

词汇 -ette
Online Etymology Dictionary

  1. Small; diminutive:
  2. Female:
  3. An imitation or inferior kind of cloth:

  1. Middle English
  2. from Old French [feminine of] -et [-et]
    源自 古法语 [] -et的阴性词 [前缀,表“小”]

  1. The adaptation of the French diminutive suffix-ette to mean “female,” as inusherette or drum majorette, was attacked on etymological grounds long before people realized that it might also involve socially questionable presuppositions.Historically,-ette is the feminine form of a French diminutive suffix that occurs in borrowings such asbanquet, tablet, and clarinet (and in its feminine form, in words such ascigarette and chemisette ). In the past hundred years,-ette has become fairly productive as an English diminutive in words denoting inanimates, as innovelette, kitchenette, luncheonette, and laundrette, but its use to form nouns denoting women is a separate development,most likely derived from the Frenchuse of-ette to form feminine versions of masculine personal names, as inPaulette, Georgette, Jeanette, and Antoinette. In this sense,the suffix was first applied to an English common noun insuffragette, which served as the model for a number of words that referred to women who occupied positions once reserved for men,as infarmerette, sailorette, and chaufferette. Among these onlyusherette and drum majorette have survived, but the pattern is still widely used to coin the names of women's social groups and auxiliaries,as well as in formations such asbachelorette, which enjoyed a vogue not long ago as an attempt to create a feminine counterpart forbachelor. In each case,the use of what is essentially a diminutive or pet name suffix to refer to women betrays a patronizing attitude.See Usage Note at brunette
    在人们意识到把法语中意为“小型的一种”的后缀-ette 改变为女性的之意, 如usherettedrum majorette。 这种做法还蕴含着某种具有社会意义的不确定的预知。 很久以前,这种改变是一直受到词源学派的攻击。从历史来讲,-ette 是法语中小后缀的阴性形式。 出现于英文中的一些借用语中,如banquettabletclarinet (以及出现于它的阴性形式,在词中如cigarettechemisette )。 在过去的几百年中,在英语中以-ette 作为小后缀用于表示无生命事物的词变得相当多, 如novelettekitchenetteluncheonettelaundrette, 但是它构成表示女性名词的用法却是另一种不同的发展,很象出自于法语中的,用ette 构成具有女性形式的本属于男性用的名字, 象PauletteGeorgetteJeanetteAntoinette 。 在这种意义上,词语后缀首先应用于英语的普通名词suffragette 中, 它成为了以后若干指代那些占据了曾一度保留给男性职位的女性的词的典范,如famerettesailorettechaufferette。 这些词中只有usherettedrum majorette 保留至今, 但这种模式已广泛用于创造有关妇女社会团体及其辅助物的名字,就象bachelorette 的组成形式曾在不久前流行, 作为创造与bachelor 相对应的女性的形式的尝试。 无论如何,以实质上小后缀或宠物名字的后缀指代女性的用法显示了一种要求达到重视的态度参见 brunette

suffix forming nouns

(esp in trade names) imitation


from French, feminine of -et


Word Origin
a noun suffix occurring originally in loanwords from French, where it has been used in a variety of diminutive and hypocoristic formations (brunette; cigarette; coquette; etiquette; rosette); as an English suffix, -ette, forms diminutives (kitchenette; novelette; sermonette), distinctively feminine nouns (majorette; usherette), and names of imitation products (leatherette).
Compare -et.
< French, feminine of -et -et
Usage note
English nouns in which the suffix -ette designates a feminine role or identity have been perceived by many people as implying inferiority or insignificance: bachelorette; drum majorette; farmerette; suffragette; usherette. Of these terms, only drum majorette—or sometimes just majorette—is still widely used, usually applied to one of a group of young women who perform baton twirling with a marching band. A woman or man who actually leads a band is a drum major. Baton twirler is often used instead of (drum) majorette. Farmer, suffragist, and usher are applied to both men and women, thus avoiding any trivializing effect of the -ette ending. See also -enne, -ess, -trix.

Related Words

  • aigrette
  • bachelorette
  • barbette
  • billet
  • briolette
  • budget
-ettea noun suffix, the feminine form of -et, occurring especially:
1. with the original diminutive force, as in cigarette.
2. in trademarks of imitations or substitutes, as in leatherette.
3. as a distinctively feminine ending, as in coquette, brunette, etc.
[French, feminine of -et -et]
Usage: The use of -ette as a feminine ending (as in usherette) is becoming rare as terms applying to both men and women (e.g. usher) become standard.
noun suffix
 ETYMOLOGY  French, feminine diminutive suffix, from Old French -ete — more at -et
1. little one
2. female
forming nouns [构成名词]
denoting relatively small size


denoting an imitation or substitute


denoting female gender


USAGEThe use of -ette as a feminine suffix for forming new words is relatively recent: it was first recorded in the word suffragette at the beginning of the 20th century and has since been used to form only a handful of well-established words, including usherette and drum majorette, for example. In the modern context, where the tendency is to use words which are neutral in gender, the suffix -ette is not very productive and new words formed using it tend to be restricted to the deliberately flippant or humorous, as, for example, bimbette and punkette.
from Old French -ette, feminine of -ET1.
-ette, suffix1. Forming diminutive ns., represents OF. -ette, the fem. form corresponding to the masc. -et: see -et1. In early Eng. use the Fr. -et and -ette (OF. -ete) were not clearly distinguished, and in 15th c. -ette is a mere variant spelling of -et; e.g. the OF. basinet occurs sometimes in Eng. as basinette. The older adoptions of Fr. words in -ette, so far as they survive, are now written with -et1; the spelling -ette belongs chiefly to words introduced since 17th c., as chemisette, cigarette, eprouvette, etiquette, pipette, serviette. During the present century a few words have been formed by the addition of -ette to Eng. ns.; most of these, as leaderette, sermonette, essayette, can scarcely be said to be in good use, though often met with in newspapers; wagonette, however, is well established. Formations of this kind are very common in the names given by manufacturers to materials intended as imitations of something else: one such word which has come into general use is leatherette.1849J. Wilson in Blackw. Mag. LXVI. 19 This side of the glen..is known to be a descent but by the pretty little cataractettes playing at leap-frog.1887Mod. Newspaper, Great sale of Brussellette carpets. Messrs. ―'s plushettes.2. Used to denote a female, as in majorette, suffragette, usherette.1921H. L. Mencken Amer. Lang. (ed. 2) vi. 187 The wide use of the suffix -ette in such terms as farmerette, conductorette,..usherette and huskerette, is due to the same effort to make one word do the work of two.1939New Yorker 11 Nov., The girls employed to annoy visitors to some kind of Chamber of Commerce festival in Southern California will be called welcomettes.1942in Amer. Speech (1943) XVIII. 147 Roosevelt Signs ‘Sailorette’ Bill... Usherette in the..movie theater... Chicago tries ‘Copettes’.1970Women Speaking Apr. 5/2 Female teams are called Rockettes, Mercurettes, Atomettes.
diminutive word-forming element, from Old French -ette (fem.), used indiscriminately in Old French with masculine form -et (see -et). As a general rule, older words borrowed from French have -et in English, while ones taken in since 17c. have -ette. In use with native words since late 19c., especially among persons who coin new product names, who tend to give it a sense of "imitation, a sort of" (for example flannelette "imitation flannel of cotton," 1876). Also in words like sermonette, which, OED remarks, "can scarcely be said to be in good use, though often met with in newspapers."

little one, group of, female, imitation (commercial names):
dinette, octette, majorette, erminette
-ette /ɛt/ suffix.
ORIGIN: Repr. Old French fem. -ette: see -et1.
Forming nouns with the senses ‘small’, as cigarette, kitchenette; ‘imitation or substitute’, as flannelette, leatherette; ‘female’, as suffragette, usherette.
suffix added to nouns to form new nouns.
little _____: Kitchenette = a little kitchen.
female _____: Usherette = a female usher.
a substitute for _____: Leatherette = a substitute for leather.
[< French -ette, feminine of -et -et]
\|et sometimes _ə̇t; usu |ed. or _ə̇d.+V\ noun suffix
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, feminine diminutive suffix, from Old French -ete — more at -et
1. : little one (of the thing or class specified) : -let
 < wagonette >
 < kitchenette >
 < dinette >
2. : group of (so many)
 < octette >
3. : female
 < majorette >
 < farmerette >
 < suffragette >
4. : imitation : substitute
 < erminette >
 < beaverette >
— used chiefly in commercial names


  • IPA: /ɛt/
  • Suffix

    1. Used to form nouns meaning a smaller form of something.
      cigarette, kitchenette, diskette
    2. Used to form nouns meaning the female equivalent of.
      majorette, bachelorette, Smurfette
    3. Used to form nouns meaning an imitation or substitute of something.


    From the French -ette, the feminine form of the diminutive suffix -et.

    Derived terms

    English words suffixed with -ette


    (feminine affix):

  • -a
  • -enne
  • -ess
  • -euse
  • -or
  • -rix
  • she-
  • 后缀:-ette [名词后缀]


    roomette 小房间

    kitchenette 小厨房

    tankette 小坦克

    millionette 小百万富翁

    novelette 中篇小说(比novel短)

    statuette 小雕像

    balconette 小阳台

    essayette 短文

    historiette 小史

    storiette 小故事

    parasolette 小阳伞

    cigarette 烟卷(比cigar小)

    pianette 小竖式钢琴

    wagonette 轻便游览车


    sailorette 女水手

    typette 女打字员

    usherette 女引座员

    farmerette 农妇

    undergraduette 女大学生

    majorette 军乐队女队长


    leatherette 人造革

    rosette 玫瑰花形物

    linenette 充亚麻织物

    flannelette 棉法兰绒


    serviette 餐巾

    launderette 自动洗衣店

    -ety [名词后缀]


    gayety 快乐

    vanety 变化

    anxiety 悬念

    notoriety 臭名昭著

    satiety 饱足,厌腻

    propriety 适当,适合





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