1580s, "a middle ground, quality, or degree," from Latin medium "the middle, midst, center; interval," noun use of neuter of adjective medius (see medial, adj.). Meaning "intermediate agency, channel of communication" is from c.1600. That of "person who conveys spiritual messages" first recorded 1853, from notion of "substance through which something is conveyed." Artistic sense (oil, watercolors, etc.) is from 1854. Happy medium is the "golden mean," Horace's aurea mediocritas.
1660s, "average," from medium, n.. The Latin adjective was medius. Meaning "intermediate" is from 1796. As a size designation from 1711. as a designation of cooked meat, it is attested from 1931, short for medium-rare (1881).
〔蒋〕[medi中间,-um名词后缀] 中间,中间物,媒介;[转为形容词] 中等的
〔李〕[medi=middle中间;-um n.=thing物→“thing in the middle中间物”→] n. substance in the middle through which any effect is transmitted媒介物(在中间起传播作用的物质)