coined 1929 in science fiction, popularized from 1961 by U.S. space program, from astro- + nautes "sailor" (see naval). French astronautique (adj.) had been coined 1927 by "J.H. Rosny," pen name of Belgian-born science fiction writer Joseph Henri Honoré Boex (1856-1940) on model of aéronautique, and Astronaut was used in 1880 as the name of a fictional spaceship by English writer Percy Greg (1836-1889) in "Across the Zodiac."
〔李〕[astr;-o-;nautn.] n.宇宙航行员 ←aster,astr (GK aster, astron)=star 星
〔李〕[astr;-o-;nautn.] n.宇宙航行员 ←nav,naut (L navis,nauticus)=ship 船
〔李〕n.宇宙航行员 [naut=sailor] ←astro-[GK] =star星;space宇宙