

词汇 anti-
Online Etymology Dictionary

anti- ant-
    1. Opposite:
    2. Opposing; against:
    3. Counteracting; neutralizing:
  1. Inverse:

  1. Greek
  2. from anti [opposite] * see ant-
    源自 anti [相对的] *参见 ant-


against; opposing
opposite to
rival; false
counteracting, inhibiting, or neutralizing
designating the antiparticle of the particle specified


from Greek anti

Example Sentences

Julian had begun to suspect there was some anti- Americanism in this household.

Jon Cleary YESTERDAY'S SHADOW (2002)

Having pinned so much on his visit, Webb hoped it wouldn't be an anti-

Fraser, Anthea The Gospel Makers
word-forming element meaning "against, opposed to, opposite of, instead," from Old French anti- and directly from Latin anti-, from Greek anti "against, opposite, instead of," also used as a prefix, from PIE *anti- "against," also "in front of" (see ante). It appears in some words in Middle English but was not commonly used in word formations until modern times.
anti- /ˈanti/ prefix. Also ant- before a vowel or h (see anth-).
ORIGIN: Greek = opposite, against, in exchange, instead, representing, rivalling, simulating.
Used in words adopted (ult.) from Greek and in English words modelled on these, and as a freely productive prefix with the sense ‘opposite, against, preventing’, forming (a) nouns from nouns, as antibody, anticlimax, antidemocrat; also with the senses ‘rival, pseudo-’, as Antichrist, antipope, ‘the reverse of, unlike the conventional’, as anti-hero, antinovel, and (with suffix -ism, -ist) ‘(the doctrine of) a person opposed to’, as anti-Americanism, anti-feminism, anti-feminist, anti-imperialism, anti-imperialist (those in -ist also used attrib. or as adjective); in Physics designating an antiparticle of a specified particle, as antineutrino, antineutron, antiproton, antiquark; in Biology & Medicine designating substances which counteract or inhibit the effect of another substance, as anticholinesterase, antihormone, antivitamin; in Chemistry (usu. italicized) designating geometrical isomers of organic compounds containing C=N or N=N in which the principal atoms or groups attached to the doubly bonded atoms are on opposite sides of the plane of the double bond (opp. syn-); (b) adjectives from adjectives, the prefix acting as a preposition governing the noun implied, as anti-American, anti-colonial, antimalarial, anti-papal, anti-parliamentary, anti-revolutionary, anti-Semitic, (these can further form adverbs where appropriate); these adjectives can be used ellipt. as nouns, esp. Medicine designating a drug or other agent counteracting the noun implied, as anticonvulsant, antidepressant; (c) adjectives from nouns in attrib. use, as anti-apartheid (demonstration etc.), anti-combination (laws etc.), anti-court (party etc.), anti-missile (missile etc.), anti-noise (regulations etc.), anti-roll (bar etc.), anti-slavery (society etc.), anti-union (feeling etc.), anti-war (literature, party, etc.).
 DERIVATIVE anti-aˈbortion adjective opposed to abortion on demand L20.
anti-aˈbortionist noun & adjective (a person who is) anti-abortion L20.
anti-ˈaircraft adjective & noun (a gun etc.) for defence against hostile aircraft E20.
anti-ˈaliasing noun (Computing) the process of smoothing curved or inclined lines that have been drawn on a computer screen by means of pixels in a fixed array and therefore appear artificially jagged L20.
anti-ˈattrition noun (now rare) something which resists the effects of friction E19.
antibacˈterial adjective active against bacteria E20.
antiˈbilious adjective (now rare) of use against biliousness E19.
Anti-ˈBirmingham noun (English History) an opponent of the 1680 Exclusion Bill, a Tory (cf. Birmingham) L17.
Antiˈburgher noun (hist.) a member of the section of the Secession Church in Scotland which held it unscriptural to take the burgess oath (cf. burgher 2) M18.
anti-ˈbusing, *-bussing /-bʌsɪŋ/ adjective (US) opposed to the counteracting of racial segregation by transporting pupils in buses to more distant schools M20.
antiˈcathode noun in an X-ray tube, the target on which electrons from the cathode impinge, producing X-rays E20.
antiˈcatholic, anti-ˈCatholic adjective & noun (a person) opposed to what is catholic or (esp.) Roman Catholic M17.
anti-ˈchoice adjective opposed to granting choice, spec. to granting pregnant women the right to choose abortion L20.
antiˈclerical adjective & noun (a person who is) opposed to clerical rule or influence, esp. in politics M19.
antiˈclericalism noun opposition to clerical rule or influence L19.
antiˈclockwise adjective & adverb in a direction of movement opposite to that of the hands of a clock, moving in a curve from right to left as seen from a central position L19.
antiˈcodon noun (Biochemistry) a triplet of nucleotides forming a unit of genetic code in transfer RNA, corresponding to a complementary codon in messenger RNA.
anticoˈdonic adjective of or pertaining to an anticodon L20.
anticomˈpetitive adjective tending to suppress (esp. economic) competition M20.
anticonˈvulsant adjective & noun (a medicine) that prevents or retards convulsions M20.
antideˈpressant adjective & noun (a drug) that alleviates the symptoms of depression M20.
antidiaˈrrhoeal adjective & noun (a drug) used to alleviate diarrhoea M20.
antidiuˈretic adjective & noun (a drug) that tends to inhibit the secretion of urine (antidiuretic hormone = vasopressin; abbreviation ADH) E20.
antifeˈbrific adjective & noun (now rare), antiˈfebrile noun & adjective (a medicine) of use against fever M17.
antiˈfeedant noun a naturally occurring substance in certain plants which adversely affects insects or other animals which eat the plants M20.
antiform noun (Geology) a fold that is convex upwards, irrespective of the chronological sequence of the strata (opp. synform) M20.
antifouling noun the prevention of fouling of a ship's hull; a paint or other substance applied in order to prevent fouling: M19.
antifreeze adjective & noun (designating) a chemical agent added to water in order to lower the freezing point, esp. for use in the radiator of an engine E20.
antiˈfriction noun & adjective (a substance) that reduces friction M19.
antiˈfungal adjective & noun (a substance) active against fungi or fungal growth M20.
anti-ˈGallican adjective & noun (a person) opposed to what is French M18.
anti-ˈGallicanism noun opposition or aversion to the French E19.
antiglobaliˈzation noun opposition to the increase in global power and influence of businesses etc. L20.
anti-god noun (a) a rival god; (b) an evil demon or devil: M17.
anti-hero noun a person, esp. the chief character in a novel etc., who is the opposite of or unlike a conventional hero E18.
anti-heroine noun an untypical or unconventional heroine E20.
antiˈhistamine noun & adjective (a drug) that counters the physiological effects of histamine, esp. in some allergies M20.
ˌantihistaˈminic adjective & noun = antihistamine M20.
antihyˈsteric noun & adjective (now rare) (a medicine) of use against hysteria M18.
antihyˈsterical adjective (rare) = antihysteric adjective M17.
anti-ˈJacobin adjective & noun (a person) opposed to the Jacobins (1789) or to the French Revolution E19.
anti-knock noun & adjective (designating) a substance added to motor fuel to prevent detonation in the engine E20.
anti-life noun & adjective (a principle or attitude) opposed to living fully and harmoniously with the natural order E20.
anti-lock, anti-locking adjectives (of a vehicle braking system) designed to prevent the wheels from locking L20.
antimaˈlarial adjective & noun (a drug) of use against malaria M20.
antimatter noun (Physics) matter whose elementary particles are the antiparticles of those (electrons, protons, etc.) making up normal matter M20.
antimeˈtabolite noun a substance resembling a metabolite and interfering with normal metabolic processes M20.
antimiˈcrobial adjective & noun (a substance) active against microbes M20.
antimonarchial adjective = antimonarchical L17–M18.
antimonarchic adjective = antimonarchical M17–M18.
antimoˈnarchical adjective opposed to monarchy E17.
antiˈmonarchist noun a professional opponent of monarchs and monarchy M17.
anti-ˈnational adjective opposed to one's own nation or to a national party E19.
antineoˈplastic noun & adjective (a drug) that suppresses neoplasia M20.
antinephritic adjective & noun (a medicine) of use against kidney disease L17–M19.
antinephritical adjective of use against kidney disease: only in M17.
antinode noun (Physics) a point or line at which the amplitude of a vibrating system is a maximum L19.
antinovel noun a novel of an unconventional, often experimental, type M20.
anti-ˈnuclear adjective opposed to nuclear weapons M20.
anti-odonˈtalgic adjective (rare) of use against toothache E19.
antiˈoxidant noun & adjective (an agent) that inhibits oxidation M20.
antiˈparallel adjective (chiefly Physics) parallel but moving or oriented in opposite directions M17.
antiparticle noun (Physics) an elementary particle having the same mass as a given particle but an opposite electrical charge, or (in the case of an uncharged particle) an opposite magnetic moment; a particle of antimatter: M20.
antiperiˈstaltic adjective (Physiology) acting contrary to peristaltic motion E18.
anti-persoˈnnel adjective (of bombs, weapons, etc.) designed to kill, injure, or obstruct human beings M20.
antiˈperspirant noun & adjective (a substance) tending to inhibit perspiration M20.
antipestilential adjective of use against pestilence M17–E19.
antiphase noun (Physics) opposite phase, when difference in phase is at a maximum (i.e. 180° out of phase) M20.
antipole noun the opposite pole; fig. the direct opposite: E19.
antipruˈritic noun & adjective (a substance) that relieves itching L19.
antipsyˈchotic noun & adjective (a drug) used to treat psychotic disorders L20.
antipyˈretic noun & adjective (a medicine) that tends to reduce fever L17.
antiraˈchitic adjective (Medicine) preventing or curing rickets M19.
antiˈretroviral noun & adjective (a drug) that inhibits the activity of retroviruses such as HIV M20.
antiˈresonance noun (Physics) a condition in which an interaction or a response has a minimum value E20.
ˌantisabbaˈtarian adjective & noun (a person) opposed to the observance of the Sabbath M17.
antiscorˈbutic adjective & noun (a medicine) that prevents or cures scurvy M17.
antiscorbutical adjective = antiscorbutic adjective M17–M18.
antiˈscriptural adjective opposed to Scripture L17.
antiscripturist noun a person who denies the truth and authority of Scripture M17–M18.
anti-self noun an adopted persona that is the opposite of the conscious normal self E20.
anti-ˈSemite noun, anti-Seˈmitic adjective (a person) hostile to Jews L19.
anti-ˈSemitism noun hostility or opposition to Jews L19.
antiserum noun, pl. -ra, -rums, Medicine a serum containing antibodies, usu. for a particular antigen E20.
antispasˈmodic adjective & noun (Medicine) (a medicine) of use against involuntary-muscle spasm L17.
antiˈstatic adjective counteracting the effects of static electricity M20.
ˌantisyphiˈlitic noun & adjective (a medicine) of use against syphilis M19.
antiˈterrorism noun opposition to or measures against terrorism L19.
antiˈterrorist adjective opposing terrorism M20.
antiteˈtanic noun & adjective (a drug) that counteracts or prevents tetanus L19.
antiˈtheism noun opposition to belief in the existence of a god M19.
anti-ˈtheist noun a person opposed to belief in the existence of a god M19.
antitheˈistic adjective of or pertaining to antitheists, opposed to belief in a god M19.
antiˈtoxic adjective (Physiology) of the nature of, pertaining to, or containing an antitoxin L19.
antitoxin noun (Physiology) an antibody effective against an antigenic (usu. bacterial) toxin L19.
antitrade noun (Meteorology) (more fully antitrade wind) orig., any of the prevailing westerly winds of middle latitudes; now, a contrary wind blowing at a high altitude above the trade wind: M19.
antitragus noun, pl. -gi /-gʌɪ, -dʒʌɪ/, Anatomy a small cartilaginous projection above the lobe of the ear, opposite the tragus M19.
ˌantitriniˈtarian noun & adjective (a person) opposed to the doctrine of the Trinity E17.
antiˈtrust adjective (US) opposed to trusts or similar monopolistic combinations L19.
antiˈtussive adjective & noun (a drug) that cures or relieves a cough E20.
antiveˈnene noun an antiserum for a snake venom or other animal poison L19.
antiˈvenin noun = antivenene E20.
antiˈviral adjective acting against viruses L20.
antiˈvirus noun an antiviral agent M20.

anti-Main Entry: syn-
I. \in pronunciations below, | ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷ . |anˌtī or |an_tē or |antə̇ (-tə̇ occurring chiefly before consonants) or |aan- or |ain-\ prefix
or ant- or anth-
Etymology: anti- from Middle English, from Old French & Latin; Old French, from Latin, against, from Greek, from anti; ant- from Middle English, from Latin, against, from Greek, from anti; anth- from Latin, against, from Greek, from anti — more at ante-
 a. : one opposing the claims of : rival : spurious
  < antichrist >
  < antiking >
  < antipope >
 b. : of the same kind but situated opposite, exerting energy in the opposite direction, or pursuing an opposite policy
  < antapex >
  < antarctic >
  < anticline >
  < antischool >
  < antivolition >
 c. : one that is opposite in kind to
  < anticlimax >
  < antihero >
  < antireligion >
  — anti- before consonants other than h and sometimes ant- before vowels and anth- before h (which is not repeated), but more frequently anti- even before h or a vowel
 a. : opposing or hostile to in opinion, sympathy, or practice
  < anticapitalist >
  < antidemocratic >
  < antiromantic >
  < antislavery >
  < antiunion >
 b. : opposing in effect or activity : inhibiting : preventing : counteracting
  < antacid >
  < anthelmintic >
  < antiaging >
  < anti-Comintern >
  < antienzyme >
  < antifat >
  < antifogging >
  < anti-inflationary >
  < antislip >
  < antitrust >
3. : not
 < antigrammatical >
 < antilogical >
4. : serving to prevent, cure, or alleviate (a pathological condition)
 < antiarthritic >
 < antispasmodic >
 a. : opposing or neutralizing another substance
  < antibody >
  < antiserum >
 b. : substance that opposes or neutralizes (another substance); especially : substance that is an antibody to (a specified antigen)
  < antitoxin >
6. : combating : destroying : defending against
 < antiaircraft >
 < antimine >
 < antitank >
7. anti- : trans- 3 — especially in names of chemical structures in which the opposed atoms or groups are attached to carbon-to-nitrogen or nitrogen-to-nitrogen double bonds
 < sodium anti-benzene-diazoate >
— opposed to syn-; see benzaldoxime
II. prefix
Etymology: Middle French & Medieval Latin, from Latin ante-
: ante- — now little used because of possible confusion with 1anti-


  • (UK) IPA: /æntiː/
  • (US) IPA: /æntiː/, /æntaɪ/
  • Prefix

    1. Against, hostile to.
    2. Contrasting with the norm.
    3. Opposite of, reverse.
    4. Physically opposite: applied to mountain ranges.
      Anti-Lebanon, Anti-Taurus, Anti-Atlas
    5. Counteracting, neutralizing.
    6. Related to antiparticles.
      antimatter, antiatom
    7. immunology That reacts with immunoglobins found in the specified animal.
      antirabbit, antihorse


    From Ancient Greek ἀντί (antí, “against”).

    Usage notes

  • Anti- should not be confused with ante-, which is a prefix of Latin origin meaning before. (However, anti- does exist as a variant spelling of ante- in some borrowed words, such as anticipate and antipasto, but this spelling cannot be used to coin English words.)
  • Anti- sometimes becomes ant- before words beginning in a vowel.
  • Antonyms

  • (against, hostile to): pro-
  • Derived terms

    English words prefixed with anti-
  • antiphosphoserine
  • antiphosphospecific
  • antiphosphothreonine
  • antiphosphotyrosine
  • See also

  • anti
  • contra-
  • counter-
  • ob-
  • 前缀:anti- 表示"反对, 相反"

    antiwar 反战的(anti+war战争)

    antipathy 反感(anti+pathy感情)

    antithesis 对立;反论(anti+thesis论文;观点)

    antibacterial 抗菌的(anti+bacterial细菌的)

    antibody 抗体(anti+body身体)

    前缀:anti- 反对、相反、防止

    antiwar 反战的

    anti-imperialist 反帝的

    antiforeign 反外的,排外的

    antislavery 反奴隶主义

    antiaircraft 防空袭的

    anticontagious 防止传染的

    antitank 反坦克的

    antiageing 防衰老的

    anti-colonial 反殖民主义的

    antigas 防毒气的

    antifat 防止肥胖的

    antinoise 防嗓音的

    antimissile 反导弹的


    【来源及含义】Latin: before; used as a prefix

    【相关描述】Don't confuse this anti- ("before") with the anti- which means "against, opposed to".

    【相关词根词缀】 Related before-word units: ante-; antero-; pre-; pro-.

    【同源单词】anticipant, anticipatable, anticipate, anticipation, anticipatory, anticus





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