

词汇 ethno-
Online Etymology Dictionary

  1. Race; people:

  1. Greek
  2. from ethnos [people] * see s(w)e-
    源自 ethnos [民族] *参见 s(w)e-

combining form

indicating race, people, or culture


via French from Greek ethnos race


Word Origin
a combining form meaning ”race,” “people,” or “culture,” used in the formation of compound words: ethnography;
< Greek, combining form of éthnos

Related Words

  • ethnarch
  • ethnoarchaeology
  • ethnobiology
  • ethnobotany
  • ethnocentrism
  • ethnogeography
ethno-a word element meaning 'race', 'nation', as in ethnology.
[Greek, combining form of ethnos]
combining form
 ETYMOLOGY  French, from Greek ethno-, ethn-, from ethnos
: race : people : cultural group
combining form
ethnic; ethnological



from Greek ethnos 'nation'.
ethno-|ɛθnəʊ, ɛθnɒ|mod. combining form of Gr. ἔθνος nation (first recorded in ethnography) in words relating to the study of peoples or cultures, attached to (a) endings (as -graphy, -logy, etc.), and (b) nouns (as botany, psychology, etc.), or derivatives of these.
word-forming element meaning "race, culture," from Greek ethnos "people, nation, class, caste, tribe; a number of people accustomed to live together" (see ethnic). Used to form modern compounds in the social sciences.
ethno- /ˈɛθnəʊ/ combining form.
ORIGIN: from Greek ethnos nation: see -o-.
Nation, people, culture.
 DERIVATIVE ethnoarchaeoˈlogical adjective of or pertaining to ethnoarchaeology L20.
ethnoarchaeˈologist noun an expert in or student of ethnoarchaeology L20.
ethnoarchaeˈology noun the branch of knowledge that deals with the investigation of the social organization and other ethnological features of a present-day society on the basis of its material culture, in order to draw conclusions about past societies from their material remains M20.
ethnoboˈtanical adjective of or pertaining to ethnobotany L19.
ethnoboˈtanically adverb from an ethnobotanical point of view E20.
ethnoˈbotanist noun an expert in or student of ethnobotany M20.
ethnoˈbotany noun the traditional knowledge and customs of a people relating to plants; the branch of knowledge that deals with these: L19.
ethnocentred adjective centred on one or more ethnic groups L20.
ethnoˈcentric adjective centred on one's own race or ethnic group; based on or characterized by a tendency to evaluate other races or groups by criteria specific to one's own; having assumptions or preconceptions originating in the standards, customs, etc., of one's own race or group: E20.
ethnoˈcentricism noun = ethnocentricity L20.
ethnocenˈtricity noun the fact of being ethnocentric; ethnocentric character: M20.
ethnoˈcentrism noun = ethnocentricity E20.
ethnocide noun the deliberate and systematic destruction of the culture of an ethnic group, esp. within a larger community L20.
ethnoˈcultural adjective pertaining to or having a particular ethnic group L20.
ethnoˈgenesis noun the formation or emergence of an ethnic group within a larger community M20.
ethˈnogeny noun the branch of anthropology that deals with the origin of races, peoples, and nations L19.
ethnohiˈstorian noun an expert in or student of ethnohistory M20.
ethnohiˈstoric, ethnohiˈstorical adjectives of or pertaining to ethnohistory M20.
ethnoˈhistory noun the branch of knowledge that deals with the history of races and cultures, esp. non-Western ones M20.
ethnoˈlinguist noun an expert in or student of ethnolinguistics M20.
ethnolinˈguistic adjective pertaining to ethnolinguistics E20.
ethnolinˈguistics noun the branch of linguistics that deals with the relations between linguistic and cultural behaviour E20.
ethnoˈmedicine noun the branch of knowledge that deals with the traditional medical remedies and lore of a people L20.
ethnomethodoˈlogical adjective of or pertaining to ethnomethodology M20.
ethnomethoˈdologist noun an expert in or student of ethnomethodology M20.
ethnomethoˈdology noun a method of sociological analysis that examines how individuals in everyday situations construct and maintain the social order of those situations M20.
ethnomusicoˈlogical adjective of or pertaining to ethnomusicology M20.
ethnomusiˈcologist noun an expert in or student of ethnomusicology M20.
ethnomusiˈcology noun the branch of knowledge that deals with the music of cultures, esp. as an aspect of sociocultural behaviour M20.
ethnonym noun a proper name by which a people or ethnic group is known; spec. a people's or group's own name for itself: M20.
ethnopharmaˈcology noun the branch of knowledge that deals with the traditional drugs and medicinal substances of a people L20.
ethnophaulism /-ˈfɔ:lɪz(ə)m/ noun [Greek phaulisma disparagement] an expression that contains a disparaging reference to another people or ethnic group (e.g. Dutch courage) or is a contemptuous name for them (e.g. Dago) M20.
ethnoscience noun the branch of knowledge that deals with the different ways the world is perceived and categorized in different cultures M20.
ethnoseˈmantic adjective of or pertaining to ethnosemantics M20.
ethnoseˈmantics noun the branch of knowledge that deals with the way members of a speech community categorize their experience, as inferred from the semantic organization of vocabulary M20.
combining form. race; people; nation: Ethnology = the science of races of people.
[< Greek éthnos nation]
combining form
Etymology: French, from Late Greek, from Greek ethnos nation — more at ethnos
1. : race, people, cultural group
 < ethnography >
 < ethnogenic >
2. : characteristic of or believed by a people, race, or group
 < ethnometeorology >
: used by or related to a people or race
 < ethnobiology >
 < ethnoflora >



  1. Meaning race (in the sense of classification of human beings).


From Ancient Greek ἔθνος (éthnos, “a company, later a people, nation”)

Related terms

English words prefixed with ethno-





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