[ 1792A. Galvani De Viribus Electricitatis in Motu Musculari iv. 48Nerveo-electrici fluidi excursum per musculum ad nervum illum esse. ]
1860 A. C. Garratt Electro-Physiol. & Electro-Therapeutics iv. 216 (heading)Effects of heat and cold on the *nervo-electric batteries.
Ibid. vi. 349May not the brain be thus incessantly charged, says Dr. Watson, if indeed it be..‘an electric pile constantly in action’, discharging itself by the nerves at brief intervals, ‘when the tension of the nervo-electricity, developed, reaches a certain point’?
1822 Good StudyMed. IV. 659The learned Pereboom..has divided palsy..into three species; a nervous, muscular and *nerveo-muscular.
1862 Spencer FirstPrinc. ii. xvii. §143 (1875) 391The visible nervo-muscular actions.
1897 Allbutt's Syst. Med. III. 493The nervo-muscular machinery seems to be poisoned by the toxins in the blood.
1884 Harper's Mag. Aug. 440/2Ultra-susceptible and *nervo-sanguineous subjects.
c1850 in Cosmopolitan (1896) XX. 370/1He will displace some of the *nervo-vital fluid from the passive brain and deposit it in his own instead.
ORIGIN: from Latin nervus nerve noun : see -o- .
— see nerv-
— see nerv-