mid-14c., from Old French corropt "unhealthy, corrupt; uncouth" (of language), and directly from Latin corruptus, past participle of corrumpere "to destroy; spoil," figuratively "corrupt, seduce, bribe," from com-, intensive prefix (see com-), + rup-, past participle stem of rumpere "to break" (see rupture, n.). Related: Corruptly; corruptness.
mid-14c., "contaminate, impair the purity of," from Latin corruptus, past participle of corrumpere (see corrupt, adj.). Late 14c. as "pervert the meaning of," also "putrefy." Related: Corrupted; corrupting.
〔蒋〕[cor-表示加强意义,rupt破→坏→败坏,腐坏] 腐坏,腐烂,败坏,随落,腐败,使败坏;贪污的,腐败的
〔李〕[cor-(com-)=thoroughly完全地;rupt =to break破→“to break thoroughly完全破坏”→]Ⅰv. destroy morally;spoil使腐败;腐蚀