late 14c. (n. and adj.), from Old French antecedent (14c.) or directly from Latin antecedentem (nominative antecedens), present participle of antecedere "go before, precede," from ante- "before" (see ante) + cedere "to yield" (see cede). Used as a noun in Latin philosophical writings.
〔李〕[ante-=before 前;ced=to go 走;-ent a.= -ing⇒“going before 走在前面的”→] a. happening before;preceding 先前的;先行的
〔蒋〕[ante-先,前,ced行,-ent形容词及名词后缀] 先行的,居先的;先例,前例,先行词
〔李〕[ante-=before在……前;ced=to go走;-ent a.=-ing……的→] a. going before 先行的,居先的