c.1300, from Old French crucifer (12c., Modern French crucifier), from Vulgar Latin *crucificare, from Late Latin crucifigere "to fasten to a cross," from cruci, dative of Latin crux "cross" (see cross, n.) + figere "fasten" (see fix, v.). An ancient mode of capital punishment considered especially ignominious by the Romans. Figurative sense of "to torment" is 1620s. Related: Crucified; crucifying.
〔李〕[cruc;-ifyv.] v.把……钉死在十字架上; 折磨; 使苦恼 ←cruc (L crux, cruces)=cross 十字,叉
〔蒋〕[cruc十字,-i-,-fy动词后缀,做…事] 把…钉死在十字架上,折磨