1530s, from Latin assiduus "attending; continually present, incessant; busy; constant," from assidere "to sit down to" (thus "be constantly occupied" at one's work); from ad "to" (see ad-) + sedere "to sit" (see sedentary). The word acquired a taint of "servility" in 18c. Related: Assiduously; assiduousness.
〔蒋〕[as-=ad-,表示at,sit坐,-uous的;’能坐下来坚持工作的”] 刻苦的,勤奋的
〔李〕[as-(ad-)=to, at面向;sid=to sit坐;-u-;-ous a.=having the quality有……性质的→“having the ability to sit at a place to work能面壁而坐坚持工作的”→] a. constant or unwearied in application;diligent刻苦的;勤奋的