1890 Billings Med. Dict. ,Zygomatico-auricular index, ratio between the bizygomatic and the biauricular diameters of the cranium.
combining form
Etymology: New Latin, from zygomaticus zygomatic
: zygomatic and
< zygomaticomaxillary >
< zygomaticomaxillary >
【来源及含义】Greek: the malar bone or the arch that the malar bone forms with the other bones to which it is connected
【相关描述】So named because it "yokes" the bones of the face together with those of the skull.
【同源单词】zygomaticofacial, zygomaticofrontal, zygomaticomaxillary, zygomatico-orbital, zygomaticosphenoid, zygomaticotemporal