Word Origin
a suffix appearing in loanwords from Greek, where it was used to form from verbs abstract nouns of action, process, state, condition, etc.:
thesis; aphesis.
< Greek
Related Words
- anamorphosis
- apheresis
- cataclasis
- diocese
- paresis
- aeroscepsy
noun suffix
(plural -ses)
noun suffix
(plural -ses)
ETYMOLOGY Latin, from Greek, feminine suffix of action
: process : actionperistalsis
suffix in Greek-derived nouns denoting action, process, state, condition, from Greek -sis, which is identical in meaning with Latin -entia, English -ing(1).
\sə̇s\ noun suffix
(plural -ses)
Etymology: Latin, from Greek, feminine suffix of action
1. : process : action : -ing
< analysis >
< peristalsis >
< arsis >
2. : diseased state : disease produced by
< stephanofilariasis >
< analysis >
< peristalsis >
< arsis >
< stephanofilariasis >
(plural -ses)
- forming nouns of action or process
- dialysis, noesis, prosiopesis
- medicine form noun of condition
- psoriasis, sepsis
Ultimately from Ancient Greek -σις (-sis, “forms noun of action”), often via Latin or French.
Usage notes
Not very productive, primarily used for borrowed terms from Ancient Greek, also some modern coinages on Ancient Greek roots.
Derived terms
English words suffixed with -sis