late 14c., "visible sign, indication," from Old French signal, seignal "seal, imprint, sign, mark," from Medieval Latin signale "a signal," from Late Latin signalis (adj.) "used as a signal, pertaining to a sign," from Latin signum "signal, sign" (see sign, n.). Restricted sense "agreed-upon sign (to commence or desist, etc.) is from 1590s. Meaning "modulation of an electric current" is from 1855.
1805, "to make signals to," from signal, n.. Related: Signaled; signaling. Earlier verb was signalize (1650s).
"remarkable, striking, notable" ("serving as a sign"), 1640s, from French signalé, past participle of signaler "to distinguish, signal" (see signal, n.).
〔李〕[sign=to mark记号;-al n.=the result表行为结果→“the result of marking做记号的结果”→]Ⅰn. anything that serves to indicate信号,暗号