

词汇 non-
Online Etymology Dictionary

  1. Not:

  1. Middle English
  2. from Old French
    源自 古法语
  3. from Latin nōn [not] * see ne
    源自 拉丁语 nōn [不,不是] *参见 ne



indicating negation
indicating refusal or failure
indicating exclusion from a specified class of persons or things
indicating lack or absence, esp of a quality associated with what is specified


from Latin nōn not

nona- or (before a vowel) non-

combining form



from Latin nōnus

Example Sentences

Even non- Catholics have been swarming into the church there.

Jack Higgins THE KEYS OF HELL (2002)
prefix meaning "not, lack of," or "sham," 14c., from Anglo-French noun-, from Old French non-, from Latin non "not, by no means, not at all, not a," from Old Latin noenum "not one" (*ne oinom, from PIE *ne "not" + *oi-no-; see one). In some cases perhaps from Middle English non "not" (adj.), from Old English nan (see not).
non- /nɒn/ prefix.
ORIGIN: Anglo-Norman noun- = Old French non-, nom- (mod. non-) or their source Latin non- use as prefix of non not.
Used in words adopted from Anglo-Norman, Old & mod. French, and Latin, in English words modelled on these, and as a freely productive prefix to form words with the sense ‘not’ (usu. hyphenated but sometimes also written solid).
1.Forming nouns from nouns with the sense ‘not doing, failure to do, exemption from doing’, as non-acceptance, non-attendance, non-observance, non-payment, non-recognition, etc.; nouns from nouns with the sense ‘failure to be, not being’, as non-belligerence, non-violence, etc.
2.Forming nouns from nouns with the sense ‘a person or thing not of the kind designated’, as non-abstainer, non-Indian, non-joiner, etc.; nouns from nouns with the sense ‘a person or thing not wholly, adequately, or genuinely of the kind designated’, as non-answer, non-issue, non-novel, etc.
3.Forming attrib. adjectives from nouns with the sense ‘not connected with or involving the thing designated’, as non-party, non-profit, non-union, etc.
4.Forming adjectives from adjectives with the sense ‘failing to be, not being’, as non-alcoholic, non-British, non-commutative, non-corrosive, non-episcopal, non-indigenous, non-Indo-European, non-Muslim, non-perishable, non-Semitic, non-venomous, non-visual, etc.; adjectives from adjectives with the sense ‘neither such nor its (esp. blameworthy) opposite’, as non-moral etc.
5.Forming adjectives from ppl adjectives with the sense ‘that does not, that has not been’, as non-aspirated, non-fattening, non-naturalized, etc.
6.Forming adjectives from verbs with the sense ‘not doing, not functioning or requiring to be treated in a specified way’, as non-crush, non-iron, non-shrink, etc.
7.Forming adverbs from adverbs with the sense ‘not thus, not in the manner specified’, as non-inferentially, non-spatially, non-uniformly, etc.
 DERIVATIVE non-aˈbelian adjective L19.
non-aˈbility noun (long rare) inability, incapacity L15.
non-abˈstainer noun a person who does not abstain, esp. from alcohol M19.
non-acˈceptance noun failure or refusal to accept M17.
non-ˈaccess noun (Law) impossibility of access for sexual intercourse (in questions of paternity etc.) L18.
non-act noun a thing which is not an act; a failure or refusal to act: M17.
non-ˈaction noun a failure or refusal to act M18.
non-aˈddictive adjective (esp. of a drug) not tending to cause addiction or dependence M20.
non-adˈmission noun failure or refusal to admit L16.
non-advertence noun lack of advertence or attention (to) M16–E19.
non-aˈggression noun & adjective (a) noun lack of or restraint from aggression; (b) attrib. adjective involving lack of or restraint from aggression (freq. in non-aggression pact): M19.
non-alcoˈholic adjective (of a drink etc.) not containing alcohol M19.
non-aˈligned adjective that is not aligned; Politics (of a state etc.) not aligned with another (esp. major) power: M20.
non-aˈlignment noun lack or absence of alignment; Politics the condition of being non-aligned: E20.
non-allerˈgenic adjective not causing an allergic reaction M20.
non-aˈllergic adjective not allergic; spec. non-allergenic: M20.
non-amˈbiguous adjective unambiguous, free from ambiguity E20.
non-Aˈmerican adjective & noun (a) adjective not American, of a nationality other than American; (b) noun a non-American person: M19.
non-aˈpparent noun & adjective (a) noun (long obsolete) something not apparent; (b) adjective not apparent, not clear or manifest: M17.
non-aˈppearance noun failure or refusal to appear or be present, esp. as a witness etc. in a court of law L15.
non-ˈart noun (a) gen. something that is not art; (b) a form of art avoiding artifice or rejecting conventional modes and methods: M20.
non-ˈAryan adjective & noun (a) adjective not Aryan or of Aryan descent; spec. (esp. in Nazi Germany) Jewish; (b) a person who is not an Aryan; spec. (esp. in Nazi Germany) a Jew: M19.
non-aˈssociative adjective (a) not characterized by association (esp. of ideas); (b) Math. not associative; characterized by or designating operations in which the result is dependent on the grouping of quantities or elements: L19.
non-aˈttached adjective that is not attached; fig. unconcerned or uninvolved, esp. with material things: M19.
non-aˈttachment noun the state of being non-attached E20.
non-aˈttendance noun failure or refusal to attend L17.
non-aˈttributable adjective that cannot or may not be attributed to a particular source etc. M20.
non-aˈttributably adverb L20.
non-availaˈbility noun M19.
non-bank adjective not connected with or transacted by a banking house; (of an institution) not a bank: E20.
non-barˈbiturate noun & adjective (Pharmacology) (a drug) that is not a barbiturate M20.
non-ˈbeing noun (a) the state of not being; non-existence; (b) a non-existent person or thing: LME.
non-beˈliever noun a person who does not believe in something, a person with no (esp. religious) faith M19.
non-beˈlligerence noun the state of being non-belligerent; the position or status of a non-belligerent nation, state, etc.: M20.
non-beˈlligerency noun = non-belligerence L19.
non-beˈlligerent adjective & noun (a) adjective (esp. of a nation, state, etc.) not actively engaged in hostilities; not aggressive; abstaining from active involvement in a war etc. but tending to favour one side (as distinct from neutral); (b) noun a non-belligerent nation, state, etc.: M19.
non-biodeˈgradable adjective M20.
non-bioˈlogical adjective not belonging to biology or forming part of its subject matter; not of biological origin; not occurring in, involving, or pertaining to living organisms: L19.
non-ˈblack adjective & noun (a) adjective not black; (b) noun (non-black) (a person who is) not black: E20.
non-ˈbreakable adjective that is not breakable L20.
non-ˈcapital adjective (of a crime etc.) not punishable by death M19.
non-ˈCatholic noun & adjective (a) noun a person who is not a Roman Catholic; (b) adjective (of a person, institution, etc.) not Roman Catholic; not Catholic: L18.
non-ˈChristian noun & adjective (a) noun a person who is not a Christian, esp. an adherent of another religion; (b) adjective of or pertaining to a non-Christian or non-Christians: L17.
non-chronoˈlogical adjective = unchronological 1 L19.
non-ˈcitizen noun a person who is not a citizen, esp. of a particular state etc. (freq. attrib.) M19.
non-ˈclassified adjective (a) not arranged by type or class; (b) (esp. of information) not officially secret: M19.
non-ˈclerical adjective not clerical, not doing or involving clerical work M19.
non-ˈclinical adjective not clinical; esp. not accompanied by directly observable symptoms: E20.
non-ˈcoding adjective (Genetics) that does not direct the production of a peptide sequence M20.
non-coˈllegiate noun & adjective (a) noun a person not educated in or attached to a college; a member of a non-collegiate body; (b) adjective (of a person) not educated in or attached to a college; (of a university etc.) not consisting of or having colleges: L17.
non-com noun (colloq.) [abbreviation] a non-commissioned officer M19.
non-ˈcombatant noun & adjective (a) noun a person who is not a combatant; esp. a person not participating in active fighting during a war, as a civilian, army chaplain, etc.; (b) adjective of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a non-combatant or non-combatants: E19.
non-coˈmmission adjective (now rare) non-commissioned L17.
non-coˈmmissioned adjective (esp. of an officer) not holding a commission L17.
non-coˈmmittal adjective & noun (orig. US) (a) adjective avoiding committing oneself to a definite course of action or side of a question; (b) noun a non-committal response; non-committal behaviour: E19.
non-coˈmmittalism noun (orig. US) non-committal action, practice, state of mind, etc. M19.
non-coˈmmittally adverb (orig. US) in a non-committal manner; without committing oneself: L19.
non-coˈmmunicant noun a person who is not a communicant, esp. one who does not receive Holy Communion M16.
non-coˈmmunicating adjective L17.
non-ˈcommunist, -C- adjective & noun (a) adjective not communist; not adhering to communism; (b) noun a non-communist person: E20.
non-comˈpearance noun (Scots Law) failure or refusal to appear in a court of law L15.
non-comˈpete noun (US) an agreement by an employee leaving a business not to become involved with a competing company (usu. attrib.) E20.
non-comˈpetitive adjective not competitive, not involving competition L19.
non-comˈpliance noun failure or refusal to comply L17.
non-comˈpounder noun a person who is not a compounder; (obsolete exc. hist.) a supporter of the unconditional restoration of James II: M17.
non-conˈcur verb (US) (a) verb trans. (now rare or obsolete) fail or refuse to concur in or agree to; (b) verb intrans. fail or refuse to concur, disagree, (usu. foll. by in, with): E18.
non-conˈdensing adjective designating a kind of steam engine in which steam leaving the cylinder is not condensed in a condenser but discharged into the atmosphere M19.
non-conˈducting adjective that does not conduct heat or electricity; that is a non-conductor: M18.
non-conˈductor noun a substance or medium that does not permit the passage of some form of energy (as heat or electricity) M18.
non-confiˈdential adjective L20.
non-confiˈdentially adverb L20.
non-conˈjunction noun (a) (long obsolete) failure or refusal to join together; (b) Genetics (rare) the failure of homologous chromosomes to pair at meiosis; (c) Logic the relation of the terms in a proposition asserting the negative of a conjunctive proposition: L17.
non-ˈconsequence noun lack of consequence in reasoning; an instance of this, a non sequitur: M17.
non-conˈsumption noun failure or refusal to consume a specified article of food L18.
non-content noun (a) a negative voter in the House of Lords, a person who votes ‘not content’ (see content adjective & noun3); (b) a person who is not content: E18.
non-conˈtentious adjective M19.
non-conˈtingent adjective L19.
non-contraˈdiction noun lack or absence of contradiction M19.
non-conˈtributory adjective (of a pension, a pension scheme, etc.) not involving contributions E20.
non-controˈversial adjective M19.
non-coˈoperate verb intrans. fail or refuse to cooperate E20.
non-coopeˈration noun failure or refusal to cooperate, esp. as part of a programme of civil disobedience L18.
non-coˈoperator noun a person who practises or advocates non-cooperation L19.
non-count adjective (Grammar) not countable M20.
non-ˈcrossover noun & adjective (Genetics) (designating) a gamete or individual which does not exhibit the results of crossing over between two genetic loci E20.
non-cuˈstodial adjective (Law) (a) (of a sentence) not involving imprisonment; (b) (of a parent) not granted custody of a child or children: M20.
non-deˈlivery noun failure or refusal to deliver M18.
non-denomiˈnational adjective not restricted as regards religious denomination M19.
non-deˈstructive adjective that does not involve destruction, esp. of an object or material being tested; Computing that does not involve erasure of data: M19.
non-deˈstructively adverb M20.
non-diˈmensional adjective (of a quantity) dimensionless; (of an equation) composed of dimensionless terms: L19.
non-diˈrectional adjective lacking directional properties; esp. equally sensitive, intense, etc., in every direction: L19.
non-disˈclosure noun failure or refusal to disclose something E20.
non-disˈjunction noun (a) Genetics the failure of one or more pairs of homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids to separate normally during nuclear division, usu. resulting in an abnormal distribution of chromosomes in the daughter nuclei; (b) Logic the relation of the terms in a proposition asserting the negative of a disjunctive proposition: E20.
non-disˈjunctional adjective pertaining to or involving non-disjunction E20.
non-diˈstinctive adjective (Linguistics) (esp. of speech sounds) not distinctive E20.
non-ˈdrinker noun a person who does not drink (esp. alcoholic liquor) M19.
non-drip adjective that does not drip E20.
non-ˈdriver noun a person who does not or cannot drive (esp. a motor vehicle) M20.
non-ˈearning adjective not earning (esp. a regular wage or salary) E20.
non-eˈffective adjective & noun (a) adjective (of a soldier etc.) not available for active service; of, pertaining to, or characteristic of such a soldier etc.; gen. producing no effect; (b) noun a non-effective soldier etc.: M18.
non-eˈfficient noun & adjective (now rare or obsolete) (a) noun a soldier, esp. a volunteer, who has failed to meet a training standard; (b) adjective (of a soldier, esp. a volunteer) non-efficient: M19.
non-ˈego noun (Philosophy) all that is not the ego or conscious self; the object as opp. to the subject: E19.
non-ˈelastic adjective not elastic, lacking in elasticity M18.
non-eˈlect adjective not elect or chosen; spec. (Theology) not chosen for salvation: L17.
non-eˈlection noun the state of not being elect or (Theology) chosen for salvation; failure to elect or to be elected: M17.
non-eˈlective adjective not appointed or filled by election E20.
non-eˈlectric adjective & noun (a) adjective not electric; not generating or powered by electricity; (b)noun a non-electric thing or substance; spec. a substance which does not generate static electricity when rubbed: M18.
non-eˈlectrified adjective M18.
non-ˈemptiness noun (Math. & Logic) the property of being non-empty M20.
non-ˈempty adjective (Math. & Logic) (of a class or set) not empty, having at least one member or element: M20.
non-ˈentry noun (a) Scots Law (now hist.) failure of the heir of a deceased vassal to renew investiture; the feudal casualty due to the immediate superior upon such failure; (b) the act or fact of not entering; no entrance: L15.
non-ˈessence noun (rare) non-existence E17.
non-eˈssential adjective & noun (a) adjective not essential; (b) noun a non-essential thing: M18.
non-Euroˈpean adjective & noun (a) adjective not European; (b) noun a non-European person; esp. (in South Africa) a non-white: L19.
non-eˈvaluative adjective M20.
non-eˈvent noun an unimportant or unexciting event; an anticlimatic occurrence; occas., something that did not happen: M20.
non-exeˈcution noun omission or failure to execute or carry out something M17.
non-eˈxecutive adjective & noun (a) adjective not having an executive function; (b) noun a non-executive director of a company etc.: M20.
non-exˈplosive adjective (of a substance) not explosive, that does not explode M20.
non-exporˈtation noun failure or refusal to export goods etc. L18.
non-fat noun a substance, esp. in food, that is not a fat M20.
non-ˈfattening adjective (of food etc.) not fattening, that does not fatten E20.
nonˈfeasance noun (Law) failure to perform an act required by law E17.
non-ˈferrous adjective designating, of, or pertaining to metals other than iron and its alloys; not containing a significant amount of iron: L19.
non-ˈfiction noun (the genre comprising) prose writings other than fiction, esp. including biography and reference books (freq. attrib.) M19.
non-ˈfictional adjective of, pertaining to, or characteristic of non-fiction L19.
non-ˈfigurative adjective not figurative; Art abstract: E20.
non-ˈfinite adjective not finite; esp. (Grammar) (of a verb part or form) not limited by person or number L19.
non-ˈflam adjective = non-flammable E20.
non-ˈflammable adjective not flammable, not likely to catch fire M20.
non-fulˈfilment noun failure to fulfil something, esp. an obligation E19.
non-ˈfunctional adjective not functional, not having a function E20.
non-ˈgenital adjective L20.
non-governˈmental adjective not belonging to or associated with a government E20.
non-ˈgreasy adjective E20.
non-hero noun an anti-hero, esp. in a novel; a person who is not genuinely a hero: M20.
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma noun phr. (Medicine) a form of malignant lymphoma distinguished from Hodgkin's disease only by the absence of binucleate giant cells L20.
non-hoˈmologous adjective (esp. of a chromosome pair) not homologous E20.
non-ˈhuman adjective (a) not of the human race, not a human being; (b) not characteristic of or appropriate to the human race: M19.
non-imporˈtation noun failure or refusal to import goods etc. L18.
non-inˈfectious adjective (esp. of a disease) not infectious E20.
non-inˈflammable adjective = non-flammable above M19.
non-inˈflected adjective not inflected; (of a language) not having inflections: M19.
non-inˈtelligence noun (rare) (a)failure to understand; (b) lack of intelligence: L17.
non-inˈtelligent noun & adjective (a)noun a person who is not intelligent; (b) adjective not intelligent: E17.
non-ˈintercourse noun lack or prohibition of intercourse or esp. social communication; non-intercourse act (US History), an act of 1809 prohibiting ships from France and Great Britain from entering American ports: E19.
non-interˈference noun failure or refusal to interfere, esp. in a political dispute M19.
non-interˈvene verb intrans. practise non-intervention E20.
non-interˈvener noun a person who does not intervene; a non-interventionist: M20.
non-interˈvention noun lack of intervention; the principles or practice of not becoming involved in others' affairs, esp. as adopted by one state with regard to another: M19.
non-interˈventionism noun the principle or policy of non-intervention M20.
non-interˈventionist noun & adjective (a) noun a person who favours or advocates non-intervention; (b) adjective of or pertaining to non-interventionists or non-intervention: M19.
non-inˈtoxicating adjective not intoxicating; (of drink) not causing intoxication: L19.
non-inˈtrusion noun failure or refusal to intrude, lack of intrusion; in the Church of Scotland, the principle of resisting the intrusion of an unacceptable minister on a congregation: M19.
non-invasive adjective not invasive; spec. in Medicine (a) (of a medical procedure) not requiring incision into the body or removal of tissue; (b) (of a pathogen, infection, etc.) not tending to spread to new sites: L20.
non-iˈonic adjective & noun (a) adjective not ionic; spec. (esp. of a detergent) not dissociating into ions in aqueous solution; (b) noun a non-ionic substance: M20.
non-ˈiron adjective (of a fabric etc.) that needs no ironing M20.
non-ˈJewish adjective not Jewish; not of Jewish descent: M20.
nonˈjoinder noun (Law) the omission of a person who ought to be made a party to an action M19.
non-judgeˈmental adjective not judgemental, avoiding moral judgements M20.
nonˈjurancy noun (chiefly hist.) the condition of being a nonjuror; the principles or practice of nonjurors: E18.
nonˈjurant adjective & noun (chiefly hist.) (a) adjective that is a nonjuror; belonging to or characteristic of nonjurors; (b) noun a nonjuror: L17.
nonˈjuring ppl adjective refusing to become a juror; spec. (hist.), refusing to take the oath of allegiance of 1689 to William and Mary or their successors: L17.
nonˈjuror noun a person who is not a juror; spec. (hist.) a beneficed clergyman refusing to take the oath of allegiance of 1689 to William and Mary or their successors: L17.
non-ˈjury noun & adjective (an action, case, etc.) not having or requiring a jury L19.
non-ˈknowledge noun lack of knowledge E16.
nonˈleaded adjective (of petrol) unleaded M20.
non-ˈlethal adjective E17.
non-life noun absence or negation of life M18.
non-ˈliterary adjective (esp. of writing, a text, etc.) not literary in character L19.
non-ˈliterate adjective & noun (Anthropology) (a) adjective designating a person, culture, etc., having no written language; (b) noun a non-literate person: M20.
non-ˈlogical adjective not involving or proceeding from logic E19.
non-magˈnetic adjective (of a substance) not magnetic E19.
non-maˈlignant adjective (Medicine) benign, not cancerous M20.
non-ˈmaterial adjective M19.
non-ˈmember noun a person who is not a member of a particular association, club, etc. M17.
non-ˈmembership noun the state of being a non-member M17.
non-ˈmetal noun a non-metallic element or substance M19.
non-meˈtallic adjective consisting of or designating an element or substance that is not metallic E19.
non-migratory /nɒnˈmʌɪgrət(ə)ri, nɒnmʌɪˈgreɪt(ə)ri/ adjective that does not migrate E20.
non-ˈmilitant adjective & noun (a) adjective not militant; (b) noun a non-militant person: L20.
non-ˈmilitary adjective not military; not involving armed forces: M19.
non-miniˈsterial adjective not ministerial; esp. not pertaining to (the role of) a governmental minister: E20.
non-ˈmoral adjective not moral; not concerned with morality: M19.
non-ˈnational adjective & noun (a) adjective not national; (b) noun a person who is not a citizen or subject of a (specified) state: M19.
non-ˈnative adjective & noun (a) adjective not native; that is not a native inhabitant, species, speaker, etc.; (b) noun a person who or thing which is a non-native: M19.
non-neˈcessity noun the condition of being unnecessary; absence of necessity: L16.
non-ˈnegative adjective not negative; Math. either positive or equal to zero: M18.
non-neˈgotiable adjective not negotiable; that cannot be negotiated, esp. commercially: L19.
non-net /nɒnˈnɛt, ˈnɒn-/ adjective (a) (of an amount) including tax and other sums in addition to the net amount; (b) (of a book) not subject to a minimum or net selling price: M20.
non-Newˈtonian adjective not Newtonian; esp. pertaining to or designating fluids whose rate of shear is not proportional to the shearing stress: E20.
non-ˈnormal adjective E20.
non-norˈmality noun M20.
non-ˈnuclear adjective (a) not involving or forming part of a nucleus or nuclei; (b) not involving nuclear energy; (c) (of a state etc.) not having nuclear weapons: E20.
non-oˈbedience noun failure or refusal to obey L16.
non-ˈobject noun & adjective (a) (a thing which is) not corporeal; (b) Grammar (the condition of) not functioning as a grammatical object: E20.
non-obˈjective adjective not objective; Art abstract: E20.
non-obˈservance noun failure or refusal to observe, esp. an agreement, requirement, etc. M18.
non-ˈoccurrence noun E19.
non-opeˈrational adjective that does not operate or work; that does not involve operations: M20.
non-orˈganic adjective not organic E20.
non-orientaˈbility noun (Math.) the property of being non-orientable M20.
non-ˈorientable adjective (Math.) (of a surface) such that a figure in the surface can be continuously transformed into its mirror image by taking it round a closed path in the surface; not orientable: M20.
non-paraˈmetric adjective (Statistics) not involving any assumptions as to the form or parameters of a frequency distribution M20.
non-parˈticipant noun a person who is not participating L19.
non-parˈticipating adjective not participating, not taking part E20.
non-partiˈsan adjective L19.
non-partiˈsanship noun L19.
non-past noun & adjective (Grammar) (designating or pertaining to) a tense not expressing a past action or state, esp. the present tense or present and future tense; of or pertaining to a non-past tense: M20.
non-ˈpatrial noun & adjective (designating) a person who is not a patrial L20.
non-ˈpaying noun failure or refusal to pay, non-payment LME.
non-ˈpayment noun failure or refusal to pay; the condition of not being paid: LME.
non-perˈception noun lack of perception; failure to perceive: L17.
non-perˈformance noun failure or refusal to perform or fulfil a condition, promise, etc.; the state of not being performed: E16.
non-perˈforming noun & adjective (a) noun failure or refusal to perform; (b) adjective not performing or functioning; (of an investment, loan, etc.) producing no income: LME.
non-periˈodic adjective not periodic; aperiodic: M19.
non-perˈsistent adjective (Biology) that does not persist (esp. in the environment, an organism, etc.); spec. (of a plant virus) carried briefly in the stylets of an insect vector: M20.
non-ˈperson noun a person regarded as non-existent or unimportant, or as having no rights; an ignored, humiliated, or forgotten person: M20.
non-ˈpersonal adjective & noun (a) adjective not personal; (b) noun a non-personal thing; spec. (Grammar) an impersonal pronoun: E20.
non-ˈphysical adjective L19.
non-ˈphysically adverb M20.
non-ˈplaying adjective not playing or taking part, esp. in a sporting contest L19.
non-ˈplural noun & adjective (a) noun the fact or condition of being only one in number; (b) adjective (Grammar) not in the plural form: M20.
non-ˈpoisonous adjective (esp. of a substance) not poisonous L19.
non-polar adjective (Physics & Chemistry) not polar; spec. having no electric dipole moment: L19.
non-poˈlitical adjective & noun (a) adjective not political; not involved in politics; (b) noun a non-political person: M19.
non-ˈporous adjective (esp. of a substance) not porous M19.
non-ˈpositive adjective (Math.) either negative or equal to zero M20.
non-preˈscription adjective (of a medicine) available for sale or purchase without a prescription; designating such sale or purchase: L20.
non-ˈpressure adjective involving or designed for operation at normal (air) pressure; characterized by a lack of pressure: M20.
non-ˈprinting adjective that does not print M20.
non-proˈductive adjective E20.
non-proˈfessional adjective & noun (a) adjective not professional; esp. (of a person) not belonging to or connected with a profession; (b) noun a non-professional person: E19.
non-proˈficiency noun failure to make progress or improve L16.
non-ˈprofit adjective not involving or making a profit; non-profit-making, (of an enterprise etc.) not conducted primarily to make a profit: M20.
non-prolifeˈration noun the prevention of an increase in something, esp. in the possession of nuclear weapons M20.
non-proˈprietary adjective not privately owned; (of a name, term, etc.) not proprietary, generic: M20.
non-proˈvided adjective (chiefly hist.) (of a public elementary school) not provided by a local education authority E20.
non-ˈracial adjective not involving race or racial factors E20.
non-radioˈactive adjective M20.
non-ˈrandom adjective not random, not ordered randomly M20.
non-ˈrandomly adverb L20.
non-ˈrandomness noun M20.
non-ˈrational adjective L19.
non-ratioˈnality noun E20.
non-ˈreader noun a person who does not or who cannot read M20.
non-reˈducing adjective (Chemistry) (of a sugar) that does not reduce test solutions containing copper (II) salts (cf. reducing ppl adjective) M20.
non-refeˈrential adjective not referential, without reference to anything; not indicating a referent or having a referent as object: E20.
non-reˈflexive adjective (a) Grammar not reflexive; (b) Philosophy (of a relation) possibly but not necessarily holding between a thing and itself: M20.
non-regardance noun (rare, Shakes.) failure or refusal to regard something: only in E17.
non-ˈregent noun (now hist.) chiefly at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, a master of arts not responsible for presiding over disputations, one who is not a regent LME.
non-reguˈlation adjective not regulation; hist. designating Indian provinces not having the ordinary laws in force: M19.
non-reˈsistance noun failure or refusal to resist, lack of resistance (to); spec. the practice or principle of not resisting authority, even when unjustly exercised: LME.
non-reˈsistant adjective & noun (a) adjective not resistant; of or pertaining to non-resistance; (b) noun a person who does not resist; spec. an advocate or follower of non-resistance: E18.
non-reˈsisting adjective not resisting, non-resistant E18.
non-reˈstrictive adjective not restrictive; Grammar designating a word, phrase, or clause not restricting or limiting the meaning of the word or words to which it is added: E20.
nonreˈward noun (Psychology) (in learning experiments) deliberate withholding of an expected reward M20.
non-ˈrhotic adjective (Phonetics) relating to or designating a dialect in which r is pronounced in prevocalic position only L20.
non-ˈrigid adjective & noun (a) adjective (esp. of a material) not rigid; spec. (of an airship) having no framework to support the envelope; (b) noun a non-rigid airship: E20.
non-ˈscene adjective (of a homosexual) not inclined to participate in the social environment frequented predominantly by other homosexuals L20.
non-scienˈtific adjective not scientific; not involving science or scientific methods: M19.
non-ˈscientist noun M20.
non-seˈcretor noun a person whose saliva and other secretions do not contain blood-group antigens M20.
non-secˈtarian adjective M19.
non-segˈmental adjective that does not fall within certain defined segments M20.
non-seˈlective adjective E20.
non-ˈsensible adjective M19.
non-ˈsensitive noun & adjective (a)noun a person who or thing which is not sensitive; (b) adjective not sensitive: E17.
non-ˈsequence noun (Geology) an interruption in the deposition of adjacent strata inferred from a gap in the fossil record E20.
non-ˈsexist adjective L20.
non-ˈsexual adjective not based on or involving sex M19.
non-ˈsexually adverb L19.
non-sigˈnificance noun the state of being non-significant M19.
non-sigˈnificant noun & adjective (a) noun (long rare or obsolete) something that is not significant; (b) adjective not significant: E17.
non-ˈskid adjective & noun (a) adjective that does not skid, that is designed to prevent skidding; (b) noun a non-skid object, substance, etc., esp. a non-skid tyre: E20.
non-ˈslip adjective that does not slip, that is designed to prevent slipping E20.
non-ˈsmoker noun (a) a person who does not smoke; (b) colloq. a train compartment etc. in which smoking is forbidden: M19.
non-ˈsmoking adjective (a) designating a train compartment etc. in which smoking is forbidden; (b) designating or pertaining to a person who does not smoke: L19.
non-ˈsoluble adjective (esp. of a substance) not soluble L20.
non-ˈsolvency noun (long rare or obsolete) failure or inability to pay what one owes; insolvency: E18.
non-ˈspecialist adjective & noun (a person who is) not a specialist, esp. in a particular subject: E20.
non-speˈcific adjective not specific; not restricted in extent, effect, etc.: M20.
non-ˈstandard adjective (a) not standard; spec. (of language) containing features which are widely used but generally considered incorrect; (b) Math. involving infinitesimals and infinities, as quantities which are not defined in the real number system but can be rigorously accommodated in a model which includes that system: E20.
non-ˈstarter noun (a) a person who or thing which does not start; esp. a person or animal failing to start in a race or other contest; (b) a person or thing unlikely to succeed or be effective; an impracticable idea: M19.
non-ˈstellar adjective that is not or does not appear to be a star E20.
non-ˈstick adjective that does not stick, (esp. of a cooking utensil) that is designed to prevent sticking M20.
non-stoichioˈmetric adjective (Chemistry) containing or representing atoms of different elements in numbers that do not bear a simple integral ratio to one another or are not in the ratio expected from an ideal formula M20.
non-ˈstop adjective, noun, & adverb (a) adjective that does not stop; (of a train etc.) not stopping at intermediate places; (of a journey etc.) made or done without break; (of a variety show etc.) having no interval between the various acts; (b) noun a non-stop train; a non-stop journey; (c) adverb without stopping or pausing: E20.
non-subˈscriber noun (a) a person failing or refusing to subscribe to an undertaking, a religious creed, etc.; Scottish History a person who was not a subscriber to the National Covenant of 1638; (b) a person who does not pay a subscription: L16.
non-subˈscribing noun the action or practice of a non-subscriber M17.
non-subˈstantial adjective (chiefly Philosophy) not substantial, lacking substance L19.
non-sucˈcess noun lack of success M17.
non-sucˈcessful adjective M19.
non-ˈsummons noun (Law, chiefly hist.) failure to serve a summons in due time M17.
non-ˈswimmer noun a person who does not or who cannot swim E20.
non-syˈllabic adjective & noun (Linguistics) (a) adjective asyllabic; spec. designating a speech sound not constituting the peak sonority of a syllable; (b) noun a non-syllabic speech sound: M19.
non-ˈtechnical adjective not technical; without technical knowledge: M19.
non-term noun the time of vacation between two terms; the end of term; gen. a period of inaction: E17–E19.
non-theˈmatic adjective (a) = athematic adjective 1, 2; (b) not conveying new information; rhematic: M20.
non-ˈtoxic adjective M20.
non-transˈferable adjective that may not be transferred M19.
non-ˈtreaty adjective & noun (N. Amer., chiefly hist.) (a) adjective of or pertaining to an American Indian person or people not subject to a treaty made with the Government; (b) noun a non-treaty American Indian: L19.
non-ˈtrivial adjective not trivial; significant; spec. in Math., such that not all variables or terms are zero: E20.
non-ˈtrivially adverb M20.
non-ˈtropical adjective characteristic of or occurring in regions outside the tropics; non-tropical sprue, coeliac disease: L20.
non-ˈuniform adjective L19.
non-uniˈformity noun E20.
non-ˈunion noun & adjective (a) noun failure or refusal to unite; (b) adjective not belonging to a trade union; not done or produced by members of a trade union: M19.
non-ˈunionist adjective & noun (of or designating) a person not belonging to a trade union M19.
non-ˈunionize verb trans. make non-union in character; not bring under trade-union organization and rules (freq. as non-unionized ppl adjective): E20.
non-uˈnited adjective (rare) designating that part of the Greek Orthodox Church not in union with Rome L18.
non-ˈusage noun cessation of the use of something; non-use: M16.
non-ˈuse noun failure or refusal to use something M16.
non-ˈuser noun [-er4] Law neglect to use a right, by which it may be lost M17.
non-uˈtility adjective (esp. of clothing) not utility, not for utility: M20.
non-ˈvanishing adjective (Math. & Physics) not zero, not becoming zero E20.
non-ˈvascular adjective (Anatomy) not consisting of, containing, or involving vessels (esp. blood vessels) M19.
non-ˈverbal adjective (a) not using or including words or speech; unskilful in the use of words or speech; (b) not using or including a verb; not constituting a verbal form: E20.
non-ˈverbalized adjective M20.
non-ˈverbally adverb M20.
non-ˈviable adjective not viable, inviable L19.
non-ˈvintage adjective (of wine etc.) not vintage M20.
non-ˈviolence noun avoidance of the use of violence, esp. as a principle E20.
non-ˈviolent adjective characterized by, believing in, or practising non-violence E20.
non-ˈviolently adverb M20.
non-ˈvolatile adjective (esp. of a substance) not volatile M19.
non-volaˈtility noun the property of being non-volatile M20.
non-ˈvoter noun a person who does not vote or who has no vote L19.
non-ˈvoting adjective not voting or not having a vote L19.
non-ˈwhite adjective & noun (a person who is) not white; E20.
non-word noun an unrecorded or unused word M20.
non-ˈworker noun a person who does not work or who is out of work M19.
non-ˈworking ppl adjective M19.
non-ˈwoven adjective & noun (a) adjective (of a fabric etc.) not woven; (b) noun a non-woven fabric etc.: M20.
non-ˈzero adjective not equal to zero, having a positive or negative value E20.
I. \(|)nän sometimes |nən\ prefix
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin non not, from Old Latin noenum, from ne- not + oinom, neuter of oinos one — more at no, one
: not : reverse of : absence of
 < nonacademic >
 < nonconformity >
 < nonbreakable >
 < nonproductive >
 < nonintervention >
 < non-Arabic >
 < non-Mormon >
 < nonrush hours >
II. combining form
or nona-
Etymology: Latin non-, from nonus ninth — more at noon
: ninth : nine
 < nonagon >
 < nonane >

non- 1

  • IPA: /ˈnɒn/
  • Prefix

    1. Used in the sense of not, to negate the meaning of the word to which it is prefixed.


    From Latin non, from Old Latin noenu, noenum, from neoenum (“not one”). See none.

    Usage notes

  • The prefix non- may be joined to a word by means of a hyphen, which is standard in British usage. In many cases, especially in American usage, non- is joined without a hyphen. (For example, nonbaseball is relatively common, but noncricket, referring to a primarily British sport, is rare.) Some non- words rarely or never use a hyphen (such as nonentity). By contrast, un- is almost always spelled without a hyphen.
  • Unlike un-, non- tends to suggest an absolute negation without the possibility of shades of comparison. For example, very unhelpful is common, but very nonhelpful is not.
  • Meaning "not" in phrases taken from Latin and some other languages, non is a separate word and is not hyphenated: non compos mentis, persona non grata.
  • As non- is a living prefix, the list of words having the prefix non- is practically unlimited. It is particularly common in the sciences.
  • Non- may be attached to nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs to negate their meaning.
  • Derived terms

    English words prefixed with non-

    Related terms

  • an-
  • anti-
  • in-
  • no
  • non
  • none
  • not
  • un-
  • non- 2


    1. prevocalic form of nona-


    From Latin nona (“nine”).

    Derived terms

  • nonad
  • nonet
  • nonuplet
  • 前缀:non- 表示”不, 非”

    nonexistent a.不存在的(non+existent存在的)

    nonsmoking a.不准吸烟的(non+smoking吸烟的)

    nonstop a.直达的(non+stop停止→不停→直达的)

    nonchalant a.冷漠的(non+chalant关心的→不关心的)

    nonconformist n.不遵循传统竽活的人(non+conform一致+ist→[和传统]不一致的人)



    nonsmoker 不抽烟的人

    nonaligned 不结盟的

    nondrinker 不喝酒的人

    nonexistent 不存在的

    noncooperation 不合作

    nonstop (车船等)中途不停的,直达的

    noncontinuous 不继续的


    nonnatural 非天然的

    nonproductive 非生产性的

    nonhuman 非人类

    nonmetal 非金属

    nonwhite 非白种人的

    nonconductor 非导体

    nonperiodic 非周期性的

    nonage 未成年


    noneffective 无效力的

    nonpayment 无力支付

    nonparty 无党派的

    nonsexual 无性别的

    nonreader 无阅读能力的人

    nonelastic 无弹性的




    【同源单词】:nonpareil, nonsense


    【来源及含义】Latin: nothing, not

    【相关描述】There are hundreds of other "non-" prefix words that can be found in dictionaries.

    【同源单词】Non assumpsit, Non bis in idem, non compos mentis, Non culpabilis, Non erat his locus, non est inventus





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