mid-14c., from Old French compunction (12c., Modern French componction), from Late Latin compunctionem (nominative compunctio) "remorse; a pricking" (of conscience), noun of action from past participle stem of Latin compungere "to severely prick, sting," from com-, intensive prefix (see com-), + pungere "to prick" (see pungent). Used in figurative sense by early Church writers. Originally a much more intense feeling, similar to "remorse," or "contrition."
〔李〕[com-;punct;-ionn.] n.内疚,后悔; 懊恼 ←pung,punct (L pungere,punctum)=to prick 刺
〔蒋〕[com-加强意义,punct刺,-ion名词后缀;’良心受到刺痛”] 内疚,良心的责备,后悔