

词汇 tricho-

tricho- trich-
  1. Hair; thread; filament:

  1. Greek trikho-
    希腊语 trikho-
  2. from thrix trikh- [hair]
    源自 thrix trikh- [毛发]
tricho- or (before a vowel) trich-

combining form

indicating hair or a part resembling hair


from Greek thrix (genitive trikhos) hair


Word Origin
a combining form meaning “hair,” used in the formation of compound words:
Also, especially before a vowel, trich-.
< Greek tricho-, combining form of thríx (genitive trichós)

Related Words

  • trichonotid
  • trichopterous
  • cymotrichous
  • trichocyst
  • trichogramma
  • trichogyne
tricho-a word element referring to hair, as in trichocyst.
[Greek, combining form of thrix]
combining form
see trich-
combining form
of or relating to hair


from Greek thrix, trikhos 'hair'.
I.tricho-1|trɪkəʊ, traɪkəʊ|before a vowel trich- |trɪk, traɪk|, ad. Gr. τριχο-, τριχ-, combining stem of θρίξ hair, in many terms of botany, zoology, etc. trichæsˈthesia Path. [mod.L., f. Gr. αἴσθησις feeling], a form of paræsthesia consisting in a sensation as of a hair on the skin. trichangia |-ˈændʒɪə| n. pl. [f. Gr. ἀγγεῖον vessel], the capillary blood-vessels; hence triˌchangiecˈtasia, -ˈectasis Path. [f. Gr. ἔκτασις extension], dilatation of the capillaries. trichaˈtrophia Path. [see atrophy], atrophy of the hair-bulbs, causing brittleness of the hair. triˈchauxis [f. Gr. αὔξη, αὔξησις increase], excessive growth of hair. trichobacˈteria, (a) the filamentous or thread-like bacteria; (b) bacteria which possess flagella (Dorland Med. Dict. 1900–13). ˈtrichoblast Bot. [Gr. βλαστός germ, taken as = cell], name for certain special cells or idioblasts resembling hairs. trichobranchia |-ˈbræŋkɪə| Zool. [branchia], (in pl. ), name for the gills, set with filaments, of certain decapod crustaceans; hence trichoˈbranchial a., pertaining to or of the nature of such gills; trichoˈbranchiate a., having or characterized by such gills. trichoˈcarpous a. Bot. [Gr. καρπός fruit], having hairy fruit (Cent. Dict. 1891). trichocephalus |-ˈsɛfələs| Zool. [mod.L. (Goeze, 1782), f. Gr. κεϕαλή head], a genus of parasitic nematoid worms, having the head filamentous; hence trichoˈcephalid, a worm of the family Trichocephalidæ, typified by this genus; trichoˈcephaloid a., resembling or akin to the genus Trichocephalus. trichoˈclasia, -ˈoclasis [Gr. κλάσις fracture], brittleness of the hair. trichocrypˈtosis [Gr. κρυπτός concealed], disease of the hair-follicles. ˈtrichocyst |-sɪst| Zool. [cyst: named by Allman 1855], one of a number of minute rod-like bodies, each containing a coiled protrusible filament, found in the cuticle of many Infusoria, resembling the thread-cells of cœlenterates; hence trichoˈcystic a. (Cent. Dict. 1891). trichodectes |-ˈdɛktiːz| [Gr. δέκτης receiver, beggar], a genus of insects parasitic on quadrupeds; T. lotus is the dog-louse; T. sphærocephalus, the red-headed sheep-louse. trichoˈdontid Ichthyol., a fish of the family Trichodontidæ [mod.L., f. Trichodon (Tilesius, 1811), f. Gr. ὀδούς, ὀδοντ- tooth], a sand-fish; so trichoˈdontoid a., akin to the sand-fishes. ˈtrichogen |-dʒɛn| [-gen], a hypodermal cell, in insects and other arthropods, from which a hair arises. triˈchogenous a., producing, or promoting the growth of, hair. trichoˈglossine a. Ornith. [Gr. γλῶσσα tongue], belonging to the subfamily Trichoglossīnæ or brush-tongued parakeets, of which Trichoglossus Swainsonii (Swainson's lory) is a well-known Australian example. ˈtrichogyne |-dʒaɪn| Bot. [Gr. γυνή woman], a hair-like process forming the receptive part of the female reproductive organ or procarp in certain algæ and fungi; hence trichogynial |-ˈdʒɪnɪəl|, trichogynic |-ˈdʒɪnɪk| adjs. trichoˈmaniac nonce-wd., a hair fetishist. trichomonad |-ˈmɒnæd| Zool. [monad 4], an infusorian of the genus Trichomonas, characterized by several flagella and hair-like processes; some species are parasitic in man and other animals. trichoˈmonal a., of, pertaining to, or caused by trichomonads. trichoˈmycterine, -ˈmycteroid adjs., Ichthyol. [Gr. µυκτήρ nostril], belonging respectively to the subfamily Trichomycterīnæ and the family Trichomycteridæ (or Pygidiidæ) of fishes (cat-fishes), found in S. American rivers (Cent. Dict.); also as ns. trichoˈnotid Ichthyol. [Gr. νῶτος back; from the long hair-like dorsal ray of the species Trichonotus setigerus], a fish of the family Trichonotidæ; so trichoˈnotoid a. and n. trichoˈpathic a. [Gr. πάθος suffering], relating to diseases of the hair; so triˈchopathy [-pathy], treatment of diseases of the hair. trichophocine |-ˈfəʊsaɪn| a. Zool. [Gr. θώκη seal], belonging to the subfamily Trichophocīnæ or hair-seals (Cent. Dict.). ˈtrichophore |-fɔə(r)| [Gr. -ϕόρος bearing], (a) Bot. (see quot. 1860: ? obs.); (b) Bot., the structure which bears the trichogyne in florideous algæ; (c) Zool., one of several projections of the integument in certain annelids, from which spring bundles of setæ or bristles; trichoˈphoric |-ˈfɒrɪk| a., pertaining to or of the nature of a trichophore; triˈchophorous a., bearing hairs or hair-like bodies; of the nature of a trichophore. triˈchopter Entom. [Gr. πτέρον wing], a member of the group Trichoptera of neuropterous insects, characterized by specially hairy wings; a caddis-fly; so triˈchopteran a. = trichopterous; n. = trichopter; triˈchopterist, one who studies the Trichoptera; triˈchopterous a., belonging to or having the characters of the Trichoptera, hairy-winged. trichopterygid |-ˈptɛrɪdʒɪd| Entom. [Gr. πτέρυξ wing], n. a member of the family Trichopterygidæ of clavicorn beetles, having the wings fringed with hairs, and comprising the smallest beetles known; adj. belonging to or having the characters of this family; so trichoˈpterygoid a. trichoptile |trɪˈkɒptɪl| Ornith. [Gr. πτίλον down], a hair-like prolongation of the sheath of a growing feather, forming part of the downy covering of the young of certain birds; hence triˈchoptilar a., pertaining to or of the nature of a trichoptile. trichoˈrrhœa [Gr. -ῥοια flowing], falling off of the hair. trichoschisis |-ˈɒskɪsɪs| [Gr. σχίσις splitting], splitting of the hair. trichoˈsomatous a. Zool. [Gr. σῶµα body], belonging to the division Trichosomata of flagellate Infusoria. ˌtrichospoˈrangium, pl. -ia (also anglicized triˈchosporange) Bot., Thuret's term for the multilocular sporangium of certain fucoid algæ, which appears to consist of jointed hairs (distinguished from oosporangium); hence trichospoˈrangial a. ˈtrichospore Bot., a spore or conidium borne upon a filamentous stalk, in certain fungi. trichoˈstomatous a., Zool. [Gr. στόµα mouth], belonging to the order Trichostomata of Protozoa, having the mouth and pharynx provided with vibratile membranes and cilia, by the movements of which particles of food are drawn in. trichoˈthallic a. Bot. (see quots.). ˌtrichotilloˈmania [ad. F. trichotillomanie (H. Hallopeau 1889, in Ann. de Dermatol. et Syphilol. X. 441), f. Gr. τίλλεσθαι to pull out (hair)], a compulsive desire to pull out one's hair; hence ˌtrichotilloˈmaniac, a person with this.1902Nature 7 Aug. 360/1 On a new form of tactile sensibility, *trichesthesia, by MM. N. Vaschide and P. Rousseau.1857Dunglison Med. Lex., *Trichangia..*Trichangiectasia.1890Billings Nat. Med. Dict., *Trichangiectasis..*Trichatrophia..*Trichauxis.1882Vines Sachs' Bot. 85 These cells..present the appearance, when the petiole is broken across..of tough, slender hairs projecting out of the tissue. For idioblasts of this kind I [Sachs] propose the term *Trichoblast, in order to express their resemblance to many epidermal trichomes.1878Proc. Zool. Soc. 4 June 776 They..may be called ‘*trichobranchiæ’, in contradistinction to the lamellar gills or ‘phyllobranchiæ’, which are met with in a large number of other Crustacea.1891Cent. Dict., *Trichobranchial.1878Proc. Zool. Soc. 4 June 777 Among the *trichobranchiate Podophthalmia, the Euphausidæ possess no other than podobranchiæ.1880E. R. Lankester in Nature 12 Feb. 355/2 Crayfishes..differ from prawns..in being ‘trichobranchiate’ in place of ‘phyllobranchiate’.1819Pantologia, *Trichocephalus, a genus of the class vermes.1846Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. IV. 232 He had found the tricocephalus in the human cœcum after death.1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. II. 1048 Found in association with a high degree of trichocephalus infection.1895Funk's Standard Dict., *Trichoclasia..*Trichoclasis.1890Billings Nat. Med. Dict., *Tricho-cryptoses.1900–13Dorland Med. Dict., Trichocryptosis.1859J. R. Greene Man. Anim. Kingd., Protozoa 66 In the cortical layer of Bursaria, certain peculiar fusiform bodies or ‘*trichocysts’ have been detected, and from these Prof. Allman states that he has observed the emission of minute filaments [resembling] the urticating organs of the fresh-water polype.1880Kent Infusoria I. 249 A sheaf-shaped fascicle of rod-like trichocysts.1876tr. Beneden's Anim. Parasites 71 The *trichodectes of the dog has lately attracted the especial notice of naturalists.1898Packard Text-bk. Entomol. 188 Each of these pores communicates with a hair-forming hypodermal cell, called by Graber a *trichogen.1853E. Wilson Healthy Skin (ed. 4) Index, *Trichogenous remedies.1879A. R. Wallace Australas. iii. 59 The *Trichoglossidæ, or brush-tongued Lories.1875Bennett & Dyer Sachs' Bot. 212 The term *Trichogyne is given to a long thin hair-like hyaline sac, which serves as a receptive organ, and springs from a structure..called the Trichophore. The latter is a body usually consisting of several cells.1877Huxley Anat. Inv. Anim. Introd. 29 The protoplasmic body of the trichogyne, which unites with the spermatozooids, does not undergo division itself.1882Vines Sachs' Bot. 238.1900B. D. Jackson Gloss. Bot. Terms, *Trichogynial, relating to a trichogyne.1891Cent. Dict., *Trichogynic.1949R. Graves Common Asphodel 303 From descriptions in his poems it is clear that the first thing that he [sc. Milton] saw in a woman was not her bright love-darting eye (as it was to practically all his contemporaries), but her hair. He was, in fact, a *trichomaniac.1861Hulme tr. Moquin-Tandon ii. vii. 407 The *Trichomonads..form irregular masses with the particles of thickened mucus.1889J. M. Duncan Clin. Lect. Dis. Wom. xxii. (ed. 4) 179 At one time it was supposed that the discovery of trichomonads, or a leptothrix, or a vibrio, would decide whether it was venereal or not.1948Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. 18 Sept. 231/2 The diagnosis and treatment of *trichomonal vaginitis may not always be as simple as depicted.1970G. Greer Female Eunuch 259 Cases of incurable trichomonal infection are all due to a combination of fear, superstition and doctors' sloppiness.1891Cent. Dict., *Trichopathic.1900–13in Dorland Med. Dict.1860Mayne Expos. Lex., *Trichopathy, a term proposed..for the system of treating diseased affections of the hair.Ibid., Trichophorus... Name by Nees von Esenbeck for the filamentous base of mushrooms, when the filaments, by their agglutination, form a kind of membrane: a *trichophore.1875[see trichogyne].1877Huxley Anat. Inv. Anim. v. 229 Stiff hair-like appendages..developed within diverticula of the integument, or trichophores, in which their bases always remain enclosed.1882Vines Sachs' Bot. 238 In the true Florideæ..a lateral row of cells bears at its apex a closed hair-like prolongation, the trichogyne, and is hence termed the Trichophore.1891Cent. Dict., *Trichophoric.1892Jrnl. Linn. Soc., Bot. XXIX. 74 Not unfrequently this trichophoric apparatus consists of three cells—two basal trichophoric cells and the trichogyne.1864Webster, *Trichopter.1826Kirby & Sp. Entomol. IV. xlvii. 379 The existence..of the collar in the *Trichoptera.1835Kirby Hab. & Inst. Anim. II. xx. 318 The Trichoptera (Caseworm-flies) have four hairy membranous wings.1842Brande Dict. Sci., Art, etc., *Trichopterans.1897Naturalist 115 Neuropterists and *trichopterists have commenced..as lepidopterists.1816Kirby & Sp. Entomol. (1818) II. xxi. 243 Phryganea grandis..is a *trichopterous insect.1826Ibid. IV. xlvii. 375 There is no tendency in the saw-flies towards a Trichopterous type.1891Cent. Dict., *Trichopterygid.1895Funk's Standard Dict., *Trichopterygoid.1900Ibis Oct. 665 The actual feather-sheath makes its appearance, pushing before it its *trichoptilar appendage, which has now become abraded.Ibid. 654, I shall term these thread-like structures *trichoptiles.1860Mayne Expos. Lex., *Trichorrhœa.1857Dunglison Med. Lex., *Trichoschisis.1891Cent. Dict., *Trichosporange.1900in B. D. Jackson Gloss. Bot. Terms.1887Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. XXXII. 591 The *trichosporangial form [of fruit of Ectocarpus] is well known.1857Berkeley Cryptog. Bot. §67. 88 The two organs called Oosporangia and *Trichosporangia by Thuret.1909Cent. Dict. Suppl., *Trichostomatous.1890Athenæum 29 Nov. 743/1 The formation of the plantlets by *trichothallic gemmation from the tufts of..hairs..on the old thallus of P[unctaria] plantaginea and P. latifolia.1900B. D. Jackson Gloss. Bot. Terms, Trichothallic..when the shoot ends in one or more multicellular hairs or tufts of such.1905Rep. Soc. for Study of Dis. in Children V. 28 (heading) A case of *trichotillomania.1980Brit. Med. Jrnl. 29 Mar. 881/2 The loss is patchy and must be distinguished from..trichotillomania, in which the child pulls out his or her hair and may eat it.1962Woman 26 May 9 (heading) Don't be a *trichotillomaniac! That is, in simple terms, someone who tears out hair! Add: trichoˈphagia [ad. F. trichophagie (Dubreuilh & Maillard 1901, in Ann. Dermat. & Syph. II. 686): see -phagy], the phenomenon or habit of eating or chewing one's own hair.1909Cent. Dict. Suppl., *Trichophagia, the habit of biting off the ends off the hairs of the beard or mustache.1938Surgery IV. 946 Matas draws the logical analogy between trichophagia and the habit of biting the fingernails, common to both sexes in early childhood and adolescence.1980Jrnl. Pediatrics XCVII. 946 Iron deficiency may..be a cause rather than a result of trichophagia and trichobezoars in some patients.triˈchophagy = *trichophagia above.1963Psychiatry XXVI. 99/2 She noted that her son's nail-biting, which she likened to *trichophagy, ceased when he was given more affection and attention.1987Dermatologic Clinics V. 601/1 Trichophagy and trichobezoars are rare associated disorders that should be sought.1990New Eng. Jrnl. Med. 15 Feb. 471/1 Patients also ate their hair after pulling it (trichophagy).trichoˈphobia, the fear of or aversion to hair.1895*Trichophobia [see onomatomania s.v. onomato-].1913Index-Catal. Library Surg.-General's Office, U.S. Army 2nd. Ser. XVIII. 483/2 (heading) Trichophobia.1974Mental Retardation Feb. 45/2 It is not possible..to explain if learning theory accounts only for the origin and behavioural therapy of the simple trichophobia of the boy.II.tricho-2|trɪkəʊ, traɪkəʊ|combining form repr. Gr. τρίχα, τριχῆ in three, triply: used in a few more or less technical words. These are modern, formed on the analogy of Gr. compounds in διχο- dicho-. (Gr. compounds in τριχο- are only from θρίξ, τριχ- hair: see prec.) trichocladose |trɪˈkɒklədəʊs| a. Zool. [Gr. κλάδος shoot], having triple or trifurcate cladi or secondary rays, as a sponge-spicule. trichotriæne |-traɪˈiːn| Zool., in sponge-spicules, a triæne of which each of the three cladi is trifurcate. See also trichotomic, etc.1887Sollas in Encycl. Brit. XXII. 416 (Fig. 13) (Sponges) p, amphitriæne (this is trichocladose).Ibid. 423/2 Canal system diplodal. Spicules trichotriænes.
1combining form1 | 2combining form2

tricho- /ˈtrɪkəʊ, ˈtrʌɪkəʊ/ combining form1. Before a vowel usu. trich-.
ORIGIN: from Greek. trikho-, trikh-, combining stem of thrix hair: see -o-.
Of, pertaining to, or resembling hair or hairs.
 DERIVATIVE trichoˈbezoar noun (Medicine) a concretion of hair in the stomach, a hairball E20.
trichocyst noun (Biology) each of the minute rodlike structures containing a protrusible filament found near the surface of various ciliates etc. M19.
trichogen /-dʒɛn/ noun (Zoology) a hypodermal cell in insects and other arthropods from which a hair arises L19.
triˈchogenous adjective producing or promoting the growth of hair M19.
trichogyne /-dʒʌɪn/ noun (Botany) a hairlike process from the female reproductive organ in certain algae, fungi, and lichens, which receives the male gamete L19.
trichoˈmonad noun (Biology) a flagellate protozoan of the order Trichomonadida, having several flagella, typically parasitic and freq. pathogenic M19.
trichoˈmonal adjective (chiefly Medicine) of, pertaining to, or caused by trichomonads M20.
trichoˈmonas noun (a) = trichomonad; (b) = trichomoniasis: M20.
trichomoniasis /-məˈnʌɪəsɪs/ noun, pl. -niases /-ˈnʌɪəsi:z/, Medicine & Veterinary Medicine (a disease caused by) infection with trichomonads; esp. (a) a venereal disease of humans, chiefly women, caused by Trichomonas vaginalis and involving inflammation and discharge; (b) dysentery caused by Trichomonas hominis of the gut; (c) a sexually transmitted disease of cattle, caused by Trichomonas foetus and giving rise to abortion and sterility: E20.
trichoˈphagia noun = trichophagy E20.
triˈchophagy noun the persistent eating of or biting at one's own hair M20.
trichoˈphobia noun irrational fear of hair L19.
trichoˈthallic adjective (Botany) growing or taking place by means of intercalary cell division of the filament which forms the growing apex of an alga L19.
trichotilloˈmania noun [Greek tillesthai pull out (hair)] a compulsive desire to pull out one's hair E20.
trichotilloˈmaniac noun a person with trichotillomania M20.

tricho- /ˈtrʌɪkəʊ, ˈtrɪkəʊ/ combining form2.
ORIGIN: from Greek trikha, trikhē triply, in three, after dicho-: see -o-.
In three, as trichotomy.
combining form. hair; hairs; hairlike: Trichology = the study of hair. Trichosis = any disease of the hair. Also, trich- before vowels.
[< Greek thríx, trichós a hair]
— see trich-

  • trich- (before a vowel)
  • Prefix

    1. Forming words related to hair.


    From Ancient Greek θρίξ (thríx, “hair”), (stem trikh-).

    Derived terms

    English words prefixed with tricho-




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