-festa suffix indicating a period of festive or enthusiastic activity in the thing named, as in lovefest, musicfest, talkfest.
[US (1860s), from German fest festival]-fest
combining form
- in nouns denoting a festival or large gathering of a specified kind[用于名词]表示“…节”, “…大型聚会”:
a media-fest
a jazz-fest.
from German Fest 'festival'.
word-forming element in colloquial compounds (hen-fest, gabfest, etc.), from 1889, American English, borrowed from German Fest "festival," abstracted from Volksfest, etc., from Middle High German vëst, from Latin festum (see festivity).
combining form. meeting, occasion, contest, or game, characterized by _____, as in songfest, slugfest, talkfest.
[< German Fest]
\ˌfest\ noun combining form
Etymology: German fest festival, holiday, from Middle High German vest, from Latin festum, from neuter of festus solemn, festal — more at feast
1. : festive gathering especially for competition
< shootingfest >
< turnerfest >
< songfest >
2. : session often informal or spontaneous
< gabfest >
: outburst of activity
< slugfest >
< shootingfest >
< turnerfest >
< songfest >
< gabfest >
: outburst of activity
< slugfest >
- A festival, a fest; used in names of events.
- summer → Summerfest
- Yule → Yulefest
- informal Appended to a noun to denote a thing, especially an event or artistic work, characterized by the noun's referent.
- snooze → snoozefest
- slug → slugfest
- action → actionfest
- joke → jokefest
From fest, from German Fest (“festival”), abstracted from Volksfest, etc.
Derived terms
English words suffixed with -fest