1570s, "a deviation in argument," also "a military sally," from Latin excursionem (nominative excursio) "a running forth, sally, excursion, expedition," figuratively "an outset, opening," noun of action from past participle stem of excurrere "run out, run forth, hasten forward; project, extend," from ex- "out" (see ex-) + currere "to run" (see current, adj.). Sense of "journey" recorded in English by 1660s.
〔蒋〕[ cur,curs,cour,ccurs=run跑,-ion名词后缀] 远足,旅行,旅游
〔李〕[ex-=out of外;curs=to run跑;-ion n.=the act表行为→“running out of home离家跑到外头去”→] n. pleasure outing or trip远足,短途旅行