1656 Blount Glossogr.,*Talpicide, the taking or killing moles or woants.
1660 S. Fisher Rusticks AlarmWks. (1679) 326But J. O. is so totally *talpified, that..he can't see that Jewish Idolatry nearer home.
1860 Mayne Expos. Lex. ,Talpiformis, applied by Latreille to a Family..which resemble the Talpa: *talpiform.
1890 Billings Nat. Med. Dict. ,Talpiform, shaped like a mole.
1860 Mayne Expos. Lex. ,Talpinus,..*talpine.
combining form
Etymology: Latin talpa
: mole
< talpiform >
< talpiform >