

词汇 self-
Online Etymology Dictionary

  1. Oneself; itself:
  2. Automatic; automatically:

  1. Middle English
  2. from Old English
    源自 古英语
  3. from self [self] * see self
    源自 self [自己] *参见 self

combining form

of oneself or itself
by, to, in, due to, for, or from the self
automatic or automatically

Example Sentences

The door would lead to a staircase and a self- contained flat above the chipper.

Seymour, Gerald Field of Blood
word forming element indicating "oneself," also "automatic," from Old English use of self, pron. in compounds, such as selfbana "suicide," selflice "self-love, pride, vanity, egotism," selfwill "free will."
self- /sɛlf/ combining form.
ORIGIN: from self pronoun, adjective, & noun.
Used with the reflexive sense ‘oneself, itself’ in various relations, esp. (a) (objective) ‘by or of oneself or itself’, freq. spec. ‘by one's or its own efforts or action, without external agency or help, automatic(ally)’; with nouns as self-advocacy, self-caricature, self-correction, self-denigration, self-election, self-enrichment, self-flatterer, self-healing, self-humiliation, self-immolation, self-incrimination, self-inspection, self-production, self-tormentor, self-treatment, self-valuation, etc.; with adjectives (& their derivs.) as self-expressive, esp. pres. ppl adjectives, as self-annihilating, self-exalting, self-fitting, self-incriminating, self-operating, self-programming, self-rewarding, self-tormenting, self-watering, & pa. ppl adjectives, as self-administered, self-built, self-chosen, self-defended, self-destroyed, self-devised, self-evolved, self-indulged, self-originated, self-produced, etc.; with verb stems forming (esp. attrib.) adjectives, as self-feed, self-seal, etc. (b) (adverb) with the sense ‘for, in, into, of, on or upon, to or towards, with, etc., oneself or itself’, as self-dissatisfaction, self-medication, self-mistrust, etc.
 DERIVATIVE self-aˈbandon noun abandonment of oneself to a passion, impulse, etc. E20.
self-aˈbandoned adjective characterized by self-abandon, profligate L18.
self-aˈbandonment noun = self-abandon E19.
self-aˈbasement noun abasement or humiliation of oneself, cringing M17.
self-aˈbasing adjective characterized by, involving, or requiring self-abasement M17.
self-ˈabnegating adjective characterized by, involving, or requiring self-abnegation M19.
self-abneˈgation noun abnegation of oneself, one's interests, one's needs, etc. M17.
self-abneˈgatory adjective = self-abnegating L19.
self-abˈsorbed adjective absorbed in oneself, one's own feelings, etc. M19.
self-abˈsorption noun (a) absorption in one's own emotions, interests, or situation; preoccupation with oneself; (b) Physics absorption of radiation by the material emitting it: E19.
self-accuˈsation noun (an) accusation of oneself M17.
self-aˈccusatory adjective characterized by, involving, or requiring self-accusation M19.
self-aˈccused adjective accused by oneself L17.
self-aˈccusing adjective accusing oneself, self-accusatory L16.
self-ˈacting adjective (a) acting independently, without external influence or control; (b) acting automatically, without mechanical intervention: L17.
self-ˈaction noun (a) independent action, without external influence or control; (b) automatic action, without mechanical intervention: E19.
self-ˈactive adjective = self-acting M17.
self-acˈtivity noun independent or automatic activity M17.
self-ˈactor noun a self-acting thing, spec. a self-acting mule in a spinning machine M19.
self-actualiˈzation noun (chiefly Psychology) realization or fulfilment of one's talents and potentialities, esp. considered as a drive or need present in everyone M20.
self-ˈactualize verb (chiefly Psychology) (a) verb intrans. achieve self-actualization or fulfilment; (b) verb trans. bring to self-actualization (usu. in pass.): L19.
self-aˈddressed adjective addressed to oneself; spec. (of an envelope etc.) having one's own address on for return communication M19.
self-adˈhesive adjective (of an envelope, label, etc.) adhesive without being moistened M20.
self-ˈadjoint adjective (Math.) equal to its own adjoint L19.
self-aˈdjusting adjective (of machinery etc.) adjusting itself without intervention M19.
self-aˈdjustment noun adjustment of itself without intervention M19.
self-admiˈration noun admiration of oneself, conceit M17.
self-adˈmired adjective admired by oneself L18.
self-adˈmiring adjective characterized by, involving, or requiring self-admiration; conceited: E17.
self-aduˈlation noun adulation of oneself, excessive self-love L18.
self-adˈvancement noun advancement or promotion of oneself E18.
self-adˈvertisement noun advertisement or promotion of oneself M19.
self-ˈadvertiser noun a person given to self-advertisement L19.
self-ˈadvertising noun advertising or promoting of oneself M18.
self-affirˈmation noun affirmation of oneself; Psychology recognition and assertion of the existence of the conscious self: E19.
self-aˈggrandizement noun aggrandizement of oneself, the action or process of enriching oneself or making oneself powerful L18.
self-aˈggrandizing adjective given to or characterized by self-aggrandizement M19.
self-alieˈnation noun alienation of oneself, alienation from one's own feelings or activities E20.
self-aˈligning adjective capable of automatic aligning; (of a bearing etc.) having a degree of flexibility as regards alignment: E20.
self-ˈanalysing adjective analysing oneself, given to self-analysis E20.
self-aˈnalysis noun analysis of one's own character, motives, etc.; psychoanalysis of oneself undertaken by oneself: M19.
self-ˈanalyst noun a person who undertakes self-analysis E20.
self-annihiˈlation noun annihilation or obliteration of self, esp. in mystical contemplation M17.
self-aˈpplauding adjective characterized by, involving, or requiring self-applause M17.
self-aˈpplause noun marked approval or commendation of oneself L17.
self-aˈppointed adjective appointed by oneself; designated so by oneself, without authorization from another: L18.
self-appreciˈation noun high estimation of oneself, conceit E19.
self-approˈbation noun approval of oneself, one's actions, etc.; self-appreciation: M18.
self-aˈpproval noun = self-approbation E19.
self-aˈssembly noun (a) subsequent assembly of something bought in the form of a kit; usu. attrib., designating items (e.g. furniture) sold in this form; (b) Biology the spontaneous formation of a molecular complex or sub-cellular particle, as a ribosome or a virus, in a medium containing the appropriate components: M20.
self-aˈsserting adjective = self-assertive M19.
self-aˈssertion noun assertion of one's individuality, insistence on one's claims or one's supremacy; aggressive promotion of oneself, one's views, etc.: E19.
self-aˈssertive adjective full of or characterized by self-assertion M19.
self-assertiveness noun the quality or fact of being self-assertive L19.
self-aˈssessment noun assessment or evaluation of oneself, or one's actions or attitudes; an instance of this; spec. calculation of one's own taxable liability: M20.
self-aˈssurance noun self-confidence L16.
self-aˈssured adjective self-confident E18.
self-aˈssuredly adverb in a self-confident manner L20.
self-aˈssuredness noun self-assurance M20.
self-aˈware adjective aware or conscious of one's character, feelings, motives, etc. E20.
self-aˈwareness noun the quality, condition, or fact of being self-aware L19.
self-ˈbalancing adjective (a) Accountancy having the debit side equal to the credit side; (b) capable of balancing itself automatically; automatically producing balance: L19.
self-beˈgotten adjective produced by oneself or itself, not generated externally L17.
self-ˈbeing noun (a) independent existence; (b)a self-existent being: L16.
self-beˈtrayal noun betrayal of oneself; (an) inadvertent revelation of one's true feelings etc.: M19.
self-ˈbetterment noun improvement of oneself, one's character, social position, etc. M20.
self-ˈbias noun & verb (Electronics) (a) noun bias applied to the grid of a valve by means of a resistor in the cathode circuit or the grid circuit; (b) verb trans. apply a self-bias to (chiefly as self-biased, self-biasing ppl adjectives): M20.
self-ˈbinder noun a reaping machine with a mechanism for binding corn into sheaves automatically L19.
self-biˈography noun (rare) = autobiography L18.
self-ˈblimped adjective (of a cine camera) fitted with a soundproof cover, insulated from sound by its own housing M20.
self-ˈboasting noun (now rare) boasting about oneself L16.
self-ˈborn adjective born of or originating from oneself or itself, not produced externally L16.
self-ˈbred adjective (rare) = self-born L16.
self-ˈcancelling adjective that cancels itself; that negate each other; designed to stop working automatically when no longer required: M20.
self-caˈpacitance noun (Electricity) the inherent capacitance of a circuit or component E20.
self-ˈcare noun taking care of oneself; self-interested behaviour: E20.
self-ˈcatering adjective & noun (a) adjective designating rented temporary or holiday accommodation where food is provided and prepared by the occupant(s), or a holiday in such accommodation; (b) noun catering for oneself in rented temporary or holiday accommodation: M20.
self-ˈcensorship noun censorship of oneself, one's thoughts, words, etc. M20.
self-ˈcentring adjective (a)= self-centred; (b) able to hold an object in a central position without the necessity of tentative adjustments; (c) tending to return automatically to a central alignment: L17.
self-certifiˈcation noun provision of a certificate oneself; spec. the practice by which an employee declares in writing that an absence from work was due to illness: L20.
self-ˈchanging adjective (a) rare causing a change in the self; (b) (of a gearbox) automatic, preselective: M19.
self-ˈcleaning adjective designed or tending to keep itself clean automatically, (of an oven etc.) cleaning itself when heated L19.
self-ˈcleansing adjective designed or tending to keep itself clean automatically E20.
self-ˈclosing adjective (of a door etc.) closing automatically L19.
self-ˈcocking adjective (of a firearm) cocked by pulling the trigger, not by raising the hammer manually, double-action M19.
self-coˈincidence noun the fact or state of coinciding with the former position following a displacement E20.
self-coˈllected adjective self-possessed, composed, = collected 1 E18.
self-coˈmmand noun control of one's actions or feelings, self-control M17.
self-coˈmmunion noun communion with oneself, meditation on one's own character, conduct, etc. E19.
self-compatiˈbility noun the state of being self-compatible E20.
self-comˈpatible adjective & noun (a plant or species) able to be fertilized by its own pollen E20.
self-comˈplacence noun (now rare) = self-complacency M18.
self-comˈplacency noun self-satisfaction, complacency L17.
self-comˈplacent adjective self-satisfied, complacent M18.
self-complacential /-kɒmpləˈsɛnʃ(ə)l/ adjective (now rare) self-satisfied, complacent E18.
self-conˈceit noun a high or exaggerated opinion of oneself, one's talents, attainments, etc.; self-satisfaction, conceit: L16.
self-conˈceited adjective (now rare) full of or marked by self-conceit, having an excessively high opinion of oneself, conceited L16.
self-conˈceitedness noun (now rare) = self-conceit E17.
self-ˈconcept, self-conˈception nouns (Social Psychology) a person's conception or idea of himself or herself M20.
self-conˈcern noun (a) a personal interest; (b) concern for oneself: L17.
self-conˈcerned adjective concerned for oneself, self-interested M17.
self-condemˈnation noun (a) condemnation or blaming of oneself; (b) inadvertent revelation of one's own crime, sin, etc.: L17.
self-conˈdemned adjective condemned by one's own action or words, esp. inadvertently E17.
self-conˈdemning adjective condemning oneself, one's way of life, etc., esp. inadvertently L16.
self-condenˈsation noun (Chemistry) a condensation reaction between two molecules of the same compound M20.
self-confessed adjective (usu. attrib.) so by one's own admission L19.
self-ˈconfidence noun confidence in oneself, one's own powers, judgement, etc. M17.
self-ˈconfident adjective having self-confidence, confident of one's own powers, judgement, etc. E17.
self-ˈconfidently adverb in a self-confident manner M19.
self-conˈfiding adjective (arch.) self-confident M17.
self-congratuˈlation noun (a) congratulation of oneself, self-satisfaction E18.
self-conˈgratulatory adjective congratulatory of oneself L19.
self-ˈconquest noun conquest of oneself, one's impulses, etc.; the overcoming of one's worst characteristics: E18.
self-ˈconsequence noun self-importance L18.
self-conˈsistency noun consistency with oneself or itself, constancy of principle etc. L17.
self-conˈsistent adjective (a) = consistent 5, 6; (b) Physics (of a trial solution of esp. Schrödinger's equation) consistent with its own postulates: L17.
self-conˈsistently adverb in a self-consistent manner M20.
self-ˈconstituted adjective (of a person, group, etc.) assuming a function without authorization or right, self-appointed E19.
self-conˈtempt noun contempt for oneself L16.
self-conˈtemptuous adjective contemptuous of oneself, characterized by or expressive of self-contempt L20.
self-conˈtent noun content with oneself, one's life, achievements, etc., self-satisfaction M17.
self-conˈtented adjective contented with oneself, one's life, achievements, etc., self-satisfied E19.
self-conˈtentedly adverb in a self-contented manner M19.
self-conˈtentedness noun the condition of being self-contented L17.
self-conˈtentment noun contentment with oneself, one's life, achievements, etc., self-satisfaction E19.
self-contraˈdicting adjective contradicting oneself or itself, self-contradictory M17.
self-contraˈdiction noun the action or fact of contradicting oneself or itself; internal inconsistency; a statement containing contradictory elements: M17.
self-contraˈdictorily adverb in a self-contradictory manner M20.
self-contraˈdictory adjective involving self-contradiction, internally inconsistent M17.
self-conˈtrol noun control of oneself, one's desires, reactions, etc. E18.
self-conˈtrolled adjective having or showing self-control L19.
self-conˈvicted adjective convicted by one's own words or action, esp. inadvertently E18.
self-conˈviction noun conviction (esp. inadvertent) of oneself by one's own words or action M17.
self-coˈrrecting adjective correcting itself without intervention or external assistance M19.
self-creˈated adjective created, brought into existence, or constituted by oneself or itself L17.
self-creˈation noun creation of oneself or itself M19.
self-creˈative adjective capable of self-creation M19.
self-ˈcritical adjective critical of oneself, one's actions, attitudes, etc. M20.
self-ˈcriticism noun (a) criticism of oneself, one's actions, attitudes, etc. M19.
self-cultiˈvation noun cultivation or development by one's own efforts of one's mind, faculties, manners, etc. L19.
self-ˈculture noun = self-cultivation E19.
self-deˈceit noun self-deception E17.
self-deˈceitful adjective full of or given to self-deception E19.
self-deˈceived adjective deceived by or about oneself, marked by self-deception L17.
self-deˈceiver noun a person who deceives himself or herself E17.
self-deˈceiving adjective deceiving oneself, given to or characterized by self-deception L16.
self-deˈception noun the action or fact of deceiving oneself, esp. about one's true feelings L17.
self-deˈceptive adjective = self-deceiving L19.
self-deˈfeating adjective (of an action, attempt, etc.) doomed to failure because of internal inconsistencies, preventing attainment of the end it is designed to bring about E20.
self-deˈfensive adjective defensive of oneself; of or pertaining to self-defence, intended as self-defence: E19.
self-defiˈnition noun (a) definition of oneself, one's individuality, role in life, etc. M20.
self-deˈfrosting adjective (of a refrigerator) defrosting automatically M20.
self-deˈlight noun delight in oneself or one's existence L16.
self-deˈliverance noun deliverance of oneself, spec. suicide by an incurable patient who finds his or her suffering intolerable L20.
self-deˈluded adjective deluded by or about oneself, suffering from self-delusion M18.
self-deˈluder noun a person who deludes himself or herself M18.
self-deˈluding adjective given to or characterized by self-delusion M17.
self-deˈlusion noun the action of deluding oneself; the fact of being deluded about oneself; an instance of this: M17.
self-deˈnial noun denial or abnegation of oneself, sacrifice of one's personal desires, self-abnegation M17.
self-deˈnied adjective (now rare) given to or characterized by self-denial, self-denying L17.
self-deˈnier noun a person given to self-denial M17.
self-deˈnying adjective given to, characterized by, or involving self-denial (self-denying ordinance, a resolution of the Long Parliament (1644) depriving Members of Parliament of military and civil office; transf. any course of action by which a person deprives himself or herself of some advantage or benefit) M17.
self-deˈnyingly adverb in a self-denying manner M17.
self-deˈpendence noun dependence entirely on oneself or itself, independence M18.
self-deˈpendent adjective having or characterized by self-dependence L17.
self-ˈdeprecating adjective belittling or disparaging oneself M20.
self-ˈdeprecatingly adverb in a self-deprecating manner E20.
self-depreˈcation noun belittlement or disparagement of oneself E20.
self-ˈdeprecatory, self-deˈpreciatory adjectives tending to belittle or disparage oneself M19.
self-deˈspair noun despair of oneself L17.
self-deˈstroyer noun (a) a person who is the cause of his or her own destruction; (b) a person who commits suicide: M17.
self-deˈstroying adjective destroying oneself or itself, self-destructive M17.
self-deˈstruction noun (a) destruction of oneself or itself; suicide; (b) the process or action of self-destructing: L16.
self-deˈstructive adjective destructive of oneself or itself M17.
self-deˈstructively adverb in a self-destructive manner M19.
self-deˈstructiveness noun the quality or state of being self-destructive M18.
self-determiˈnation noun (a) the capacity to act with free will; (b) the action of a people in deciding its own allegiance or form of government; free determination of statehood, postulated as a right: L17.
self-deˈtermined adjective determined by oneself; having the quality of self-determination: L17.
self-deˈtermining adjective determining one's own acts; possessing self-determination: M17.
self-deˈvelopment noun development or cultivation of oneself, one's abilities, etc. E19.
self-deˈvoted adjective characterized by self-devotion E18.
self-deˈvotion noun devotion of oneself, one's life, etc., to a person or cause E19.
self-ˈdiagnose verb trans. & intrans. diagnose oneself as having (a particular medical condition) E20.
self-differentiˈation noun differentiation arising from within oneself or itself; spec. in Biology, that of embryonic tissue occurring more or less independently of other parts of the embryo: L19.
self-ˈdiffidence noun diffidence, lack of self-confidence M17.
self-diˈffusion noun diffusion of oneself or itself; spec. (Chemistry) migration of constituent atoms or molecules within the bulk of a substance, esp. in a crystalline solid: M19.
self-ˈdiscipline noun self-imposed controlled and orderly behaviour; the capacity for this: L18.
self-ˈdisciplined adjective having self-discipline, characterized by self-discipline M20.
self-diˈscovery noun acquisition of insight into oneself, one's character, desires, etc. M20.
self-disˈgust noun disgust with oneself E20.
self-diˈssociated adjective that undergoes self-ionization L20.
self-dissociˈation noun (Chemistry) = self-ionization E20.
self-disˈtrust noun distrust of oneself, one's abilities etc. L18.
self-ˈdoubt noun (a) doubt about or lack of confidence in oneself, one's abilities, etc. M19.
self-dramatiˈzation noun dramatization of one's own situation or feelings M20.
self-ˈdrive adjective & noun (a) adjective designating a hired motor vehicle to be driven by the hirer, not by a chauffeur; of or pertaining to the hiring of such vehicles; (b) noun a self-drive car or van: E20.
self-ˈdriven adjective driven by oneself; (of a motor vehicle) self-drive: L18.
self-ˈease noun personal comfort E17.
self-ˈeducated adjective educated by oneself by private study without formal instruction E19.
self-eduˈcation noun education of oneself by private study without formal instruction M19.
self-eˈffacement noun the action of effacing oneself, the keeping of oneself out of sight or in the background M19.
self-eˈffacing adjective given to or characterized by self-effacement E20.
self-eˈffacingly adverb in a self-effacing manner E20.
self-eˈlected adjective elected by oneself, (of a body) elected by its members E19.
self-eˈlection noun election of oneself L18.
self-eˈlective adjective having the right to elect oneself; (of a committee etc.) proceeding by co-opting members: L18.
self-emˈployed adjective working for oneself as a freelance or as the owner of a business etc., not employed by an employer M20.
self-emˈployment noun employment of oneself, working for oneself not an employer; the condition or fact of being self-employed: M18.
self-enˈclosed adjective enclosed within oneself or itself, not communicating freely with others L19.
self-energy noun (Physics) the energy possessed by a particle in isolation from other particles and fields; the energy of interaction of a particle, quasiparticle, or current with its own field: L19.
self-eˈsteem noun high regard for oneself, good opinion of oneself M17.
self-ˈestimate noun (an) estimate or valuation of oneself M19.
self-estiˈmation noun = self-estimate L18.
self-eˈstrangement noun estrangement from one's natural self, esp. such as is thought to result from the alienating development of consciousness or from involvement in a complex industrialized culture L19.
self-evaluˈation noun appraisal of one's actions, attitudes, or performance, esp. in relation to an objective standard M20.
self-ˈevidence noun (a) evidence of its own truth; (b) the quality or condition of being self-evident: L17.
self-ˈevidencing adjective providing itself the evidence of its own truth M17.
self-ˈevident adjective requiring no proof or further explanation; obvious; axiomatic: L17.
self-ˈevidently adverb in a self-evident manner, obviously L17.
self-evoˈlution noun evolution of oneself or itself by inherent power E19.
self-exalˈtation noun exaltation of oneself, one's personality, or one's claims L17.
self-examiˈnation noun (a) examination of one's conduct, motives, etc., esp. as a religious duty; (b) examination of one's body for signs of illness etc.: M17.
self-exciˈtation noun the characteristic or process of being self-exciting E20.
self-exˈcited adjective self-exciting E20.
self-exˈciting adjective (a) Electricity designating a dynamo-electric machine or analogous system that generates or excites its own magnetic field; (b) Radio designating a unit which both generates and determines the frequency of the transmitted energy; self-oscillating: L19.
self-ˈexecuting adjective (Law) (of a law, legal clause, etc.) not needing legislation etc. for enforcement, automatically applicable M20.
self-ˈexile noun voluntary exile E19.
self-ˈexiled adjective voluntarily exiled M18.
self-eˈxistence noun existence by virtue of inherent nature independently of any other cause M17.
self-eˈxistent adjective having the property of self-existence, existing independently; having a primary or independent existence: L17.
self-exˈperience noun (a) personal trial or experience E17.
self-exˈplained adjective (now rare) self-explanatory E18.
self-exˈplanatory adjective explaining itself, able to be understood without explanation L19.
self-exˈposure noun exposure of oneself, one's true feelings, etc. M18.
self-exˈpression noun expression of one's feelings, thoughts, etc., esp. in writing, painting, music, or another art L19.
self-ˈfeeder noun (a) a furnace, machine, etc., that renews its own fuel or material automatically; (b) a device for supplying food to farm animals automatically: L19.
self-ˈfeeding adjective (of a furnace, machine, etc.) replacing its own fuel or material automatically M20.
self-ˈfeeling noun (a) rare = coenaesthesis; (b) feeling centred in oneself, egoistical feeling; (c) the sense of one's individual identity: M19.
self-ˈfertile adjective (of a plant or hermaphrodite animal) capable of self-fertilization M19.
self-fertiliˈzation noun (Botany & Zoology) fertilization by means of pollen or sperm from the same individual M19.
self-ˈfertilize verb (a) verb trans. cause (a plant etc.) to undergo self-fertilization (usu. in pass.); (b) verb intrans. undergo self-fertilization: M19.
self-ˈfield noun (Physics) a field intrinsically associated with a charged particle, particle beam, or current, esp. as contrasted with any externally applied field that may be present M20.
self-ˈfinance verb trans. generate enough income from itself to pay for the implementation or continuation of (a project, programme of development, etc.) M20.
self-ˈfinancing adjective that finances itself; spec. (of a project, programme of development, etc.) that generates enough income to pay for its own implementation or continuation M20.
self-flageˈllation noun flagellation of oneself, esp. as a form of religious discipline; fig. excessive self-criticism: M19.
self-ˈflatterer noun a person who flatters or has a flattering conception of himself or herself L17.
self-ˈflattering adjective flattering to oneself, having a flattering conception of oneself L16.
self-ˈflattery noun flattery of oneself, the holding of a flattering conception of oneself E17.
self-ˈfluxing adjective (of iron ore) able to be smelted without the addition of a flux, usu. because of a high proportion of lime L19.
self-forˈgetful adjective forgetful of one's self or one's own individuality; unselfish: E19.
self-forˈgetfulness noun the quality or state of being self-forgetful E19.
self-ˈformed adjective formed or produced by oneself or itself, without extraneous aid L17.
self-fulˈfilling adjective (of a prophecy or prediction) giving rise to actions which bring about its fulfilment, bound to come true because of the conditions it creates M20.
self-fulˈfilment noun fulfilment of one's own hopes and ambitions, self-satisfying fulfilment of one's own potential M20.
self-ˈgenerating adjective generated by itself or oneself, not externally M19.
self-ˈgiven adjective (rare) given by oneself or itself, emanating or derived from oneself or itself M18.
self-ˈgiving adjective giving oneself for others, self-sacrificing M19.
self-glorifiˈcation noun glorification of oneself, one's abilities, etc., boasting M19.
self-ˈglorious adjective (long rare) given to or characterized by self-glorification L16.
self-ˈglory noun (now rare) self-glorification M17.
self-good noun (now rare) personal benefit or advantage E17.
self-ˈgoverned adjective (a) marked by self-control; (b) having self-government; (c) acting or living independently: E18.
self-ˈgoverning adjective having self-government, autonomous M19.
self-ˈgovernment noun (a) (now rare) self-control, self-command; (b) administration by a people or state (esp. a former colony) of its own affairs without external direction or interference: L17.
self-gratifiˈcation noun gratification or pleasing of oneself L17.
self-gratuˈlation noun = self-congratulation E19.
self-ˈgratulatory adjective = self-congratulatory M19.
self-ˈgravitating adjective influenced by self-gravitation M20.
self-graviˈtation noun (Astronomy) the gravitational forces acting among the components of a massive body M20.
self-ˈgravity noun self-gravitation L20.
self-ˈhate noun = self-hatred M20.
self-ˈhatred noun hatred of oneself, esp. of one's actual self when contrasted with one's imagined self M19.
self-ˈheating adjective designed to heat itself automatically; (of food) held in a self-heating container: M20.
self-ˈhelp noun the action or condition of providing for or improving oneself without assistance from others; the taking of action on one's own behalf: E19.
self-ˈhelper noun a believer in or practitioner of self-help M19.
self-ˈhomicide noun (now rare) self-murder, suicide E17.
self-hunt verb intrans. (orig. N. Amer.) (of a dog) hunt independently without human guidance (chiefly as self-hunting verbal noun & ppl adjective) M18.
self-hypˈnosis noun self-induced hypnosis, autohypnosis E20.
self-ˈhypnotism noun hypnotism of oneself, self-hypnosis M19.
self-hypnotiˈzation noun hypnotization of oneself L19.
self-ˈhypnotized adjective hypnotized by oneself, in a state of self-hypnosis E20.
self-iˈdentical adjective (Philosophy) identical with itself L19.
self-identifiˈcation noun identification with something outside oneself M20.
self-iˈdentity noun (Philosophy) the identity of a thing with itself M19.
self-ˈimage noun an image or conception of oneself, esp. considered in relation to others M20.
self-imˈportance noun the sense of one's (great) importance; conduct arising from this, pompousness: L18.
self-imˈportant adjective marked by self-importance; having an exaggerated opinion of one's own importance, pompous: M18.
self-imˈportantly adverb in a self-important manner M20.
self-imˈposed adjective (of a task, condition, etc.) imposed on one by oneself, not externally L18.
self-imˈprovable adjective (rare) capable of self-improvement L17.
self-imˈprovement noun improvement of oneself, one's character, etc., by one's own efforts L17.
self-imˈproving adjective characterized by or tending towards self-improvement L17.
self-incompatiˈbility noun the state of being self-incompatible E20.
self-incomˈpatible adjective & noun (a plant or species) unable to be fertilized by its own pollen E20.
self-inconˈsistency noun inconsistency in one's thought or action; internal inconsistency: L17.
self-inconˈsistent adjective inconsistent in one's thought or action; internally inconsistent: M17.
self-inˈduced adjective (a) Electricity produced by self-induction; (b) gen. induced by oneself or itself: L19.
self-inˈductance noun (Electricity) (the coefficient of) self-induction; the property by which self-induction is possible: L19.
self-inˈduction noun (Electricity) the production of an induced current in a circuit by means of a variation in the current of that circuit; the coefficient of this: M19.
self-inˈductive adjective (Electricity) produced by self-induction M19.
self-inˈdulgence noun indulgence of one's own inclinations, indulgence of oneself in pleasure, idleness, etc.; (in a work of art etc.) lack of economy and control; a thing in which one indulges oneself: M18.
self-inˈdulgent adjective given to self-indulgence, indulging or tending to indulge one's own inclinations; (of a work of art etc.) lacking economy and control: L18.
self-inˈdulgently adverb in a self-indulgent manner L19.
self-inˈdulging adjective self-indulgent L17.
self-inˈflicted adjective inflicted on one by oneself, not externally L18.
self-inˈfliction noun infliction of pain, suffering, etc., on oneself, (an) infliction by oneself E19.
self-inˈstruction noun instruction of oneself, self-education E18.
self-inˈsurance noun insurance of oneself or one's interests by maintaining a fund to cover possible losses E20.
self-inˈsure verb intrans. undertake self-insurance M20.
self-ˈinterest noun (a) one's personal profit, benefit, or advantage; regard to or pursuit of this, esp. to the exclusion of regard for others; (b)a private or personal end: M17.
self-ˈinterested adjective characterized or motivated by self-interest M17.
self-ˈinterestedness noun the quality or condition of being self-interested E18.
self-inˈvited adjective invited by oneself, not invited to a function etc. that one attends M18.
self-invoˈlution noun (rare) the condition or fact of being self-involved E19.
self-inˈvolved adjective wrapped up in oneself or one's own thoughts M19.
self-ioniˈzation noun (Chemistry) spontaneous dissociation of a proportion of the molecules of a liquid into separate ions M20.
self-ˈjudgement noun (a)rare self-esteem; (b) judgement passed on oneself: M17.
self-justifiˈcation noun the action of justifying or excusing oneself, one's actions, etc. M17.
self-ˈjustifying adjective (a) justifying or excusing oneself, one's actions, etc.; (b) Typography (of a typesetting machine) justifying lines automatically: M18.
self-ˈkilled adjective (now rare) killed by one's own hand L16.
self-ˈknowing adjective knowing oneself, having self-knowledge M17.
self-ˈknowledge noun knowledge or understanding of oneself, one's character, motives, etc. E17.
self-life noun (literary) (a) = self-existence; (b) life lived for oneself, life devoted to selfish ends: E17.
self-limiˈtation noun (a) limitation of oneself, one's nature, etc.; (b) Medicine the property of being self-limited: E19.
self-ˈlimited adjective (a) limited by oneself or itself; (b) Medicine (of a disease) that runs a definite course, being little modified by treatment: M19.
self-ˈlimiting adjective limiting oneself or itself; spec. in Medicine, self-limited: M19.
self-ˈliquidating adjective (Commerce) designating or pertaining to credit, a loan, etc., intended to be repaid with money accruing from its investment within a certain period E20.
self-liquiˈdation noun (a) Commerce the action or process of repaying a self-liquidating loan; (b) destruction or elimination of oneself by oneself: M20.
self-ˈliquidator noun (Commerce) a self-liquidating premium M20.
self-ˈloader noun a self-loading firearm etc.; a mechanism for the automatic loading of freight: M20.
self-ˈloading adjective (of a firearm etc.) loaded automatically or semi-automatically L19.
self-ˈloathing noun loathing of oneself, self-hatred M18.
self-ˈlocking adjective locking itself, locking automatically L19.
self-ˈloop noun (Math. etc.) in a graph or network, a line that returns to the node it leaves M20.
self-ˈlost adjective (literary) lost through one's own action, fault, etc. L16.
self-ˈlove noun love of oneself; in early use usu., self-esteem, vanity; later, regard for one's interests or well-being (chiefly Philosophy), self-centredness, selfishness: M16.
self-loved adjective loved by oneself; marked by self-love: L16–E19.
self-ˈlover noun (long rare) a lover of self, a self-centred or selfish person L16.
self-ˈloving adjective loving or devoted to oneself; self-centred, selfish; characterized by self-love: L16.
self-ˈluminous adjective possessing in itself the property of emitting light L18.
self-made adjective made by oneself, by one's own action or efforts; of one's own making; successful or rich by one's own efforts: E17.
self-mainˈtaining adjective that maintains or sustains itself or oneself; spec. = homeostatic: L19.
self-ˈmaintenance noun maintenance of itself or oneself M19.
self-ˈmanagement noun management of or by oneself M19.
self-ˈmanaging adjective managing itself or oneself; (of a school etc.) managed independently, not by the government: L20.
self-ˈmass noun (Physics) the mass of a particle arising relativistically from its self-energy M20.
self-ˈmastery noun mastery of oneself, one's emotions, etc., self-control M19.
self-ˈmedicate verb intrans. & trans. administer medication to (oneself) without medical supervision M20.
self-ˈmockery noun mockery of oneself or itself M20.
self-ˈmocking adjective mocking oneself or itself M20.
self-mortifiˈcation noun mortification of oneself, subjugation of one's appetites or passions by self-denial or self-discipline E19.
self-ˈmotion noun motion produced by one's or its inherent power, not externally; voluntary or spontaneous motion: E17.
self-ˈmotivated adjective motivated by oneself; spec. motivated by one's own enthusiasm, ambition, etc., to work or act without external pressure: L20.
self-motiˈvation noun motivation of oneself; motivation to work or act without external pressure: L20.
self-ˈmotive adjective (now rare) moving by inherent not external power L17.
self-ˈmoved adjective moved of itself without external agency L17.
self-ˈmovement noun = self-motion L19.
self-ˈmoving adjective moving spontaneously or automatically, capable of self-motion E17.
self-ˈmurder noun the action or an act of taking one's own life, suicide L16.
self-ˈmurderer noun a person who commits suicide E17.
self-mutiˈlation noun mutilation of oneself, esp. as a symptom of mental disturbance M19.
self-negˈlect noun neglect of oneself E17.
self-noise noun noise generated directly by a particular object (as a vehicle, microphone, etc.) M20.
self-obserˈvation noun objective observation of one's own attitudes, reactions, or thought processes L18.
self-obˈsessed adjective obsessed with one's own life and circumstances E20.
self-ˈopened adjective opened of its own accord, opened automatically M17.
self-ˈopening adjective opening of its own accord, opening automatically M19.
self-oˈpiniated adjective (rare) = self-opinionated E17.
self-oˈpinion noun high opinion of oneself, self-esteem; self-conceit, self-opinionatedness: L16.
self-oˈpinionated adjective (a) having an exaggerated opinion of oneself; arrogant; (b) obstinate in adhering to one's own opinions, self-willed: L17.
self-oˈpinionatedness noun the quality of being self-opinionated; arrogance; self-will: M18.
self-oˈpinionative adjective self-opinionated, characterized by self-opinionatedness E19.
self-oˈpinioned adjective = self-opinionated E17.
self-orienˈtation noun orientation of one's actions or attitudes towards oneself or by oneself L19.
self-ˈoriented adjective oriented towards or by oneself M20.
self-ˈoscillate verb intrans. display self-oscillation E20.
self-ˈoscillating adjective (capable of) undergoing self-oscillation; self-excited: M20.
self-osciˈllation noun (Electronics) the generation of continuous oscillations in a circuit, amplifier, etc., in circumstances of excessive positive feedback E20.
self-paˈrodic adjective = self-parodying below M20.
self-ˈparody noun (esp. inadvertent) parody of oneself, the way one speaks or writes, etc. M20.
self-ˈparodying adjective parodying oneself, the way one speaks or writes, etc., esp. inadvertently M20.
self-partiˈality noun (now rare) partiality towards oneself, self-love E17.
self-perˈpetuating adjective perpetuating itself or oneself without external agency or intervention E19.
self-perpetuˈation noun perpetuation of itself or oneself without external agency or intervention M19.
self-ˈpity noun pity for oneself, one's own troubles, etc. E17.
self-ˈpitying adjective pitying oneself, one's troubles, etc.; sorry for oneself; given to or expressive of self-pity: M18.
self-ˈpityingly adverb in a self-pitying manner L19.
self-ˈpleased adjective pleased with oneself, complacent M18.
self-ˈpoise noun the condition or property of being self-poised M19.
self-ˈpoised adjective poised or balanced unaided or without external support E17.
self-poˈlicing noun keeping order or maintaining control without accountability to an external authority M20.
self-polliˈnation noun (Botany) the transfer to a stigma of pollen from stamens within the same flower or another flower on the same plant L19.
self-ˈpollinate verb trans. (Botany) cause (a plant, a flower) to undergo self-pollination (usu. in pass.) L19.
self-ˈpollinator noun a species which commonly shows self-pollination M20.
self-poˈllution noun (arch.) masturbation E17.
self-ˈportrait noun a portrait of one painted, drawn, written, etc., by oneself M19.
self-ˈportraiture noun (a) rare a self-portrait; (b) the making of self-portraits: M19.
self-poˈssessed adjective characterized by self-possession, composed E19.
self-poˈssession noun control of one's behaviour or feelings, self-control, composure M18.
self-ˈpraise noun praise or commendation of oneself, boasting M16.
self-preserˈvation noun preservation of one's own life, safety, etc., esp. regarded as a basic instinct of human beings and animals E17.
self-preˈservative adjective of or pertaining to self-preservation, aimed at self-preservation M19.
self-preˈserving adjective given to or characterized by self-preservation, aimed at self-preservation M17.
self-ˈpride noun pride in oneself, one's achievements, etc.; personal pride: L16.
self-proˈclaimed adjective (usu. attrib.) proclaimed to be so by oneself, without authorization from another M20.
self-proˈmoter noun a person given to self-promotion E20.
self-proˈmoting adjective given to or characterized by self-promotion M17.
self-proˈmotion noun the action of promoting or publicizing oneself or one's abilities, especially in a forceful way M17.
self-proˈnouncing adjective (of a word etc.) represented in a phonetic transcription by the letters of the usual spelling M19.
self-ˈpropagating adjective (esp. of a plant) able to propagate itself M19.
self-proˈpelled adjective (esp. of a motor vehicle etc.) moving or able to move without external propulsion L19.
self-proˈpelling adjective = self-propelled M19.
self-proˈtection noun protection of oneself or itself M19.
self-proˈtective adjective functioning or intended as self-protection L19.
self-ˈpunishment noun punishment of oneself L16.
self-ˈquenching adjective (Physics) having an intrinsic or internal cause of quenching M20.
self-ˈraised adjective raised by oneself, raised by one's own power; (of a plant) self-sown: M17.
self-ˈraising adjective (of flour) having a raising agent already added M19.
self-ˈrating noun rating of one's own character, feelings, or behaviour; an instance of this: M20.
self-realiˈzation noun fulfilment by one's own efforts of the possibilities of personal development, esp. regarded as an ethical principle L19.
self-reˈcording adjective (of a scientific instrument etc.) automatically recording its measurements M19.
self-ˈreference noun reference to oneself or itself, spec. (Philosophy) in certain paradoxes, propositions, or statements M19.
self-refeˈrential adjective of, pertaining to, or characterized by self-reference M20.
self-reˈferral noun referral of oneself to an expert or (esp. medical) specialist for advice or treatment; an instance of this: L20.
self-reˈferring adjective referring to oneself or itself, characterized by self-reference E19.
self-reˈflection noun (a)rare a reflection or image of oneself; (b) reflection, meditation, or serious thought as to one's character, actions, motives, etc.: M17.
self-reˈflective adjective given to or characterized by self-reflection L19.
self-reˈflexive adjective (a)rare = self-reflective; (b) characterized by reflexive action on itself; containing a reflection or image of itself: M17.
self-reˈgard noun (a) consideration for oneself, self-interest; selfishness; conceit, vanity; (b) self-respect: L16.
self-reˈgarding adjective given to or characterized by self-regard; conceited, vain: L18.
self-ˈregistering adjective (of a scientific instrument etc.) automatically registering its measurements M19.
self-ˈregulated adjective regulated from within or automatically, regulated without intervention M19.
self-ˈregulating adjective regulating oneself or itself from within or automatically M19.
self-reguˈlation noun regulation, control, or direction of one by oneself; regulation from within or without intervention; spec. in Biology = homeostasis: L17.
self-ˈregulative adjective characterized by self-regulation M19.
self-ˈregulatory adjective of or pertaining to self-regulation, exercising or characterized by self-regulation L19.
self-reinˈforcement noun (Psychology) reinforcement or strengthening of one's own response to a stimulus or situation, esp. by praising or rewarding oneself M20.
self-reˈliance noun reliance on oneself, reliance on one's own powers, resources, etc., independence M19.
self-reˈliant adjective reliant on oneself, characterized by self-reliance M19.
self-reˈliantly adverb in a self-reliant manner M20.
self-reˈlying adjective relying on oneself, self-reliant E19.
self-reˈnewal noun renewal of oneself or itself M20.
self-renunciˈation noun renunciation of oneself, one's own desires, etc.; self-sacrifice; unselfishness: L18.
self-reˈport verb & noun (a) verb trans. & intrans. make a report about (one's circumstances, esp. one's medical or psychological condition); (b) noun (esp. Psychology) a report about oneself or aspects of one's behaviour made by oneself: E20.
self-reˈpression noun repression of oneself, one's desires, opinions, etc. M19.
self-reˈproach noun (a) reproach directed at oneself M17.
self-reˈproachful adjective full of self-reproach M19.
self-reproaching adjective reproaching oneself, self-reproachful L18.
self-reˈproof noun (a) reproof of oneself L18.
self-reˈpugnant adjective (now rare) self-contradictory E18.
self-reˈspect noun (a)a private, personal, or selfish end; (b) respect for oneself; proper concern for the way one behaves or is treated: L16.
self-reˈspectful adjective showing self-respect L19.
self-reˈspecting adjective having self-respect L18.
self-reˈstrained adjective characterized by or involving self-restraint L17.
self-reˈstraint noun restraint imposed by oneself on one's actions etc., self-control: L18.
self-reˈvealed adjective revealed by one's own action, esp. inadvertently E20.
self-reˈvealing adjective revealing one's character, motives, etc., esp. inadvertently M19.
self-reveˈlation noun (esp. inadvertent) revelation of one's character, motives, etc. M19.
self-reˈversal noun (a) reversal (of motion) by agency of the mover itself; (b) Physics the darkening of the middle of a bright spectral line as a result of radiation emitted by a hot gas being partly reabsorbed as it passes through cooler parts of the gas; (c) Geology the postulated reversal of the magnetization of some rocks by intrinsic means, rather than by reversal of the earth's magnetic field: L19.
self-ˈrighting adjective (of a boat) that rights itself after capsizing M19.
self-ˈrising adjective (US) = self-raising M19.
self-ˈrule noun government of a colony, dependent country, etc., by its own people L19.
self-ˈsacrifice noun sacrifice of oneself; the giving up of one's own interests, happiness, and desires, for the sake of others: E19.
self-ˈsacrificer noun a self-sacrificing person M17.
self-sacriˈficial adjective = self-sacrificing M19.
self-ˈsacrificing adjective sacrificing one's life, interests, happiness, etc., for the sake of others E19.
self-satisˈfaction noun satisfaction with oneself, one's achievements, etc., esp. when excessive or unwarranted; complacency: M18.
self-ˈsatisfied adjective satisfied with oneself, one's achievements, etc., esp. excessively or unwarrantedly; characterized by or expressive of self-satisfaction: M18.
self-ˈsatisfiedly adverb in a self-satisfied manner L20.
self-ˈsatisfying adjective that satisfies oneself, affording self-satisfaction L17.
self-ˈscrutiny noun scrutiny of oneself, one's motives, etc. E18.
self-ˈsealing adjective sealing itself without the usual process or procedure; (of a fuel tank, pneumatic tyre, etc.) automatically able to seal small punctures; (of an envelope) self-adhesive: L19.
self-seˈcure adjective sure of oneself, one's position, etc., self-confident L17.
self-seˈcurity noun the quality or condition of being self-secure, self-confidence M18.
self-ˈseed verb intrans. = self-sow M20.
self-ˈseeded adjective = self-sown M20.
self-ˈseeder noun a plant that propagates itself by seed M20.
self-ˈseeker noun a self-seeking person M17.
self-ˈseeking noun & adjective (a) noun the seeking after one's own welfare before that of others, pursuit of selfish ends; (b) adjective characterized by self-seeking, selfishly pursuing one's own ends: L16.
self-seˈlect verb be an automatic selection by virtue of one's own characteristics; select autonomously: M20.
self-seˈlected adjective selected by oneself or automatically; about the selection of whom or which there can be no dispute: E20.
self-seˈlecting adjective selecting oneself or itself, self-selected L20.
self-seˈlection noun selection by oneself; automatic selection: M20.
self-ˈserve adjective (chiefly N. Amer.) = self-service adjective M20.
self-ˈserving adjective serving one's own ends before those of others, self-seeking E19.
self-ˈset adjective (of a task etc.) set or imposed on one by oneself L18.
self-ˈshielded adjective (Physics) exhibiting self-shielding M20.
self-ˈshielding noun (Physics) (a) shielding of the interior of a body as a result of absorption of external radiation by the outer parts; (b) = self-absorption (b): M20.
self-shifter noun a car with an automatic gearbox L20.
self-ˈsimilar adjective similar to itself, having no variety within itself, uniform; spec. in Math. similar to itself at a different time, or to a copy of itself on a different scale: M19.
self-simiˈlarity noun the state or property of being self-similar M20.
self-ˈslaughter noun suicide E17.
self-ˈslaughtered adjective killed by one's own hand L16.
self-ˈslayer noun (arch.) a person who commits suicide L17.
self-ˈsow verb intrans. (of a plant) propagate itself by seed E20.
self-ˈsown adjective sown by itself without human or animal agency, grown from seed scattered naturally E17.
self-ˈstarter noun (a) an electrical device for starting the engine of a motor vehicle without the use of a crank; (b) a person who acts on his or her own initiative, an ambitious person who needs no external motivation: L19.
self-ˈstarting adjective (a) starting automatically or semi-automatically, (of a motor vehicle) fitted with a self-starter; (b) able to act on one's own initiative, requiring no external motivation: M19.
self-ˈsteering noun (Nautical) the steering or directing of a vessel on a predetermined course by automatic means; apparatus to achieve this: M20.
self-ˈsterile adjective (Botany & Zoology) not self-fertilizing L19.
self-steˈrility noun (Botany & Zoology) the condition or fact of being self-sterile L19.
self-stimuˈlation noun stimulation of oneself or itself for pleasure or excitement; spec. masturbation: M20.
self-ˈstorage noun a system whereby individuals rent units of space or containers within a large warehouse to store possessions L20.
self-ˈstudy noun (a) study or contemplation of oneself; (b) study by oneself, private study: L17.
self-styled adjective (usu. attrib.) so styled or described by oneself, without authorization from another; would-be, pretended: E19.
self-subˈsistence noun subsistence without dependence on or support from anything external E17.
self-subˈsistency noun = self-subsistence M17.
self-subˈsistent adjective subsistent without dependence on or support from anything external, characterized by self-subsistence M17.
self-subˈstantial adjective (rare) derived from one's own substance L16.
self-suˈfficing adjective = self-sufficient L17.
self-suˈggestion noun = auto-suggestion L19.
self-suˈpport noun support of oneself or itself without external assistance, the fact of being self-supporting L18.
self-suˈpporting adjective supporting oneself or itself without external assistance; (of a physical object) staying up or standing without the usual support; able to support oneself or itself financially, paying one's or its way: E19.
self-suˈrrender noun surrender or giving up of oneself to an influence, an emotion, another person, etc. E18.
self-suˈstained adjective (a) sustained by one's own power or efforts; (b) rare held up without support: M18.
self-suˈstaining adjective sustaining oneself by one's own power or efforts, able to continue without support or external assistance M19.
self-ˈsustenance noun the quality or fact of being self-sustaining M19.
self-system noun (Psychology) the organized complex of drives and responses pertaining to (an aspect of) the self; the set of potentialities which develop in an individual's character in response to parental influence: L19.
self-tailing adjective (Nautical) (of a winch) designed to maintain constant tension in the rope round it so that it does not slip L20.
self-ˈtanner noun a lotion that reacts with the skin to produce an artificial tan L20.
self-ˈtapping adjective (of a screw) able to cut its own thread in a hole in metal M20.
self-ˈtaught adjective taught by oneself without aid from others, self-educated; (of knowledge, skill, etc.) acquired by one's own unaided efforts: E18.
self-ˈtimer noun (Photography) a mechanism that introduces a delay between the operation of the shutter release and the opening of the shutter, so that the photographer can photograph himself or herself M20.
self-ˈtitled adjective so titled or described by oneself; spec. (of a music album) having a title that is the same as the performer's name: M19.
self-ˈtorment noun the action or an act of tormenting oneself M17.
self-ˈtorture noun torture of oneself, the infliction of (esp. mental) pain on oneself E19.
self-tranˈscendence noun transcendence or surpassing of oneself or one's limitations L19.
self-tranˈscending adjective transcending or surpassing oneself or one's limitations L19.
self-ˈtrust noun trust in oneself, self-confidence L16.
self-ˈtwist adjective designating or pertaining to a method of spinning in which yarn is twisted by the lateral movement of a roller L20.
self-ˈviolence noun violence against oneself, spec. (euphem.) suicide L17.
self-ˈwinding adjective (of a watch etc.) having an automatic winding apparatus E19.
self-ˈwisdom noun (arch.) confidence in or reliance on one's own wisdom L16.
self-ˈwise adjective (arch.) confident of or relying on one's own wisdom M16.
self-ˈworth noun intrinsic personal worth; self-esteem: M20.
self-ˈwrought adjective (literary) produced or brought about by oneself L16.
combining form
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English self-, seolf-, sylf-, from self, seolf, sylf, pron. & adjective
 a. : oneself or itself
  < self-asserting >
  < self-loving >
 b. : of oneself or itself
  < self-abandonment >
  < self-congratulation >
 c. : by oneself or itself : independent : automatic
  < self-rule >
  < self-propelled >
  < self-feeder >
  < self-action >
 a. : to, with, for, or toward oneself or itself
  < self-consistent >
  < self-concerned >
  < self-addressed >
  < self-love >
 b. : of or in oneself or itself inherently
  < self-evident >
  < self-existent >
 c. : from or by means of oneself or itself
  < self-fertile >
  < self-fruitful >



  1. of, by, in or with oneself or itself
  2. automatic


From the noun self.

Derived terms

English words prefixed with self-
  • self-absorbed
  • self-addressed
  • self-adjoint
  • self-adjointness
  • self-aggrandizement
  • self-aggrandizing
  • self-appointed
  • self-assembly
  • self-assertion
  • self-assertive
  • self-build
  • self-built
  • self-centered
  • self-centeredness
  • self-cleaning
  • self-command
  • self-confessed
  • self-confidently
  • self-congratulate
  • self-congratulatory
  • self-conjugate
  • self-consciously
  • self-consciousness
  • self-contained
  • self-contempt
  • self-contradiction
  • self-contradictory
  • self-controlled
  • self-criticism
  • self-deal
  • self-dealing
  • self-defeating
  • self-denying
  • self-deprecation
  • self-deprivation
  • self-deprivations
  • self-determined
  • self-directed
  • self-direction
  • self-discipline
  • self-disciplined
  • self-drilling screw
  • self-dual
  • self-effacement
  • self-effacing
  • self-employed
  • self-examination
  • self-existent
  • self-explanatory
  • self-expression
  • self-fulfilling prophecies
  • self-fulfilling prophecy
  • self-fulfillment
  • self-governing
  • self-government
  • self-harm
  • self-harmer
  • self-hating
  • self-hatred
  • self-help
  • self-induced
  • self-inflicted
  • self-injure
  • self-injured
  • self-injures
  • self-injuring
  • self-injury
  • self-medication
  • self-medicator
  • self-motivated
  • self-officiated
  • self-pitying
  • self-possessed
  • self-propelled
  • self-propelling
  • self-protection
  • self-publishing
  • self-raising flour
  • self-referential meaning
  • self-regarding
  • self-regenerating
  • self-regulating
  • self-regulation
  • self-regulatory
  • self-replicating
  • self-reproach
  • self-respecting
  • self-rule
  • self-sacrifices
  • self-sacrificing
  • self-same
  • self-sealing
  • self-seeking
  • self-selections
  • self-serve
  • self-service
  • self-serving
  • self-similar
  • self-similarities
  • self-starting
  • self-supporting
  • self-sustaining
  • self-synchronize
  • self-tapping
  • self-tapping screw
  • self-tapping screws
  • self-titled
  • self-willed
  • self-winding
  • 随便看




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