tarso-|tɑːsəʊ|before a vowel tars-, comb. form of Gr. ταρσός, tarsus, a formative of technical terms of anatomy, pathology, and surgery.‖ tarˈsalgia[Gr. -αλγια, ἄλγος, pain], (a) a general term for pain in the tarsus; (b) see quot.tarˈsectomy[Gr. ἐκτοµή excision], excision of one or more of the tarsal bones. ‖ tarsecˈtopia[ectopia], displacement of the tarsus. ‖ tarˈsoclasis[Gr. κλάσις fracture], (a) rupture of the tarsal cartilages (Syd. Soc.Lex. 1899); (b) rupture of the fibrous tissue forming the basis of the eyelids (Cassell Suppl. 1902). ‖ tarsomalacia|-ˈeɪʃ(ɪ)ə|[Gr. µαλακία softness], a softening of the palpebral cartilages (Syd. Soc.Lex. 1899). tarsophaˈlangeala., pertaining to or connecting the tarsus and the phalanges. ‖ tarsoˈphyma[Gr. ϕῦµα tumour], a swelling or tumour of the tarsus (Dunglison, 1857). ˈtarsoplasty[-plasty], plastic surgery of the eyelid (Syd. Soc.Lex.). tarˈsorrhaphy[Gr. ῥαϕή seam], plastic suture of the eyelid. tarsoˈtarsala.=medio-tarsal(see medio-). tarsoˈtibiala.= tibiotarsal. tarˈsotomy[Gr. τοµή cutting]: see quot. 1857.1890Billings Nat.Med.Dict., *Tarsalgia,..peculiar neuralgic affection of the foot, often with some flattening of the arch and contraction of the plantar muscles; observed in policemen, soldiers, etc.Ibid., *Tarsectomy.1891Lancet 28 Feb. 491/1 A case in which Syme's amputation had been performed on one foot and tarsectomy on the other for severe talipes.1860Mayne Expos.Lex., *Tarsectopia.1890in Billings Nat.Med.Dict.1871Huxley Anat.Vertebr.Anim. viii. 333 The *tarsophalangeal synostosis above described is freely movable on the astragalus.1846F. Brittan tr.Malgaigne's Man. Oper. Surg. 277 In the second case are employed excision of the conjunctiva, excision of the tarsal cartilage, V shaped excision of the lid, *tarsoraphy.1898P. Manson Trop. Diseases xxvi. 421 Tarsorraphy for ectropion of the lower lid..may sometimes have to be performed.1857Dunglison Dict.Med.Sc., *Tarsotomy,..the section or removal of the tarsal cartilages.1893Brit.Med.Jrnl. 18 Feb. 341/2 Tarsotomy..is of service where the varus is the chief defect.
tarso-/ˈtɑ:səʊ/combining form. Before a vowel also tars-.
ORIGIN: from tarsus: see -o-.
Anatomy, Zoology, & Medicine.
1.Of, pertaining to, or connected with the tarsus (ankle or foot).
2.Of or pertaining to the tarsi of the eyelids.
tarso- — see tars-
Part or all of this entry has been imported from the 1913 edition of Webster’s Dictionary, which is now free of copyright and hence in the public domain. The imported definitions may be significantly out of date, and any more recent senses may be completely missing.