from anti [opposite] * see ant- 源自 anti [相对的] *参见 ant-
against; opposing
opposite to
rival; false
counteracting, inhibiting, or neutralizing
designating the antiparticle of the particle specified
from Greek anti
Example Sentences
Julian had begun to suspect there was some anti- Americanism in this household.
Having pinned so much on his visit, Webb hoped it wouldn't be an anti-
Fraser, AntheaThe Gospel Makers
word-forming element meaning "against, opposed to, opposite of, instead," from Old French anti- and directly from Latin anti-, from Greek anti "against, opposite, instead of," also used as a prefix, from PIE *anti- "against," also "in front of" (see ante). It appears in some words in Middle English but was not commonly used in word formations until modern times.
anti-/ˈanti/prefix. Also ant- before a vowel or h (see anth-).
ORIGIN:Greek = opposite, against, in exchange, instead, representing, rivalling, simulating.
Used in words adopted (ult.) from Greek and in English words modelled on these, and as a freely productive prefix with the sense ‘opposite, against, preventing’, forming (a) nouns from nouns, as antibody, anticlimax, antidemocrat; also with the senses ‘rival, pseudo-’, as Antichrist, antipope, ‘the reverse of, unlike the conventional’, as anti-hero, antinovel, and (with suffix -ism, -ist) ‘(the doctrine of) a person opposed to’, as anti-Americanism, anti-feminism, anti-feminist, anti-imperialism, anti-imperialist (those in -ist also used attrib. or as adjective); in Physics designating an antiparticle of a specified particle, as antineutrino, antineutron, antiproton, antiquark; in Biology & Medicine designating substances which counteract or inhibit the effect of another substance, as anticholinesterase, antihormone, antivitamin; in Chemistry (usu. italicized) designating geometrical isomers of organic compounds containing C=N or N=N in which the principal atoms or groups attached to the doubly bonded atoms are on opposite sides of the plane of the double bond (opp. syn-);(b) adjectives from adjectives, the prefix acting as a preposition governing the noun implied, as anti-American, anti-colonial, antimalarial, anti-papal, anti-parliamentary, anti-revolutionary, anti-Semitic, (these can further form adverbs where appropriate); these adjectives can be used ellipt. as nouns, esp. Medicine designating a drug or other agent counteracting the noun implied, as anticonvulsant, antidepressant;(c) adjectives from nouns in attrib. use, as anti-apartheid (demonstration etc.), anti-combination (laws etc.), anti-court (party etc.), anti-missile (missile etc.), anti-noise (regulations etc.), anti-roll (bar etc.), anti-slavery (society etc.), anti-union (feeling etc.), anti-war (literature, party, etc.).anti- ⇒ Main Entry: syn-
☞ anti
an·ti- I. \in pronunciations below, | ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷ . |anˌtī or |an_tē or |antə̇ (-tə̇ occurring chiefly before consonants) or |aan- or |ain-\prefix orant-oranth- Etymology:anti- from Middle English, from Old French & Latin; Old French, from Latin, against, from Greek, from anti; ant- from Middle English, from Latin, against, from Greek, from anti; anth- from Latin, against, from Greek, from anti — more at ante- 1. a.: one opposing the claims of : rival : spurious < antichrist > < antiking > < antipope > b.: of the same kind but situated opposite, exerting energy in the opposite direction, or pursuing an opposite policy < antapex > < antarctic > < anticline > < antischool > < antivolition > c.: one that is opposite in kind to < anticlimax > < antihero > < antireligion > — anti- before consonants other than h and sometimes ant- before vowels and anth- before h (which is not repeated), but more frequently anti- even before h or a vowel 2. a.: opposing or hostile to in opinion, sympathy, or practice < anticapitalist > < antidemocratic > < antiromantic > < antislavery > < antiunion > b.: opposing in effect or activity : inhibiting : preventing : counteracting < antacid > < anthelmintic > < antiaging > < anti-Comintern > < antienzyme > < antifat > < antifogging > < anti-inflationary > < antislip > < antitrust > 3.: not < antigrammatical > < antilogical > 4.: serving to prevent, cure, or alleviate (a pathological condition) < antiarthritic > < antispasmodic > 5. a.: opposing or neutralizing another substance < antibody > < antiserum > b.: substance that opposes or neutralizes (another substance); especially: substance that is an antibody to (a specified antigen) < antitoxin > 6.: combating : destroying : defending against < antiaircraft > < antimine > < antitank > 7.anti-: trans- 3 — especially in names of chemical structures in which the opposed atoms or groups are attached to carbon-to-nitrogen or nitrogen-to-nitrogen double bonds < sodium anti-benzene-diazoate > — opposed to syn-; see benzaldoxime II. prefix Etymology: Middle French & Medieval Latin, from Latin ante- : ante- — now little used because of possible confusion with 1anti-
(UK) IPA: /æntiː/
(US) IPA: /æntiː/, /æntaɪ/
Against, hostile to.
Contrasting with the norm.
Opposite of, reverse.
Physically opposite: applied to mountain ranges.
Anti-Lebanon, Anti-Taurus, Anti-Atlas
Counteracting, neutralizing.
Related to antiparticles.
antimatter, antiatom
immunology That reacts with immunoglobins found in the specified animal.
antirabbit, antihorse
From Ancient Greekἀντί (antí, “against”).
Usage notes
Anti- should not be confused with ante-, which is a prefix of Latin origin meaning before. (However, anti-does exist as a variant spelling of ante- in some borrowed words, such as anticipate and antipasto, but this spelling cannot be used to coin English words.)
Anti- sometimes becomes ant- before words beginning in a vowel.
(against, hostile to): pro-
Derived terms
► English words prefixed with anti-
See also
前缀:anti- 表示"反对, 相反"
antiwar 反战的(anti+war战争)
antipathy 反感(anti+pathy感情)
antithesis 对立;反论(anti+thesis论文;观点)
antibacterial 抗菌的(anti+bacterial细菌的)
antibody 抗体(anti+body身体)
前缀:anti- 反对、相反、防止
antiwar 反战的
anti-imperialist 反帝的
antiforeign 反外的,排外的
antislavery 反奴隶主义
antiaircraft 防空袭的
anticontagious 防止传染的
antitank 反坦克的
antiageing 防衰老的
anti-colonial 反殖民主义的
antigas 防毒气的
antifat 防止肥胖的
antinoise 防嗓音的
antimissile 反导弹的
【来源及含义】Latin: before; used as a prefix
【相关描述】Don't confuse this anti- ("before") with the anti- which means "against, opposed to".
Related before-word units: