1932 W. L. Graff Lang. & Languages 277All linguistic change is a process pertaining to..semanto-phonetic expression.
Ibid. 420Archaic Chinese seems to have had a system of..semanto-phonetically changeable radicals.
1939 Semantico-empirical . [ see semantic paradoxs.v. semantic a. C.]
1971 Language XLVII. 80 These structures are semanto-syntactic, which means that the semantic properties or bundles of properties are arranged not in a linear order but in a hierarchical one.
1976 Word 1971 XXVII. 268 Semantico-intentionally there are two stages of development.
1977 P. Strevens New Orientations Teaching of English ii. 25Semantico-grammatical categories—expressing universal concepts of time, quantity, space and matter, as well as expressing grammatical concepts of case (‘who did it, who it happened to, and what got changed’).
ORIGIN: from Greek sēmantikos : see semantic , -o- . Cf. semo- .