"ordinary" (1580s); "insignificant, trifling" (1590s), from Latin trivialis "common, commonplace, vulgar," literally "of or belonging to the crossroads," from trivium "place where three roads meet," in transferred use, "an open place, a public place," from tri- "three" (see three) + via "road" (see via). The sense connection is "public," hence "common, commonplace."The earliest use of the word in English was early 15c., a separate borrowing in the academic sense "of the trivium" (the first three liberal arts -- grammar, rhetoric, and logic); from Medieval Latin use of trivialis in the sense "of the first three liberal arts," from trivium, neuter of the Latin adjective trivius "of three roads, of the crossroads." Related: Trivially. For sense evolution to "pertaining to useless information," see trivia.
〔李〕[tri-;vi;-ala.] a.琐细的; 浅薄的; 无价值的; 平常的 ←vi (L via)=way 路
〔蒋〕[tri三,vi路,al形容词后缀,…的;’三岔路口上的”→随处都可见到的→极普通的] 平凡的,平常的,不重要的,轻微的,琐细的