"passionate ardor in pursuit of an objective or course of action," late 14c., from Old French zel (Modern French zèle) and directly from Late Latin zelus "zeal, emulation" (source also of Italian zelo, Spanish celo), a Church word, from Greek zelos "ardor, eager rivalry, emulation," "a noble passion" [Liddell & Scott], but also "jealousy;" prom PIE *ya- "to seek, request, desire." From mid-15c. as "devotion."
词根:zeal = ardor, 表示”热心“
zeal n. 热心,一心一意
zealot n. 热心者,狂热者(zeal+ot表示人,如;helot奴隶)
zealous a. 热心的(zeal+ous)
jealous a. 妒忌的(jeal[=zeal]+ous→对…热心而得不到,所以妒忌)