

词汇 tail
Online Etymology Dictionary

"hindmost part of an animal," Old English tægl, tægel "a tail," from Proto-Germanic *tagla- (cognates: Old High German zagal, German Zagel "tail," dialectal German Zagel "penis," Old Norse tagl "horse's tail," Gothic tagl "hair"), from PIE *doklos, from suffixed form of root *dek- (2) "something long and thin" (referring to such things as fringe, lock of hair, horsetail; cognates: Old Irish dual "lock of hair," Sanskrit dasah "fringe, wick"). According to OED, the primary sense, at least in Germanic, seems to have been "hairy tail," or just "tuft of hair," but already in Old English the word was applied to the hairless "tails" of worms, bees, etc. But Buck writes that the common notion is of "long, slender shape." As an adjective from 1670s.
Meaning "reverse side of a coin" (opposite the side with the head) is from 1680s; that of "backside of a person, buttocks" is recorded from c.1300; slang sense of "pudenda" is from mid-14c.; that of "woman as sex object" is from 1933, earlier "act of copulation" with a prostitute (1846). Of descending strokes of letters, from 1590s.
Tails "coat with tails" is from 1857. The tail-race (1776) is the part of a mill race below the wheel. To turn tail "take flight" (1580s) originally was a term in falconry. The image of the tail wagging the dog is attested from 1907. Another Old English word for "tail" was steort (see stark).
"limitation of ownership," a legal term, early 14c. in Anglo-French; late 13c. in Anglo-Latin, in most cases a shortened form of entail.
1520s, "attach to the tail," from tail, n.1. Meaning "move or extend in a way suggestive of a tail" is from 1781. Meaning "follow secretly" is U.S. colloquial, 1907, from earlier sense of "follow or drive cattle." Related: Tailed; tailing. Tail off "diminish" is attested from 1854.

词根:tail = to cut

  来自盎格鲁-撒克逊语的tail 意为to cut。同义词根有来自希腊语的tom(tem)和来自拉丁语的cis,cop/coup,scind/scis,sect,sever,tons,trench 等。

  (*拉丁文talea(=to cut) —— 英文根字典)


1. entail(有力切en(=intensive) + tail (=cut))
  entailment n.继承人之限定
  Applying for college entails a great deal of paperwork. 申请入大学需要做大量的书面工作。

2. curtail
  v.缩减,缩短 *cur(=care)
  curtailment n.缩减,缩短
  curtail a speech /one's holiday 缩短讲话/假期

3. detail
  n.细节,细目;详情;详述;(美术中)细部(描绘)v.详述;(为特殊任务)派遣 *de(=down,intensive)
  detailed report 详细报道
  go /enter into details 详述,逐一细说
  in detail 详细地,仔细地
  five soldiers were detailed to guard the bridge. 一名士兵被派去守卫大桥。

4. retail
  v.零售;详述;传播(消息) n.零售 adj./adv.零售的,以零售方式 *re(=again,back)
  retailer n.零售商
  retail dealer 零售商
  retail price 零售价格
  retail shop 零售店
  retail sales 零售
  at retail 以零售方式
  sell retail 零售
  retail a slander 传播诽谤之言

5. tailor
  n.(尤其指做男装的)裁缝 v.缝制(衣服);使适合
  tailoring n.裁缝业,裁缝的技术
  tailor-made 裁缝制的;量身定做,合适的
  well-tailored suit 做工精良的西服
  tailored for a special purpose /to a particular audience 适合特殊目的/适合特殊的观众要求的

词根:tail = cut, 表示“剪, 割”

tailor n. 裁缝

curtail v. 缩短;削减(cur短+tail→减短,参考;curt简短失礼的)

detail n. 琐事;详情(de加强+tail→不断剪下去→琐事)

retail v. 零售(re再+tail→再监一次→零售)

entail v. 使承担,把…遗传给(en使+tail→把剪下的东西给别人)


tail =cut切割

tailor [tail切割→剪裁,-or表示人;剪裁者] 裁缝,成衣工,成衣商

tailoress [见上,-ess表示女性] 女裁缝,女成衣工

detail [de-加强意义,tail切;’切碎的”,由整体切碎细分而成的部分] 细节,细目,详情,零件

detailed [见上,-ed形容词后缀,…的] 细节的,详细的

retail [re-再,tail切;’再切”→切碎→细分→由整变零] 零售,零卖,零售的

retailer [见上,-er表示人] 零售商





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