c.1400, compousen, from Old French composer "put together, arrange, write" a work (12c.), from com- "with" (see com-) + poser "to place," from Late Latin pausare "to cease, lay down" (see pause, n.). Meaning influenced in Old French by componere (see composite; also see pose, v.). Musical sense is from 1590s. Related: Composed; composing.
〔李〕[com-=together 一起;pos=to put 放;-e⇒“to put together 放在一起”→] vt. ①put together to form a whole 组成,构成
〔蒋〕[com-共同,一起,pos放;’放在一起”→组合在一起] 组成,构成,创作
〔李〕[com- = together 一起;pos = to place 放置;-e→“to place together放置在一起”→] v.①make up, or form as a whole组成