securi-|sɪˈkjʊərɪ, ˌsɛkjʊəˈrɪ|combining form of L. secūris axe, f.secāre to cut. Used in various scientific terms. seˌcuriˈcornate[L. corn-ū horn + -ate]Ent., ‘having the antennæ in form of a hatchet’ (Mayne Expos.Lex. 1858). ‖ seˈcurifer[L. secūriferadj., -fer, ferre to bear]Ent., one of the Securifera or phyllophagous hymenoptera. secuˈriferousa.[-ferous], axe-bearing; spec. of or pertaining to the Securifera. secuˈrigerousa.[-gerous]Bot.(seequot.). seˈcuripalp[L. palp-us palp]Ent., a beetle of the division Securipalpi. seˌcuriˈpalpousa.[-ous]Ent., of or pertaining to the division Securipalpi. See also securiform a.1656Blount Glossogr., Securiferous, that beareth an Axe or Hatchet.1842Brande Dict.Sci. etc., Securifers, Securiferi, the name of a tribe of Terebrantia, or boring Hymenopterous insects.1858Mayne Expos.Lex., Securiferous.Ibid., Securigerus,..applied to the Montbretea securigera, from the form of the appendages that garnish the corol: securigerous.1842Brande Dict.Sci. etc., Securipalps, Securipalpi, the name of a family of Coleopterous insects, comprehending those in which the maxillary palps terminate in a joint which is elongated and hatchet-shaped.1858Mayne Expos.Lex., Securipalpous.