1847 Youatt The Horse xvii. 357It is situated on the postero-external side of the haunch and thigh.
1849 Dana Geol. (1850) 687Valves nearly flat, with a slight bending over the postero-dorsal margin.
1852 ― Crust. i. 29The posterior portion of the Carapax consists of a postero-lateral region, and a posterior region.
1854 Owen in Orr'sCirc. Sc. I.Org. Nat. 197The base of each neurapophysis has an antero-internal.., and a postero-internal surface.
1881 Mivart Cat 74The postero-inferior margin of the malar is strongly concave.
1899 Allbutt's Syst. Med. VII. 10The postero-median columns, or columns of Goll.
Ibid 84 The postero-parietal or superior parietal lobule . [ of the brain]
1901 Proc. Zool. Soc. I. 263The characteristic features of this cavity..are:—..(3) the characteristic position of its postero-medial wall, as seen from behind.
1902 Proc. Zool. Soc. I. 89The blue sides are margined posteroventrally with a black line.
1959 Bull. Mus. Compar. Zool. Harvard CXX. 185The segment anterior to Jacobson's organ no longer appears as a transverse slit in frontal section, but now runs anteromedially to posterolaterally.
1961 J. E. Collin Empididae i. 31Middle femora with a comb-like row of tiny black bristles posteroventrally.
1967 G. M. Wyburn et al.Conc. Anat. iv. 112/2The great wing of the sphenoid terminating posterolaterally in the spine.
1967 G. M. Wyburn et al.Conc. Anat. i. 28/2The duodenal papilla—on the postero-medial aspect is the situation of the opening of the bile duct.
1974 D. & M. Webster Compar. Vertebr. Morphol. vii. 133The external oblique muscle..runs anterodorsally to posteroventrally.
ORIGIN: from poster(ior : see -o- .
combining form
Etymology: Latin posterus coming after — more at posterior
1. : posterior and
< posteroanterior >
< posterolateral >
2. : at the back part of
< posterodorsal >
< posteroanterior >
< posterolateral >
< posterodorsal >
- posterior; back