c.1300, from Latin concubina (fem.), from concumbere "to lie with, to lie together, to cohabit," from com- "with" (see com-) + cubare "to lie down" (see cubicle). Recognized by law among polygamous peoples as "a secondary wife."
〔蒋〕[con-共同, cub卧,卧居,-ine表示人;’共同卧居者”→非法与男人同居的女人] 姘妇,情妇,妾
〔李〕[con-=together共同;cub=to lie down卧;-ine n.=female女人→“woman who lies down together with a man与某男人同卧共宿的女人”→] n. woman who inhabits with a man without being married姘妇,情妇▽concubinage [concubin(e);-age n.] n.情妇身份;非法同居