early 15c., "spiritual calling," from Old French vocacion "call, consecration; calling, profession" (13c.) or directly from Latin vocationem (nominative vocatio), literally "a calling, a being called" from vocatus "called," past participle of vocare "to call" (see voice, n.). Sense of "one's occupation or profession" is first attested 1550s.
〔蒋〕[voc声音,语言,叫喊→召唤,-ation名词后缀;原义为’根据上帝的召唤而做的事”→天职,后演化,引申为;职业”] 职业,行业
〔李〕[voc=to call喊;-ation n.=the state or result表状态或结果→“the state or result of being called by God, one's interest, etc.为上帝、个人兴趣等所呼唤或感召的状态或结果”→] n.① job which one feels he is chosen to do certainly天职;使命