

词汇 labor
Online Etymology Dictionary

c.1300, "a task, a project;" later "exertion of the body; trouble, difficulty, hardship" (late 14c.), from Old French labor "labor, toil, work, exertion, task" (12c., Modern French labeur), from Latin laborem (nominative labor) "labor, toil, exertion; hardship, pain, fatigue; a work, a product of labor," of uncertain origin, perhaps originally from the notion of "tottering under a burden," and related to labere "to totter."
Meaning "body of laborers considered as a class" (usually contrasted to capitalists) is from 1839. Sense of "physical exertions of childbirth" is 1590s, earlier labour of birthe (early 15c.), a sense also found in Old French, and compare French en travail "in (childbirth) suffering" (see travail). Labor Day first marked 1882 in New York City.
late 14c., "perform manual or physical work; work hard; keep busy; take pains, strive, endeavor" (also "copulate"), from Old French laborer "work, toil; struggle, have difficulty," from Latin laborare, from labor (see labor, n.). The verb in modern French, Spanish, Portuguese means "to plow;" the wider sense being taken by the equivalent of English travail. Sense of "to endure pain, suffer" is early 15c., especially in phrase labor of child. Related: Labored; laboring.

laborious, belabor

词根:labor = labor, 表示“劳动”

labored a. 吃力的,费力的(labor+ed→被劳动出来的→费力的)

laborious a. 辛苦的,吃力的(labor+ious→劳动的→辛苦的)

laboratory n. 实验室(labor+atory地方→劳动之地→实验室)

belabor v. 过分罗嗦;重击(be+_labor→过分劳作→过分做事或罗唆)

elaborate v. 精工细做(e出+labor+ate→做出来的→精工细做)

collaborate v合作;勾结(col共同+labor+ate→共同劳动→合作)

词根:labor = to work (工作)

  来源于拉丁语的labor 意为 to work。同义词根有来源于拉丁语的op。


1. collaborate (一起工作 col<com(=with) + labor(=work))(col共同+labor劳动+ate表动词→共同劳作→合作)
  vi. with + sb ; on + sth 合作;协作
  collaboration 协作,合作
  collaborator n.通敌者;合作者;共同研究者
  The conductor collaborated brilliantly with me members of the orchestra. 那位指挥和交响乐团的成员们合作得非常出色。

2. laborious(做很多事情的 labor (=work))(labor劳动+ious……的→劳动的→幸苦的)
  Restoring the ancient murals to their former splendor is a laborious task. 将古代壁画恢复到曾经的光彩是一项很费力的工作。

3. elaborate (e出+labor劳动+ate表动词→v.精心制作, 详细阐述)

  v.精心制作;详尽阐述 adj.精心制作的;煞费苦心的;精巧的;复杂的 *e<ex(=out)
  elaboration n.精心制作;精心之作;详尽的细节
  Please elaborate your proposals a little.请详细说明一下你的提案。
  elaborate design 精心的设计
  elaborate plan 详细的设计
  elaborate dinner 精心准备的晚餐

4. belabor (be构成动词+labor劳动→过分劳作→过分做事或哆嗦)

  v.毒打;痛哭 *be(=make)

5. labor (labor劳动→n.&v.劳动)

  n. 劳动; 努力; 工作; [总称]劳工,工人;阵痛,分娩;(L~)(英国或英联邦国家的)工党
  v. 劳动; 努力; 工作;努力争取(for); 苦干; 详细分析 ;费力地前进;详细解释;经受阵痛
  hard labor 苦役;苦工
  manual labor 体力劳动
  division of labor 劳动分工
  cheap labor 廉价劳动力
  labor and capital 劳资
  labor and management 劳动者和管理者
  be in labor 分娩中
  a woman in labor  正在分娩的女子

6. labored (labor劳动+ed……的→被劳动出来的→费力的)
  labored breathing 费力的呼吸

7. laborer
  Laborite 工党党员,工党支持者
  agricultural laborer 农业劳动者

8. laboratory (labor劳动+atory场所→劳动的地方→实验室)
  n.实验室,研究室;实验课 *ory (=place where)
  chemical laboratory 化学实验室
  course with two lectures and one laboratory 讲再次课做一次实验的科目。

9. labour (labour=labor劳动→n.&v.劳动)
  n.&v. 劳动





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