mid-14c., confourmen, from Old French conformer "conform (to), agree (to), make or be similar, be agreeable" (13c.), from Latin conformare "to fashion, to form, to shape; educate; modify," from com- "together" (see com-) + formare "to form" (see form, v.).Sense of "to comply with the usages of the Church of England" is from 1610s; hence conformist (1630s), opposed to non-conformist or dissenter. Related: Conformance; conformed; conforming.
〔李〕[con-(com-)=with 与;form=to shape 造型⇒“to shape together with与…一起造型”→] v. be in agreement 一致,符合
〔李〕[con-(com-)=together 共同;form=to shape 形成→“to shape together with 与……共同成形”→] v.① become the same in form相似,一致