variant of arseno-, especially before a vowel.
Related Words
- arsenate
- arsenide
- arsenious
- arsenite
- arsenous
1800 Henry Epit. Chem. (1808) 255With alkalies, earths, and oxides, it constitutes a class of salts called *arsenates.
1863 Watts Dict. Chem. I. 379The *arsenates of the alkali metals are soluble in water.
1875 Ure Dict. Arts I. 215An acid *arsenate of soda is now used in calico-printing.
1796 Hatchett in Phil. Trans. LXXXVI. 317If *arseniate of ammoniac is distilled, gas is produced.
1876 Harley Mat.Med. 214*Arseniate of Iron.
1863 Watts Dict. Chem. I. 372*Arsenetted hydrogen is a colourless gas..Small animals are instantly killed by it.
1851–9 Owen in Adm. Man. Sc. Enq. 377The inside..brushed with *arseniate soap stuffed with cotton. [ and]
1808 Sir H. Davy in Phil. Trans. XCVIII. 367Potassium separates arsenic from *arseniated hydrogene.
1846 Blackw. Mag. LX. 65Volley of Russian candles, and the flames of an *arseniated Hougomont.
1863 Watts Dict. Chem. (1872) I. 370Many metallic *arsenides occur in natural minerals, e.g. copper-nickel Ni2As2.
Ibid. 397*Arsenides of ethyl.
1876 Harley Mat.Med. 287Arsenic is most extensively diffused in combination with other metals, as in the *arsenides of iron, nickel, copper, cobalt.
1800 Henry Epit. Chem. (1808) 254Oxide of arsenic..has therefore been called arsenous acid, and its compounds *arsenites.
1865 Pall Mall G. 19 Sept. 11/1 Sweetmeats..rendered terrible with *arsenite of copper.
187. Thorpe Inorg. Chem. I. 392Copper *arsenite, or Scheele's Green is employed as a pigment. A copper aceto- *arsenite, known as Schweinfurth, or imperial green, is also largely used.
Ibid. 391Arsenious oxide..constitutes the mineral known as *arsenite. [ See also arsenolite.]
combining form
or arseno-
Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from arsenic
: arsenic ; specifically : containing the grouping −As . As− analogous to the azo group
< arsenobenzene >
or arseno-
< arsenobenzene >