"offer or present to view," mid-15c., from Latin exhibitus, past participle of exhibere "to hold out, display, show, present, deliver" (see exhibition). Related: Exhibited; exhibiting.
1620s, "document or object produced as evidence in court," from Latin exhibitum, noun use of neuter past participle of exhibere "to display, show" (see exhibition). Meaning "object displayed in a fair, museum, etc." is from 1862. Transferred use of exhibit A "important piece of evidence" is by 1906.
〔李〕[ex-;habit] v.展览,展出 n.展览品 ←habit,hibit (L habere,habitum)=to have or hold 拥有,占有
〔蒋〕[ex-外,出,hibit拿,持;’拿出去”→摆出去给人看] 展出,展览,陈列,展示,显示