1590s, from French antagoniste (16c.) or directly from Late Latin antagonista, from Greek antagonistes "competitor, opponent, rival," agent noun from antagonizesthai "to struggle against, oppose, be a rival," from anti- "against" (see anti-) + agonizesthai "to contend for a prize," from agon "contest" (see agony). Originally in battle or sport, extended 1620s to any sphere of human activity.
〔李〕[ant-(anti-)=against 对抗;agon=to contest 竞争;-ist n.=person 人→] n. person who contests or fights against another 对抗者,敌手
〔李〕[ant-;agon;-istn.] n.对抗者; 对手,敌手 ←agon (GK agon)=contest 竞争