early 15c., from Latin conflictus, past participle of confligere "to strike together, be in conflict," from com- "together" (see com-) + fligere "to strike" (see afflict). Related: Conflicted; conflicting.
early 15c., "armed encounter, battle," from Old French conflit and directly from Latin conflictus (see conflict, v.). Meaning "struggle, quarrel" is from mid-15c. Psychological sense of "incompatible urges in one person" is from 1859 (hence conflicted, past participle adjective). Phrase conflict of interest was in use by 1743.
〔李〕[con-;flict] v.抵触; 战斗 n.斗争; 冲突 ←flig,flict (L fligere,flictum)=to strike 打击
〔蒋〕[con-共同,flict打击,’共同打”→彼此互打] 冲突,战斗,交锋,斗争