late 14c., from Medieval Latin extravagantem (nominative extravagans), originally a word in Canon Law for uncodified papal decrees, present participle of extravagari "wander outside or beyond," from Latin extra "outside of" (see extra-) + vagari "wander, roam" (see vague). Extended sense of "excessive, extreme, exceeding reasonable limits" first recorded 1590s, probably via French; that of "wasteful, lavish, exceeding prudence in expenditure" is from 1711. Related: Extravagantly. Wordsworth ("Prelude") used extravagate (v.).
〔李〕[extra-=outside 在…之外;vag=to wander 漫游; -ant a.=-ing⇒“wandering outside limits 漫游到界限之外的” ⇒“straying 偏离正轨的”→] a. ①beyond the bounds of reason;excessive 过度的,过分的
〔蒋〕[extra-以外,vag漫步,走-ant…的;’走出范围之外的”→超出范围的] 过分的,过度的,无节制的,奢侈的,浪费的