Word Origin
a combining form meaning “tube,” “siphon,” used in the formation of compound words:
combining form representing síphōn siphon; see -o-
Related Words
- siphonapterous
- siphonophore
- siphonostele
siphono-combining form meaning 'siphon', 'tube', as in siphonostele.
Also, syphono-. [Greek, combining form of sīphōn]
1842 Brande Dict. Sci. , etc. 1120*Siphonobranchiates, order of Gastropods, including those in which the branchial cavity terminates in a tube or siphon more or less prolonged, by which the respiratory current of water is received and expelled.
1849 Craig, Siphonobranchiate a.
1898 tr. Strasburger's Text-Bk.Bot. 431The pollen-tubes..conduct the two generative cells to the egg-cell. The Phanerogams have accordingly been termed by Engler, *Siphonogams.
1900 B. D. Jackson Gloss. Bot. Terms 242/1*Siphonogamic.
1891 Nature 17 Sept. 484 From another point of view karyogamy is..*Siphonogamous: karyogamy is effected by a tubular outgrowth from one or both of the gametes.
1900 B. D. Jackson Gloss. Bot. Terms 242/1*Siphonogamy.
1894 Jrnl. MarineZool. I. 78The single *siphonoglyph giving attachment to the ventral pair of directive mesenteries.
1883 Phil. Trans. CLXXIV. 693On the Ciliated Groove (*Siphonoglyphe) in the Stomodæum of the Alcyonarians.
Ibid. 694,I propose to call this groove ‘the siphonoglyphe’.
1888 Rolleston & Jackson Anim. Life 725leading into well marked grooves strongly ciliated known as gonidial grooves or siphonoglyphes. [ One end of the mouth]
Ibid. 775A *Siphonophoran has been variously regarded (1) as an assemblage of organs, or (2) as a colony of polymorphic zooids.
Ibid. 775 note,The Siphonophoran sometimes attached directly to the coenosarc.
1842 Brande Dict. Sci. , etc. 1120*Siphonophores,..a name given by Escholtz to an order of Acalephes, to which he refers those species which have no central digestive cavity, but simply isolated tubes.
1883 Century Mag. Sept. 733/2The vapory, translucent siphonophores..lived contentedly in their glass prison.
1884 Riverside Nat. Hist. I. 106The Siphonophore fauna of the Mediterranean Sea.
a1843 Encycl. Metrop. VII. 267/1The *Siphonophorous Order are..distinguished by the absence of any stomach.
1881 Encycl. Brit. XII. 555/1The variously modified units of the siphonophorous colony.
Ibid. XVI. 684/1In embryo *Siphonopods..the sucker-bearing lobes of the fore-foot are truly podial structures.
Ibid. 669/1*Siphonopodous Cephalopods in which the inflected lateral margins of the mid-foot are fused so as to form a complete tubular siphon.
1902 *Siphonostele . [ see mesarch 1]
1969 F. E. Round Introd. Lower Plants x. 123The central tissue in the siphonosteles is often sclerified.
1899 E. C. Jeffrey in Mem. BostonSoc. Nat. Hist. V. 160The two primitive types of stele described above appropriately designated, protostelic and *siphonostelic respectively.
1969 F. E. Round Introd. Lower Plants x. 123A simple stele is formed. This consists either of a stellate mass of xylem surrounded by a few rows of simple phloem cells or, in the aerial parts of Psilotum and Tmesipteris, becoming siphonostelic.
1899 E. C. Jeffrey in Mem. BostonSoc. Nat. Hist. V. 160The primary vascular axes of living Lycopodiales rarely present the phenomena of *siphonostely.
1872 H. A. Nicholson Palaeont. 244In a second group the aperture of the shell is notched in front; and the shell is said to be ‘*siphonostomatous’.
1837 Penny Cycl. IX. 460/1Latreille..admitted into the class Crustacea 12 orders,..the Ostrapods, the Xyphosures, and the *Siphonostomes.
1842 Brande Dict. Sci. , etc. 1120Siphonostomes,..a family of Crustaceans, comprehending those which have a siphon-shaped mouth for suction.
Ibid. ,Siphonostomes... By M. de Blainville the term is applied to those gastropods which have the opening of the shell prolonged into a siphon.
a1843 Encycl. Metrop. VII. 278/1All the pieces of the mouth can be accounted for in the *Siphonostomous Order.
1855 Ogilvie Suppl. ,Siphonostomous, a designation of animals with a siphon-shaped mouth for suction.
1949 H. H. Strain in Franck & Loomis Photosynthesis in Plants vi. 162*Siphonaxanthin. Green algae of the order Siphonales yield significant quantities of this ketonic pigment that closely resembles fucoxanthin with respect to spectral absorption properties.
1964 Oceanogr. & MarineBiol. II. 217Within the Chlorophyta, the Siphonales differ from the other members in possessing siphonein and siphonoxanthin.
1973 V. J. & D. J. Chapman Algae (ed. 2) vi. 137The discoid chloroplasts..lack siphonaxanthin so characteristic of the siphonaceous Chlorophyceae.
1881 H. N. Moseley Corals inRep. Sci. ResultsVoy. Challenger 1873–76 II. 118,I propose to term in the case of Alcyonarians, in which there are two kinds of zooids,..the aborted polyps (zooids of Kölliker) ‘*siphonozooids’.
Ibid. 119The siphonozooid cavities are only about one-fifth the length of the autozooid cavities.
1896 tr. Boas' TextBk. Zool. 114The constant presence, in various Alcyonarians, of arrested individuals (siphonozooids).
— see siphon-
— see siphon-