unartificial manner L16.
unarˈtistic adjective M19.
unarˈtistically adverb M20.
unaˈscendable adjective E17.
unaˈscended adjective E19.
unascerˈtained adjective (a)not informed or apprised, not guaranteed; (b) not ascertained or known: E17.
unˈaskable adjective not able to be asked M19.
unˈasked adjective (a) not requested or invited; (b) not asked for; not made the subject of a request: ME.
unˈasking adjective not asking or requesting E18.
unˈaspirated adjective L18.
unaˈspiring adjective E18.
unaˈspiringness noun L17.
unaˈssaultable adjective L16.
unaˈssaulted adjective E17.
unaˈssayed adjective LME.
unaˈssignable adjective L17.
unaˈssigned adjective L15.
unaˈssimilable adjective L19.
unaˈssimilated adjective M18.
unaˈssisted adjective E17.
unaˈssociable adjective (rare) L18.
unaˈssociated adjective E18.
unaˈssoiled adjective (arch.) (a) not assoiled; not absolved from sin; (b)rare not settled; undecided: LME.
unaˈssorted adjective L18.
unaˈssuageable adjective E17.
unaˈssuaged adjective M17.
unaˈstonished adjective M16.
unathˈletic adjective M18.
unathˈletically adverb E20.
unatmosˈpheric adjective E20.
unatmosˈpherically adverb L20.
unaˈtonable adjective (a)rare not accordant; (b) not reconcilable; (c) not able to be atoned for or expiated: M17.
unaˈtoned adjective (a) not atoned for or expiated; (b)not reconciled: E18.
unaˈttackable adjective E18.
unaˈttacked adjective M17.
unaˈttemptable adjective M17.
unaˈttempted adjective M16.
unattentive adjective = inattentive 1 L16–L18.
unaˈttenuated adjective E18.
unaˈttested adjective M17.
unaˈttired adjective not attired, unclothed LME.
unaˈttributable adjective E19.
unaˈttributably adverb L20.
unaˈttributed adjective L20.
unaˈttributively adverb not attributively; without an attributed or acknowledged source: L20.
unaˈttuned adjective L18.
unaudible adjective inaudible E17–L18.
unˈaudited adjective E19.
unaugˈmentable adjective (rare) M19.
unaugˈmented adjective M16.
unauˈspicious adjective (long rare or obsolete) inauspicious E17.
unaˈvenged adjective L15.
unaˈvertable adjective = unavertible E19.
unaˈverted adjective M18.
unaˈvertible adjective L19.
unaˈwaked adjective (arch.) unawakened M17.
unaˈwakened adjective E18.
unˈawed adjective not awed or awestruck (by) L17.
unˈawful adjective (arch.) (a)not full of awe; (b) not inspiring or causing awe: E17.
unˈbadged adjective not bearing a badge L19.
unˈbaffled adjective L18.
unˈbailable adjective E17.
unˈbaked adjective not baked; not prepared by baking: M16.
unˈballasted adjective not ballasted; fig. not steadied or supported by serious principles or qualities: M17.
unˈbanded adjective (long rare) not provided with a band or bands; not banded: L16.
unˈbanished adjective M16.
unˈbanked adjective1 not banked up L18.
unˈbanked adjective2 (of money etc.) not banked M20.
unˈbarbered adjective M19.
unˈbathed adjective L16.
unˈbattered adjective E17.
unˈbearded adjective M16.
unˈbearing adjective unfertile, unproductive, barren OE.
unbeˈclouded adjective E18.
unbeˈdimmed adjective M19.
unbeˈfriended adjective E17.
unˈbegged adjective L16.
unbeˈheld adjective (chiefly poet.) not beheld, unseen M17.
unbeˈholden adjective (a) not under an obligation (to); independent; (b) = unbeheld: L17.
unˈbeing noun (literary) absence or lack of being; non-existence: LME.
unbeˈloved adjective L16.
unbeˈmoaned adjective (arch.) not bemoaned or lamented E17.
unˈbeneficed adjective not endowed or invested with a benefice E17.
unbeneˈficial adjective E17.
unˈbenefited adjective not having benefited, unimproved M18.
unbeˈnevolent adjective L17.
unbeˈnign adjective not kindly or gentle; unfavourable: M17.
unbeˈqueathed adjective L15.
unbeˈreft adjective E17.
unbeˈsieged adjective E17.
unbeˈsought adjective (arch.) not besought M17.
unbeˈspoken adjective not bespoken; not ordered or requested: L17.
unbeˈstowed adjective M16.
unbeˈthought adverb & adjective (now dial.) (a) adverb without premeditation, unintentionally; (b) adjective unpremeditated: M16.
unbeˈtrayed adjective L16.
unbeˈtrothed adjective L16.
unˈbetterable adjective not able to be improved E19.
unˈbettered adjective unimproved E17.
unˈbevelled adjective L16.
unbeˈwailed adjective (arch.) unlamented, unregretted L16.
unbeˈwildered adjective E19.
unˈbiblical adjective E19.
unˈbid adjective (poet.) (a) = unbidden adjective; (b)(rare, Spenser) unprayed for: LME.
unˈbiddable adjective not biddable or docile; obstinate; disobedient: E19.
unˈbidden adjective not asked or invited; not commanded: OE.
unˈbigged adjective (now Scot.) (a) unbuilt; (b) not built upon: ME.
unˈbigoted adjective not bigoted; tolerant: E18.
unbioˈlogical adjective (a) not in accord with the findings of biology; (b) not occurring in nature: M20.
unˈbirthday noun (chiefly joc.) any day except a person's birthday L19.
unˈbishoped adjective (long rare) not blessed or confirmed by a bishop OE.
unˈbitted adjective not provided with a bit; unbridled, unrestrained: L16.
unˈbitten adjective L18.
unˈblanched adjective not blanched; unbleached; (esp. of almonds) unpeeled: LME.
unˈblasted adjective L16.
unˈblazoned adjective (arch.) L18.
unˈbleached adjective M16.
unˈblenched adjective (a) not turned aside; unaverted, unflinching; (b) poet. rare unstained, untarnished: M17.
unˈblenching adjective not turning aside, unflinching M19.
unˈblended adjective ME.
unˈblighted adjective not blighted, unmarred L18.
unˈblinded adjective (a) not blinded or deprived of sight; fig. not deluded or deceived; (b) not provided with or covered by a window blind: E17.
unˈblissful adjective not blissful, unhappy ME.
unˈblooded adjective (a) arch. = unbloodied; (b) (of an animal) not of a good breed, not thoroughbred: L18.
unˈbloodied adjective not bloody or stained with blood L16.
unˈbloomed adjective (orig. Scot., now rare) not bearing blooms E16.
unˈblossomed adjective E17.
unˈblotted adjective not blotted; unstained, untarnished: M16.
unblowed adjective (rare, Shakes.) = unblown adjective 1: only in E17.
unˈblown adjective (colloq.) (of a vehicle's engine) not provided with a turbocharger M20.
unˈblunted adjective not blunted or dulled L16.
unˈblurred adjective E19.
unˈboastful adjective M18.
unˈbobbed adjective E20.
unˈbold adjective (long obsolete exc. Scot., now rare) not bold; timid, bashful; backward: OE.
unˈbonded adjective L19.
unˈboned adjective (a) not having (a) bone, boneless; (b) (of meat, fish, etc.) not having the bones removed: E17.
unˈbonneted adjective not wearing a hat or bonnet; with the head uncovered, esp. as a mark of respect: E17.
unˈbonny adjective (Scot. & dial.) ugly, unsightly M19.
unˈbooked adjective (a) literary not entered in a book or list; unrecorded; (b) (of a performer) not engaged; (of a seat etc.) not reserved: L16.
unˈbookish adjective not bookish or studious; unlearned: E17.
unˈbored adjective not bored into or through L16.
unˈboring adjective not boring, interesting M19.
unˈborne adjective (rare) not carried away; not borne out or sustained: L15.
unˈborrowed adjective not borrowed or adopted; native, inherent, original: M17.
unˈbothered adjective not bothered, unconcerned E20.
unˈbottomed adjective (a) bottomless; (b) unsupported, unfounded: E17.
unˈbought adjective not bought; unpurchased: OE.
unˈbowdlerized adjective L19.
unˈbowed adjective not bowed or bent LME.
unˈboyish adjective M19.
unˈbraided adjective (a)rare untarnished, undamaged; (b) not braided or plaited: E17.
unˈbranched adjective not having or divided into branches M17.
unˈbranded adjective M17.
unˈbrave adjective not brave L17.
unˈbreachable adjective not able to be breached M19.
unˈbreached adjective L19.
unˈbreakable adjective L15.
unˈbreakfasted adjective not having had breakfast M17.
unˈbreeched adjective (arch.) not wearing breeches E17.
unˈbridled adjective not wearing a bridle; fig. unrestrained, unchecked: LME.
unˈbriefed adjective not briefed, esp. not thoroughly instructed or informed L19.
unˈbright adjective not bright, dim E16.
un-ˈBritish adjective not British, esp. uncharacteristic of Great Britain or its inhabitants M18.
unˈbroached adjective (esp. of a cask) not broached, unopened L17.
unˈbrookable adjective (chiefly Scot.) unendurable, intolerable M17.
unˈbrought adjective (arch.) not brought E16.
unˈbruised adjective LME.
unˈbrushed adjective not brushed; fig. uncouth, rugged: M17.
unˈbudded adjective E19.
unˈbudgeable adjective M20.
unˈbulky adjective L17.
unˈbumptious adjective not bumptious; unassertive, unassuming: M19.
unbureauˈcratic adjective L20.
unˈburiable adjective M19.
unˈburied adjective OE.
unˈburnable adjective not able to be burned L19.
unˈburning adjective not burning L15.
unˈburnished adjective L17.
unˈburst adjective not burst; spec. (of computer printout) not separated along the perforated edges: L18.
unˈburstable adjective not able to be burst L19.
unˈbusinesslike adjective E19.
unˈbusy adjective not busy; quiet: M18.
unˈbuttered adjective not spread or coated with butter L16.
unˈbuttressed adjective not supported or strengthened with a buttress M19.
unˈcabled adjective not provided with or secured by a cable or cables L18.
unˈcaged adjective not enclosed or confined in a cage M18.
unˈcalcified adjective M19.
unˈcalcined adjective E17.
unˈcalculated adjective not calculated or estimated, unexpected E19.
unˈcalculating adjective M19.
unˈcalm adjective E19.
unˈcancellable adjective E17.
unˈcancelled adjective M16.
unˈcandour noun lack of candour; partiality, bias: L19.
unˈcanopied adjective E17.
unˈcanvassed adjective L18.
uncaˈpacious adjective M17.
unˈcaptious adjective (rare) not captious M17.
unˈcaptured adjective not (yet) captured L19.
unˈcared-for adjective not cared for or looked after; disregarded, neglected: L16.
unˈcarpeted adjective not covered or provided with a carpet E19.
unˈcarried adjective not carried or transported L16.
unˈcarved adjective L16.
unˈcashed adjective (esp. of a cheque) not yet cashed L19.
unˈcast adjective LME.
unˈcastable adjective (of an actor) not able to be cast (as or in a role etc.) L20.
unˈcastigated adjective not castigated; unchastised: M17.
unˈcatalogued adjective M19.
unˈcatalysed adjective M20.
unˈcatchable adjective not able to be caught E19.
unˈcatechized adjective not formally instructed or examined in Christian religion (as) with a catechism E17.
unˈcategorizable adjective not able to be categorized M20.
unˈcaught adjective not (yet) caught ME.
unˈcaused adjective having no cause; not created: E17.
unˈcautious adjective incautious L20.
unˈceiled adjective (arch.) not having an inner roof; (of a roof) not plastered or lined: E19.
unˈceilinged adjective not having a ceiling M19.
unceˈlestial adjective M17.
unceˈmented adjective not united (as) with cement; not cohering: E18.
unˈcensored adjective L19.
uncenˈsorious adjective E18.
unˈcensurable adjective not able to be censured or reproved M17.
unˈcensured adjective not censured or reproved L16.
unˈcentral adjective not central; marginal, peripheral: L18.
uncerˈtificated adjective (esp. of a teacher) not certificated M19.
unˈcertitude noun = incertitude M16.
unˈchalked adjective L18.
unˈchambered adjective (esp. Archaeology) M17.
unˈchannelled, *-eled adjective E17.
unˈchanted adjective L18.
unˈchaperoned adjective not accompanied by a chaperone M19.
unˈcharred adjective L18.
unˈchary adjective E17.
unˈchastened adjective M17.
unchasˈtised adjective LME.
unˈchewed adjective M17.
unˈchid adjective (literary) unrebuked M19.
unˈchidden adjective (arch.) unrebuked L15.
unˈchilled adjective L18.
unˈchipped adjective M17.
unˈchiselled adjective L18.
unˈchoosing adjective (now rare) not exercising choice, undiscriminating L16.
unˈchopped adjective M17.
unˈchosen adjective E16.
unˈcicatrized adjective not healed by scarring L18.
unˈciliated adjective M19.
unˈcinctured adjective (poet.) not wearing a girdle or belt L18.
unˈcircular adjective L18.
unˈclarified adjective (esp. of a liquid) not clarified L16.
unˈclarity adjective lack of clarity, esp. clarity of expression M20.
unˈclashing adjective M17.
unˈcleavable adjective M19.
unˈcleaved adjective L19.
unclement adjective inclement L16–M18.
unˈclerical adjective not appropriate to or characteristic of a member of the clergy M18.
unˈclerkly adjective L19.
unˈclever adjective L18.
unˈclotted adjective L18.
unˈcloven adjective E17.
unˈclubbable adjective & noun (a person) that is not clubbable M18.
unˈclued adjective lacking a clue (in a crossword) L20.
unˈcluttered adjective not cluttered; austere, simple: E20.
uncoˈagulable adjective M17.
uncoˈagulated adjective L18.
unˈcoded adjective E20.
uncoˈerced adjective L18.
unˈcoffined adjective not enclosed in a coffin M17.
unˈcognizable adjective E18.
uncognosciˈbility noun E19.
uncogˈnoscible adjective E19.
uncoˈllated adjective L18.
uncoˈllectable adjective E20.
unˈcolonized adjective M19.
uncoˈmmendable adjective E16.
uncoˈmmendably adverb L16.
unˈcommenting adjective occurring or done without comment L19.
uncoˈmmercial adjective not commercial; contrary to commercial principles: M18.
uncoˈmmissioned adjective M17.
uncoˈmmixed adjective (arch.) E17.
unˈcommonplace adjective E19.
uncomˈpacted adjective M17.
uncomˈpassionate adjective lacking compassion, unfeeling L16.
uncomˈpelled adjective LME.
uncomˈpelling adjective L20.
uncomˈpetitive adjective L19.
uncomˈpetitiveness noun M20.
uncomˈplaisant adjective (now rare) L17.
unˈcomplex adjective E18.
unˈcomplexed adjective (Chemistry) not combined in a complex M20.
uncomˈpliant adjective M17.
uncompliˈmentary adjective not complimentary; insulting: M19.
uncomˈplying adjective not compliant, unaccommodating M17.
uncomˈpressed adjective M17.
uncomˈputable adjective L17.
unconˈciliatory adjective not conciliatory; not showing a spirit of conciliation: L18.
unconclusive adjective inconclusive M17–E18.
unconˈdemned adjective not condemned, esp. not pronounced to be at fault or guilty E16.
uncondeˈscending adjective M17.
unconˈducive adjective not conducive to M17.
unˈconfidence noun (rare) uncertainty M17.
unˈconfident adjective not confident, uncertain M17.
unconfiˈdential adjective L18.
unconˈflicting adjective L19.
unconˈfounded adjective not confounded, esp. not mixed or confused M16.
unconˈfronted adjective M17.
unconˈfutable adjective M17.
unconˈfuted adjective (now rare or obsolete) E17.
unˈconjugal adjective M17.
unˈconjugated adjective E20.
unconniving adjective (rare, Milton): only in L17.
unconˈsecutive adjective E20.
unconˈsented adjective (now rare) not consented (to) M17.
unconˈsenting adjective L17.
unconˈservative adjective L19.
unconˈsigned adjective (rare) M17.
unconˈsolidated adjective E19.
unˈconsonant adjective inconsonant M16.
unconˈspicuous adjective inconspicuous E19.
unˈconstancy noun (now rare) inconstancy M16.
unconstant adjective inconstant, esp. unfaithful in love or marriage L15–M18.
unconstantly adverb inconstantly M16–E18.
unconˈstricted adjective L20.
unconˈstruable adjective M19.
unconˈstructive adjective M19.
unconˈtactable adjective L20.
uncontemned adjective (rare) not contemned E–M17.
unˈcontemplated adjective not contemplated, esp. not considered or taken into account E18.
unconˈtemporary adjective M19.
unconˈtentious adjective not contentious, not causing contention E19.
unˈcontrite adjective not contrite, not showing contrition LME.
unconˈtrived adjective not contrived, not artificial E17.
unconˈvenient adjective (obsolete exc. dial.) inconvenient LME.
unconˈversable adjective (now rare or obsolete) unfit or unsuitable for social converse L16.
unconˈversant adjective not conversant with or in L17.
unconˈversion noun the state or condition of being unconverted, esp. to a particular belief, opinion, or religious faith M19.
unconˈveyed adjective LME.
unconˈvicted adjective L17.
unˈcooked adjective not cooked; raw: M19.
unˈcool adjective not cool; colloq. not stylish or fashionable, out of date: M20.
unˈcooled adjective not cooled; warm, hot: E16.
unˈcoped adjective not coped or dealt competently with L16.
unˈcopyrightable adjective E20.
unˈcopyrighted adjective M19.
unˈcordial adjective (a)uncongenial (Scot.); (b) not cordial; lacking in warmth: LME.
unˈcoroneted adjective not wearing a coronet; not ennobled: E19.
unˈcorrelated adjective L19.
uncorreˈspondent adjective (now rare) not corresponding M17.
uncorreˈsponding adjective E19.
unˈcorrigible adjective (now rare) incorrigible LME.
uncoˈrroborated adjective (esp. of evidence) not corroborated, unsupported L18.
uncoˈrroded adjective L17.
unˈcorseted adjective M19.
unˈcosted adjective not costed; without the cost having been determined: L20.
unˈcostly adjective inexpensive M17.
unˈcountenanced adjective L18.
uncouˈrageous adjective L19.
unˈcoursed adjective (of masonry) not laid or set in courses E19.
unˈcourted adjective (now rare or obsolete) L16.
unˈcourtierlike adjective L18.
unˈcourtlike adjective (now rare) M17.
unˈcoveted adjective M18.
unˈcovetous adjective LME.
unˈcowed adjective L19.
unˈcramped adjective not cramped or affected by cramp; unrestricted: L18.
unˈcreased adjective L19.
unˈcreaturely adjective not characteristic of or proper to creatures M17.
unˈcrested adjective not decorated or provided with a crest; lacking a crest: M17.
unˈcriminal adjective M19.
unˈcrippled adjective L18.
uncrooked adjective not crooked; straight; honest: E17–L18.
unˈcrowded adjective not crowded; not subjected to crowding: E18.
uncrudded adjective (rare, Spenser) uncurdled: only in L16.
unˈcruel adjective (arch.) E17.
unˈcrumbled adjective L18.
unˈcuckolded adjective (rare) not made a cuckold of E17.
unˈculled adjective M17.
unculpable adjective not culpable or blameworthy; blameless: LME–M18.
uncultiˈvation noun (rare) lack of cultivation or culture L18.
unˈcurdled adjective L18.
unˈcurious adjective (now rare) incurious; lacking curiosity; unremarkable: L16.
unˈcuriously adverb (now rare) L15.
unˈcurrent adjective (now rare) not current; now esp. (of money) not in circulation: E17.
unˈcurried adjective (of a horse) not curried, ungroomed E17.
uncurˈtailed adjective M18.
unˈcushioned adjective (of a seat) not provided with a cushion or cushions L18.
unˈdamageable adjective M17.
unˈdamaged adjective M17.
unˈdamnified adjective (long rare or obsolete) undamaged L16.
unˈdared adjective not dared L16.
unˈdaring adjective not daring, unadventurous E17.
unˈdarkened adjective not darkened M18.
unˈdarned adjective not having a darn or darns; not yet darned: L18.
unˈdaubed adjective M17.
unˈdazed adjective M18.
unˈdazzled adjective not dazzled E17.
unˈdazzling adjective E17.
unˈdealt adjective (a)rare undivided; (b) not dealt with: ME.
undeˈbarred adjective L16.
undeˈbased adjective M18.
undeˈbated adjective E17.
undeˈbauched adjective M17.
undeˈclarable adjective LME.
undeˈclared adjective E16.
undeˈclinable adjective (now rare or obsolete) indeclinable M16.
undeˈclined adjective (Grammar) having no inflections E16.
undecomˈposable adjective indecomposable E19.
undecomˈposed adjective M18.
undecomˈpounded adjective L18.
unˈdecorated adjective M18.
unˈdecorative adjective L19.
undeˈcorticated adjective L19.
unˈdedicated adjective M17.
undeeded adjective (rare, Shakes.) having performed no deeds: only in E17.
unˈdeemed adjective (a)not judged or condemned; (b) unimagined: ME.
unˈdeep adjective & noun (a)adjective not deep; (b) noun (rare) a shallow place: OE.
undeˈfaced adjective (a) not disfigured or marred; (b) not blotted out or obliterated: LME.
undeˈfeatable adjective M17.
undeˈfeated adjective E19.
undefied adjective not challenged to combat or battle L16–L17.
unˈdefinite adjective indefinite L16.
undeˈflected adjective M19.
undeˈflowered adjective M16.
undeˈformable adjective L20.
undeˈformed adjective L17.
undeˈfrayed adjective E17.
undeˈgassed adjective M20.
undeˈgraded adjective E19.
undeˈjected adjective E17.
undeˈliberate adjective E16.
undeˈliberated adjective L17.
undeˈluded adjective M18.
unˈdelved adjective not delved or dug; not excavated: E17.
undeˈmolished adjective L16.
undeˈnatured adjective M20.
unˈdenizened adjective not naturalized M17.
undeˈnoted adjective M19.
undeˈnounced adjective L18.
undeˈparting adjective L16.
undeˈplored adjective E17.
undeˈpraved adjective (a) not morally depraved or corrupted; (b) (long rare) (of a text) not vitiated: M17.
undeˈpreciated adjective (of money) not depreciated E19.
undeˈpressed adjective (a) not dejected or dispirited; (b) not pressed down; not flattened or hollowed: L17.
undeˈprived adjective not deprived M16.
undeˈrided adjective (rare) E17.
undeˈrivative adjective M17.
undeˈscried adjective L16.
undeˈscriptive adjective M18.
unˈdesecrated adjective (rare) M19.
undeˈsert noun (rare) unworthiness; lack of merit, excellence, or worth: L16.
undeˈserted adjective L18.
unˈdesignated adjective L18.
undeˈsire noun (rare) lack of desire L19.
undeˈspairing adjective M18.
undeˈspoiled adjective M19.
unˈdestined adjective (rare) not destined or predetermined E19.
undeˈstructible adjective (rare) indestructible L18.
unˈdetailed adjective not detailed; lacking detail: M19.
undeˈterred adjective not deterred; not inhibited or discouraged by fear, doubt, etc.: E17.
unˈdevious adjective not devious; direct; straightforward: L18.
undeˈvised adjective (a) Law not assigned by will; (b) not planned or intended: M18.
undeˈvoured adjective not devoured; uneaten: M17.
unˈdewy adjective (long rare or obsolete) not dewy LME.
unˈdextrous adjective L17.
undiagˈnosable adjective E20.
unˈdiagnosed adjective M19.
undicˈtated adjective not dictated or prescribed; not forced or compulsory: L18.
unˈdieted adjective M17.
unˈdifferenced adjective (chiefly Heraldry) not differenced M19.
unˈdiligent adjective M16.
unˈdiligently adverb M17.
unˈdimmed adjective E18.
unˈdimpled adjective L18.
unˈdined adjective that has not been given dinner E16.
unˈdinted adjective E17.
undisˈarmed adjective M17.
undisˈbanded adjective M17.
undisˈcoloured adjective M17.
undisˈcomfited adjective LME.
undisconˈtinued adjective E17.
undisˈcording adjective (now rare or obsolete) not discordant E17.
undisˈcourageable adjective L16.
undisˈcouraged adjective E17.
undisˈcursive adjective M17.
undiˈseased adjective LME.
undisˈfigured adjective E18.
undisˈgraced adjective M18.
undisˈhonoured adjective L16.
unˈdislocated adjective L19.
undisˈlodged adjective M19.
undisˈmantled adjective M19.
undiˈspersed adjective L16.
undisˈplaced adjective E19.
undisˈproved adjective L16.
undisˈquieted adjective E17.
undiˈssected adjective M19.
unˈdissipated adjective M17.
undiˈssociated adjective (Chemistry) (of a molecule) whole, not split into oppositely charged ions L19.
undisˈtempered adjective L16.
undiˈstilled adjective E17.
undiˈstorted adjective M17.
undiˈstraught adjective L18.
undiˈstressed adjective L16.
undisˈtrustful adjective M17.
undiˈversified adjective L17.
undiˈvulged adjective E17.
undoctriˈnaire adjective M20.
unˈdoffed adjective LME.
unˈdonnish adjective M19.
unˈdoomed adjective L18.
unˈdotted adjective M19.
unˈdowered adjective (arch.) without a dowry or gift E19.
unˈdreaded adjective M16.
unˈdreading adjective M18.
unˈdried adjective LME.
unˈdrilled adjective M19.
unˈdrivable adjective L19.
unˈdriven adjective E17.
unˈdrooping adjective M18.
unˈdrowned adjective L16.
unˈdrugged adjective M19.
unˈdrunk adjective E17.
unˈdrunken adjective (rare) OE.
unˈdug adjective M17.
unˈdull adjective LME.
unˈdulled adjective M19.
unˈdunged adjective LME.
unˈdurable adjective LME.
unˈdyed adjective M16.
unˈdyked adjective E17.
undyˈnamic adjective M20.
unˈeager adjective E19.
unˈeared adjective (arch.) unploughed, untilled OE.
unˈearnest adjective M16.
unecclesiˈastical adjective M19.
unecclesiˈastically adverb M18.
unˈechoing adjective E19.
uneˈclipsed adjective M17.
unˈedible adjective inedible L19.
unˈedited adjective E19.
uneˈffaceable adjective E17.
uneˈffaced adjective L17.
uneˈffected adjective L16.
unegoˈistic adjective M20.
unegoˈtistic adjective M20.
uneˈlaborate adjective not elaborate; not complicated or ornate; not minutely careful or painstaking: M17.
uneˈlaborated adjective E19.
uneˈlastic adjective E18.
uneˈlated adjective E18.
unˈelbowed adjective not elbowed or pushed M18.
uneˈlectric adjective L19.
uneˈlectrified adjective M18.
unˈelegant adjective (now rare) inelegant L16.
unelegantly adverb E17–M18.
unˈelevated adjective not elevated or exalted E17.
uneligible adjective ineligible L17–L18.
unˈeloquent adjective M16.
unˈeloquently adverb E17.
uneˈmancipated adjective L18.
uneˈmasculated adjective L18.
unemˈbanked adjective L18.
unemˈbattled adjective (rare) not having battlements E17.
unemˈbellished adjective M17.
unemˈbezzled adjective M16.
unemˈbittered adjective E18.
unemˈbodied adjective M17.
unemˈbraced adjective not embraced or kissed L18.
unemˈbroidered adjective (esp. of a narrative) not embroidered M17.
unemˈbroiled adjective not embroiled or involved M18.
unemˈphatic adjective E19.
unemˈphatically adverb M19.
unemˈpirical adjective M19.
unˈemptiable adjective (rare) inexhaustible L16.
unˈemptied adjective E17.
unenˈacted adjective (of a bill, law, etc.) not enacted E19.
uneˈnamoured adjective L18.
unenˈchanted adjective M17.
unenˈclosed adjective L17.
unenˈcompassed adjective L18.
unenˈcountered adjective E19.
unenˈcouraged adjective L18.
unenˈcouraging adjective M19.
unenˈdangered adjective M17.
unenˈdorsed adjective L17.
unenˈdowed adjective M17.
unenˈdued adjective not endued with a quality, ability, etc. M17.
unenerˈgetic adjective E19.
unenˈfeebled adjective M17.
unenˈfranchised adjective L18.
un-ˈEnglish adjective M17.
un-ˈEnglishness noun M20.
unenˈhanced adjective M20.
unenˈlarged adjective M18.
unenˈlivened adjective L17.
uneˈnnobled adjective L18.
unenˈriched adjective E18.
unenˈrolled adjective M19.
unenˈtailed adjective (esp. of an estate) not entailed E18.
unenˈthralled adjective M17.
unenˈticed adjective L18.
unenˈticing adjective E20.
unenˈtitled adjective M18.
uneˈnumerated adjective L18.
uneˈpiscopal adjective not episcopal; not befitting a bishop: M17.
unequiˈlibrated adjective M19.
uneˈquipped adjective L18.
unˈequitable adjective M17.
uneˈradicated adjective that has not been eradicated M19.
uneˈrotic adjective M20.
unˈerrable adjective (long rare or obsolete) = inerrable E17.
unˈerrancy noun (rare) inerrancy M17.
uneˈrupted adjective L18.
uneˈscapable adjective inescapable E17.
uneˈscorted adjective L18.
uneˈspied adjective LME.
uneˈssayed adjective unattempted, untried M17.
uneˈstablished adjective M17.
uneˈsteemed adjective M16.
unˈethical adjective L19.
unˈethically adverb E20.
unetymoˈlogical adjective not in accordance with etymology L19.
uneuˈphonious adjective L19.
uneuˈphoniously adverb L19.
un-Euroˈpean adjective M19.
uneˈvaporated adjective E19.
unˈevidenced adjective not attested or justified M19.
unevitable adjective = inevitable adjective LME–E18.
uneˈvolved adjective L18.
uneˈxact adjective = inexact M18.
uneˈxacting adjective not exacting, undemanding M19.
uneˈxaggerated adjective L18.
uneˈxalted adjective E17.
uneˈxampled adjective unprecedented, unparalleled E17.
unˈexcavated adjective L18.
unexˈcelled adjective not excelled, unsurpassed L18.
unexˈcepted adjective (a) exceptionless, without exception; (b)rare not protested at: E17.
unexˈceptional adjective (a) (now rare) = unexceptionable; (b) (now rare) admitting of no exception; (c) not exceptional, ordinary: L18.
unexˈceptionally adverb (a) without exception; (b) in an unexceptional manner: M19.
unˈexcised adjective1 [excise verb2] not subject or subjected to an excise M18.
unexˈcised adjective2 [excise verb1] not excised or cut out L19.
unexcitaˈbility noun the quality of being unexcitable L19.
unexˈcitable adjective not easily excited M19.
unexˈcited adjective (a) not mentally excited or stirred; (b) not affected by outside influence: M18.
unexˈciting adjective not exciting, esp. uninteresting, dull M19.
unˈexecutable adjective impossible to execute, esp. impossible to put into effect E18.
unˈexecuted adjective not executed, esp. not carried out or put into effect LME.
uneˈxemplary adjective (a)unexampled, unprecedented; (b) not exemplary: M17.
uneˈxemplified adjective (a) unexampled, unprecedented; (b) not appearing in any example or instance: M17.
uneˈxerted adjective (esp. of a faculty) unused, unpractised L17.
uneˈxhibited adjective L18.
unˈexhilarating adjective E19.
uneˈxistence noun = non-existence L16.
uneˈxistent adjective (now rare or obsolete) = non-existent adjective L17.
uneˈxisting adjective non-existent L18.
unˈexorcised adjective M18.
uneˈxotic adjective M20.
unexˈpanded adjective that has not (been) expanded M17.
unexˈpanding adjective not expanding E20.
unexˈpansive adjective M19.
unexpedient adjective = inexpedient LME–M18.
unexˈpeditated adjective (now rare or obsolete) L16.
unexˈpended adjective not spent or consumed L16.
unexˈpensive adjective M17.
unexˈperimented adjective (a)inexperienced, unskilled; (b) not tested or known by experiment: L16.
unexpert adjective = inexpert adjective LME–L18.
unˈexpiated adjective L17.
unexˈpired adjective (of a lease, period of time, etc.) that has not expired L16.
unexˈplainable adjective inexplicable E18.
unexˈplainably adverb L19.
unexˈplained adjective M17.
unexˈplanatory adjective that does not provide an explanation E19.
unexˈplicable adjective (a)indescribable; (b) inexplicable: M16.
unexˈplicit adjective not explicit, esp. vague, ambiguous L18.
unexˈplicitly adverb M19.
unexˈploded adjective L19.
unexˈploitable adjective E20.
unexˈploited adjective L19.
unexˈplored adjective L17.
unexˈplosive adjective E19.
unexˈportable adjective E19.
unexˈposed adjective L17.
unexˈpoundable adjective E17.
unexˈpounded adjective M17.
unexˈpugnable adjective (now rare) = inexpugnable LME.
unˈexpurgated adjective (esp. of a text) not expurgated, complete L19.
unexˈtended adjective not extended or stretched out; spec. not occupying space: M17.
unexˈtenuated adjective L18.
unexˈtinct adjective (chiefly fig.) unextinguished E17.
unexˈtinguishable adjective M17.
unexˈtinguished adjective L16.
unˈextirpated adjective M17.
unexˈtracted adjective M17.
unˈextricable adjective (rare) M17.
unˈeyed adjective (poet.) unobserved, unperceived E17.
unˈfaceable adjective (a) (dial., rare) irrational, indefensible; (b) that cannot be faced or confronted: E19.
ˈunfact noun (a) a false statement, an untruth; (b) Politics a fact which is officially denied or disregarded: L19.
unˈfain adjective (long arch. & dial.) ME.
unˈfainting adjective not growing faint or flagging, tireless E17.
unˈfallen adjective M17.
unˈfallible adjective (long rare) infallible L15.
unˈfallowed adjective (long rare or obsolete) E17.
unˈfamed adjective not well-known or famous E17.
unˈfamous adjective (long rare) (a) not famous; (b)infamous: LME.
unfaˈnatical adjective E19.
unˈfancied adjective not fancied; esp. (a) arch. not imagined or conceived; (b) (of a racehorse etc.) not thought likely to win: M17.
unˈfanned adjective not fanned or kindled M17.
unfanˈtastic adjective L18.
unˈfarced adjective E18.
unˈfarrant adjective (obsolete exc. Scot.) unattractive, unpleasant E16.
unˈfast adjective (now rare or obsolete) not firm or secure OE.
unfaˈstidious adjective E19.
unfaˈstidiously adverb E20.
unˈfathered adjective (a) having no (known or acknowledged) father, illegitimate; (b) of obscure or unknown origin: L16.
unˈfatherliness noun M19.
unˈfatherly adjective not befitting a father E17.
unˈfaulty adjective M16.
unˈfeathered adjective featherless (cf. unfeather) E16.
unˈfeatured adjective without (good) features L17.
unˈfecundated adjective L18.
unˈfed adjective not fed (lit. & fig.) ME.
unˈfeed adjective not paid a fee E17.
unfeˈlicitous adjective E19.
unˈfelled adjective (esp. of a tree) not felled M16.
unˈfellowed adjective L16.
unˈfelt adjective L16.
unˈfenced adjective (a) unprotected; (b) not fenced round: M16.
unˈfestive adjective M19.
unˈfighting adjective L17.
unˈfiled adjective1 (long obsolete exc. dial.) [file verb1] undefiled, unfouled ME.
unˈfiled adjective2 [file verb2] (a) not reduced or smoothed by filing; (b) fig. unpolished, rude: L16.
unˈfiled adjective3 [file verb3] (of a document etc.) not arranged (as) in a file; not filed away: L16.
unˈfilleted adjective E19.
unˈfiltered adjective L19.
unˈfindable adjective LME.
unˈfine adjective (now rare or obsolete) not fine LME.
unˈfined adjective (of wine etc.) not fined or cleared L15.
unˈfingered adjective (a) rare fingerless; (b) not touched with the fingers, unhandled: E17.
unˈfixable adjective M19.
unˈflagging adjective tireless, persistent E18.
unˈflaggingly adverb M19.
unˈflanked adjective (Military) not guarded or defended on the flank M16.
unˈflashy adjective not flashy or showy M20.
unˈflattened adjective L18.
unˈflattered adjective L16.
unˈflattering adjective L16.
unˈflatteringly adverb L19.
unˈflavoured adjective M19.
unˈflawed adjective not flawed or cracked M17.
unˈflecked adjective not flecked or dappled M19.
unˈfleshly adjective spiritual, non-physical M19.
unˈflickering adjective M19.
unˈflinching adjective E18.
unˈflinchingly adverb M19.
unˈflooded adjective L20.
unˈfloored adjective E19.
unˈflourishing adjective L18.
unˈflown adjective that has not flown or been flown L18.
unˈfluctuating adjective E18.
unˈflurried adjective M19.
unˈflushed adjective [flush verb1] M18.
unˈfluted adjective not having grooves or flutes M19.
unˈflyable adjective unable to be flown; unsuitable for flying: L20.
unˈfocused adjective L19.
unfoiled adjective not coated or backed with foil M17–M18.
unˈfolded adjective1 (of a sheep) not enclosed in a fold L16.
unˈfolded adjective2 not folded or arranged in folds L17.
unˈfoliaged adjective L18.
unˈfoliated adjective (Architecture) not foliated M19.
unˈfollowed adjective E16.
unˈfond adjective E19.
unˈfoolish adjective E17.
unˈfooted adjective untrodden E19.
unforˈbid adjective (arch.) = unforbidden M17.
unforˈbidden adjective M16.
unˈfordable adjective E17.
unforeˈboding adjective E18.
unforeˈknowable adjective impossible to know in advance, unforeseeable L17.
unforeˈknown adjective M17.
unˈforested adjective L19.
unforeˈthought adjective E17.
unforeˈtold adjective M19.
unforeˈwarned adjective M17.
unˈforgeable adjective unable to be forged or counterfeited M19.
unˈforged adjective not forged, esp. genuine LME.
unˈformal adjective = informal LME.
unˈformalized adjective M19.
unˈformatted adjective M20.
unˈformidable adjective M17.
unˈformulated adjective M19.
unforˈsaken adjective M17.
unˈfortified adjective E16.
ˌunfossiˈliferous adjective M19.
unˈfossilized adjective M19.
unˈfought adjective LME.
unˈfoughten adjective (long arch.) unfought LME.
unˈfouled adjective not fouled, undefiled LME.
unˈfound adjective L16.
unˈfractionated adjective M20.
unˈfractured adjective not fractured or broken M18.
unˈfranchised adjective unenfranchised M17.
unˈfranked adjective (of a letter, parcel, etc.) not franked M18.
un-ˈFrench adjective E19.
unfrequency noun = infrequency E17–M19.
unˈfrequent adjective (now rare) E17.
unfreˈquented adjective (of a place) not frequented L16.
unˈfrequently adverb (now rare) M17.
unˈfretted adjective (a) not eaten or worn away; (b) not distressed or worried: L16.
unˈfrighted adjective E17.
unˈfrightened adjective L17.
unˈfrosted adjective not affected by frost L18.
unˈfructed adjective (Heraldry) L17.
unˈfructuous adjective (long obsolete exc. fig., now rare) unfruitful LME.
unˈfrugal adjective E17.
unˈfrustrable adjective (rare) E18.
unˈfuelled adjective not supplied with fuel L17.
unˈfumed adjective (rare) that has not (been) fumed M17.
unˈfunctional adjective L19.
unˈfunded adjective (esp. of a debt) not funded L18.
unˈfurred adjective (rare) not lined, trimmed, or provided with fur LME.
unˈfurrowed adjective M16.
unˈfused adjective1 [fuse verb1] not fused, melted, or joined L18.
unˈfused adjective2 [fuse verb2] not provided with a fuse L19.
unˈgalled adjective L16.
unˈgardened adjective not cultivated as a garden E17.
unˈgarmented adjective (chiefly poet.) undressed, unclothed L18.
unˈgarrisoned adjective not occupied by a garrison M17.
unˈgartered adjective L16.
unˈgated adjective M20.
unˈgaudy adjective not gaudy or garish L18.
unˈgauged adjective not gauged or measured; unevaluated: M18.
unˈgay adjective M20.
unˈgazed adjective (poet.) not gazed at or upon E19.
ungeˈlatinizable adjective (rare) E19.
unˈgeneralizable adjective M19.
unˈgenerated adjective E17.
ungeneˈrosity noun ungenerousness, meanness M18.
unˈgenerous adjective not generous or magnanimous; illiberal, mean: M17.
unˈgenerously adverb E18.
unˈgenerousness noun M18.
ungenitured adjective (rare, Shakes.) impotent: only in E17.
unˈgenuine adjective M17.
unˈgenuineness noun M19.
ungeoˈmetrical adjective (long rare) L16.
un-ˈGerman adjective not German; esp. uncharacteristic of Germans or Germany: M19.
unˈgerminated adjective L19.
unget-ˈat-able adjective (colloq.) inaccessible, unreachable M19.
unˈgettable adjective that cannot be got; unattainable: M16.
unˈghostly adjective (a) arch. unspiritual; (b) not of or pertaining to or resembling a ghost: E16.
unˈgiddy adjective E17.
unˈgimmicky adjective M20.
unˈgirdled adjective not surrounded (as) with a girdle; not wearing a girdle: L16.
unˈgirthed adjective not surrounded or secured (as) by a girth E17.
unˈglaciated adjective not covered with, or not modified by, glaciers or ice sheets L19.
unˈglad adjective not glad; unhappy, sorry: OE.
unˈgladly adverb ME.
unˈglamorous adjective M20.
unˈglazed adjective not glazed L16.
unˈgleaned adjective not gleaned, uncollected L18.
unˈglittering adjective E19.
unˈglorified adjective not glorified LME.
unˈglorious adjective (now rare or obsolete) = inglorious adjective LME.
unˈglossed adjective1 (a) poet. not glazed or glossy; (b) not veiled, not glossed over: E19.
unˈglossed adjective2 (of a word or text) not provided with a gloss or glosses M19.
unˈgloved adjective not wearing a glove or gloves E17.
unˈglutted adjective not glutted or replete; ungratified: E19.
unˈgnawed adjective M19.
unˈgoaded adjective L18.
unˈgodlike adjective M17.
unˈgolden adjective not golden; ungilded: M20.
unˈgone adjective not (yet) gone or departed L15.
ungored adjective (rare, Shakes.) not gored or pierced: only in E17.
unˈgorged adjective not gorged, not satiated E18.
unˈgospelled adjective (rare) not believing in or having been taught the gospel L17.
unˈgowned adjective not wearing a gown E17.
unˈgraded adjective not graded; not divided according to grades: M19.
unˈgrafted adjective (esp. of a plant) not grafted M17.
unˈgraithed adjective (obsolete exc. dial.) not ready, not prepared; not equipped: ME.
unˈgranted adjective not granted or conferred; not given a grant: L16.
unˈgrassed adjective not sown or covered with grass M19.
unˈgratified adjective E17.
unˈgraven adjective not engraved or carved LME.
unˈgrazed adjective E20.
un-ˈGrecian adjective un-Greek; esp. (of a nose) not Grecian in outline: L18.
unˈgreedy adjective M20.
unˈgreeted adjective not greeted or saluted; not welcomed: E17.
ungreˈgarious adjective E19.
unˈgrieved adjective not grieved; not accompanied by grieving: L17.
unˈgritted adjective (esp. of an icy road etc.) not gritted L20.
unˈgroomed adjective not groomed; (of appearance etc.) not carefully attended to: E19.
unˈgrooved adjective having no groove or grooves M20.
unguaranˈteed adjective not guaranteed; unsecured: M19.
unˈguerdoned adjective (now arch. & poet.) unrewarded, uncompensated LME.
unˈgutted adjective (esp. of a fish) not gutted E18.
unˈgyved adjective (arch.) unfettered, unshackled E17.
unhaˈbitual adjective not habitual; not customary: M19.
unhaˈbituated adjective not habitual; unaccustomed to: L18.
unˈhad adjective (long obsolete exc. N. English) not obtained LME.
unˈhailed adjective (chiefly poet.) not hailed or saluted; not given recognition: E18.
unˈhaltered adjective not haltered M20.
unˈharboured adjective (rare, poet.) having or providing no shelter LME.
unˈharrowed adjective not harrowed; esp. (of ground) not broken up L16.
unˈhassled adjective L20.
unˈhatted adjective not wearing a hat M19.
unˈhazarded adjective not hazarded; not staked or risked: L16.
unˈhazardous adjective L17.
unˈhealable adjective incapable of being healed; incurable: LME.
unˈhealed adjective not (yet) healed ME.
unˈheated adjective not heated or warmed L17.
unˈheavenly adjective M18.
unˈhedged adjective not hedged or fenced M17.
unˈheld adjective E17.
unˈhellenized adjective E20.
unˈheralded adjective not heralded; unannounced: M19.
unˈherded adjective (esp. of sheep, cattle, etc.) not herded L18.
unˈheritable adjective (a) rare unable to inherit; (b) not inheritable: M16.
unˈhip adjective (slang) unaware of current fashions M20.
unˈhired adjective E17.
unˈhit adjective not hit or struck E16.
unˈhollowed adjective not made hollow E17.
unˈhomed adjective not provided with a home; homeless: E19.
unˈhonoured adjective not honoured or revered E16.
unˈhooded adjective not wearing or covered by a hood L16.
unˈhoodwinked adjective not hoodwinked; not deluded or deceived: M17.
unˈhopped adjective not hopped; esp. (of a drink) not made or flavoured with hops: E18.
unˈhorned adjective (esp. of an animal) not having a horn or horns LME.
unˈhosed adjective (long obsolete exc. poet.) not wearing hose ME.
unˈhospitable adjective = inhospitable adjective E17.
unˈhostile adjective not hostile (to) E18.
unˈhydrolysed adjective (Chemistry) that has not undergone hydrolysis M20.
unˈhymned adjective (a) not celebrated in a hymn; (b) not accompanied by a hymn or hymns: M19.
unhypoˈcritical adjective M19.
unhyˈsterical adjective not hysterical; calm: L19.
uniˈdea'd adjective not having an idea, lacking in ideas M18.
unidioˈmatic adjective E19.
uniˈdolatrous adjective M19.
unigˈnited adjective L18.
unigˈnorable adjective unable to be ignored; that demands attention: M20.
unigˈnorably adverb in a way that cannot be ignored M20.
uniˈlluminated adjective L16.
uniˈlluminating adjective L19.
uniˈllumined adjective L18.
uniˈllusioned adjective having no illusions M20.
unˈillustrated adjective not illustrated, without illustrations L18.
uniˈllustrative adjective not illustrative or explanatory E19.
unˈimaged adjective without a form or image (lit. & fig.) M17.
unimˈbued adjective L18.
unˈimitable adjective (now rare or obsolete) L16.
unˈimitated adjective E17.
unˈimitative adjective E19.
uniˈmmediate adjective E19.
uniˈmmediately adverb E19.
uniˈmmersed adjective L18.
uniˈmmortal adjective M17.
uniˈmmortalized adjective L18.
unimˈpaired adjective L16.
unimˈparted adjective M17.
unimˈpassioned adjective M18.
unimˈperious adjective L18.
unˈimplicated adjective E19.
unimˈplored adjective not implored or asked for M17.
unimˈportunate adjective M18.
unimˈportuned adjective E17.
unimˈpugned adjective L18.
unimˈpulsive adjective L18.
uninˈcarnate adjective L17.
uninˈcensed adjective L16.
uninciˈdental adjective L18.
uninˈcisive adjective L19.
uninˈcited adjective M17.
uninˈcluded adjective L18.
uninˈcreasable adjective M17.
uninˈcreased adjective L18.
unˈincubated adjective M19.
uninˈdebted adjective L17.
unˈindexed adjective M19.
un-ˈIndian adjective not characteristic of the inhabitants of India M19.
unˈindicated adjective L18.
uninˈdicted adjective L18.
uninˈdulged adjective L18.
uninˈdulgent adjective M18.
uninˈdustrialized adjective M20.
uninˈdustrious adjective L16.
uninˈfested adjective L17.
uninˈfringed adjective E17.
uninˈgenious adjective (a) not ingenuous; (b) not ingenious, lacking in ingenuity: M17.
uninˈheritable adjective (a)incapable of inheriting; (b) incapable of being inherited: E17.
uninˈhumed adjective E17.
uninˈjectable adjective M19.
uninˈjected adjective M20.
unˈinnocence noun (rare) want of innocence L16.
unˈinnocent adjective L19.
uniˈnoculated adjective L18.
uninˈquired adjective not inquired after, into E18.
uninˈquiring adjective E19.
uninˈquisitive adjective E17.
uninˈscribed adjective E18.
uninˈspected adjective L18.
uninˈsulted adjective M18.
unˈintegrated adjective M19.
uninterˈcepted adjective M17.
uninterˈmixed adjective L16.
uninˈterpretable adjective E17.
uninˈterpreted adjective M17.
uninˈterred adjective M17.
uninˈterrogated adjective E19.
unˈintimate adjective E20.
uninˈtimidated adjective M18.
uninˈtoxicating adjective L18.
unintroˈduced adjective M18.
uniˈnured adjective M17.
uninˈvaded adjective M17.
uninˈverted adjective M18.
uninˈvested adjective L18.
uninˈvestigable adjective L17.
uninˈvestigated adjective E19.
uninˈvoked adjective E18.
uninˈvolved adjective L18.
unionized /ʌnˈʌɪənʌɪzd/ adjective not ionized E20.
un-ˈIrish adjective not characteristic of the Irish E19.
unˈironed adjective not fitted with iron; not bound in irons; (of clothes etc.) not pressed or smoothed with an iron: LME.
uniˈrradiated adjective E19.
unˈirrigated adjective M19.
unˈirritated adjective (rare) M17.
unˈirritating adjective L18.
un-Isˈlamic adjective not characteristic of Islam, not in accordance with Islamic principles M20.
unˈissued adjective M17.
uniˈtalicized adjective L19.
unˈjacketed adjective E20.
unˈjaded adjective L18.
unˈjarring adjective E17.
unˈjaundiced adjective L18.
unˈjealous adjective L17.
un-ˈJewish adjective not characteristic of the Jews; not in accordance with Jewish principles: E19.
unˈjolly adjective L18.
unˈjolted adjective L18.
unˈjudged adjective M17.
unˈjuicy adjective E18.
unˈkeeled adjective (a) (of water) not sailed upon; (b) not having a keel: E19.
unˈkerchiefed adjective not wearing or covered by a kerchief L18.
unˈkilled adjective not killed, still alive M16.
unˈkilned adjective (rare) M17.
unˈkindled adjective E16.
unˈkindred adjective not kindred, not allied in nature or properties E18.
unˈkinkable adjective incapable of being kinked or twisted M20.
unˈkissed adjective not kissed; without being kissed: LME.
unˈknowledgeable adjective (a) rare unknowable; (b) not knowledgeable, ill-informed: E20.
unˈkosher adjective E20.
unlaˈborious adjective M17.
unˈlacquered adjective L18.
unˈladylike adjective not appropriate for or typical of a well-bred, decorous woman E19.
unˈlamed adjective (rare) not disabled L15.
unlaˈmented adjective L16.
unˈlanded adjective not possessed of land L15.
unˈlasting adjective (rare) L16.
unˈlaudable adjective M16.
unˈlaunched adjective L18.
unˈlaundered adjective L19.
unˈleached adjective not leached or subjected to percolation E19.
unˈleafed adjective (of a tree etc.) not leafed, without leaves M19.
unˈleal adjective (arch.) unfaithful, disloyal, dishonest ME.
unˈlearnable adjective M19.
unˈleased adjective not held or let on lease; not having a lease E18.
unˈlectured adjective not lectured to or on L16.
unˈlegal adjective M17.
unleˈnited adjective (Phonetics) not lenited M20.
unˈlessened adjective M18.
unˈlessoned adjective not taught or lessoned M16.
unˈlevied adjective (now rare) LME.
unˈliable adjective (now rare) E17.
unˈliberated adjective M19.
unˈliftable adjective L18.
unˈlifted adjective L18.
unˈlineal adjective L16.
unˈliteral adjective (rare) M19.
unˈliterally adverb M18.
unˈliterariness noun M20.
unˈliterary adjective E19.
unˈliterate adjective (a)illiterate; (b) not interested in reading or literature, unliterary: M16.
unˈlittered adjective M18.
unliˈturgical adjective M19.
unloˈcatable adjective L19.
unloˈcated adjective M18.
unlocoˈmotive adjective (rare) not inclined to travel E19.
unˈlogical adjective illogical, not involving logic M17.
unˈlonely adjective M20.
unˈlopped adjective L16.
unˈloverlike adjective L18.
unˈlovesome adjective (obsolete exc. Scot.) not lovesome ME.
unˈloyal adjective L16.
unˈlubricated adjective L18.
unˈlucid adjective M19.
unˈlucrative adjective L18.
unˈluminous adjective L18.
unˈlustrous adjective E18.
unluˈxuriant adjective E18.
unluˈxurious adjective E18.
unmaˈcadamized adjective M19.
unmagˈnetic adjective E19.
unˈmagnetized adjective M19.
unˈmailable adjective (US) L19.
unˈmaimed adjective L15.
unmaˈlicious adjective E17.
unmaˈliciously adverb L19.
unmaˈlignant adjective (rare) M17.
unˈmalted adjective M17.
unˈmangled adjective not mutilated or disfigured M16.
unˈmanifest adjective = unmanifested M16.
unˈmanifested adjective not revealed or evident L17.
unmanuˈfactured adjective E18.
unmanuˈmitted adjective not released from slavery or bondage M17.
unmaˈnured adjective (a) (of land) uncultivated, untilled; (b) not provided or enriched with manure: L16.
unˈmapped adjective E19.
unˈmarketable adjective M17.
unˈmarred adjective not marred or ruined ME.
unˈmartial adjective not martial, unwarlike E17.
unˈmartyred adjective L16.
unˈmasterable adjective (rare) E17.
unˈmastered adjective M16.
unˈmasticated adjective E19.
unˈmated adjective (a) unmatched, unrivalled; (b) without a mate or partner: E17.
unmaˈterial adjective immaterial LME.
unmaˈternal adjective E19.
unmatheˈmatical adjective E18.
unmaˈtriculated adjective M17.
unmaˈtured adjective not yet matured LME.
unˈmediated adjective M17.
unˈmedical adjective E19.
unˈmeditated adjective (now rare) E17.
unˈmeditative adjective M19.
unˈmellowed adjective L16.
unˈmenaced adjective L18.
unˈmerchantable adjective E17.
unˈmerged adjective E19.
unˈmetalled adjective (esp. of a road) not metalled M19.
unmeˈtallic adjective M18.
unmetaˈmorphosed adjective E17.
unmetaˈphysical adjective L17.
unˈmeted adjective unmeasured M19.
unˈmetered adjective not measured by means of a meter; not provided with a meter: E20.
unˈmetrical adjective not composed in or conforming to metre L18.
unˈmighty adjective (long arch.) without might or strength; weak, feeble, powerless: OE.
unˈmild adjective (long arch.) not mild or gentle; harsh, rough, unkind: OE.
unˈmilked adjective M17.
unˈmilled adjective M16.
unˈmined adjective not extracted by mining M19.
unˈmineralized adjective M19.
unˈmingled adjective not mingled or mixed M16.
unˈmingling adjective M17.
unˈminished adjective (arch.) not diminished M16.
unminiˈsterial adjective E18.
unˈminted adjective E17.
unˈminuted adjective L18.
unmiˈraculous adjective M18.
unˈmirthful adjective E19.
unˈmirthfully adverb L19.
unˈmiscible adjective immiscible L18.
unmisˈgiving adjective without misgivings or uncertainty L17.
unmisˈgivingly adverb M19.
unmisˈtrusting adjective L16.
unˈmitred adjective L17.
unˈmoaned adjective not moaned for, unlamented M16.
unˈmocked adjective M17.
unˈmockingly adverb L19.
unˈmoderated adjective (a) not controlled, immoderate; (b) (of an Internet bulletin board or chat room) not monitored for inappropriate or offensive content: M18.
unˈmodern adjective not modern, traditional M18.
unˈmodernized adjective not modernized, retaining original features L18.
unˈmodish adjective unfashionable M17.
unˈmodulated adjective E19.
unˈmoist adjective E17.
unˈmoistened adjective E17.
unˈmollified adjective E17.
unˈmolten adjective (arch.) not melted E16.
unmoˈmentous adjective E19.
unmoˈnastic adjective M19.
unˈmoneyed adjective L17.
unmoˈnopolized adjective M18.
unˈmoored adjective not moored, esp. freely floating or flying L17.
unˈmortal adjective (now rare) immortal M16.
unˈmortared adjective not fixed or joined with mortar M17.
unˈmortgaged adjective M17.
unˈmortified adjective LME.
unˈmortifiedness noun M17.
un-Moˈsaic adjective not pertaining to Moses or his writings M17.
unˈmotivated adjective E20.
unˈmotived adjective L18.
unˈmourned adjective not mourned or lamented M17.
unˈmowed adjective M18.
unˈmown adjective M16.
unˈmuddied adjective M17.
unˈmurdered adjective L16.
unˈmuscled adjective M18.
unˈmuscular adjective E19.
unˈmutilated adjective L18.
unˈmyelinated adjective E20.
unmyˈsterious adjective M18.
unˈnapped adjective (of cloth) without a nap E17.
unˈnational adjective M18.
unˈneat adjective M17.
unˈneatness noun M19.
unneˈcessitated adjective M17.
unˈneutral adjective L18.
unˈneutralized adjective M18.
unˈnimble adjective M16.
unˈnimbly adverb E17.
unˈnotched adjective M16.
unˈnoteworthy adjective L19.
unˈnotified adjective L18.
unˈnurtured adjective M16.
unnuˈtritious adjective M19.
unˈnutritive adjective L18.
unˈoaked adjective (of wine) not matured in an oak container L20.
unoˈbedient adjective LME.
unoˈbeyed adjective L16.
unobˈjective adjective M19.
unobˈnoxious adjective E17.
unobˈscured adjective M17.
unobˈsequious adjective L18.
unobˈsequiousness noun M17.
unˈobstinate adjective M17.
unˈobvious adjective M17.
unˈobviously adverb M20.
unˈobviousness noun M20.
unˈoffered adjective E16.
unˈofficered adjective M17.
unˈofficerlike adjective E19.
unoˈfficious adjective E17.
unˈoften adverb (rare) (with neg.) infrequently, seldom M18.
unˈoiled adjective E18.
unˈoperable adjective (a)not able to be done; (b) Medicine inoperable: M17.
unˈoperated adjective (chiefly Medicine) not having been operated on or on E19.
unˈoperating adjective E18.
unoperative adjective inoperative M17–E19.
unoˈppressed adjective L16.
unoˈppressive adjective M17.
unˈordinary adjective M16.
unorˈganic adjective E19.
unoriˈental adjective E19.
unˈoriented adjective M20.
unˈossified adjective E18.
unoverˈlooked adjective M20.
unoverˈthrown adjective M16.
unowed adjective rare (Shakes.) unowned: only in L16.
unˈowned adjective (a) not possessed as property, without an owner or possessor; (b) unacknowledged, unadmitted: E17.
unˈoxidized adjective E19.
unˈoxygenated adjective L18.
unˈpaced adjective L18.
unpaˈcific adjective L18.
unˈpacified adjective L16.
unˈpacifiedly adverb M18.
unˈpackaged adjective not made into or enclosed in a package M20.
unˈpadlocked adjective L17.
unˈpagan adjective E17.
unˈpaged adjective with pages not numbered L19.
unˈpaired adjective not arranged in pairs; not forming one of a pair: L16.
unˈpalled adjective not palled or jaded M18.
unˈpalliated adjective L18.
unˈpalpable adjective (now rare) impalpable M16.
unˈpalsied adjective L18.
unˈpampered adjective L18.
unˈparagoned adjective (now arch. or poet.) unequalled, matchless E17.
unˈparalyzed adjective M19.
unˈparcelled adjective L18.
unˈpared adjective ME.
unˈparented adjective1 having no (known or acknowledged) parent L19.
unˈparriable adjective not able to be parried E19.
unˈparted adjective M16.
unparˈticipated adjective (now rare) L17.
unparˈticipating adjective L18.
unˈpastoral adjective L18.
unˈpatched adjective L18.
unˈpatentable adjective M19.
unˈpatented adjective E18.
unˈpathed adjective pathless E17.
unpaˈthetic adjective L18.
unˈpatronized adjective E17.
unˈpausing adjective M19.
unˈpausingly adverb L19.
unpaˈvilioned adjective L18.
unˈpawned adjective M17.
unpeˈdantic adjective L18.
unˈpedigreed adjective E19.
unˈpeered adjective unequalled, unrivalled E17.
unˈpenitent adjective M16.
unˈpensioned adjective E18.
unˈpent adjective E19.
unˈpeppered adjective M17.
unˈperforated adjective L17.
unˈperfumed adjective E18.
unˈperilous adjective E17.
unˈperjured adjective L17.
unˈpermanency noun M19.
unˈpermanent adjective M17.
unperˈmissible adjective L18.
unperˈmitted adjective L16.
unperˈsonified adjective L18.
unperˈspicuous adjective L18.
unˈpestered adjective L16.
unˈpetticoated adjective E19.
unphoˈnetic adjective M19.
unˈphoney adjective (colloq.) genuine M20.
unˈphotographed adjective E20.
unˈphrased adjective not expressed in phrases or words; not phrased as music: M17.
unˈpickled adjective E17.
unˈpigmented adjective lacking pigment L19.
unˈpillowed adjective not provided with a pillow M17.
unˈpiloted adjective (of a ship etc.) lacking a pilot L18.
unpinked adjective (rare, Shakes.) not pinked or pierced: only in L16.
unˈplagued adjective M16.
unˈplain adjective (long rare) LME.
unˈplaned adjective L18.
unˈplastered adjective not covered with plaster M17.
unˈplastic adjective (a) unable to be shaped or moulded; (b) rare not made of plastic: L18.
unˈplasticized adjective M20.
unplaˈtonic adjective M18.
unˈplausible adjective implausible L16.
unˈplausibly adverb M18.
unplausive adjective (rare, Shakes.) unapproving: only in E17.
unˈpleadable adjective (a)rare on which legal pleadings are not allowed; (b) unable to be pleaded or urged: M16.
unˈpleated adjective E17.
unˈpledged adjective E17.
unˈploughed, *-plowed adjective L16.
unˈplucked adjective M16.
unˈplundered adjective M17.
unˈpolarized adjective E19.
unpoˈlemical adjective M20.
unpoˈliceable adjective L20.
unpoˈliced adjective L18.
unˈpollarded adjective M19.
unˈpolymerized adjective L19.
unˈpompous adjective M17.
unpornoˈgraphic adjective M20.
unporˈtentous adjective E19.
unˈposed adjective (esp. of a picture) not posed M20.
unˈposh adjective (colloq.) L20.
unpossessing adjective (rare, Shakes.): only in E17.
unˈposted adjective (chiefly Military) not appointed to a post or command L18.
unpotable /-ˈpəʊt-/ adjective undrinkable M19.
unpreˈcarious adjective E18.
unˈprecious adjective (rare) L16.
unpreˈcipitated adjective M17.
unˈprefaced adjective L18.
unˈpregnant adjective E17.
unpreˈlatical adjective M17.
unpreˈoccupied adjective L18.
unˈprescient adjective M19.
unpreˈscribed adjective M17.
unpreˈsentable adjective E19.
unpreˈsented adjective E16.
unpreˈserved adjective M17.
unˈpressurized adjective M20.
unˈprickly adjective M17.
unˈprimed adjective1 that has not been primed L18.
unˈprimed adjective2 not having a prime as a superscript L19.
unˈprimitive adjective not primitive; of later development: E18.
unˈprinceliness noun unprincely character M19.
unˈprincely adjective not princely; not befitting or characteristic of a prince: M16.
unˈprivileged adjective L16.
unˈprobed adjective L18.
unproˈclaimed adjective M17.
unproˈcurable adjective unobtainable E17.
unproˈfaned adjective M17.
unˈprogrammable adjective unable to be programmed L20.
unˈprogrammed adjective M20.
unproˈjected adjective (now rare) not (yet) thought of M17.
unproleˈtarian adjective M20.
unproˈlific adjective L17.
unˈpromulgated adjective L18.
unˈprone adjective not predisposed or inclined to do E17.
unˈpropertied adjective L18.
unproˈphetic adjective E18.
unˈprosecuted adjective M17.
unˈprostituted adjective E18.
unproˈvisioned adjective L18.
unpruˈdential adjective M17.
unˈpublic adjective M17.
unˈpublicized adjective M20.
unˈpuckered adjective L18.
unpugˈnacious adjective M20.
unˈpulled adjective LME.
unˈpulverized adjective L18.
unˈpumped adjective not provided with a pump; not extracted with a pump: M17.
unˈpuncturable adjective L19.
unˈpurchasable adjective E17.
unˈpurchased adjective LME.
unˈpurified adjective L16.
unˈpuritan adjective not puritanical; not like that of the Puritans: M20.
unpuriˈtanical adjective not puritanical E20.
unˈpurposed adjective having no purpose L16.
unpurˈsued adjective LME.
unˈpushy adjective (colloq.) M20.
unˈputrefied adjective L16.
unˈquailed adjective undaunted L16.
unˈquailing adjective that does not quail M19.
unˈquantifiable adjective L19.
unˈquantified adjective M19.
unˈquarrelsome adjective M19.
unˈquarried adjective L18.
unˈquelled adjective LME.
unˈquick adjective (rare) (a) lifeless, dead; (b) not fast, lively, or active: LME.
unˈquickened adjective E17.
unˈquivering adjective E19.
unˈraced adjective not having taken part in a race M20.
unˈrailed adjective L18.
unˈraised adjective E16.
unˈrallied adjective M17.
unˈranked adjective E18.
unˈransacked adjective E16.
unˈransomed adjective M16.
unˈraptured adjective M18.
unˈrateable adjective E17.
unˈrated adjective not rated; not having received a rating or assessment; colloq. not highly esteemed: M17.
unˈratified adjective E17.
unˈrationed adjective E20.
unˈrattled adjective (colloq.) not flustered or alarmed M20.
unˈravaged adjective L18.
unˈravished adjective E17.
unˈrazored adjective unshaven M17.
unreˈacted adjective (Chemistry) that has not reacted M20.
unreˈactive adjective (esp. of a substance) not reactive, inert M20.
unreacˈtivity noun unreactive quality, lack of reactivity M20.
unˈreaped adjective not (yet) reaped L16.
unreˈbellious adjective L16.
unreˈbukeable adjective M16.
unreˈbuked adjective LME.
unreˈciprocated adjective M19.
unreˈcited adjective (long rare) not told or recounted L15.
unrecoˈllected adjective M18.
unˈrecompensed adjective LME.
unreˈcounted adjective (long rare) L15.
unrecuring adjective (rare, Shakes.) not admitting of recovery: only in L16.
unˈreferenced adjective lacking a reference L19.
unreˈfracted adjective M17.
unreˈfrained adjective (now rare) M16.
unreˈfrigerated adjective M20.
unreˈfusable adjective L17.
unreˈfusing adjective L16.
unreˈfutable adjective L16.
unreˈfuted adjective L16.
unreˈgainable adjective M17.
unˈregal adjective E17.
unˈregimented adjective L17.
unˈregistered adjective E17.
unreˈgretted adjective L17.
unˈregular adjective (chiefly dial.) E17.
unˈregulated adjective E18.
unreˈjectable adjective E19.
unreˈjected adjective M18.
unreˈjoiced adjective E19.
unreˈjoicing adjective E18.
unreˈlinquished adjective L18.
unˈrelished adjective L16.
unreˈluctant adjective M18.
unreˈluctantly adverb M17.
unreˈmaining adjective E19.
unˈremedied adjective LME.
unˈrendered adjective not rendered; (of fat) not melted; (of stone or brickwork) without a coating of plaster: L18.
unreˈnormalizable adjective not permitting of renormalization M20.
unreˈnowned adjective without renown or fame L16.
unˈrent adjective not torn or lacerated L16.
unreˈpaid adjective not repaid M17.
unreˈpayable adjective E18.
unreˈpelled adjective L18.
unreˈplenished adjective M16.
unreˈpressed adjective L16.
unreˈprinted adjective L19.
unreˈpublican adjective L19.
unreˈpugnant adjective L16.
unreˈpulsive adjective M19.
unˈreputable adjective (long rare) not reputable L17.
unreˈquested adjective not requested or asked for L16.
unˈrequisite adjective not requisite or necessary L16.
unreˈscinded adjective E18.
unˈrescued adjective (rare) LME.
unreˈsembling adjective L16.
unreˈsigned adjective M17.
unreˈsilient adjective M20.
unrespirable /ʌnˈrɛspɪrəb(ə)l, -rɪˈspʌɪrəb(ə)l/ adjective E19.
unˈrespited adjective L16.
unreˈsponsible adjective (a)lacking substance or standing; (b) irresponsible: M17.
unreˈstored adjective LME.
unreˈtaliated adjective L17.
unreˈtarded adjective E17.
unreˈtentive adjective M18.
unˈreticent adjective L19.
unreˈtouched adjective not retouched or touched up L19.
unreˈtractable adjective E17.
unreˈtracted adjective not retracted or withdrawn M17.
unreˈtrieved adjective L19.
unˈretted adjective (of flax etc.) not yet softened by soaking M19.
unreˈversed adjective LME.
unreˈviewable adjective M20.
unreˈviewed adjective L18.
unreˈvised adjective not revised, in an original form L18.
unreˈvoked adjective not revoked or annulled; still in force: L15.
unrevoˈlutionary adjective L20.
unrheˈtorical adjective L18.
unˈribbed adjective L18.
unˈrich adjective not rich L19.
unˈringed adjective (a) (of a pig, bull, etc.) not provided with a nose ring; (b) (of a bird) not fitted with a ring on one or both legs: E16.
unˈrinsed adjective M17.
unˈrippled adjective E19.
unˈrisen adjective L18.
unrituaˈlistic adjective L19.
unˈriven adjective not riven; not split or torn apart: LME.
unˈroasted adjective LME.
unˈrobbed adjective LME.
unroˈbust adjective L18.
unˈrocked adjective L15.
un-ˈRoman adjective not Roman L17.
unˈromanized adjective not Romanized; not brought under the influence of the Roman Catholic Church: L18.
unˈrouged adjective M19.
unˈrough adjective not rough; spec. not rough-chinned, unbearded: LME.
unˈroughened adjective L18.
unˈrousable adjective not able to be roused L19.
unˈroused adjective E19.
unˈrouted adjective not routed; not dispelled or forced to retreat: E17.
unˈrubbed adjective LME.
unˈrummaged adjective (a)(of a ship) not kept in order, esp. in the hold; (b) not searched or investigated thoroughly: L16.
unˈrumpled adjective M17.
unˈrung adjective = unringed (a) M16.
unˈruptured adjective L18.
unˈrusted adjective M17.
unˈruth noun (now arch.) lack of pity or compassion, ruthlessness LME.
unsacerˈdotal adjective M19.
unˈsackable adjective not dismissible L20.
unˈsacked adjective not plundered L16.
unsacraˈmental adjective M19.
unˈsacred adjective not sacred, profane E17.
unˈsacrificed adjective M19.
unˈsailed adjective not sailed over or navigated L16.
unˈsained adjective (now arch. & dial.) ME.
unˈsalaried adjective M19.
unˈsalt adjective not salty or treated with salt LME.
unˈsalted adjective LME.
unsaˈlubrious adjective L18.
unˈsalutary adjective L18.
unsaˈluted adjective M16.
unˈsalvable adjective not salvable, irredeemable E17.
unˈsalvageable adjective M20.
unˈsampled adjective (rare) (a)unexampled; (b) untried: M17.
unˈsanctioned adjective not sanctioned or ratified L18.
unˈsandalled adjective (of a foot) not sandalled L18.
unˈsane adjective (rare) (a)unhealthy; (b) = insane: L17.
unˈsanguine adjective not sanguine or optimistic E18.
unˈsanitary adjective L19.
unˈsated adjective L17.
unˈsaturable adjective (rare) M16.
unsaught noun discord, dissension LOE–E18.
unˈsawn adjective L16.
un-ˈSaxon adjective M19.
unˈscalped adjective E18.
unˈscandalized adjective L18.
unˈscandalous adjective E17.
unˈscared adjective M18.
unˈscarred adjective L16.
unˈscathed adjective uninjured, unharmed LME.
unˈscattered adjective M16.
unˈscented adjective L18.
unˈsceptical adjective E19.
unˈscheduled adjective not planned or scheduled L19.
unschoˈlastic adjective L17.
unˈscissored adjective (long rare or obsolete) E17.
unˈscorched adjective not scorched or burnt E17.
unˈscored adjective L16.
unˈscorned adjective LME.
unˈscoured adjective not scoured or cleansed LME.
unˈscourged adjective LME.
unˈscraped adjective E18.
unˈscribbled adjective (rare) not scribbled on E17.
unˈscripted adjective (of a speech etc.) delivered or made without a prepared script; not contained in a script: M20.
unˈscrubbed adjective L19.
unˈscrutable adjective (rare) = inscrutable LME.
unˈscrutinized adjective E18.
unˈsculptured adjective E19.
unˈseamanlike adjective E18.
unˈseared adjective not made sear, unwithered L16.
unˈseaworthiness noun E19.
unˈseaworthy adjective E19.
unˈseconded adjective L16.
unˈsecret adjective (long rare) L16.
unsecˈtarian adjective M19.
unsecure adjective insecure M17–E18.
unseˈcured adjective (esp. of a loan) not secured L18.
unseˈduced adjective M16.
unseˈductive adjective L18.
unˈseeking adjective L16.
unsegˈmented adjective (chiefly Zoology) M19.
unˈsegregated adjective E20.
unself-ˈknowing adjective (rare) M17.
unˈself-seeking adjective M20.
unsenˈsational adjective M19.
unsenˈsationally adverb E20.
unˈsentenced adjective E16.
unsenˈtentious adjective M19.
unˈsentient adjective M18.
unˈsentinelled adjective not provided with a sentinel E19.
unseparable adjective inseparable LME–M18.
unˈseparated adjective M16.
unˈsepulchred adjective not provided with a tomb, unburied E17.
unˈsepultured adjective unburied M19.
unseˈquestered adjective M17.
unseˈrene adjective M17.
unˈservile adjective E18.
unˈsewered adjective lacking sewers M19.
unˈshaded adjective M17.
un-Shakeˈspearean adjective M19.
unˈshared adjective [share verb2] not shared (with or by another or others) E17.
unˈshatterable adjective that cannot be shattered E20.
unˈshattered adjective M17.
unˈshaved adjective = unshaven M17.
unˈshaven adjective not shaved, esp. (of a person, beard, etc.) not shaven LME.
unˈsheared adjective not sheared or shorn E18.
unˈshed adjective (a) (esp. of blood or tears) not shed or poured out; (b)(rare, Spenser) unparted: LME.
unˈsheltered adjective L16.
unˈsheltering adjective that does not provide shelter E17.
unˈshent adjective (arch.) [shend verb] uninjured, undamaged, unspoiled ME.
unˈshielded adjective not protected (by or as by a shield) E18.
unˈshingled adjective (of a house, roof, etc.) not shingled E17.
unˈshining adjective L17.
unˈshiny adjective M20.
unˈshivered adjective (rare) not shivered or smashed into fragments L16.
unˈshook adjective (obsolete or arch.) = unshaken M17.
unˈshorn adjective ME.
unˈshortened adjective M18.
unˈshovelled adjective not shovelled or dug L18.
unˈshowered adjective (rare, poet.) not dampened by showers E17.
unˈshowy adjective M19.
unˈshrived adjective (now rare or obsolete) = unshriven L18.
unˈshriven adjective [shrive] not shriven ME.
unshrubbed adjective (rare, Shakes.) not set with shrubs: only in E17.
unˈshuffled adjective (of playing cards) not shuffled L18.
unˈshunnable adjective E17.
unshunned adjective (rare) inevitable E–M17.
unˈshy adjective (esp. of a person) not shy M18.
unˈsighing adjective M18.
unˈsignatured adjective not provided with or identified by a signature E19.
unˈsignifying adjective M17.
unˈsignposted adjective M20.
unsiˈlicified adjective L19.
unˈsilly adjective not silly; sensible: M20.
unˈsilvered adjective not covered with or coloured silver; esp. (of glass) not silvered on the back: L18.
unˈsingable adjective that cannot be sung; unsuitable for singing: L19.
unˈsinged adjective not singed; untouched by fire: L16.
unˈsinister adjective M20.
unˈsinning adjective not committing or involving sin; not constituting a sin: LME.
unsisting adjective (rare, Shakes.) unshifting: only in E17.
unˈskiable adjective M20.
unˈskimmed adjective M17.
unˈslain adjective (arch.) not killed or slaughtered ME.
unˈslaughtered adjective not (yet) slaughtered E18.
unˈsliced adjective (esp. of food) not sliced; not cut into slices: L19.
unˈslothful adjective M17.
unˈslowed adjective not slowed down M20.
unˈslumbering adjective (literary) = unsleeping E18.
unˈsmashed adjective M20.
unˈsmeared adjective M17.
unˈsmelted adjective E19.
unˈsmirched adjective not smirched or soiled; untainted: E17.
unˈsmitten adjective (now arch. & poet.) not smitten or struck down; not strongly affected by something: ME.
unˈsmutched adjective not smudged or blackened; unstained: E19.
unˈsnubbable adjective M19.
unˈsnuffed adjective not snuffed or extinguished E19.
unˈsoaped adjective not soaped; unwashed: M19.
unsocioˈlogical adjective M20.
unˈsocketed adjective not placed in or fitted with a socket M20.
unˈsoft adjective not soft; hard, rough: ME.
unˈsoftened adjective M17.
unˈsoiled adjective not soiled or dirtied; untarnished: LME.
unˈsolaced adjective given no solace L18.
unˈsoldered adjective not united or fastened with solder M17.
unˈsoluble adjective = insoluble adjective M16.
unˈsonlike adjective M17.
unˈsonorous adjective not sonorous or resonant; (of language etc.) not grand, unimposing: E18.
unˈsordid adjective M19.
unˈsorry adjective M20.
unˈsorted adjective not sorted; esp. not arranged or classified: M16.
unˈsoured adjective E17.
unˈsparkling adjective L18.
unˈspawned adjective E19.
unˈspecialized adjective L19.
unspeˈcific adjective not specific; general, inexact: E19.
unˈspecified adjective not specified; not named explicitly: E17.
unˈspecked adjective not specked or speckled L18.
unˈspeckled adjective L16.
unˈspectacled adjective not provided with or wearing spectacles L18.
unspecˈtacular adjective E20.
unˈspeculative adjective not based on or characterized by speculation M17.
unˈspiced adjective not flavoured with spices; not spicy or piquant: M17.
unˈspied adjective (chiefly poet.) unseen, unobserved LME.
unˈspirited adjective having no or little spirit; spiritless, lethargic: E17.
unˈspliced adjective (esp. of a gene or gene fragment) that has not been spliced M19.
unˈsplinterable adjective E20.
unˈsplit adjective M17.
unˈsplittable adjective E20.
unsponˈtaneous adjective not spontaneous; premeditated, laboured: L18.
unˈsported adjective (arch.) (of a door) open, not closed L19.
unˈsprayed adjective not sprayed, esp. with a chemical or chemicals L19.
unˈspread adjective not spread (out) L16.
unˈspringy adjective L17.
unˈsprinkled adjective not sprinkled with water etc.; spec. unbaptized: M17.
unˈspun adjective not spun; not formed or prepared by spinning: M16.
unˈsquandered adjective L18.
unˈsqueamish adjective L19.
unˈsqueezed adjective L17.
unˈsquelched adjective (Electronics) designating or pertaining to a signal that has not been subjected to the action of a squelch circuit M20.
unˈstacked adjective L18.
unˈstaffed adjective not provided with staff; operating without staff: M20.
unˈstagy adjective not stagy; not overly theatrical or affected: L19.
unˈstaled adjective not made or grown stale L19.
unˈstalked adjective having no stalk or stalks L19.
unˈstandardized adjective E20.
unˈstarched adjective not starched; fig. not stiff or formal: E19.
unˈstartled adjective M17.
unˈstately adjective M19.
unˈstatesmanlike adjective L18.
unˈstaunch adjective E17.
unˈsteeped adjective not steeped or soaked, unsaturated E17.
unˈstereotyped adjective M20.
unˈsterile adjective M20.
unˈsterilized adjective E20.
unˈstifled adjective not stifled or smothered; unconstrained: M18.
unˈstigmatized adjective L18.
unˈstockinged adjective not wearing a stocking or stockings L18.
unˈstolen adjective M16.
unˈstooping adjective not stooping, upright L16.
unˈstout adjective (now rare) not stout or sturdy M16.
unˈstraitened adjective M17.
unˈstrange adjective (chiefly literary) not strange; familiar: LME.
unstraˈtegic adjective M19.
unˈstratified adjective not stratified; not arranged in strata or layers: E19.
unˈstreaked adjective M19.
unˈstreamlined adjective M20.
unˈstrenuous adjective L19.
unˈstretched adjective M17.
unˈstriated adjective L19.
unˈstricken adjective not stricken or struck M16.
unˈstriped adjective M19.
unˈstripped adjective not stripped; not removed by stripping: L17.
unˈstrong adjective (obsolete exc. dial.) not strong; feeble, weak: OE.
unˈstruck adjective E17.
unˈstructured adjective not structured; informal: M20.
unˈstruggling adjective E19.
unˈstudded adjective E20.
unˈstung adjective E17.
unˈstylish adjective M19.
unˈstylishly adverb M20.
unˈstylishness noun L19.
unˈsubjugated adjective L18.
unˈsublimated adjective E20.
unsubˈlimed adjective (rare) LME.
unsubˈmerged adjective L19.
unsubˈmitting adjective not submitting; refusing to yield: M18.
unsubordinate adjective insubordinate M17–E18.
unsuˈborned adjective (now rare or obsolete) M17.
unsubˈscribed adjective L16.
unsubˈscribing adjective L18.
unˈsubsidized adjective not subsidized; not supported by subsidy: M18.
unˈsubstanced adjective (long rare or obsolete) not substanced; not made substantial: M17.
unˈsubstituted adjective (Chemistry) (of an atom or group) that has not been substituted by another; (of a compound) that has not had certain atoms or groups substituted by others: E20.
unsubˈverted adjective L18.
unsucˈceeded adjective (rare) not succeeded; without a successor or a successive event: M17.
unˈsuccoured adjective not succoured; unprotected; unassisted: LME.
unˈsucked adjective (rare) M17.
unˈsued adjective (now poet., rare) not sued; esp. (of a person) not appealed to, (of a thing) not appealed for: L16.
unsuffered adjective (rare) not suffered; unendured: M16–L18.
unˈsuffering adjective (a)rare impatient, not long-suffering; (b) not suffering: M16.
unsuˈfficed adjective (now rare) not sufficed; unsatisfied: L16.
unˈsuffixed adjective (Grammar) without a suffix M20.
unˈsugared adjective L16.
unsuˈggestive adjective not suggestive; unevocative of: L18.
unˈsuiting adjective (arch. rare) not suiting; unsuitable; not fitting: L16.
unˈsummed adjective not summed up; uncounted: LME.
unˈsummoned adjective L15.
unˈsunk adjective ME.
unˈsunny adjective M19.
unsuperable adjective insuperable LME–L18.
unˈsupercharged adjective E20.
unsuˈperfluous adjective L16.
unsuperˈseded adjective L18.
unsuperˈstitious adjective M17.
unˈsupervised adjective L19.
unˈsupped adjective (arch. rare) without having supped; supperless: LME.
unsuˈpportive adjective L20.
unsured adjective (rare) unconfirmed; unguaranteed, unsecured: LME–L16.
unˈsurfaced adjective M20.
unˈsurgical adjective E19.
unsurˈmised adjective L18.
unsurˈprised adjective L16.
unsurˈprising adjective L17.
unsurˈprisingly adverb M20.
unsuˈrrendered adjective L18.
unsuˈrrounded adjective E19.
unsurˈveyed adjective M16.
unˈsuspect adjective (chiefly Scot., now rare) not suspect; dependable; trustworthy: LME.
unsuˈspended adjective E18.
unˈswallowable adjective L19.
unˈswallowed adjective LME.
unˈsweepable adjective (rare) M19.
unˈswinging adjective M20.
unˈswollen adjective L16.
unsyˈllabic adjective not syllabic; not forming or constituting a syllable: M19.
unˈsyllabled adjective not formed into or uttered in syllables L16.
unsymˈbolic adjective L19.
unsyˈmmetrical adjective M18.
unsyˈmmetrically adverb M18.
unˈsympathizing adjective M18.
unˈsympathy noun (rare) lack of sympathy M19.
unˈsyncopated adjective L19.
unˈtactful adjective M19.
unˈtagged adjective M16.
unˈtailed adjective (a) not provided with a tail; (b) deprived of a tail: E17.
unˈtalented adjective M18.
unˈtalkative adjective M18.
unˈtalked adjective not talked of or about L16.
unˈtampered adjective not tampered (with) L17.
unˈtangible adjective (rare) intangible L18.
unˈtanned adjective not tanned; not subjected to tanning; not brown from exposure to the sun: M16.
unˈtapered adjective (rare) L18.
unˈtarred adjective not smeared or covered with tar L16.
unˈtasked adjective not having been assigned a task L18.
unˈtasted adjective (a)untouched; (b) not tasted; not (yet) sampled (lit. & fig.): LME.
unˈtasteful adjective E17.
unˈtearable adjective that cannot be torn M17.
unˈtechnical adjective M19.
unˈtechnically adverb E19.
untemperateness noun (a) distempered or disturbed condition of the bodily humours; (b) intemperateness: LME–M18.
unˈtended adjective not tended or looked after; neglected: L16.
unˈtendered adjective (long rare) not offered E17.
unˈtense adjective M20.
unˈtented adjective1 (arch.) (of a wound) unprobed, undressed E17.
unˈtented adjective2 (obsolete exc. Scot.) unheeded, unregarded L18.
unˈtented adjective3 (rare) not provided with a tent or tents L19.
unˈtenty adjective (Scot.) careless, heedless E19.
unˈtenured adjective M20.
unˈterraced adjective (esp. of a slope) not terraced L19.
unteˈrrific adjective not terrific or terrifying L18.
untheˈatrical adjective M18.
untheˈmatic adjective (esp. of a verb) not thematic L19.
untheoˈlogical adjective M17.
untheoˈretical adjective L18.
unˈthickened adjective L18.
unˈthinned adjective M17.
unˈthrashed adjective (a) = unthreshed; (b) rare not thrashed or beaten: E18.
unˈthreshed adjective (of corn etc.) not threshed M16.
unˈthronged adjective not thronged, uncrowded M17.
unˈthrown adjective not thrown away, out, etc.; not disconcerted: M16.
unˈthumbed adjective not thumbed; esp. (of a book etc.) not showing signs of use: L18.
unˈthwarted adjective L18.
unˈticketed adjective L18.
unˈtight adjective (now rare) not tight, esp. not watertight E17.
unˈtiled adjective (now rare) not covered with tiles (cf. untile) LME.
unˈtinctured adjective (chiefly fig.) not tinctured; untinged or unaffected by or with: M18.
unˈtinged adjective M17.
unˈtinned adjective L18.
unˈtinted adjective M19.
unˈtipped adjective1 not provided with a tip; esp. (of a cigarette) not having a filter tip: L17.
unˈtipped adjective2 not given a gratuity M19.
unˈtoasted adjective M18.
untoˈgether adjective (colloq.) not well organized, lacking self-possession M20.
unˈtoiled adjective (a)untilled, uncultivated; (b) not subjected to or overcome by toil; (c) not toiled for, got without toil: L16.
unˈtoiling adjective M18.
unˈtongued adjective without a tongue, tongueless L16.
unˈtoothsome adjective unpleasant in taste; unpalatable, disagreeable: M16.
untorˈmented adjective LME.
unˈtorn adjective LME.
unˈtouristed adjective (of a place) rarely visited by tourists E20.
unˈtouristy adjective M20.
unˈtracked adjective (a) without a track or path, trackless; (b) not tracked or traced, not followed up: E17.
unˈtradable, -eable adjective unable to be traded or sold; not admitting of trade: M20.
unˈtraded adjective (a) (long rare) unskilled, inexperienced, unfamiliar; (b)not customary, unhackneyed; (c) not traded or dealt in: M16.
untraˈditional adjective M20.
untraˈditionally adverb L20.
unˈtragic adjective M19.
unˈtrammelled adjective L18.
unˈtrampled adjective M17.
unˈtranquil adjective E19.
untranscenˈdental adjective M19.
untransˈferable adjective M17.
untransˈformable adjective L16.
untransˈformed adjective L18.
untransˈmissible adjective L16.
untransˈmitted adjective L18.
untransˈmutable adjective LME.
untransˈmuted adjective M17.
untransˈparent adjective L16.
untransˈplanted adjective M17.
untransˈportable adjective E17.
untransˈported adjective M16.
untransubˈstantiated adjective L17.
unˈtravellable adjective unable to be travelled over or traversed M17.
unˈtravelled adjective (a) that has not travelled; (b) not travelled over or traversed: L16.
untraˈversable adjective unable to be traversed M19.
untraˈversed adjective E19.
unˈtrembling adjective not trembling; fig. fearless: L16.
unˈtremblingly adverb without trembling M19.
unˈtremulous adjective E19.
unˈtrenched adjective E19.
unˈtrended adjective (dial., now rare) (of wool) not trended or wound LME.
unˈtrendy adjective (colloq.) unfashionable M20.
unˈtressed adjective (of hair) not arranged in tresses, loose, dishevelled LME.
unˈtrilled adjective not pronounced with a trill M19.
unˈtrite adjective L18.
unˈtrumpeted adjective not trumpeted, spec. not praised or proclaimed loudly L18.
unˈtumbled adjective L17.
untuˈmultuous adjective M18.
unˈturbaned adjective L18.
unˈtwinned adjective not forming a twin crystal L19.
unˈtypable adjective (Medicine & Biology) that cannot be assigned to a specific type M20.
unˈunionized adjective L20.
unuˈnitable adjective L17.
unuˈnited adjective L16.
unupˈbraided adjective L17.
unupˈbraiding adjective L18.
unupˈbraidingly adverb E18.
unupˈlifted adjective E19.
unˈurged adjective not urged or incited to a course of action; (of an idea etc.) not thrust or pressed on a person: L16.
unˈurgent adjective M20.
unˈurned adjective not buried or placed in an urn, unburied M19.
unˈushered adjective M17.
unutiliˈtarian adjective E20.
unˈutilized adjective M19.
unˈvaccinated adjective L19.
unˈvalidated adjective E20.
unˈvanquishable adjective LME.
unˈvanquished adjective LME.
unˈvaulted adjective L16.
unˈveined adjective E19.
unˈvenerable adjective E17.
unˈvenged adjective (arch.) LME.
unˈvented adjective without a vent or outlet E17.
unˈventilated adjective (a) not provided with means of ventilation; (b) not discussed: E18.
unˈventured adjective E17.
unˈventurous adjective M19.
unˈverbalizable adjective M20.
unˈverbalized adjective E20.
unˈverdant adjective M17.
unˈverifiable adjective M19.
unˈverified adjective E19.
unˈvetted adjective M20.
unˈvexed adjective LME.
unviaˈbility noun L20.
unˈviable adjective M20.
unvicˈtorious adjective E17.
unˈviewed adjective L16.
unˈvigilant adjective E17.
unˈvindicated adjective M17.
unvinˈdictive adjective M19.
unˈvintaged adjective M19.
unˈviolable adjective M16.
unviolably adverb M16–M17.
unˈviolated adjective M16.
unˈviolent adjective M20.
unvisible adjective LME–L16.
unvisibleness noun LME–E18.
unvisibly adverb: only in E17.
unˈvisitable adjective incapable of or unsuitable for visiting; unfit to be visited: M17.
unˈvisited adjective not visited L15.
unˈvital adjective M17.
unˈvitiated adjective M17.
unvitriˈfiable adjective M18.
unˈvitrified adjective L18.
unˈvolatile adjective (rare) = involatile 2 E19.
unˈvoluntary adjective (now rare or obsolete) L16.
unˈvouched adjective not guaranteed by evidence; not vouched for: L18.
unvouchˈsafed adjective not vouchsafed M17.
unˈvowed adjective not bound by or performed on account of a vow L16.
unˈvowelled adjective lacking vowels E17.
unˈvoyageable adjective (literary) unable to be voyaged or travelled over M17.
unˈvoyaged adjective (literary) not travelled or voyaged over E19.
unˈvulcanized adjective L19.
unˈvulgar adjective (a)uncommon, unusual; refined, rare; (b) free from vulgarity: L16.
unˈvulgarly adverb (rare) E17.
unˈvulnerable adjective (rare) E17.
unˈwaked adjective not awoken LME.
unˈwakened adjective E17.
unˈwalkable adjective unfit for walking in or on; not traversed by walking; incapable of walking: E19.
unˈwalked adjective not made to walk; not traversed by walking: E17.
unˈwalking adjective L18.
unˈwalled adjective not provided with or defended by a wall LME.
unˈwandered adjective (of land etc.) untraversed; (of a person) untravelled: M17.
unˈwandering adjective M16.
unˈwaning adjective E19.
unˈwanton adjective E17.
unˈwarded adjective (arch.) unguarded, undefended LME.
unˈwarlike adjective L16.
unˈwarlikeness noun M19.
unˈwarmed adjective not warmed, chilly E17.
unˈwarming adjective M18.
unˈwarned adjective OE.
unˈwasted adjective not wasted, consumed, or squandered; undevastated: ME.
unˈwasting adjective (now literary) not wasting; not being consumed: LME.
unˈwaving adjective E18.
unˈwaxed adjective not treated or covered with wax LME.
unˈweakened adjective M17.
unˈweal noun (arch.) unhappiness, distress ME.
unˈwealth noun (rare) lack of prosperity ME.
unˈwealthy adjective LME.
unˈweaned adjective L16.
unˈweaponed adjective unarmed ME.
unˈwearable adjective L18.
unˈweathered adjective L18.
unˈwedgeable adjective (rare) that cannot be split by a wedge, uncleavable, (chiefly fig., with allus. to Shakes. Meas. for M. II.ii.116) E17.
unˈweeded adjective not cleared of weeds E17.
unˈweened adjective (arch.) not thought of, imagined, or expected LME.
unˈweft adjective (rare) unwoven M19.
unˈwelded adjective L18.
unˈwept adjective (a) not wept for, unlamented; (b) (of tears) unshed: L16.
unˈwhipped adjective (a) not punished (as) by whipping; (b) Politics not subject to or directed by a party whip: E17.
unˈwhisperables noun pl. (arch. colloq.) trousers M19.
unˈwhispered adjective E19.
unˈwhitened adjective M19.
unˈwhitewashed adjective L18.
unˈwifely adjective M19.
unˈwily adjective ME.
unˈwindowed adjective windowless E19.
unˈwinged adjective wingless E17.
unˈwinnable adjective M16.
unˈwinnowed adjective M16.
unˈwistful adjective L18.
unwithˈstood adjective L16.
unˈwitnessed adjective LME.
unˈwon adjective not won or earned; spec. (of a woman) not successfully wooed L16.
unˈwooded adjective not wooded, treeless E17.
unˈwooed adjective (now literary) not wooed or courted L16.
unˈwordable adjective impossible to express in words M17.
unˈworded adjective not expressed in words M19.
unˈwormed adjective (of an animal or person) that has not had parasitic worms removed E17.
unˈworried adjective L18.
unˈwoven adjective LME.
unˈwrathful adjective (long rare) M16.
unˈwreaked adjective unrequited, unavenged L16.
unˈwrecked adjective M18.
unˈwrested adjective not wrested or strained M17.
unˈwritable adjective L18.
unˈwronged adjective L16.
unˈyeaned adjective that has not been born or given birth L18.
unˈyouthful adjective M19.
unˈzealous adjective M17.

un- /ʌn/ prefix2. OE.
ORIGIN: Old English un-, on- = Old Saxon ant-, Old High German ant-, int-, Gothic and-.
Forming verbs (mostly trans.) and derived ppl adjectives.
1.Prefixed to verbs, expr. reversal or cancellation of an action or process, as unbuckle, unlock.
2.Prefixed to nouns & verbs, expr. removal or deprivation, as unclothe, unleash, unmask.b. Expr. freeing or releasing, as unburden, untether.
3.Prefixed to nouns, expr. removal or extraction from a place or receptacle, as undock, unearth.
4.Expr. the withdrawal or reversal of a property or status: prefixed to adjectives, as unlevel, unround, and to nouns, as unman, unqueen; freq. (esp. with nouns) with suffix -ify or -ize, as unglorify, unjustify, unhumanize, unnaturalize.
5.Redundantly prefixed to verbs, as unloose, unstrip. rare.
 NOTE  In some adjectives, esp. those in -ed, both un-1 and un-2 can be understood (e.g. unbodied, untailed).
 DERIVATIVE unˈanchor verb (a) verb trans. free (a ship) from being anchored; fig. release oneself from an anchorage; (b) verb intrans. (of a ship) be or become unanchored; draw up the anchor: LME.
unˈban verb trans. remove a ban from (a person, political group, etc.); formally rescind an official order of exclusion or prohibition from: M20.
unˈbandage verb trans. remove a bandage from M19.
unˈbarbarize verb trans. make less barbarous; civilize: M17.
unˈbare verb trans. (now rare) lay bare, expose to view M16.
unbeˈnumb verb trans. free from numbness L16.
unbespeak verb trans. countermand; cancel an order or request for: M17–M18.
unbeˈwitch verb trans. free from witchcraft, disenchant L16.
unˈbishop verb trans. (long rare) remove from the office of bishop L16.
unˈbit verb trans. (now rare) free (a horse) from the bit M16.
unˈbitt verb trans. (Nautical) uncoil or unfasten (a cable) from the bitts M18.
unˈblind verb trans. (a) free from blindness; spec. cause (a test or experiment) to be no longer blind; (b) literary = unblindfold: L16.
unˈblindfold verb trans. remove a blindfold from LME.
unˈbonnet verb (a) verb intrans. & refl. remove one's hat or bonnet, esp. as a mark of respect; (b) verb trans. remove a bonnet from: E19.
unˈbottle verb trans. extract or release (as) from a bottle E19.
unˈbox verb trans. take out of a box E17.
unˈbraid verb trans. untie (a braid); undo the braids of: E19.
unˈbran verb trans. remove the bran from M19.
unˈbreech verb trans. (a) remove the breeching from (a cannon etc.); (b) arch. strip (a person) of breeches: M16.
unˈbrick verb trans. remove bricks from; open up by this action: L16.
unˈbridle verb trans. remove the bridle from; fig. free from restraint: LME.
unˈbrother verb trans. break brotherhood with; deprive of being a brother: M17.
unˈbudget verb trans. (now rare or obsolete) disclose, reveal E17.
unˈcage verb trans. release from a cage; fig. free from constraint, liberate: E17.
uncape verb intrans. (rare, Shakes.) uncover: only in L16.
unˈcardinal verb trans. (now rare) remove from the office of cardinal M17.
unˈcart verb trans. remove or unload from a cart M17.
unˈcastle verb trans. (arch.) drive out of a castle E17.
unˈcellar verb trans. (rare) remove (wine) from a cellar E17.
unceˈment verb trans. cause to break apart (as) by removing cement; sever, disjoin: M17.
unˈcharnel verb trans. remove from a charnel E19.
unˈcinch verb trans. unfasten (a saddle-girth, a pack, etc.) from a horse L19.
unˈcipher verb trans. (arch.) decipher L16.
unˈclamp verb trans. E19.
unˈclay verb trans. remove the clay from M17.
unˈclutch verb trans. release from one's clutch M17.
unˈclutter verb trans. make free of clutter M20.
uncoˈllegiate verb trans. deprive of the status of a collegiate church or parish M19.
uncolted adjective (rare, Shakes.) deprived of a horse: only in L16.
unˈcomment verb trans. (Computing) change (a piece of text within a program) from being a comment to being part of the program run by the computer L20.
unconˈvince verb trans. (rare) change or negate the conviction or belief of E19.
unˈcowl verb trans. uncover; remove the cowl or covering from: E17.
unˈcramp verb trans. & intrans. make or become less cramped or affected by cramp M19.
unˈcrest verb trans. remove the crest or top from E17.
unˈcrinkle verb (a) verb intrans. lose crinkles, become less crinkled; (b) verb trans. remove crinkles from: E20.
unˈdam verb trans. release from a dam L17.
unˈdarken verb trans. dispel the darkness from, make light L16.
unˈdazzle verb intrans. (rare) become restored to an undazzled state E17.
unˈdeaf verb trans. (rare) restore hearing to L16.
undeˈcree verb trans. reverse a decree on M17.
unˈdeify verb trans. deprive of the status or qualities of a deity M17.
undeˈlete verb trans. cancel the deletion of L20.
unˈdevil verb trans. free from demoniacal possession M17.
unˈdig verb trans. exhume or open again by digging M17.
unˈdouble verb trans. & intrans. make or become unfolded, straighten E17.
unˈduke verb trans. (rare) remove the dignity or office of a duke from E17.
unˈface verb trans. expose the face of E17.
unˈfather verb trans. deprive of a father L16.
unˈfeather verb trans. strip (a bird, nest, etc.) of feathers L15.
unˈfool verb trans. disabuse, undeceive, (a person) (long rare or obsolete) L16.
unˈfrenchify verb trans. (rare) L16.
unˈgag verb trans. remove a gag from E18.
unˈgarter verb trans. remove a garter from L16.
unˈgirth verb trans. undo a girth from; release by undoing a girth: L16.
unˈglobe verb trans. (rare) make no longer spherical E17.
unˈglorify verb trans. divest of glory or radiance M18.
unˈglove verb trans. & intrans. remove a glove or gloves (from) LME.
unˈgod verb trans. remove the status or attributes of a god from; undeify: E17.
unˈgoddess verb trans. undeify (a goddess) M18.
unˈgrave verb trans. (literary) remove from a grave; disinter: M17.
unˈgroup verb trans. (Computing) separate (items) from a group formed within a word-processing or graphics package L20.
unˈgyve verb trans. (arch.) unfetter, unshackle M16.
unˈhalter verb trans. remove a halter from L16.
unˈharbour verb trans. dislodge (a deer) from a covert L16.
unˈhasp verb trans. free (as) from a hasp or catch; unfasten: ME.
unˈhat verb intrans. remove one's hat, esp. as a mark of respect L16.
unˈhive verb trans. turn out of a hive E18.
unˈhoard verb trans. (now rare) take or bring out of a hoard M17.
unˈholster verb trans. remove (a gun) from a holster L20.
unˈhood verb trans. remove a hood or covering from L16.
unˈhoop verb trans. (long rare) remove a hoop or hoops from E17.
unˈjam verb trans. free from being jammed L18.
unˈkey verb trans. (a)remove the keystone from (an arch); (b) unfasten by means of a pin, wedge, etc.; (c) rare unlock with a key: M18.
unˈkingdomed adjective (rare) deprived of a kingdom E17.
unˈkiss verb trans. (long rare) cancel by means of a kiss M16.
unˈleaf verb trans. strip (a tree etc.) of leaves L16.
unˈleash verb trans. free from a leash or restraint; set free in order to pursue or attack: L17.
unˈleave verb trans. = unleaf verb L16.
unˈliver verb trans. (now rare or obsolete) discharge (a ship or cargo) M17.
unˈlivery noun (now rare or obsolete) discharge of a ship or cargo E19.
unˈlodge verb trans. (now rare) dislodge; drive from a lodging or resting place: M16.
unˈmesh verb trans. undo the meshes of; free from meshes: E19.
unˈmonarch verb trans. (a) deprive of a monarch; (b) remove the dignity and position of monarch from: M17.
unˈnest verb trans. remove or unsettle from a nest or place LME.
unˈpedestal verb trans. remove from a pedestal (lit. & fig.) E19.
unˈperch verb trans. dislodge from a perch L16.
unˈpile verb trans. demolish (a pile); remove from a pile: E17.
unˈpocket verb trans. take out of a pocket E17.
unqualitied adjective (rare, Shakes.) deprived of qualities: only in E17.
unquilt verb trans. (rare) uncover, unbind E–M17.
unˈray verb trans. (now dial.) divest of clothes, undress, strip L15.
unˈreeve verb trans. withdraw (a rope etc.) from being reeved E17.
unˈrind verb trans. strip (a tree etc.) of rind or bark LME.
unˈsack verb trans. take out of a sack LME.
unˈscabbard verb trans. remove from the scabbard E17.
unˈscottify verb trans. (rare) L18.
unˈseam verb trans. undo the seam or seams of (a garment etc.); rip up: L16.
unˈshawl verb intrans. take off one's shawl E19.
unˈshelve verb trans. remove from a shelf E19.
unˈsiphon verb trans. prevent from functioning as a siphon L19.
unˈslate verb trans. remove the slates from L16.
unˈslave verb trans. (chiefly poet., now rare) free from slavery E17.
unˈsleeve verb trans. (long arch.) remove or roll up the sleeve of L16.
unˈslough verb trans. (slang) unlock, unfasten M19.
unˈsluice verb trans. (chiefly poet.) release (as) from a sluice; allow to flow: E17.
unˈsnare verb trans. release from a snare M16.
unˈsnarl verb trans. disentangle M16.
unˈsneck verb trans. & intrans. (orig. Scot. & N. English) unlatch L18.
unˈsnib verb trans. unfasten (a catch); open (a door etc.) by this action: E20.
unˈsocket verb trans. remove from a socket E18.
unˈsolder verb trans. undo the soldering of; fig. dissolve: M16.
unˈsole verb trans. remove the sole or soles from L16.
unˈson verb trans. deprive of the status or character of a son M17.
unˈspan verb trans. & intrans. (now rare) unyoke or unharness (a horse etc.) from a vehicle M17.
unˈspar verb trans. unbar or unbolt (a door etc.) ME.
unˈspin verb trans. untwist (a spun thread etc.); unravel: L16.
unˈspit verb trans. remove from a spit L16.
unˈstack verb trans. remove or dismantle from a stack or pile M19.
unˈstall verb (Aeronautics) (a) verb intrans. (of an aircraft) recover from a stall; (b) verb trans. cause (an aircraft) to recover from a stall: E20.
unˈsteek verb trans. (obsolete exc. Scot. & N. English) undo, unfasten, open ME.
unˈstep verb trans. (Nautical) detach (a mast) from a step M19.
unˈsting verb trans. remove the sting from E17.
unˈstow verb trans. remove stowed articles from (a ship's hold etc.) E18.
unˈstrap verb trans. undo the strap or straps of; unfasten by this action: E19.
unˈstretch verb trans. & intrans. relax, slacken E17.
unˈstrike verb trans. (Falconry) draw the strings of (a hawk's hood) to facilitate removal E17.
unˈstrip verb trans. (now dial. rare) strip L16.
unsubˈscribe verb intrans. remove one's name and address from an electronic mailing list L20.
unˈswaddle verb trans. (a) take (a child) out of swaddling clothes; (b) unwrap or unwind the bandages or garments from: L16.
unˈswathe verb trans. free from a swathe or swathes; unwrap: LME.
unˈswell verb intrans. (now rare) recover from a swollen state LME.
unˈtangle verb trans. (a) free from a tangled state; (b) release from entanglement: M16.
unˈtape verb trans. remove tape from, free from being taped M20.
unˈtense verb trans. & intrans. make or become less tense or rigid; relax: L20.
unˈtent verb (long rare or obsolete) (a) verb trans. take out of a tent; (b) verb intrans. remove tents from a camp: E17.
unˈthrone verb trans. dethrone E17.
unˈtighten verb trans. (rare) loosen L18.
unˈtile verb trans. (now rare) strip (a roof etc.) of tiles LME.
unˈtranquillize verb trans. L19.
unˈtreasure verb trans. (arch. rare) rob or empty of or of treasure E17.
unˈtripe verb trans. (now rare) disembowel E17.
unˈvote verb trans. (a) reverse or annul by revoting; (b) deprive of by voting: M17.
unˈweave verb trans. disentangle, unravel M16.
unˈwheeled adjective (of a chariot etc.) bereft of a wheel or wheels M17.
unˈwhig verb trans. (now rare or obsolete) divest of the character or opinions of a Whig E19.
unˈwinter verb intrans. & trans. lose, or divest of, the qualities of winter E17.
unwit verb trans. (rare, Shakes.) deprive of wit or wits: only in E17.
unˈwitch verb trans. (arch.) = unbewitch L16.
unˈwoman verb trans. deprive of the (typical) qualities or status of a woman E17.
unˈworld verb trans. deprive of the qualities or character of a world; undo: M17.
unˈwreathe verb trans. disentwine, untwist L16.

un- /ʌn/ prefix3.
ORIGIN: from Latin unus one.
Forming proposed name of chemical elements with atomic numbers greater than 100, as unnilquadium (element 104), unnilpentium (element 105), etc.
 NOTE  Such names use a conventional series of word-forming elems., as -nil- zero, -quad- four, -pent- five, etc.

un-Main Entry: mis-
I. prefix
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German un- un-, Old Norse ō, ū-, Gothic un-, Latin in-, Greek a-, an-, Sanskrit a-, an- un-, Old English ne not — more at no
1. : not : in-, non- — in adjectives formed from adjectives
 < uncapacious >
 < ungratifiable >
 < unneighborlike >
 < unstrenuous >
including adjectivally used past and present participles
 < uncamouflaged >
 < unchosen >
 < undressed >
 < unsoothing >
and adjectives formed by adding -ed to nouns
 < unbearded >
in nouns formed from nouns
 < unostentation >
and rarely in verbs formed from verbs
 < unbe >
sometimes in words that have a meaning that merely negates that of the base word and are thereby distinguished from words that prefix in- or a variant of it (as im-) to the same base word and have a meaning positively opposite to that of the base word
 < unartistic >
 < unmoral >
2. : opposite of : contrary to — in adjectives formed from adjectives
 < unconstitutional >
 < ungraceful >
 < unpalatable >
 < unwarlike >
including adjectivally used past and present participles
 < unaffected >
 < unstinting >
and adjectives formed by adding -ed to nouns
 < unprincipled >
and in nouns formed from nouns
 < unrest >
II. prefix
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English un-, on-, alteration of and- against — more at ante-
 a. : do the opposite of : reverse (a specified action) : de- 1a, dis- I 1a — in verbs formed from verbs
  < unbend >
  < undress >
  < unfold >
 b. : cause to cease to — in verbs formed from verbs
  < unbe >
 a. : deprive of : remove (a specified thing) from : remove — in verbs formed from nouns
  < unflesh >
  < unfrock >
  < unsex >
  — compare de-, dis- I
 b. : release from : free from — in verbs formed from nouns
  < unhand >
 c. : remove from : extract from : bring out of — in verbs formed from nouns
  < unbosom >
  < unheaven >
  — compare de-, dis- I
 d. : cause to cease to be — in verbs formed from nouns
  < unking >
  — compare dis- I
3. : completely
 < unloose >
— compare dis- I

un- 1


  1. added to adjectives or past participles not
    unannounced — “not being announced”
    uneducated — “not educated”
    unattractive — “not attractive”
    unconstitutional — “not constitutional”
  2. added to nouns absent; lacking; not; negative
    ungrace (“lack of grace, gracelessness”)
    unrest (“a lack of rest (peace); war”)
    unhope (“despair”)
    unfriend (“enemy”)
    unluck (“misfortune”)
    uncertainty (“lack or absence of certainty”)


From Middle English un-, from Old English un-, from Proto-Germanic *un-, from Proto-Indo-European *n̥-. Cognate with Scots un-, on- (“un-”), North Frisian ün-, Saterland Frisian uun-, West Frisian ûn-, on-, Dutch on-, Low German un-, on-, German un-, Danish u-, Swedish o-, Norwegian u-, Icelandic ó-. More distant cognate with Latin in-, Ancient Greek ἀ- (a-) (whence English a-, modern Greek α- (a-)) and Sanskrit अ- (a-).

Usage notes

  • Some words formed in this way may also have counterparts using in- or non-.
  • Derived terms

    English words prefixed with un-

    un- 2


    1. added to verbs and nouns to form verbs reverse, opposite
      to undress — “to take one's clothes off”
      to unwind — “to reverse a winding”
      to unlock — “to undo the locking of”
      1996, Diane Warren (writer), Toni Braxton (singer), “Un-Break My Heart”, Secrets, LaFace
      Un-cry these tears I cried so many nights / Un-break my heart
    2. release, free, remove, extract.
      to uncage — “to release from a cage”
      to untangle — “to remove the tangling of”


    From Middle English on-, from Old English ond-, and- (“against, facing, toward; in return, back, without”), from Proto-Germanic *anda-, *andi- (“against”), from Proto-Indo-European *h₂énti (“across, forth, forward, ahead”), from Proto-Indo-European *h₂ént- (“end, limit, forehead”). More at and-.

    Usage notes

  • Only certain words can take un- to form a new word with the opposite meaning. In particular, verbs that describe an irreversible action produce words often considered nonsense, e.g. unkill, unspend, unlose, unring. These words may nevertheless be in occasional use for humorous or other effect.
  • Synonyms

  • (opposite): anti-, in-, non-
  • (release): de-, dis-
  • un- 3


    1. Used to form temporary names of elements (such as unbiunium) whose existence has been predicted, and have not yet been given a systematic name.


    From Latin ūnus.


  • -un-
  • References

  • Definition of un- - Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
  • 前缀:un-

    ① 表示“不,无,非,没有”

    unreal 不真实(un+real真实的)

    unequal 不平等的(un+equal平等的)

    unfortunate 不幸的(un+fortunate幸运的)

    unabashed 不害臊的(un+abashed难为情的)

    unassuming 不摆架子的(un+assuming自以为是的)

    uncommitted 不承担责任的(un+committed担责任的)

    unscrupulous 肆无忌惮的(un+scrupulosu小心的)

    untoward 不幸的;逆境的(un+toward顺利的→不顺的)

    unconditional 无条件的(un+conditional有条件的)

    unlimitted 无限的(un+limited有限的)

    unambitious 无野心的(un+ambitious有雄心的)

    unconscionable 无节制的(un+conscionabe明智的)

    unfailing 无尽的,无穷的(un+failing有尽头;失败的→没有尽头的)

    unofficial 非官方的(un+official官方的)

    unjust 非正义的(un+just公正的)

    unworldly 非尘世的(un+worldly世俗的)

    uneducated 未受教育的(un+educated有教养的)

    uncivilized 未开化的(un+civilized文明的)

    undecided 未决定的(un+decided决定的)

    unalloyed 未掺杂的(un+alloy合金,混合+ed→没混合的)

    uncharted 图上没标明的(un+chared图上标明的)

    ② 表示“打开,解开,弄出”

    unlock 开锁(un+lock锁)

    unbind 解开(un+bind捆住)

    unbutton 解开钮扣(un+botton钮扣)

    uncover 揭开盖子(un+cover盖子)

    undress 脱衣服(un+dress衣服)

    untomb 掘墓(un+tomb墓)

    unearth 从地下挖出(un+earth土地)

    unbosom 吐露)(un+bosom胸→打开心胸→吐露)

    unravel 解开;拆散(un+ravel纠缠)



    unreal 不真实的

    uncomfortable 不舒服的

    unclear 不清楚的

    unfriendly 不友好的

    unhappy 不快乐的

    unequal 不平等的

    unwelcome 不受欢迎的

    unfortunate 不幸的

    unclean 不洁的

    uneconomic 不经济的

    unkind 不和善的

    unchangeable 不能改变的


    unconditional 无条件的

    unmanned 无人驾驶的

    unsystematic 无系统的

    unambitious 无野心的

    unlimited 无限的

    unaccented 无重音的

    unfathered 无父的

    unbodied 无形体的

    unbounded 无边的

    unaccompanied 无伴侣的

    untitled 无标题的

    unexampled 无先例的


    unjust 非正义的

    unartistic 非艺术的

    unofficial 非官方的

    unspecialized 非专门化的

    unartificial 非人工的

    unworldly 非尘世的

    unsoldierly 非军人的

    undesigned 非预谋的

    unalloyed 非合金的

    unprofessional 非职业性的

    unorthodox 非正统的

    unintentional 非故意的


    uncorrected 未改正的

    unchanged 未改变的

    undecided 未定的

    unawaked 未醒的

    unfinished 未完成的

    uncivilized 未开化的

    uneducated 未受教育的

    unripe 未熟的

    uncut 未割的

    uninvited 未经邀请的

    uncoloured 未染色的

    undeclared 未经宣布的


    unlock 开锁

    untie 解开

    unbind 解开,释放

    unbutton 解开钮扣

    uncap 脱帽

    uncover 揭开盖子

    undo 取消,解开

    undress (使)脱衣服


    untomb 从墓中掘出

    unearth 由地下挖出

    uncase 从盒中取出

    unhouse 把...赶出屋外

    uncage 放...出笼

    unbosom 吐露(心事)



    【词根来源】:在希腊语中为a-, an-,拉丁语中为in-,哥特语为un-,古斯堪的纳维亚语为u-,古高地德语为un-,古英语为ne。

    【同源单词】:unable, unalienable, unassuming, unbearable, unceasing





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