1520s, cubbe "young fox," of unknown origin; perhaps from Old Irish cuib "whelp," or from Old Norse kobbi "seal." Extended to the young of bears, lions, etc., after 1590s. The native word was whelp. Cub Scout is from 1922.
☞ cub, cubi, cubo
词根:cub 躺, 卧
cubicle [cub卧,-icle名词后缀,表示小;’睡觉”的地方] 小卧室,小室
incubate [in-加强意义, cub卧,伏,-ate动词后缀;’伏卧在卵上”] 孵卵,伏巢,孵化
incubation [ 见上,-ation名词后缀] 孵卵,伏巢,孵化
incubative [见上,-ative…的] 孵卵的,孵化员
incubus [见上,-us名词后缀;’伏卧于睡眠身上的恶魔”] 梦魔
concubine [con-共同, cub卧,卧居,-ine表示人;’共同卧居者”→非法与男人同居的女人] 姘妇,情妇,妾