

词汇 popul, publ

词根:popul, publ = people(人)



1. populous [满是人的popul(=people)]
  populate v.使居住 population n.人口;(某地城的)全体居民
  Worldwide,the regions near the equator are quite populous.在全世界,赤道附近区城人口相当稠密。

2. depopulate v.人口减少 *de(=down)
  depopulation n.人口减少 depopulation policy减少人口政策
  country depopulated by war/famine(人口因为战争/饥饿而缩减的国家)

3. popular adj.民众的;大众的,通俗的,流行的;得人心的,受欢迎的
  popularly adj.普遍地;大众地
  popular bonds/discontent /election/education/front/opinion/sovereignty/subscription/vote (公债/民众的不满/普选/普通教育/人民阵线/舆论/人民主权/大众订阅/直接投票)popular song/singer(流行歌曲/歌手)

4. popularity n.名望;大众化;流行;受欢迎
  win popularity 受到欢迎; popularity poll 声望调查; enjoy great/general popularity 深受欢迎,获得广泛好评

5. populace n.民众;平民

6. popularize v.使通俗,使普及 *ize(=make)
  popularize a new method of teaching spelling 普及新的拼写教法

7. populism n.(P~)平民主义,平民论;民粹派
  populist n.平民主义者,平民论者;民粹论者

8. public adj.公众的;公共的;为公众事务的;国家的;公开的;闻名的,众所周知的
  n. (the~)公众,民众;志趣相同或(从事同类活动的)群体 *publ<popul(=people)
  publicly adj.公开地
  certified public accountant <美>执业会计师(缩写:CPA);public relations 公共关系;book that will appeal to a large public广大读者会喜爱的书;in public公然地,公开地

9. publish v.出版;发表;公布,颁布(法律等)*publ<popul(=people)
  publishing 出版(业);publishing house/company/firm 出版社,出版公司
  publish the news 发布新闻 ;publish an edict/law 公布布告/法令

10. publisher n.出版商;发表者;(报社)业主;(报刊)发行人 *publ<popul(=people)
  publisher's imprint (版本(书的书名页或版权页上标注的出版人、出版地点、出版时间、版次、印数等说明)

11. publication n.出版;出版物;公布,发表 *publ<popul(=people)
  date of publication 出版日期;monthly/weekly publication 月刊/周刊出版物;publication of a report 报告的公布

12. publicize v.(尤其指用广告)宣传 *publ<popul(=people)

词根:popul, publ = people, 表示“人民”

population n. 人口(popul+ation)

populous a. 人口稠密的(popul+ous)

popular a. 流行的(popul+ar…的)

popularize v. 大众化;推广(popular流行的+ize 化)

popularity n. 大众性;流行(popular流行+ity)

depopulate v. 减少人口(de去掉+popul+ate→去掉人口)

public a. 公开的,公众的(publ[=popul]+ic)

publish v. 出版;公开(publ+ish→进入人民中→出版)

publication n. 出版(public公众的+ation)

publicity n. 公开;宣传(public+ity)





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