

词汇 fact
Online Etymology Dictionary

1530s, "action, anything done," especially "evil deed," from Latin factum "an event, occurrence, deed, achievement," in Medieval Latin also "state, condition, circumstance," literally "thing done" (source also of Old French fait, Spanish hecho, Italian fatto), noun use of neuter of factus, past participle of facere "to do" (see factitious). Main modern sense of "thing known to be true" is from 1630s, from notion of "something that has actually occurred."
Compare feat, which is an earlier adoption of the same word via French. Facts "real state of things (as distinguished from a statement of belief)" is from 1630s. In fact "in reality" is from 1707. Facts of life "harsh realities" is from 1854; euphemistic sense of "human sexual functions" first recorded 1913. Alliterative pairing of facts and figures is from 1727.
Facts and Figures are the most stubborn Evidences; they neither yield to the most persuasive Eloquence, nor bend to the most imperious Authority. [Abel Boyer, "The Political State of Great Britain," 1727]
fac, fact, fec, fect, fic, fas, fea


fact =do,make做,作(fact也作fac)

factory [fact作,制作,-ory名词后缀,表示场所,地点;“制作的场所”] 工厂,制造厂

manufacture [manu手,fact作,制作;“用手制作”,古时生产用手操作] 制造,加工

manufacturer [见上,-er表示人] 制造者,制造商,工厂主

manufactory [见上,-ory表示场所] 制造厂,工厂

benefactor [bene-好,fact做,-or表示人;“做好事者”] 施恩者,恩人,捐助者

benefaction [见上,-ion名词后缀] 施恩,行善,善行,捐助物

malefactor [male-恶,坏,fact做,-or者;“做坏事者”] 作恶者,坏分子,犯罪分子

malefaction [见上,-ion名词后缀] 犯罪的行为,坏事

factitious [fact做,itious形容词后缀,属于…的;“做作”出来的] 人为的,做作的,不自然的

facsimile [fac做,simil相似;“作出相似的东西”,作出与原物相似之物] 摹写,摹真本

facile [fac做,-ile形容词后缀,易…的] 易做到的,易得到的

facility [见上,-ity名词后缀;“易做”] 容易,便利

facilitate [见上, -ate动词后缀,使…] 使容易做,使容易,使便利,促进

fact [fact做;“已经做出”的事] 事实

factual [见上,-ual形容词后缀,…的] 事实的,实情的,真实的

facture [fact作,制作,-ure名词后缀] 制作,制作法

〔蒋〕[fact做;“已经做出”的事] 事实
〔李〕[来自动名词factum=thing done 做过的事情→“anything done or occurred做过的或发生过的事”→] n.① thing known to have occurred or to be ture事实




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